Animal Radio® Show #449 July 12, 2008
Mobile CSI Unit Dispatched to Puppy
Mill Raid
Dr. Melinda Merck, ASPCA
The Mobile CSI (Mobile Animal Crime
Scene Investigation) Unit was recently dispatched to Tennessee's
largest-ever puppy mill raid of more than 700 dogs, leading a
special forensic cruelty investigation team that includes two
forensic veterinarians. There, they were able to collect and process
evidence at the crime scene.
The 747 animals discovered in the raid were housed in various enclosures among the property's 92 acres of hilly and rocky terrain known as Pine Bluff Kennels in Lyles, Tennessee. The farm's owner could face criminal charges.
majority of the animals suffered from things such as little to
no food or water, lack of proper ventilation in enclosed areas
and feces encrusted pens. Many of the breeds found were Jack Russell
Terriers, Pomeranians, Chihuahuas, Boxers, Chow-Chows, Dachshunds
and Great Danes. Other animals include horses, burros, miniature
horses, chickens, goats, purebred cats and even parrots.
Some animals were in such extreme neglect and illness, that they were examined immediately on the ASPCA's CSI Unit with state-of-the-art forensic tools. Other animals were transported to a nearby emergency shelter, while others are in foster care.
For more information about puppy mills
and how to fight animal cruelty, visit Take a tour of the Veterinary Forensics Truck
Vladae, The "World Famous" Russian
Dog Wizard
My Dog
Seems Sad
We all think that giving pets a companion is the right thing to
do, but this is not always the case. Sometimes animals like to
be a solitary pet. But if you do bring another animal into the
mix, there are right and wrong ways to do it. Vladae explains
the right way.
My Dog Does His Business in My Truck
This dog urinates outside like he is supposed to, but poops in
his guardian's truck. Vladae suggests putting him on a feeding
schedule of once per day. Little breeds have a very fast metabolism
and they will probably poop 40 minutes after eating, and then
about 2-3 hours later, and then about 4-6 hours once again. About
30 minutes after they eat, take the dog outside and give him the
command to "go potty." If your dog won't go, put him
in a little crate in your truck, and then about 45 minutes later,
take him out and try the command again. You should only have to
use this schedule a couple of days, and once the dog poops outside,
he will get in that habit.
I have 4 Dogs But 1 Problem Dog
A Beagle won't stop digging and actually tunnels out of its kennel.
Vladae feels the dog needs more exercise both physical and
mental. You would be surprised by how just exercising your dog
can change their attitude, as a tired dog is a happy dog!
Frankie the "Walk 'N Roll" Dog
Barbara Techel
When Barbara Techel went on vacation
back in 2006, she endured a pet owners worst nightmare when she
got a call from the kennel where she was boarding her dog. It
turned out Frankie, her Miniature Dachshund, injured his back
when Barbara was a thousand miles away. Frankie was given a slight
chance of ever walking again and was immediately rushed into surgery.
Once they were home, Barbara started using
physical therapy on Frankie to help her walk. About 2 months into
the therapy, Barbara realized that Frankie wasn't ever going to
walk again, and she started feeling sorry for herself and for
Frankie. But when she looked at Frankie, Barbara saw that she
didn't feel sorry for herself, and that she was just happy to
be alive. That then became one of Barbara's missions to teach,
especially children, that we all have challenges but we can find
positive choices to our challenges.
Barbara decided to share Frankie's story with others through her
children's book, "Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Dog." Teaching
children, as well as adults, that we can overcome challenges,
which has become a passionate mission of hers.
Dr. Jill Answers Your Vet Questions
Doesn't Get it!
This little male Chihuahua is having a hard time. He seems to
always approach the wrong end of the female. Dr. Jill tells his
guardian to just give him a little more time and let nature take
its course, and that eventually he will figure it out. Or, you
can spay and neuter them!
Cross-Eyed Siamese
Not all Siamese cats are cross-eyed, and those that are, don't
seem to have any vision problems.
A Befriended Skunk
It seems this woman's daughter has befriended a skunk in their
yard. She asks Dr. Jill if she can make a pet out of it. But beware,
there are many things to be careful of with wild animals, and
in some states it is actually illegal to have a skunk as a pet.
Hear what Dr. Jill suggests she do.
Cat Has Spots On His Eye
Spots, like freckles, recently appeared on a male cat's eye who
is about 5 years old, Dr. Jill suspects a pigment change and suggests
an ophthalmologist examine the eye specialist to be sure.
Signing Is Not Just for Primates
Sean Senechal, AnimalSign To You
We've all heard about Koko the
gorilla with the kitten who was able to communicate with sign
language, but what if you could teach your animal to do the same?
That is what Sean Senechal has done with her horse and her dog. The language that she uses is a special AnimalSign that she has created with her animals. It extends beyond the natural body language animals already use, putting it into new learned gestures.
Can you imagine instead of your dog sitting at the treat cabinet begging for a treat, he actually comes to you and asks for one? Now this would probably get annoying over time, because as soon as he learns that this gesture will get him a treat, he will probably do it all day long. But, Sean also teaches you how to teach your pet the meaning of "later." Now, if we could only get that to work on our human kids!
Her book, AnimalSign To You discusses AnimalSign language, its origin, development, structures and dialects. It then goes into a "how-to-section" for dogs and horses, and includes pictures and sketches of the gestures.
Sean is the founder of AnimalSign Center
where she is an animal language educator teaching animals
to use sign language.
Vinnie Penn, Animal Radio's Resident Party
Cat Merchandise
One of the things that I love and admire the most about animal
lovers is that they rally around the issues and they're not afraid
to sign petitions, to draw up petitions and to do things of that
nature. I really respect that, I really admire that, and that
is why I would like to bring one to the table, to get a petition
made up for, to circulate it and put a stop to something.
The people we would be targeting are those who come up with merchandising for cat owners. It's bad enough the things that cat owners will buy and wear, but even worse is the stuff that these people come up with.
I was at the mall last night and saw a woman walking my way. She must have been in her late 40's or so, and she had on this glittery big-baggy sweatshirt and it had a picture of a cat on it wearing a cowboy hat, and it had a lasso, and it said "Cat-A-Girl" on it. I just looked at this and thought it's not this woman's fault, it was probably the worst stocking stuffer known to man that she got stuck with, this probably glow-in-the-dark cowboy cat sweatshirt. It's not her fault. It's not even her fault if she bought it for whatever reason. It's the merchandiser's fault!
why is it always cats? Another one I saw once, on an actual good-looking
girl, was a shirt that said "Sex and the Kitty," and
there was a cat where Sarah Jessica Parker's Carrie Bradshaw was
supposed to be. I don't even know what to make of this! Caterotica?
She's like twirling and in high-heeled shoes, and it's a cat.
I know the merchandisers are out there thinking, hey Vinnie Penn
Party Animal, say whatever you want; we make a bundle of money
on that stuff. But, they are causing corneal abrasions because
there is such disbelief when people see other people wearing this
stuff, that we rub our eyes so violently, you're causing corneal
And like I say, it's always the cats. You don't see somebody who has a huge aquarium at home wearing a shirt that says, "I've got fish-ues." With a big picture of a goldfish on his shirt making funny faces. You don't see that cool Harley dude that has a snake, wearing a shirt that says, "Snake It or Leave it." (Which is actually a great tag line for a plumber!)
So, let's get the petition made and out
to the cat merchandising folks!
Animal Minute With Britt Savage
Shooting Over Dogs at Wedding
A disagreement about dogs at a wedding left four people shot,
including the bride and groom! Although 50 people attended the
outdoor Arkansas wedding, the details are still sketchy.
Authorities said the shooting happened moments after Melissa Smith and Mike Beavers took their vows along Piney Creek in rural Poke County. Smith the bride, said the shooting began after Patrick Paul DuVall's dog started fighting with her dog, who was a guest at the wedding. DuVall was not a guest and didn't know the couple.
The dogfight started a human fight, which ended up with 29-year-old DuVall shooting the bride and groom, plus two other guests. Three of the guests were driven to the police station in the back of a pickup truck while the police found a fourth victim at the site of the wedding.
Patrick Paul DuVall now faces 4 counts
of first-degree felony battery, each of which carries a maximum
prison sentence of 20 years and a $15,000 fine.
Animal Radio® News with Bobbie Hill
Creates Demand for Shelters
The Midwest floods are keeping volunteers busy finding no kill
shelters to handle the numbers of pets seeking homes. In Illinois,
there are about 50 no kill animal shelters that reported taking
in scores of pets, victims of the floodwaters. In many cases,
the owners lost their homes and are looking for permanent shelter
for themselves as well as their pets. This demand has created
a network of volunteers who are working to transport the pets
to no kill shelters in the Chicago area. Dogs and cats aren't
the only animals battling floodwaters.... In Iowa this week, teams
of rescuers were able to save 15 pigs who'd been stranded near
the Big Ditch levee in Oakville. The pigs were transported to
their new home in Watkins Glen, New York.
$8 Billion Dollar Trust Fund for Dogs
The estate of the woman once called the Queen of Mean could literally
go to the dogs, that is if her final wishes are followed. Turns
out Leona Helmsley left a two page "mission statement"
for her 8-billion dollar trust instructing trustees to use it
for the welfare of dogs. The news comes from a couple of anonymous
sources that say they saw the document left by Mrs. Helmsley who
died last August. However, some lawyers say that because the document
wasn't incorporated into her will or trust, it may be meaningless.
There is hope for the dogs Mrs. Helmsley wanted cared for though,
the New York State probate court won't be able to just ignore
her wishes since longstanding laws favor following a donor's intent.
Family Pays $50,000 For Cloned Dog
The South Korean team of scientists who created the world's first
cloned dog 3 years ago say they've done it again. Their first
success was an Afghan named Snuppy cloned in 2005. Now the team
says three cloned puppies are expected to arrive this month via
surrogate mothers. The McKinney family paid 50-thousand dollars
to the South Korean firm R-N-L Bio to clone their former pit-bull
terrier named Booger, who died in 2006.
Give Your Pooch a Massage and You'll Both Feel Better
Dr. Jim Humphries, Veterinary News Network
When we pet our dogs, we know by
looking into their dreamy eyes how good it must feel. But what
about giving our dogs a massage? Well, I think it's a good idea.
But remember, petting and massage are different.
Massage is a deliberate and focused technique, with each stroke controlled in pressure, direction and intention. Experts claim that massage increases blood circulation and lymph movement and brings a sense of comfort and tranquility. Studies show that when people have affectionate contact with their dog's skin for just a few minutes, measurable amounts of positive bio-chemicals are released into the bodies of both the dog and the person. While we always knew this act made us feel good, we did not know how good it was for us.
Petting dogs helps to lower blood pressure, decrease cholesterol levels, minimize stress by dropping chortisol levels, blunt chronic pain, elevate moods and even raise children's IQ scores. According to Dr. Narda Robinson at Colorado State University, what remains unknown is whether the benefits from massage arise simply from gentle touch, or whether the mechanical impact of massage itself yields helpful benefits.
With so many massage techniques available,
it would be helpful to know which specific method optimizes performance,
promotes healing, increase relaxation and prevents injuries. Either
way, you should give it a try. You both will benefit from it.
Animal Minute With Britt Savage
Hero Dog
To Be Cloned
A dog who sniffed out survivors
at Ground Zero at the World Trade Center will soon be cloned.
Trakr, a German Shepherd, lives with his owner James Symington
in Los Angeles, was the chosen one. The 15-year-old hero was picked
by BioArts International as the most "clone-worthy"
canine in a competition offering an owner a free chance to duplicate
their pet. Symington said he and Trakr were among the first search
and rescue teams to arrive at Ground Zero after the September
11th attacks and Trakr was responsible for finding the very last
survivor under about 30 feet of debris. He added, "To know
that part of him is going to live on is just beyond words. It's
the greatest gift I've ever received." The cloned dog could
be ready by the end of the year.
International Animal News with Kaye Browne
Joins Patrons at Bar
It takes a bit to drag thirsty blokes away from their beer at
an aussie outback pub but a rather unusual visitor did the
trick this week. Locals at the Noonamah tavern about an hour out
of Darwin the country's northernmost city - couldn't believe
their eyes when an adolescent saltwater croc about 2 foot
long- strolled up to the bar. The mini snapper was quickly rounded
up and persuaded to join the boys albeit with its mouth
taped shut while they awaited wildlife workers from one
of the many crocodile farms in the area to come up and pick what's
thought to have been an escapee.
Man Resorts to Crime to Feed Pets
We've mentioned in past news bulletins about the economy affecting
pet owners all around the world well in Japan an animal-lover
has resorted to holding up convenience stores to feed his pets.
Japanese media branded Takaharu Kawata "The Dogman"
after he was caught on a surveillance camera waving a knife and
wearing an oversized black-and-white dog mask. The 28-year-old
told police he'd seen robberies on TV and thought it was the only
way he could get money to feed his two dogs, five cats, five turtles,
two snakes and an aquarium of tropical fish. The dogman's now
in custody - his pets are now being looked after by a pet store.
Child Survives on Cat Food
Relatives of a two-year-old Californian boy are now singing the
praises of the nutritional content in dry cat food after
it saved the life of a little boy - in a home alone for 6 days.
The Sacramento Bee says it appears the toddler's mother died of
natural causes leaving the little boy to survive on what he could
find which turned out to be dry cat food. A social worker
passing the house called police after hearing the toddler crying
Biting Dog Can Sometimes Be a Good
You won't hear many stories about dog bites in this news program
but sometimes a dog bite can be a good thing. Just ask the
New Jersey family of 12-year-old Jessica McMahon whose dog Princess
attacked a man who tried to grab the little girl while the pair
were out for a walk. According to Jessica, the German Shepherd
cross Labrador leapt to her defense when the strange man grabbed
her necklace biting the would-be abductor on the leg
scaring him off! Good doggy!
Supplying Contraband to Prisoners
Brazilian prison officials had a problem the inmates were somehow
getting drugs and cell phones even though they'd installed
high tech surveillance equipment. Then they noticed a couple of
carrier pigeons looking like they'd had a big lunch they
were having trouble keeping airborne. You guessed it. Those crafty
crooks in Sao Paulo state prison had been training the birds to
smuggle in goods using cell phone sized pouches on their backs.
Now - like their trainers the birds are behind bars.
Listen to Current World News
Famous Poodle Parade
Steve Hoegerman, French Festival
Smiling families dine at sidewalk
cafés with checkered table clothes and umbrellas. Starry-eyed
couples toast each other with wine. Artists wearing bérets
paint at their easels. The air is filled with music, laughter,
and the tempting aromas of French cuisine. Surely this must be
Actually, it's the 21st Annual French Festival in Santa Barbara, California, Saturday and Sunday, July 12 & 13 (Bastille Day Weekend), from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. in Santa Barbara's Oak Park. While Parisians celebrate the French Revolution 8,000 miles away, Californians will revel in the sights, sounds, foods and joie de vivre of France at the largest French celebration in the Western United States.
And let's not forget the "Poodle
Parade," Sunday at 5:30pm. Some poodles will be in costumes,
while some "poodles" could actually be in disguises.
A few years ago, someone snuck in a dog that looked suspiciously
like a Labrador Retriever wearing a lot of big crepe paper puffs!
You can also expect to see Labradoodles, Cockapoos, Pappilions
and French Bulldogs. Sounds like a lot of fun!
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