Animal Radio® Show #597 May 14, 2011
100's of Secrets, Surprises and Solutions for Raising a Happy, Healthy Dog
Dr. Marty Becker – Your Dog: The Owner's Manual
Dr. Marty Becker, the top-selling author and popular veterinarian for “Good Morning America” and “The Dr. Oz Show” talks about the Secrets, Surprises and Solutions every dog-lover needs to know – and most don’t.
Becker is currently touring the country to promote his new book, Your Dog: The Owner's Manual, that he wrote together with Gina Spadafori. He is traveling on a tour bus was previously used by Kid Rock and Lady Gaga. So far he has visited 30 cities in 45 days.
His new book is set up to save you time, save you money and have a richer, deeper relationship with your pet. In it you will find some crazy surprises in his book like for thunderstorm phobias, which one out of every three dogs has. If you have thunderstorms in your forecast, take an unscented fabric softener sheet, rub it lightly over your pet's fur, and they will never have a thunderstorm phobia again. This prevents the buildup of static electricity in their coat. This static is why dogs go into bathrooms and find tile floors, as they are trying to ground themselves.
Stop your dog from soaking you and your floors after a bath. If your dog starts to shake dry after a bath and you know they are going to soak you and the room, all you have to do is to grab them on the end of their nose, one finger on top and one on the bottom. It s like a light switch. They absolutely cannot shake dry.
Every pet will need KY Jelly in their lifetime. If your dog gets a little wound, just spread a little KY on it before you take them to the vet. This will prevent dirt or hair from going into the wound.
Why does a vet prescribe Viagra for a neutered mal dog? Think about it. Viagra increases blood flow to organs. In pets (and in humans) it increases the blood flow to the heart and lungs for pulmonary hypertension.
Botox is used when your pet's eyelids roll in and the hair rubs on their eyes. This usually happens with Shar Peis and other breeds with deep skin folds.
Becker also recommends throwing away all of your pet's food bowls. Replace them with food puzzles like Kong toys. This is like a casino. The puzzles pay off a little, a lot and sometimes nothing. But your pets get this delightful anticipation that food is going to come out. In the wild, wolves and coyotes spend 80% of their waking hours in pursuit of food. We now dumbed that down with bowls to where it takes thirty seconds to three minutes to eat. Even zoos have picked up on this and using enrichment activities by creating a non-lethal hunt. This not only feeds their body, but feeds their minds as well.
Pick up a copy of his book to find these and many more surprises and solutions for your dog!
Dr. Marty Becker, "America's Veterinarian," is the popular veterinary contributor to ABC-TV's "Good Morning America" and the resident veterinarian on "The Dr. Oz Show." He is a frequent guest on national network and cable television, and radio shows. He has also been interviewed for countless magazine and newspaper articles, and has served as a consultant to or veterinary spokesman for top animal health companies. Along with his writing partner, Gina Spadafori, he is a regular contributor to Parade magazine and the Co-creator of popular web site You can also join Dr. Becker on Facebook as well as on Twitter.
Tropiclean Best Smile Contest
Your pet could be a winner! Share a photo of your smiling dog or cat and tell everyone why your pet has "TropiClean's Best Smile." You could win a $1,500 contribution to your favorite animal shelter plus a $500 VISA gift card and more for yourself – and there are new prize drawings every month! All entries must be submitted by June 30, 2011 to be eligible for the Grand Prize!
To submit a photo of your pet, visit and create an account. Once registered, log in to upload your favorite photo of your smiling pet. Don't forget to let us know why your pet has TropiClean's Best Smile too! Got more than one pet to show off its smile? Go ahead and upload their picture too.
“It’s Better To Hop On Three Legs Than Limp On Four!”
Jim Nelson, Tripawds
Jim Nelson and his wife created a website called to show other dog parents that the loss of a limb doesn't mean the end of a good quality of life.
Jim's dog Jerry was diagnosed with bone cancer and given a couple of months to live in 2007. As a result, Jim and his wife decided to sell everything they owned and hit the road with their dog to travel the country as a pack. was set up to document their progress, with Jerry living almost 2 years, and driving more than 30,000 miles around the country.
When they originally got the news about the cancer, they decided they didn't want to put Jerry down or put him through the usual palliative care route with medications and chemotherapy. Instead, they opted to amputate his leg, which took care of the pain. They then decided to let Jerry live a quality life instead of quantity of life, so they quit their jobs and bought an RV. Jerry was able to live a lot longer than expected, adding almost 2 years to his life.
Now Jim and his wife are still traveling with their new three-legged dog Wyatt. Jim states that once you have a three-legged dog you can never go back to four! Plus, they needed a new spokesdog for Tripawds.
Jim and his wife like to spread the word; “It’s better to hop on three legs than limp on four!”
Dodge Journey Pet Destinations
What Is Your Favorite Place To Take Your Pet?
People who have pets love to travel with them. At Dodge, they have made it easier with their pet friendly vehicle, the Dodge Journey, which contains concealed storage bins, Chill Zone glove box cooler and second-row dual in-floor storage bins with removable and washable liners (very handy for muddy paws!) Call us with your favorite place to take your furry-friend: 1-866-405-8405.
This week's Dodge Journey Pet Destination:
Our very own Dr. Debbie has two labs that she loves to travel with on vacation. However, she says where her travels lead her is not the normal places where people vacation. She likes to go camping or hiking, nothing like a normal organized vacation in a hotel. Her last trip was to Lake Mead in Nevada where she rented a houseboat from Forever Resorts Houseboats. Her two labs had the most fabulous time out on the water, living it up in the comfort of their 52-foot houseboat.
To view Past Dodge Journey Pet Destinations, click here.
Quick Refreshing Beverage For Thirsty Dogs
Fido Friendly Travel Talk With Susan Sims
Susan Sims is a travel expert and knows that traveling can be stressful for our pets and that not all can handle 8 weeks on the road like her dog Junior did in 2008 when they did a month long pet adoption tour, Get Your Licks on Route 66. Junior just climbed into his crate and went to sleep in between stops. Unfortunately, not every pet parent is as fortunate.
Susan Sims speaks with Lynn Stachnick of Rescue Remedy, who tells us how to alleviate pet anxiety. Rescue Remedy is actually a human product that was developed about 75 years ago by a doctor in England as an emergency remedy to help to relief stress. Many people were successful in using the product on their animal, and as a result, a formula was specially created for pets in 2008 called Rescue Remedy Pet.
Rescue Remedy Pet is 100% natural, is not a sedative and can be used when traveling with your pet in a car, flying or any other stressful situation. Some of the most common uses for dogs and cats are for fireworks, thunder storms, loud noises, separation anxiety and even nail clipping. Rescue Remedy Pet can be used in any situation where the animal may feel threatened or anxious. What it will do is have a calming effect and allow them to safely feel much better about the situation in a natural way.
Pets are different, so you need to experiment with the dosage and time it takes affect with each dog. Rescue Remedy Pet is not administered by weight and has no side affects.
Fido Friendly Magazine:
The Travel Magazine For You & Your Dog, a complete guide to Fido-friendly accommodations across the United States and Canada. "Fido Friendly is the only magazine dedicated to the travel lifestyle of man's best friend, and the one magazine your dog will thank you for." And don't forget to join the Fido Friendly Travel Club.
Paw-Parazzi Pet Photo Contest
Steve Pinetti, Kimpton
At Kimpton, they love pets so much that they have set out to find the cutest and most photogenic pet out there by kicking off the Kimpton Hotels Paw-Parazzi Contest.
Anyone can upload a pet photo to their site. Every two weeks, the five photos with the most “Like” votes will win pet-tacular prizes from their partners such as Olive Green Dog, Polka Dog Bakery, and Republic of Paws. The contest runs for three months through May 31, 2011.
On June 1, 2011, judges from Animal Radio will select the Grand Prize photo from the 30 bi-weekly winners for the "Ultimate hosPETality
Getaway" which includes:
- A two night stay at a Kimpton Hotel of the winner's choice
- Two round trip tickets on JetBlue for human passengers
- $500 credit for the photogenic pet on Pet Airways, a pet only airline
- One $100 Kimpton Restaurant or in-room dining gift certificate
- One in-room spa treatment for two
- An Amelia Collection Carrier by Sherpa Pet Carrier
- Use of pet amenities such as a dog bed, bowl, and treats
Anyone may enter by logging onto to upload a photo of his or her pet.
What are you waiting for!
The Dogfather's Grooming Tip with Joey Villani
Dogs and Swimming Pools
After you have been swimming in a pool, the first thing you want to do is to take a shower and rinse off the chlorine.
The same thing happens to your pet, but most people just let the dog run around and dry off. But when you do this, those chemicals don't biodegrade as easily as most chemicals do and then it dries back on the coat. These chemicals end
up taking a toll on the dog's skin and coat by drying them both out. These chemicals can even bleach your dark colored dog, leaving a reddish tint behind.
You want to get these chemicals off the coat and off their skin as soon as possible. While your dog is still wet, get a gallon of water and 1/4 cup of white vinegar. Mix them together and just pour it over your pet and don't rinse it off. You can then let your pet run around and dry naturally. This will keep their coat looking healthy and keep their skin from drying out.
DOGFATHER'S GROOMING TIP Brought To You By Use the code "SAVE25" to receive 25% off!
Animal Radio® News with Stacey Cohen
Unusual Theft
An unusual theft occurred this week at a Wal-Mart store in Garrisonville, Virginia. The Stafford County Sheriff's Office says a man dressed in a cow costume entered the shopping center on all fours and proceeded to steal nearly 30 gallons of milk. Employees say he crawled back out the store and skipped away down the sidewalk. They called authorities, who caught up with the man a short time later, found the cow suit in his car and hauled him off to jail.
Man Charged With Throwing Octopus
A Michigan man has pleaded not guilty to disorderly conduct charges for throwing an octopus on the Joe Louis Arena ice during a recent Red Wings game. Charlie Graves admits that he took part in a longtime National Hockey League tradition, which violates city ordinances around the league. Graves says he asked for a trial in the case because the practice should be respected. An octopus is associated with the NHL because its eight legs are equal to the number of playoff victories needed to win the Stanley Cup when the league started.
Two-Headed Calf in China
A family in China is still trying to come to grips with the latest addition to their family. Dong Yubao tells the U.K.'s Orange news that his cow recently gave birth to a two-headed calf. Dong says his wife fell to the floor in shock when she saw the animal being brought into the world. He adds that he "can't understand" how his cow had such an unusual offspring, noting that she's given birth to several normal calves. Their two-headed calf has four eyes, two mouths and two noses, but can't stand on its own so it eats from a bottle.
Celebrity Dogs Behaving Badly
Well we all know there are a few celebrities that seem to have the market wrapped up with their bad behavior. Now it seems as though some celebrity dogs ALSO have a reputation and it's getting out of hand. Samantha Ronson, the celebrity D.J. and former girlfriend of Lindsay Lohan, was mortified last year when the news media learned that her bulldog, Cadillac, had attacked and killed a tiny Maltese at her West Hollywood apartment building. And when Elizabeth Taylor died last month, obituaries made gleeful mention of her canine pals, especially one that treated the floors of friends as fire hydrants.
Bad Dogs Can Bring Bad Publicity
Are these dogs getting an unleashed sense of entitlement from their owners? Yes, said David Reinecker, a Beverly Hills dog trainer whose clients include Maria Shriver, Kirk Douglas and Teri Garr. “The elite are extreme personalities,” he said. “Some celebrities let their dogs rule their lives. On top of that, the mega-rich and powerful can be very insecure.” So it really boils down to treating these celebrity pets as PETS just like kids and not giving them a sense of entitlement. They have to be trained as now apartments and condos are forcing Co-op rules which demand that these dogs become behaved or... you and your pretty dog have to leave!
Unusual Guide Friend For Blind Dog
A blind dog is relying on a rather unusual friend for a little help getting around. According to the Metro, a four-year-old boxer in Poland named Buttons is using a goose as his guide. Buttons' owner says her dog lost his sight last year during an accident. Fortunately, the goose provides the canine with a good set of eyes, as it either bites onto Buttons' neck or honks to let him know which way to go. Buttons' owner says the two never leave each other alone now, noting they "even chase the postman together."
Think You Can Function On Minimal Sleep?
Here's a wake-up call: Parts of your brain may doze off even if you're totally awake, according to a new study in rats. Scientists observed the electrical activity of brains in rats forced to stay up longer than usual. Problem-solving brain regions fell into a kind of "local sleep"—a condition likely in sleep-deprived humans too, the study authors say. Surprisingly, when sections of the rats' brains entered these sleeplike states, "you couldn't tell that [the rats] are in any way in a different state of wakefulness," said a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Despite these periods of local sleep, overall brain activity—and the rats’ behaviors—suggested the animals were fully awake. This phenomenon of local sleep is "not just an interesting observation of unknown significance," it "actually affects behavior—you make a mistake." So get to bed early and get a good night's sleep!
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