March 10th 2007
Dom DeLuise
Dom's first paying acting job was
the role of "Bernie the Dog" in "Bernie's Christmas
Wish." Since then, his voice-roles continue both in children's
animation and on the big screen. Dom is also a best-selling author
of both cookbooks and children's books. He currently hosts his
own radio-cooking segment on "On The House," which airs
every Saturday from 9:00am to 1:00pm Eastern Time.
Dom is
a big bird lover and is owned by several birds. He currently takes
his bird Charlie to local schools to teach children compassion
about animals.
Davy Jones, The
his allure as a sexy icon through generations of fans, Davy Jones
first invaded teen hearts as the international idol of millions
in the 1960s Emmy Award winning television classic The Monkees.
Since the show hit the small screen, Davy has triumphed as both
a serious actor and a comedian on the theatrical stage; as a rock
musician, composer and artist; and, true to his first love, as
an extremely able horseman. Davy currently lives in Florida with
his horses and you can still catch him on tour.
David Frei: From Show Dogs to Therapy
David Frei, NBC Dog Show
David Frei is one busy guy. Not
only did he recently co-host The NBC National Dog Show on Thanksgiving
day, but he will be co-hosting the Westminster Kennel Club Dog
Show in February. He also co-authored a book "The Angel By
My Side," and is the founder of Westminster's Angel On A
Leash therapy dog program.
and more scientific evidence is emerging about the benefit of
therapy dogs to change the lives of people in need. Not only has
the use of therapy dogs been shown to reduce stress for patients
and their families, but they have become an integral part of the
process of helping those with occupational/physical therapy needs
as well, promoting specific goal-oriented improvements in physical,
emotional and cognitive skills of individual patients. Additionally,
a new study, known as the Kerr Study, found that the therapeutic
progress for pre-school children with psychiatric disorders and
special education needs can be significantly enhanced by the participation
of therapy dog teams in the treatment process.
David currently is the guardian of two
Brittanys, Teigh and Belle, who are therapy dogs that visit people
in New York Hospitals every week.
Car Crash Puts Man on a Mission about Pet Safety
Dr. Jim Humphries, Veterinary
News Network
On a frigid February evening, Thomas
Rodriguez climbed behind the wheel of his Oldsmobile with his
7-year old miniature poodle, Holly, perched in his lap. The pair
was headed to visit a friend in a nursing home. They did not count
on hitting a patch of ice. "We were in a head-on collision,"
remembers Rodriguez, 75, a retired airline employee. "I was
okay, but Holly was sitting on my left leg when it happened, and
the airbag came right out and hit her. I could hear her whimpering,
and I thought Oh my God, I've broken her neck!" Rodriguez
asked the police officer at the scene to call an ambulance. He
said, "Are you hurt?" "No, not for me, for my dog,
please call an ambulance, I'll pay for it!" But he couldn't
call an ambulance for a dog. So, a passerby rushed Rodriguez and
Holly to the Animal Emergency Center, where the severely injured
poodle was treated for the next several days.
Now fast-forward four years, Holly is completely blind since the accident, says Rodriguez, who has made it his mission to educate the public about the dangers of dogs riding in cars with airbags. People strap their children in the back and they protect them, but we don't think about our pets. Veterinarians often see dogs who have been driving down the road with their heads sticking out the window and they get a bug in their eye or other foreign debris.
If Rodriguez had his way, all dogs would
ride in the backseat secured with safety restraints. Holly now
travels strapped inside a carrier in the backseat, and Rodriguez
says it doesn't bother her at all.
Types of Cars that Make Traveling with
Pets Easier
Joe Wiesenfelder, Sr. Editor,
Whether it's a once a year trip
to the veterinarian or your pet travels with you everywhere, pet
owners are challenged with the task of keeping themselves and
their animal companion safe and comfortable in the car. With that
in mind, has launched a guide for pet owners to help
them make educated decisions about the types of products and car
features that are available for consumers, for the upcoming holidays.
The new pet guide includes information on the types of products that are available to help secure pets safely in the car and offers tips on traveling with pets. The guide also provides some insight into what some professionals in the pet industry drive themselves and what car manufacturers offer aftermarket products that cater to pet owners.
Other items and features from manufacturers
that can make traveling with pets easier include:
Fold-up backseat cushions: allows a larger area on the floor for
pets to lie down
The new pet guide can be accessed through
Snakes And Lizards Creep Into Our Hearts and Home
Dr. Jim Humphries, Veterinary
News Network
Many people have fond memories
of growing up with a pet such as a cat or a dog, but increasingly
more children are growing up with Hissey the Snake and Iggy the
Iguana. According to the American Pet Products Manufactures Association,
more than 11 million reptiles and 18 million small mammals have
found their homes in American households across the country. These
numbers, when added to the 17 million pet birds out there, have
topped 15% of all American pet-owning households. Although many
people shudder at the thought of a scaly creature in their home,
reptile owners say that it is that exact uniqueness and individuality
that has attracted them to their pets. Low maintenance, low food
bills and the ability to house these pets in smaller apartments
has city dwellers becoming more interested in these distinctive
|"Poop" Pays for their Keep
Britt Savage
Thailand pays over $250,000 a year
to rent the panda couple, Chuang Chuang and Lin Hui for their
zoo. And now, with the help of the pandas themselves, those monies
have been offset.
After disposing of over 55 pounds of feces daily produced by the pair, someone came up with the idea of turning the poop into products. The process involves cleaning the feces, boiling it and then having it bleached and left to dry in the sun. Some of the products that have been manufactured so far from the "poop" are notebooks, fans, bookmarks and key chains.
While the products are hot-selling items
at the zoo, there hasn't been much success in selling the items
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