Animal Radio® Show #609 August 6, 2011
Chihuahua Thwarts Robbers
Eric Knight (Store Owner) and Duane Dier, Paco's Guardian
Have you seen the viral video of a Chihuahua chasing off two robbers in Los Angeles? Our guests are Eric Knight (Store Owner) and the Duane Dier (Paco's Guardian). Now, the hero dog, Paco is tweeting. He even has his own Facebook page. But with fame comes problems, like the threat of pet-napping.
Paco became an Internet sensation after a surveillance video shown on YouTube of two robbers, one armed with a shotgun, being chased off the premises by the 10-pound pup during a bungled hold-up. Paco didn't back down, even when the robbers pointed a shotgun at him.
Paco’s been on Good Morning America, Inside Edition and made the front page of the Pasadena-Star News. Calls for Paco have been coming in from all over the world, including Switzerland, Japan and London.
Now – Hollywood's calling.
With Hollywood hounding Paco, the mutt’s minders are carefully crafting his brand—with a Facebook page, Twitter account and merchandise.
“People have been clamoring for Paco t-shirts—literally begging me to do t-shirts, so I’m launching a web site,, to help raise awareness of rescue animals,” explains Knight. “I will be selling Paco t-shirts on the site, and a portion of the proceeds will go to either the Humane Society or an animal rescue organization.”
But with fame comes problems—including the possibility of kidnapping.
“I’m a little concerned about Paco, because he’s so small,” admits Dier. “So now I’m keeping a close eye on him.”
Fortunately, fame won’t spoil Paco; he is one laid-back little guy!
The Dogfather's Grooming Tip with Joey Villani
Get Rid of Skunk Smell
You've heard all the remedies for getting rid of the skunk smell. But, not until now will you know the truth. Joey Villani has the lowdown on what to use that works!
Unfortunately, Joey learned this the hard way. His dog, Miles, recently had a run in with a skunk in the backyard. Of course,this always happen at night when you are letting them out for a potty break for the last time of the day. This is because skunks are nocturnal and usually come out in the evening.
So what do you do? Even if you have tomato juice on hand, it doesn't work! Skunk odor is one of the most difficult smells to remove. However, if you happen to have Listerine on hand (if you don't – go get some!) it will work like a charm.
The first thing you need to do is to break down the oil from the spray of the skunk. Put your dog in the bathtub and cover the sprayed area with shampoo. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU DON'T USE ANY WATER! Just put the shampoo on dry. This will automatically remove a majority of the smell.
Next, grab the Listerine. Since most dogs go after the skunk with their face, that is where they usually get sprayed. You don't want to get the Listerine in their eyes, so put some on a cotton ball and swab their face. If they were sprayed in the mouth you can soak a cotton ball in Listerine and swab the inside of their mouth and tongue.
If they have been sprayed on their body, you can go ahead and pour the Listerine on those parts. When you have applied the Listerine, comb it through.
You will be amazed at how effective the Listerine works on removing the smell permanently.
DOGFATHER'S GROOMING TIP Brought To You By Use the code "SAVE25" to receive 25% off!
Animal Radio® News with Stacey Cohen
Pest Poses Danger To People And Pets
Many pet owners might not think twice about taking their dogs for a walk in the woods. But an unusually wet spring and hotter temperatures have created a booming population of a pest that poses a danger to people and pets. Ticks are being found in higher numbers this year and the insects can carry Lyme disease. Humans can get the inflammatory disease, caused by bacteria, by being bitten. Humans can also get the disease from an infected pet. If a dog has been exposed and you have been in the same area as the dog, you potentially have been exposed as well. Vets say there is only one way an owner can actually get Lyme disease from their pet and that is when the bacteria that causes the disease gets from the tick's blood into the human bloodstream. Veterinarians warn that removing a tick without gloves can expose you to the disease. Vets say the best way to protect humans and pets is to use a topical flea and tick medication.
Extra Warmth On A Cold Night!
A growing number of Americans spend their nights snuggled up with their dogs. In fact, a recent survey found that 42% of all dog owners allow their pooches to sleep in the bed with them at night. Psychologists point out that dogs add companionship if you are single or in a bad relationship and they provide extra warmth on a cold night.
4-Eared Dog
Hearing doesn't appear to be a problem for one dog in China. A dog named Shun Shun has grown a second pair of ears. Shun Shun's owner says a friend gave him the dog a year ago. The man didn't notice anything until about six months later when Shun Shun started growing new ears behind his original ears. The ears have continued to grow, and are now bigger than Shun Shun's first pair. Shun Shun's owner says the extra ears aren't affecting his appetite, as he still loves eating tomatoes and watermelon with his family.
Don't Leave A Trail Of Clues After Crime
A Florida man is just now finding out it's never a good idea to leave police a trail of clues after committing a crime. According to, Geffre Smart was arrested for allegedly stealing a swan from Orlando's Lake Eola Park. A witness called 911 after seeing Smart enter the park and grab the bird. Police quickly found a trail of feathers, which took them to the home where Smart was holding the swan. The 24-year-old is now facing charges of grand theft and cruelty to animals.
Toilet-Using Cats
The days of stinky litter boxes could soon be over. There’ a kit that helps train cats to use the toilet. It may sound silly, but it’s a million dollar idea. The company, which has made $700,000 in sales, so far, is projected to hit $1 million by the end of the year.
Sperm-Sniffing Dog Busts Criminal
A rapist has been busted by a sperm-sniffing dog! A Swedish regional newspaper has reported an arrest in the case of a man accused of sexual assault in a city park, and you may be surprised to learn how he was caught. The 23-year-old man was arrested and charged with rape by police who employed the skills of a canine with highly specialized training: Rapports Opus is a sperm detection dog, and he is credited with discovering key evidence in the case. According to the newspaper, the perpetrator is charged with physically forcing a woman to perform a lewd act in a park. Investigating officers note that Rapports Opus found traces of semen at the scene of the crime. Samples sent for analysis matched the suspect’s DNA. "The technical evidence is very good," said the prosecutor. Rapports Opus spent a year in training before graduating from the dog academy in August 2010. "He’s the only dog in southern Sweden specialized in tracking sperm," said his trainer, B-G Carlsson.
Music Video About Dog Poop
A coalition of cities in Washington State has spent $27,000 to produce a music video about dog poop. "Dog Doogity" reminds residents that an easy way to keep the local waterways clean is to pick up after their dogs.
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