Animal Radio® Show #453 August 9, 2008
Selecting The Right Vet for Your Pet
Dr. Louise Murray, ASPCA Bergh
Memorial Animal Hospital
Taking care of your pet's health
is an important - but often nerve-racking - task. How do you choose
a veterinarian? What do you look for in your pet's health exam?
What's the deal with vaccinations?
On the scent: Tracking down the best veterinary
practice for your pet
You've decided to become an informed veterinary consumer, and
this decision is going to greatly beneÞt your pet's well
being. The Þrst step toward your goal of ensuring that your
pet receives the very best health care available is to carefully
select a veterinarian. Just as in every profession, there can
be real differences among veterinary practices. By learning what
to look for (and what to avoid), you will be able to make educated
decisions with your pet's particular needs in mind. There are
many excellent practices providing up-to-date, high-quality medicine,
and others that are unable to offer the same level of care or
have fallen behind. The key for pet owners is to possess the tools
to make an accurate assessment and choose wisely.
How do I choose the right veterinarian
for my pet?
There are various times when you need to select a veterinarian.
Maybe you've just brought home a new pet (or two). Or perhaps
you've recently moved and are searching for a good practice nearby.
If your pet has developed health problems, you may suddenly Þnd
it more important than ever that she has the best care available.
You may even have concerns about your current veterinary practice
and be considering a change.
When you Þnd yourself looking for a veterinarian - for whatever reason - what's the best way to go about choosing the right one for your pet?
If you're like most people, you have some personal preferences that may inþuence your choice. Maybe there's a practice that's in a particularly convenient location or has hours best suited to your schedule. Perhaps you feel your dog is more comfortable with a female doctor, or your cat is happier in practices that handle only felines. There may be a local veterinary hospital that your family has trusted for years, or that a friend recommends.
These considerations are indeed important, but you should also weigh some objective criteria when deciding which doctor to entrust with your pet's well being. If you have a choice of practices in your area, you want to use the one that offers your pet the highest standard of care and avoid those that aren't achieving the quality of medicine you're seeking. To help you in your search, I've compiled a list of questions that will enable you to evaluate various aspects of each veterinary practice you consider. The areas covered include patient care, equipment, staffing, philosophy, and how up-to-date the facility is. Using this checklist, you will gain the ability to more knowledgeably oversee your pet's health care.
The checklist
The checklist is divided into two sections. The Þrst contains
questions about the veterinary practice you're considering that
can be answered over the phone by a staff member. The second section
contains topics that are best evaluated during an appointment.
There are two worksheets at the end of the chapter where you can
record the information you gather.
One option when you're evaluating a new practice is to schedule an appointment to take place without your pet. This will allow you and the veterinarian to focus on your concerns and have enough time for an informative discussion. Also, since your pet won't have been seen at the practice, you may feel less awkward if you decide not to return. Be prepared to pay the normal fee for the appointment, even though your pet is not present. Don't feel hesitant about letting the veterinarian know that you are trying to pick the right practice for your pet; many parents interview several pediatricians before selecting a doctor for their children, and you, too, have every right to do some investigating.
If this suggestion is not convenient or affordable for you, you can evaluate the practice during your pet's Þrst visit. You probably shouldn't expect to be able to stop by a practice your pet has never been to and speak to the veterinarian without an appointment.
How can I narrow down the practices
in my area?
You can start by Þnding out which practices are accredited
by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). Participation
is voluntary, and whether or not a practice has chosen to be evaluated
by the AAHA can be an indication of its commitment to providing
a high level of care. AAHA accreditation involves an on-site evaluation
to determine if the practice meets all the standards established
by the association, and then periodic reviews to ensure that it
continues to meet those standards. The practice is graded in many
areas, including the facility, staff, equipment, and patient care.
Only veterinary hospitals that meet the rigorous AAHA standards
receive accreditation.
can look for accredited practices on the AAHA's website ( or in the phone book,
or by calling local practices to inquire about their status.
Tip: Another good way to Þnd a practice in your area is to get a recommendation from an equally concerned pet owner. Ask your friends, neighbors, and colleagues for the name of their veterinarian and how they feel about the practice. But be sure to ask specific questions, such as the ones that follow. It's wonderful that your neighbor loves her dog's doctor, but you need to make sure the practice provides the level of care you are looking for.
Excerpted from "Vet Confidential:
An Insider's Guide to Protecting Your Pet's Health" by Dr.
Louise Murray.
Ziggy the Painting Pekingese
Elizabeth Monacelli
"Ziggy" Yao-Yap Ting
is an 8 lb., 3-year-old Pekingese who has been painting since
It all started because his favorite hobby was playing with the empty paper towel roll. His second favorite hobby was listening to music. So, Elizabeth Monacelli, Ziggy's guardian, thought why not combine these two, formed from an idea she received from her father who was a former school teacher who would have his students paint to classical music. Elizabeth's experiment took off and Ziggy now loves to paint, to music of course!
Ziggy paints with his mouth using a paintbrush extended by a cardboard cylinder. It takes him 2-4 hours to complete a masterpiece and he has donated some of his artwork to various animal rescue organizations to assist with fundraising efforts.
His career started in June 2008 when his artwork was accepted into the "Celebration of the Arts" festival in Yorba Linda, California. He is the only dog artist in the history of the festival to have artwork displayed.
Look for Ziggy at the upcoming event where he will be signing FREE "PAW"tographed photos:
Laguna Beach 12th annual Pet Parade &
Chili Cook-Off
Sunday, September 14th
Check out some his masterpieces at
Is Pet Sitting The Right Career For You?
Felicia Lembesis, NAPPS (The National Association of Professional
Pet Sitters)
How would you like a home-based
business working with animals? Felicia Lembesis, the Executive
Director of the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters
(NAPPS) discusses how you can become a certified professional
pet sitter.
One of the first misconceptions she discusses is that not everyone is cut out to be a pet sitter. One thing people don't understand is that in this job, you will be working when most people are at play, which is on weekends, nights and holidays. Just loving animals is not the only requirement for this type of job.
NAPPS has been around for a dozen years and offers certification, educational programs and business advice to pet sitters. They also offer insurance. Pet sitters needs to carry liability and bonding insurance. They also provide a pet sitter locator on their website and through an 800 number, so that someone who is looking for a pet sitter can look for a pet sitter by researching pet sitters in their zip codes.
For someone considering pet sitting as a career, NAPPS has an annual conference both in the business field as well as people in pet care and behavior. They also have a monthly teleconference on different subjects that interest the pet sitter, which includes everything from cat and dog behavior to how to market your business.
To learn more about NAPPS and to see if
this is the career for you, please visit
The "World Famous" Russian Dog Wizard
Help, My Dog Can't Hold
His "Licker!"
This 6-year-old therapy dog can't seem to stop licking everyone
she meets! Dogs may lick for a lot of reasons. They lick as a
sign of submission, for food from their mother, for attention,
etc. You have two options, 1. Make her stop licking all together
2. Teach her when it is appropriate to lick. Here Vladae explain
the different ways of doing this.
A Dog Bite In An Inappropriate Place!
When a friend entered this man's house unannounced, his French
Bulldog jumped up and bit him in his crotch. The bite was bad
enough for the man to receive 5 stitches. This is a very serious
situation, and the first thing that needs to be done is to diminish
this dog's social status. How is this done? Tune in to find out!
I Can't Potty Train A 5-Year-Old Dog
This dog was obtained a puppy and was housetrained with no problems.
But after moving and acquiring another dog, he has started urinating
in the house. Vladae states that this is not a "house breaking"
problem but a "house marking" problem! Vladae suggest
you go back and start the potty training all over again.
Animal Minute With Britt Savage
Baby Bat Found - In Bra!
A British woman who thought the
vibration she was feeling was her cell phone, was surprised to
find the vibrations coming from her bra, and even more surprised
to find the vibrations coming from a baby bat. Nineteen-year-old
Abbie Hawkins wore the bra for five hours while working as a hotel
receptionist before finding the baby bat. She said she was shocked
but felt bad for disturbing the cuddly bat who looked cozy and
comfortable, adding that perhaps she could have left him in there
and given him a good home. Hawkins does know how the bat got in
there. She said she had a drink or two the night before and got
dressed quickly that morning. The bra was in a drawer but had
been on the clothesline the day before. The bra bat, which had
scampered under a desk, was caught by a co-worker and set free.
Panda Adopted by Cat
In Amsterdam, a zookeeper's housecat has adopted a baby red panda
and is nursing the cub along with her own kittens. A spokesperson
for the Artis Zoo explained that two red panda cubs were abandoned
by their mother for some reason leaving them alone in the cold.
The zoo stepped in and put the cubs in an incubator where one
cub was too weak and died. The other was adopted by the cat who
had just given birth to kittens. Red pandas are an endangered
species who look more like a raccoon than a giant panda. They
mature to just a bit bigger than a housecat, so the zoo plans
to let the cub nurse with his cat family for a few months before
bringing out some bamboo and fruit. I'm thinking he won't have
to fight with his kitten siblings for that meal!
Penn, Animal Radio's Resident Party Animal
The Horse & Buggy of Yesteryear
Recently I did the tried and true Horse & Buggy ride for
perhaps the 7th or 8th time in my life. I remember the first time;
of course it was in New York, and as a little boy. It was a real
coup for me and maybe I was in a cowboy phase, I don't remember.
But this animal was majestic to me and just hearing it "clop,
clop" down New York streets was really something to me, and
I literally, vividly remember this.
Well, it has not been memorable since. Even times when I took horse and buggy rides through Central Park with really good-looking girls all snuggled under a blanket with me. One of the worst was when a girl went on a tirade about how convinced she was that this animal was being mistreated. She could not enjoy this ride because she was certain the rider, as pleasant as he was and as prepared he was to regale us with tails of New York City, was beating this horse. Or at the very least, this horse wasn't happy with its present employment. It ruined it for me, one because I certainly wouldn't want that to be true as I am an animal lover; and two because I knew then that this wasn't turning her on and nothing good was going to happen afterwards and what I really hoped for during.
And every other time since then, in a romantic sense, the woman has never really been all that taken by the scenes, the horse or anything. Plus, the riders never shut up.
The most recent time was in Mystic, Connecticut at a place called the Mystic Sea Port. For those of you who might be interested, there's a lot of history there, it's really a beautiful part of Connecticut. And again, as I said, a lot of history and a day of fun to be had. And what's really cool about the horse and buggy ride we did there, I went with my sister, my brother-in-law, the missus and all of the kids. So we had two sets of cousins on the ride.
My sister
and my wife spent the entire ride discussing where they would
have dinner. Even though we were 20 minutes out of lunch, they
were already discussing "Should it be sea food? Do you think
the kids might want pizza?" They spent the entire ride discussing
what was next on the menu.
My brother-in-law enjoyed it at the very least, because he is a history buff. And as I said, Mystic is just entrenched in history. So, he was just taken by the woman who was giving us the tour and the little history lesson.
And Little Joel was this beautiful horse and you knew he was being treated well. You know he is a part of the Mystic Sea Port family. So I didn't have that hanging over my head.
But when the most excitement it gleans
from the children is them passing by one of Little Joel's bowel
movements from earlier in the day, you know that the horse and
buggy ride is lost on today's youth!
International Animal News with Kaye Browne
Koala Cheats Death
A koala that cheated death after being hit at high speed on a
northern Australian highway and then dragged for nearly 8 miles
is expected to make a full recovery. Veterinarians from the Wildlife
Hospital set up by the late Steve Irwin said the 3-year-old koala
nicknamed Ely Lucky Grills survived the ordeal because
his head became trapped in the front grill of the vehicle. The
motorist that hit him didn't even know about his iconic hitchhiker
until he was flagged down by another driver.
Scientists Say Roundworm Will Outlast
All Other Life Forms
Forget what you've heard about cockroaches being the world's greatest
survivor if you ask the 350 scientists from 36 countries
gathered in Australia this week the humble roundworm will
outlast all other life forms. Molecular biologists say despite
the humble compost worm having just 302 nerves, the nematode learns
through smell what is safe to eat and what isn't and they're
trying to create an artificial worm nose as an early warning of
food decay.
Survey Says Size Is Not Indicator When
Dogs Attack
A new survey has found that size is not the best indicator when
considering whether a dog might attack with small hounds,
such as dachshunds being much more likely to attack other dogs
or strangers compared with pitbulls, rottweilers and other macho
breeds. Researchers asked the owners of 30 dog breeds to assess
how their pet responded to a variety of common stimuli and situations.
They found Dachshunds, Chihuahuas and Jack Russell terriers topped
the list for aggressiveness, while Brittany spaniels, greyhounds
and whippets were the easiest going.
Two Families Find Pets After 5 Years
Two families who'd given up hope of finding their pets, lost more
than five years ago are celebrating this week. The Villacis family
in New York City couldn't believe their luck when they got a call
saying their beagle Rocco had turned up 850 miles away in the
shelter at Hinseville, Georgia. Meantime a collie called Bo that
disappeared from the Moeller family in Chicago more than five
years ago was picked up as a stray 85 miles away in the town of
Rockford, Illinois. In both cases the dogs were identified
by microchip and luckily the families hadn't moved house.
Man Wants To Cook Doggy Doos Into Doggy Dollars
A man in Montreal is trying to work out a way to turn cook doggie
doos into doggy dollars. Jim Fares is a part of a volunteer group
that looks after the Notre Dame de Grace dog park and the waste
left behind by happy visitors all 28 hundred pounds of it.
Fares bought a toaster oven and heated some samples over a two-
to three-week period, killing potential pathogens but ending up
with useless dust. However, Fares says he's convinced if he keeps
trying he'll find the right way to cook the dog poo into viable
compost and make a buck doing it.
Listen to Current World News
Changing Careers
Valerie Young, Changing Course
You can escape the 9-to-5 world
and enjoy more control over your time and your life. You can find
ways to do what you love and get paid for it. Lots of people have,
and a whole world of possibility exists out there!
And if you are an animal lover, there are many ways to translate your love of animals into your vocation. Here are just a few of the hundreds of things you can do with or for animals or their owners that I dug up on the web.
1. Take Care of Them
If you love dogs and cats you
may want to consider establishing yourself as a professional pet
sitter. Start by visiting the websites of other pet sitters in
your area. That way you'll get an idea of prices and possible
add-on services. I thought I'd check on some city rates so I headed
over to Uptown Walkers in Chicago. They charge $35 for pet sitting
and also offer dog walking services at $12 for a half an hour
walk and feeding. As a nice value-added service Uptown Walkers
will also water your plants, bring in mail and newspapers, adjust
blinds and drapes, and rotate turning lights on in the home promoting
home security. It was not clear though if this costs extra.
2. Teach People About Them
Pet Safety Guy, Thom Somes, runs
courses for pet owners, pet lovers, owners of pet related businesses
like veterinarians, pet walkers, sitters, trainers and others.
His California-based company, Pet Tech, offers a 3-day pet safety-training
program. Once you take the course you can then offer it to your
The Instructor Training is ideal for: obedience trainers, kennel operators, pet retailers, pet sitters, veterinarian staff, animal shelter employees, pet rescue personnel, pet groomers, EMT's, fire fighters, and any pet lover."
3. Train Them to Behave
After getting my dog, Cokie Roberts
(no relation to the highly respected journalist), from a local
no-kill animal shelter, I hired a young woman to come to the house
to give us private training lessons. I say "us" because
so much of dog training is teaching the owner the commands and
to follow through. She charged the same as if I'd taken a class
and the convenience factor was priceless. Cokie easily mastered
"sit," "down," and "leave it." A
very determined boy, he's still working on "come."
4. Bake for Them
Take two trends the quest
for natural foods and the fact that people are spending more than
ever to pamper their pets and you've got the makings of
a winning business. P.C.'s Pantry, Inc., a bakery and deli for
dogs and cats in Boulder, Colorado, specializes in "Barkday"
cakes for pet parties, "meat loaves," and homemade biscuits
in 18 varieties including Bark-B-Q, Choco-Lab-Brownie, and Pup-kin.
They also offer pet-related gifts for pet-lovers, a line of holistic
pet foods and supplements, and a delivery service.
5. Heal Them, Board Them, Consult About Them, Sell Health Food for Them, Write About Them... Or All of the Above!
These are just a few of the many ways to make a living working with animals. If you love animals and want to find a way to turn your passion into your living, invest some time to bark up the right tree. Because, when you love what you do, you are truly living in the "lap" of luxury!
To find out more about changing careers,
please visit
Animal Radio® News with Bobbie Hill
Pet Owners
Can Now Have Their Wishes Followed in California
California's Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill that
would make it possible for pet owners to have their final wishes
followed - legally. California was one of the few states that
did not enforce the arrangements of deceased pet owners. SB 685
changed all that - the bill makes pet trusts enforceable by law
providing the legal basis to make certain pets are cared for and
safeguarded even after the death of their human owner. The law
which goes into effect January first 2009 allows courts to appoint
a caregiver as well as enforce the final wishes and instructions
found in wills without the need of approval of trustees.
Pet Fit Challenge for Obese Pets
America's a big country - not in size but in weight. Nearly one
third of American's are obese including 9 million children who
will experience health problems as they age. Sadly, America's
pets are also tipping the scales more than they should. The Campaign
to End Obesity wants to help people and their pets trim down.
Partnering with Harvard Medical Center they've come up with the
Pet Fit Challenge. Any pet owner can shape up with their furry
companion by making a commitment to feed their pets the correct
portion of food as well as the right food. Dr. Heidi Hulon of
Pet Fit says, "People will give their pet an ounce of cheese
as a treat and not think much of it. But for a cat, that's the
equivalent to a human of eating three and a half hamburgers....
for a dog, one and a half hamburgers." The Pet Fit Challenge's
goal is to help American pets shed 50 million pounds this year.
To find out how you and your pet can get in better shape log on
Parrot Saves Family From Fire
A three-year-old
African grey parrot is being called a hero after saving his London
owners from a fire. Bob the parrot began squawking loudly last
Thursday morning when a fire broke out in the kitchen of Francis
Hall's home in Fair Oak, Hampshire. The bird became more frantic
which woke Hall and his two sons who barely escaped the blaze
along with Bob in his cage. Hall and his sons were treated for
smoke inhalation and the early morning blaze did some serious
damage to their home but not to them thanks to Bob. Hall told
the Sun newspaper "I used to find Bob very annoying with
his growling and squawking.... but not now.... he is a legend....
he saved our lives.... we just got out in time." Hall said
he's going to find a mate for Bob as a reward.
Your Vet Questions Answered
with Dr.
Acclimating A Trout
This man is moving from Arizona to Washington and is moving his
pet trout (who's favorite food is a fruit roll up!). He asks Dr.
Debbie the best way to acclimate them to their new surroundings.
The first thing Dr. Debbie suggests is to have an aeration pump
during traveling and make sure that you use the existing tank
water, and when adding new water, make sure it sits out for about
24 hours or to use a de-chlorinator before you actually add the
Help, My Cat Constantly Throws Up
This sixteen-year-old cat seems to throw up two to three times
per week. Blood work and exam all came back negative, and a cat
food specifically formulated for "sensitive stomach"
is not helping. Dr. Debbie suggests more extensive blood work
to check his kidneys, thyroid level and liver.
Poisonous Mushrooms
Dr. Debbie talks about her recent
emergency with a young lab who ingested some backyard wild mushrooms.
Unfortunately, a lot of people aren't aware that your backyard
mushrooms can be a danger to your pets. Fortunately for this dog,
they caught it in time.
Why Does My Dog Scoot?
This sounds like the classic case of full anal glands. Anal glands
are scent glands that are around the anal area. Some dogs are
able to express them by themselves, but sometimes they become
irritated and have to be manually expressed. While you can do
it yourself, it isn't for the faint of heart. Your best bet is
to take him to your vet for this special procedure!
Get Your Free Animal Radio® Pet ID Tags!
Animal Radio® has partnered
with ReturnMoi to make sure that if your pet ever gets lost, he
will be reunited with you immediately, and is giving away 1,000
free Pet Id Tags.
Each pet tag contains a:
- Unique ID number that is linked to your contact information
- 1-800 toll free number open 24/7
- Reward for return message to motivate finders to call ReturnMoi
How Does it Work?
1. Activate unique ID number at
2. Attach tag to cat or dog
3. If pet goes missing finder calls ReturnMoi
4. ReturnMoi calls pet owner to facilitate return
5. ReturnMoi rewards finder ($50 gift pack) for their help
Don't wait until your pet becomes lost before you take care of securing them with proper identification. All pets should have two forms of identification. One is the microchip and the other should be a visible tag on his collar.
For your free Animal Radio® Pet Tag all you have to do is send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Animal Radio
c/o Pet Tags
PO Box 197
Shandon, CA 93461
What are you waiting for?
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