Bio Darlene Arden's passion for helping animals live longer and better lives shines through in all she does. Whether she's writing books or articles, speaking to breed clubs and other animal-related groups, attending veterinary conferences to increase her own knowledge and as a presenter, or interacting with individual pet owners, her goal is always the same -- to enhance the lives of dogs and cats.
Having lived with dogs nearly her entire life, including that "one special one," a Yorkshire Terrier called Neezie (Ch. Cap'n Ebenezer of Woodridge), she is now sharing her home with her new four-legged special companion, Aimee (GP Sinaye's Plaisir d'Amour of Ajolie) who is a Chartreux cat. "Aimee is my treasure." The Chartreux is The Smiling Blue Cat from France. |