Animal Radio® Show #631 January 7, 2012
Not A Hard Pill To Swallow!
Chris Simmons, Professional Compounding Centers of America (PCCA)
Anyone that has ever tried to give a pill to a cat knows what an arduous, even hazardous, chore they face. And other types of pets present their own challenges, to the point that 75% of treatment failures in veterinary medicine are due to noncompliance by the animal.
There is, however, a little-known solution to these problems available through pharmaceutical compounding. Compounding is the art and science of preparing customized medications, and effectively returns to the roots of pharmacy, where pharmacists make by hand all the medicines that doctors prescribe.
Through pharmaceutical compounding, they can make any medicine taste like anything the animal likes. For example, they don't make the assumption that cats like fish; they ask the owners who know their cats best. In one case, a cat liked strawberries, so they were able to add that flavor to the cat's medicine to make it easier to administer.
Not only can they make medicines taste better, they can also put medicines into a treat form type of delivery system. But that’s not all. One of the more unique and state of the art delivery systems is delivering medications to cats topically or transdermally, like a skin cream, which can be applied on the inside of their ear. This form of application can transfer the drug right through the skin on the ear into the central circulatory system. This method is just as effective and in some cases, it gets the medication into their system faster. However, you must be careful when administering these medications and you are urged to wear gloves so you don't accidentally receive the medication through your skin.
One draw back is that not only do the medications taste good; they also smell good and can attract your pet. Be sure to place all medications out of reach from your pet.
There are over 200 flavors available, and all medications can be tailored to your pet's taste buds. Compounding can make life easier for you and your pet.
The Dogfather's Grooming Tip with Joey Villani
Brushing That Hard To Brush Cat
Ever have a cat that didn't like to be brushed? This is a great method to use on a shorthaired cat, and even on a shorthaired dog.
Go to your local dollar store or auto supply store and pick up a micro fiber mitt, which is normally used to clean cars. If your cat hates to be brushed or combed, but doesn't mind being petted, put the mitt over your hand and pet him all over his body, from his head to his tail. You will be surprised at how much hair you can remove this way. When the mitt is full, remove the hair and do it again until there is not much hair coming off. Your cat should enjoy this and feel like they are getting special attention.
This will help to keep that shedding hair off of your furniture and your floors. It will also shine up your pet's coat and leave it with a nice sheen.
While it won't work as well as a brush, it is the next best thing and better than not doing anything.
DOGFATHER'S GROOMING TIP Brought To You By Use the code "SAVE25" to receive 25% off.
Animal Radio® News with Stacey Cohen
City Threatens To Destroy Service Dog
For 32 years, nearly half as a tactical officer, Jim Sak was a cop chasing down bad guys on the streets of Chicago. Now that he’s retired and living in tiny Aurelia, Iowa, the townsfolk are chasing him — to get rid of "Snickers," a five-year-old Pit bull-mix service dog he needs after suffering a debilitating stroke that left him with no feeling on the right side of his body. On orders from the Aurelia City Council, a heartbroken Sak has shipped his beloved protector off to a kennel just outside of the Iowa town where he moved last month to be closer to his ailing, 87-year-old mother-in-law. If he hadn’t gotten rid of Snickers, city fathers had threatened to seize and destroy the dog. The mandate sets the stage for a landmark lawsuit on grounds that the Federal Americans for Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees people with disabilities the right to have service dogs, regardless of their breed. George Wittgraf, an attorney representing the Iowa town, said Aurelia is "Simply exercising its authority to protect and preserve the rights and property of its residents — whether or not that’s trumped by federal law." The Animal Farm Foundation said the group has hired an attorney to represent the Sak family and is paying to board the dog at the out-of-town kennel, pending the legal challenge.
Did You Get Your Flu Shot? How About Your Dog?
There has been an increase of dog flu in the northeast and Texas. The extent of the "outbreaks" and whether widespread public concern is warranted is unclear, because no central agency or institution monitors influenza in dogs. The virus doesn’t cause illness in humans and generally is not considered serious in otherwise healthy dogs, unless it leads to secondary infection. Across the United States, canine influenza has been documented in 38 states since the virus first was identified in 2004, according to the website, which is maintained by Merck Animal Health, makers of one of two canine influenza vaccines on the market. Clinical signs of flu in dogs are similar to those in people: runny nose, cough and fever. Without laboratory diagnostics, canine flu is difficult to distinguish from other respiratory infections. The advice given to most human patients to receive a flu shot annually does not apply to dogs because they usually do not mingle with other dogs to the extent that people mix with other people.
Matt Damon Buys A Zoo
The release of the movie "We Bought a Zoo," starring Matt Damon, has prompted the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) to caution the public that buying zoo animals for private ownership is not only a dangerous idea, but it is often illegal as well. Zoos are important institutions in every community where they exist and help in global conservation efforts. Zoo animals deserve and require appropriate care provided by professionals. "The human-animal bond is a heartwarming thing to witness both in real life and in movies, but the challenges of owning and caring for wild animals makes private ownership of zoo animals dangerous for people and the animals," explains Dr. Rene Carlson, president of the AVMA. "We want to remind everyone that zoo animals are wild and have very specific needs. Owning and caring for wild animals at home is dangerous not only for you and your family, but also for the animals."
Ninja Cow Brought To Justice
It didn't happen overnight, but residents of Plattsmouth, Nebraska have finally outsmarted a deceptive, wayward bovine known as the "Ninja Cow." Wayward livestock can pose serious threats to human and other animals. Even a small deer can destroy a car, seriously injuring the occupants in a collision. Still, for months, the Ninja Cow eluded police and locals, making late night appearances on private lawns, leaving behind only cowpies as evidence of its existence. Police and local experts tried just about everything from luring the cow with biscuits and gravy to capturing her on an infrared camera. They even played cow sounds on a laptop. But every attempt failed. Local Police Chief Steve Rathman refused to bring his gun to bear on the animal. "This isn't something they teach at the police academy," he said. Eventually, it never came to violence. A pair of "Real old-school cowboys" eventually brought Ninja Cow to justice, where she is adjusting to her newly domesticated life. "
War Horse
It opened on Christmas Day, "War Horse," which chronicles the journey of one young man's beloved horse as it travels through the British and German armies at the outbreak of World War I. Jeremy Irvine plays Albert Narracott, the owner of the horse named Joey. Based on the book by British author Michael Morpurgo, "War Horse" was directed by Steven Spielberg. The movie also stars Emily Watson, Peter Mullan and David Thewlis. This movie is rated PG-13.
Teacher Saves Rubber-Banded Poodle
A quick-thinking teacher may have saved the life of a young poodle mix named Sox, who was found with a rubber band embedded in its jaw and holding its mouth shut. The Poodle-Yorkshire Terrier mix is now recovering at SPCA Tampa Bay and a charge of animal cruelty is pending against the owner. According to an SPCA investigator, a schoolteacher first contacted the animal rescue agency when two children under the age of 10 reported that their puppy was "dying slowly" in their bathroom at home. An SPCA investigator went out to the home and asked the owner to bring out her dog. The dog was covered in feces and had a wound on its muzzle. They found a rubber band encircling the muzzle and cutting into the skin and jaw bone, An animal cruelty charge is pending with the Clearwater Police Department, according to the SPCA. The SPCA is urging people who suspect animal cruelty or abuse to contact the agency.
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