July 29th 2006
Kip Addotta
Kip talks
about relations, his own human foibles, fears, triumphs, and of
course his cat "Harley," whom he says owns him, and
is the longest relationship he has ever maintained with a female!
After over 30 years in the business as a standup comedian, Kip figures that about 85% of his jokes are a hit with the audience. And like most newcomers, Kip doesn't resort to the vulgarity and shock value of 4 letter words to make his audience laugh.
Kip Addotta has made over 32 guest appearances
on "The Tonight Show," and is still entertaining crowds
on the radio and at clubs. Catch him next at the Riviera in Las
Vegas from September 11 17th.
Kelli McCarty,
Kelli McCarty currently
stars on NBC's Passions as the sexy, psycho-diva Beth Wallace,
opposite Galen Gering. But, this doesn't stop her from pursuing
her real passion animals!
Kelli currently lives with five rescue dogs and would have more if her living situation allowed it. She is the Goodwill Ambassador for Pet Orphans of Southern California, one of the oldest, active humane organizations in Los Angeles with a private shelter, founded in 1973. You may have seen her recently hosting the Dog Jog Event at Woodley Park.
McCarty's previous TV credits include
Phil of the Future, Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place, Dream
On, Diagnosis Murder, Silk Stockings, Pacific Blue, the golf program
Travel A Round [as host] and Even Stevens. Dogs and Appetizers,
Recoil, The Last Bachelor, Beach House, and the documentary Rhinoskin
are among her feature film credits.
Dog's Life Changes after Guardian Becomes
Tammy Grimes, Dogs Deserve Better "Chain Off"
Don McKendree, Contestant
Dogs Deserve Better, a nonprofit working to bring dogs into the
home and family, wrapped up its first-ever Chain Off Contest at
Leidy Park in Mundys Corner, Pennsylvania approximately 1 hour
east of Pittsburgh. 52-year-old Don McKendree, the only contestant
with a chained dog living at home, placed second in the event,
and then immediately went home and took his dog Nikki off the
11 people began the contest Saturday, July 1. After nine days, 5 people remained chained, and players voted 3-2 to begin eliminations the next day. 1 person went home in elimination rounds each day until the final playoff Thursday, July, 13. Final elimination rounds pitted 52-year-old Don McKendree, the oldest contestant, against 18-year-old Aija Gillman, the youngest contestant. Aija topped Don by a final score of 9-7 to win the contest and the Chevy Aveo.
Contestants from Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Florida, South Carolina, and New York converged on the little town of Mundys Corner, PA to begin a contest like no other. They lived chained to doghouses until only one remained. They competed to survive the boredom of this life . . . no books, TV, radio, smoking, or even visitors. They were allowed the bare minimum in hygiene, only cleanliness routines undertaken within the confines of four tiny port-a-john walls. They were stripped of all comforts: receiving only a chain, a collar, water, food, doghouse, sleeping bag, and shade in their stead.
Don wrote in his journal: "My house is
in a low area, and it doesn't drain. It seems when you get wet
and it continues to rain [there are] lots of mixed emotions--I
could imagine the torture dogs must go through when people chain
them outside. Sure, you can feed them, water them, and talk to
them occasionally...but I'm talking about the feelings a dog has
to go through but are unable to communicate. I sure am having
a difficult time. I have been and done a lot of difficult things
in my life, but being tied (chained) to a doghouse has got to
be the roughest. Stripped of human communication ability sure
puts things into the proper perspective. Let's unchain our dogs."
We talk to Tammy and Don as they are shopping
at Lowes for fencing and a doggy door for Nikita, who will be
removed from her chains forever.
Female Lions Prefer their Men Hairy
Britt Savage
A recent study showed that female
lions prefer their men hairy very hairy! In the study,
scientists measured the size and fullness of the lion's manes
from zoos and different parts of the country and found that lions
from up north, with the fuller manes, had a lot more luck with
the ladies. Lions from Houston had full manes around the face,
neck and shoulders, but the lions from Chicago had all that plus
shaggy hair on their belly, elbows and that oh so popular back
hair. But having that full mane has its price. It's hot, it
collects parasites and makes it hard to get through bushes.
But even so, most lions seem to be liking the attention.
Second Hand Smoke Can Affect Your Pet's
Dr. Jim Humphries, Veterinary
News Network
According to the American Lung Association, there are more than
4,000 chemicals in second hand smoke, of which 200 are toxic and
43 have been shown to cause cancer. Although the effects of 2nd
hand smoke on domestic animals has not been widely researched
as its affected humans, recent studies have linked second hand
smoke in the home to higher rates of cancer and respiratory illnesses
in both dogs and cats.
A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that dogs in smoking households had a 60% greater risk of lung cancer than dogs living in a smoke free environment. A different study published in the same journal showed that long-nosed dogs, such as Collies, Dobermans and Greyhounds, were twice as likely to develop nasal cancers if they lived with smokers.
A study conducted at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine found that cats in smoking households are more than two times as likely to develop a cancer called Feline Lymphoma than those in non-smoking households. The risks for cats living with a person who smokes a pack of cigarettes or more per day increases to three times that of cats living with non-smokers. Others studies suggest second hand smoke in homes is responsible for higher risks of asthma in cats, a condition that is at best difficult to treat, and in severe cases can be fatal.
Dogs that decide to eat cigarette butts left in unattended ashtrays also have problems. Nicotine is extremely toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting, seizures and death. Also, chewing tobacco sometimes contains additives that increase its flavor, that probably also increases the likelihood that dogs will find it tasty too.
And if quitting is not something you feel
you can do right now, you can take measures to limit your pet's
exposure, such as restricting smoking to outdoor areas and washing
your hands before handling your pet.
Talk With Your Animals
Joy Turner
Joy explains how easy it is to
communicate with your animal and that everyone can do it. She
offers a 2-day class that is open to anyone wanting to learn about
animal communication and how to connect with animals at a deeper
level. The classes are designed to help you develop or expand
upon that ability through learning about what animal communication
is, how it works, and the perspective of animals. Learn how to
open your heart and mind to receive animals' messages. The first
day learn all the theory and philosophy behind the way Joy communicates
and find your easiest way of receiving information. Exercises
and individual attention to each participant's learning process
are provided in a safe, supportive, empowering environment. The
second day each person can bring an animal who will come into
the room one at a time for each person to speak with them individually
while Joy helps to fine-tune your reception skills to help build
your confidence in your abilities.
Joy talks to Rowdy, a billy goat that passed away about 6 months ago. His guardian wanted to know if there was anything she could have done to prevented his death. Rowdy assures her that she did all she could and he wants to be reincarnated and come back.
Joy talks to a guardian whose four animals
passed away last year. The animals let the guardian know that
they are all together, along with other animals who had passed
away before them.
Doggie Olympics
Heather Smith, United States Dog
Agility Assoc. (USDAA)
The 18th Annual World CYNOSPORT®
Games will take place November 1-5, 2006 in Scottsdale, Arizona.
The World Games is like a "doggie Olympics" where the
best-of-the-best gather from around the world to compete.
The sport of Dog Agility tests a person's skills in training and
handling of dogs over a timed obstacle course. Competitors direct
dogs to jump hurdles, scale ramps, burst through tunnels, traverse
a see-saw, and weave through a line of poles in a timed obstacle
course. The World Games also features other exciting events,
including a canine freestyle dance competition!
With scoring based on faults similar to
equestrian show jumping, dog agility has become an exciting spectator
event. The community sport offers families a fun alternative
for spending quality time with their pet. In addition to Championship
and Performance competition levels, there is a Junior Handler
program for school-aged children that encourages youth participation
and teaches responsible pet ownership.
Nuisance Animals
Mike Fry, Animal Ark Animal Shelter and Host
of Animal Wise Radio
After squirrels made their
way into Mike Fry's home to have their babies, it changed the
way he looked at so called "nuisance animals."
Pet Paintings
William Everly, Everly Originals
Animal Radio staff first came upon
Everly Originals at the San Diego Global Pet Expo back in March.
At that time, Everly Originals graciously offered to do a painting
of our four studio cats, allowing us to see for ourselves what
great work they do.
Several weeks later we received the most beautiful painting of our four studio cats, all from four separate photos we had e-mailed to Everly Originals. Being the guardians of these cats, we would have been able to tell if something was out of kilter in the painting. But, Everly Originals was able to capture all four cats with the most lifelike expressions on their face.
If you are looking for that perfect gift for a loved one, or even a gift for yourself, a pet portrait by Everly Originals is a guaranteed winner!
A survey once showed that 70% of people
were more likely to give a gift to their pet instead of their
spouse! If that's true, then this is a gift your pet will love!
Alpacas: Yogis of the Animal World
Rae Ann Kumelos
Discover what the alpaca has in
common with a Jedi Maser, how the oldest alpaca in the United
States tells stories about elephants to her alpaca friends, and
why the Incan civilization helped guarantee the loan of alpacas
to all of humankind.
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