Animal Radio® Show #584 February 12, 2011
Financial Assistance for Fighting Cancer - One Dog At A Time
Laurie Kaplan, The Magic Bullet Fund
There are about 65 million pet dogs in the US today. It’s estimated that half will have cancer. Today, pets are thought of as family members and receive excellent care.
Even so, too many devoted caretakers are unaware of the high incidence of canine cancer and treatment options for dogs with cancer.
Laurie Kaplan is the founder of the Magic Bullet Fund. The Magic Bullet Fund provides financial assistance to people who have a dog with cancer but cannot afford treatment costs. This unique Fund is not affiliated with any clinic, veterinarian or region.
Laurie's Siberian Husky named Bullet inspired the Magic Bullet Fund. When Bullet was nine years old he was diagnosed with lymphoma, one of the most common cancers in dogs.
Bullet went through chemotherapy and lived out the rest of his natural life until the age of nearly 14, cancer free, with 4+ years in remission from lymphoma.
While Bullet was going through treatment, it occurred to Laurie that there are so many people who have dogs with cancer, who can't even afford to pay their mortgage. People are losing their jobs, losing their houses, and then they learn their dog has cancer, which is just a disaster.
Laurie created the Magic Bullet Fund to help people who are in this type of situation The Fund works with a dog’s caretaker and veterinarian, anywhere in the U.S., to see that dog through treatment. The Fund does not contribute to cancer research or to finding a cure. Rather, it facilitates state of the art cancer treatment to real life dogs who would not otherwise have treatment at all.
A dog is selected to receive financial assistance by the degree of need, where the guardian cannot contribute towards the cancer treatment. They also select dogs that have a chance of living at least one good quality year of life with treatment. They help dogs from all over the United States and since November of 2005 they have helped over 128 dogs.
If you're dealing with a dog who has cancer, you should also check out Laurie's book, Help Your Dog Fight Cancer.
A Self-Help Book For Cats (Who Don't Need Any Help!)
Dena Harris, Who Moved My Mouse
Has kitty been overindulging in catnip to fill the vast emptiness within? Does self-actualization always remain one whisker away?
Dena Harris has two stray cats that she rescued off the streets and they pretty much rule the house, as any cat does in any home. Dena loves the idea that cats who are usually these manipulative, super-confident creatures are really just neurotic messes like the rest of us!
In her book, Who Moved My Mouse, you will find quizzes, exercises and tips, all to help you answer some of life's most purressing questions, such as "Will leaving small animal offerings on my human's back porch earn me bonus points in heaven?" and "Why do I keep racing from room to room for no apparent reason?"
Dena has also outlined The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Cats:
Habit #1 – Agree to disagreeHabit
#2 – Claim everything as yoursHabits
#3 – Always keep a clean buttHabit
#4 – Jump on it before it jumps on youHabit
#5 – When in doubt, sleep it outHabit
#6 – Act completely different at the vets' office than you do at homeHabit
#7 – Create a sense of lingering inferiority in humans
Any self-respecting cat would never admit that they need a little help. So you should get a copy of this book and just leave it out and see if your cat decides to look at it!
Dodge Journey Pet Destinations
What Is Your Favorite Place To Take Your Pet?
People who have pets love to travel with them. At Dodge, they have made it easier with their pet friendly vehicle, the Dodge Journey, which contains concealed storage bins, Chill Zone glove box cooler and second-row dual in-floor storage bins with removable and washable liners (very handy for muddy paws!) Call us with your favorite place to take your furry-friend: 1-866-405-8405.
This week's Dodge Journey Pet Destination:
Sarah from Washington State loves to take her dog, Jersey, to her local park in Seattle, called the Belltown Dog Park. It isn't a big park, but it is close to her home and her dog loves it. It was built a few years ago, and while it isn't in the best part of town, they are trying to clean it up. Since then, they have turned it into a lovely little park. But no matter where you take your dog in Seattle, they will most likely be welcomed, as Seattle is a very dog-friendly town!
To view Past Dodge Journey Pet Destinations, click here.
The Dogfather's Grooming Tip with Joey Villani
Why Does Grooming Cost So Much?
Joey explains that when you think about, it really doesn’t cost all that much to have your dog groomed.
As an example, he mentions that he gets his hair cut every two weeks at SuperCuts at a cost of $15. After 6 weeks, he has spent $60. This is just for the hair cut. It doesn’t include a wash and he is only in the chair for about 5-10 minutes.
With your dog, the average grooming price is between $45 and $60. There are lesser charges for a small, shorthaired dog and there are also greater prices for a large dog like a Standard Poodle.
When you get your hair cut, does the barber clip your "sanitary" areas? Does he squeeze your anal glands? (If he does, you should change barbers!). And what about a manicure and a pedicure – probably not! Do you bite the barber? Do you pee and poop on their floor? These are all things that a dog groomer deals with, along with giving your dog a wash, a blow dry, pampering and a haircut. You get all of this within the average grooming price range and you only do it once every six weeks.
So when you think about it, it is not really all that expensive for the amount of work that is actually going into your pet!
DOGFATHER'S GROOMING TIP Brought To You By Use the code "radiospp" to receive 25% off!
Animal Radio® News with Laurie Roberts
50,00 Animals Treated Since Haiti Earthquake
One year since the devastating earthquake in Haiti, ARCH (the Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti) announced that it treated 50,000 animals, surpassing its goal of 14,000. ARCH was working with the Haitian Ministry of Agriculture, also the Ministry of Environment, and pledged 1.1 million dollars that has lead the way several major accomplishments. Tens of thousands of animals, including dogs, cats, horses, cattle, pigs, goats and sheep have been treated. Solar powered refrigeration units that keep vaccinations cold have been installed around the country, also various spay and neuter campaigns - the first of their kind in Haiti - have begun. ARCH came about thanks to the International Fund for Animal Welfare.
Displays Brings Donations & Adoptions
Every year Macy's has a huge display in the window of their Union Square store, featuring adoptable cats and dogs, which come from the San Francisco Humane Society. This year's display brought nearly $72,000 in donations and 14 dog and 281 cat adoptions.
First Movie Theater For Pets
The world's first ever movie theater for pets opened in Stockholm, Sweden recently. What was the first picture? Marmaduke, of course! The eight screenings, which each hosted 20 people and their dogs, were sponsored by Pedigree, which provided goodie bowls for the dogs, so they didn't go snackless. To be honest, organizer Gerd Linden says, the dogs mostly liked the food, and didn't watch the movie. But, everyone figures they were happy to be with their owners and not left at home. He says next year they will continue, and invite other pets - maybe dogs, plus cats and even snakes, but not all in the same row.Pet Poison Hotline
Dogs are known for getting into mischief, but the pet poison helpline reports that in 2010, nearly 10% of their calls were for potentially poisoned cats. The top cat toxins included: (1) human or veterinary medicines. Cats have much more difficulty metabolizing certain drugs than dogs; (2) poisonous plants - most lilies, even the pollen, can be fatal; (3) next are insecticides, most often flea and tick treatments meant for dogs; and (4) most often toxic to cats - household cleaners, like kitchen and bath cleaners, carpet cleaners, and toilet bowl cleaners. After cleaning your home, only let the cat back into the areas after they have dried. The Pet Poison Helpline is available at 1-800-213-6680. It is a division of safety call international, and there is a $35 fee, which includes unlimited follow up consultations.
Does Your Pet Have A Sixth Sense?
If you believe your pet has a sixth sense about impending bad weather or earthquakes or even when you receive bad news, you are far from alone. The Associated Press recently conducted a poll and found that 2/3 of Americans say their pets have a sixth sense about bad weather, and 43% say the same about bad news. 72% of dog owners say they have gotten weather warnings, and 66% of cat owners agreed.
Cat Named Employee Of The Month
Harley, the fearless feline, is retiring as official canine tester after 3 years. Harley would face death in the eye daily to determine if a dog was going to be friendly in a home with cats. When not on duty, Harley would get some sun and take naps. In November, he beat out 70 human staffers and was named employee of the month.
Governor Fosters Dog
Jerry Brown, sworn in as Governor of California in January, is a foster parent to Sutter, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Governor Brown's sister, Kathleen, had Sutter, but after moving to Chicago, all involved thought Sutter would be happier in California. Sutter is now enjoying walks around the state capitol of Sacramento with his new foster folks and being official first dog while everyone is at work in the Capitol Building.
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