Animal Radio® Show #610 August 13, 2011
Skunks Are Like Potato Chips
Don & Brenda Hoch
Five years ago Don and Brenda Hoch fell in love with skunks after seeing a lady holding a baby skunk in a pet store.
Brenda went home and did her research before buying their first skunk. After that, they were hooked! Brenda and her husband Don also got involved with a local skunk rescue in Florida and started fostering skunks in their home. Brenda states that skunks are, "Just like potato chips – you can't have just one!" They now share their home with 15 skunks.
The Hochs have had both cats and dogs and would classify the skunk as a cross between the two of them. Skunks will use a litter box like a cat but they are friendlier, like a dog and will come when they're called. They also get along with the Hoch's three dogs.
Most people think skunks are always black and white. However, they come in different colors such as black and white, brown and white, all white, peach color, lavender color and apricot color.
Don states that the skunks are very curious, loveable and best of all – they don't bark!
Like most people with pets, the skunks sleep in bed with Brenda and Don at night. Fortunately, the Hochs don't live with a constant fear of being sprayed. The skunks are de-scented at a young age, around two to three weeks old, and they are either sprayed or neutered at the same time.
Skunks live an average of about 10 years and are illegal to have as pets in some states. Skunks mainly eat a vegetable diet with cooked ground turkey or chicken. However they aren't for everyone, but make great pets for the right person. They require a little bit of specialized care with their diet and are big beggars who will get fat if you feed them too many treats!
More Than Just Oral Care
Bud Groth, President & CFO PetzLife
Our dogs and cats need to have their teeth cleaned regularly, just like us humans. So we took our studio cat Boog to the vet to get it done. His teeth now look great, but how do you keep them clean? It's not easy to brush a cat's teeth! So what can you do?
Bud Groth at PetzLife was wondering the same thing. He felt that there had to be a better way to clean our pet's teeth. At PetzLife, you will find an Oral Care line of products, which include sprays and gels that do just that. He currently has over 7,000 veterinarians already using his products. It is not necessary to brush, but it will work faster if you follow directions and brush every 3rd to 4th day. There are no side effects and they are even safe enough for use on people!
But they didn't stop there. They also created two new products for pets:
@-eaze Calming Gel – This is an all-natural gel that can be mixed with food or taken alone. It can be used on animals who have separation anxiety, are afraid of thunderstorms, are afraid of the vet and have car ride anxiety.
Protectz – This is an all-natural flea and tick repellant. This is a great product because of not only how effective it is … but because of how safe it is for your dog and how easy it is to use. You just mix the powder into the animal's food twice a day for five straight days and they are set for the next 3 months!Bud was always interested in coming out with a flea and tick product that was all natural. Protectz is made with all natural ingredients from the Amazon Jungle. One of the main ingredients is garlic. While it doesn't smell to us, fleas and ticks do not want to be on or near the pet who uses it. It was originally tested on people in the Black Forest of Germany.
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The Dogfather's Grooming Tip with Joey Villani
Your Groomer Could Be Ripping You Off!
Most professional groomers charge extra to do some crazy and whacky things. Joey is one of those groomers that hate it when others charge for extras that you don't need and that don't work. He feels that clients won't come back to him if he charges for things they don't need or for things a groomer shouldn't be doing, like cleaning teeth.
A lot of groomers have been selling this item as an extra and Joey calls them out on it. The item is hot oil treatments. Joey says these treatments do not work because dogs don't have the same type of skin that we have. Therefore, the oil is not absorbed through their skin, as they don't have pores like humans.
The way a dog's body absorbs things is through the hair shaft and into their cuticle. So if you put oil on a dog, it will be absorbed into their hair. You know what happens when you spill oil onto clothing? It stains! The same thing will happen to your dog's hair if you repeatedly do these treatments. This oil will not go away. The hair actually has to grow out before the oil is fully removed, or it has to be cut out. For dogs that don't shed as much, like Poodles, etc., it will have to be cut out. If your dog sheds rapidly, the hair will grow out and the oil will be gone over time.
Another thing, a dog with oil will knot more easily. This is because the hair becomes tacky and will stick to itself.
So if your groomer is trying to sell you one of these wacky treatments, tell them you heard Joey on Animal Radio and tell them this is why you won't waste your money on this type of stuff!
DOGFATHER'S GROOMING TIP Brought To You By Use the code "SAVE25" to receive 25% off!
Animal Radio® News with Stacey Cohen
How Smart Is Your Dog?
Think he's a genius… well he's not. Research indicates that dogs have the mental ability of a human that's between the ages of 2 or 3 years old. So love him all you want, but he will never be a brain surgeon.
So Who Has The Worst Breath?
According to experts, camels have the worst breath in the animal kingdom!
Liquid – Low Calorie – Treat For Your Dog
So many people are worried about their pets being overweight, so they don’t give them treats like they used to. But now, there's a smart, healthy and convenient way for pet parents to get their pooches' tails wagging. Introducing Lickety StikTM, an innovative liquid pet treat. Made with 100% all-natural ingredients, it's the latest creation from PetSafe®, a leading innovator in pet behavior and lifestyle product solutions and services since 1991. Developed for thoughtful pet owners, Lickety Stik is perfect for pets who deserve a tasty treat while on-the-go. The natural flavors are delivered via a special roller-ball top, so dogs can experience all of the tastiness and excitement of a moist treat without the sticky mess. Lickety Stik also offers pet parents a healthy alternative to conventional treats, especially those concerned about the weight of their dogs. The ingredients are all-natural, dogs simply love the flavor and their owners love the fact there's just 1 calorie in every 10 licks,
Ever Wonder What Your Dog Does When You’re Not Around?
Now you can find out. The Eyenimal video camera for pets hangs from your dog’s collar and can record more than two hours of footage.
Help Your Pet Beat The Heat By Sharing Your DrinkIf you want to help your pet beat the heat, stock up on Gatorade. When dogs and cats lose fluids, they also lose electrolytes, which are essential minerals like calcium and sodium that they need to stay healthy. Giving your pets an electrolyte solution like Pedialyte or Gatorade will quickly replace these minerals and they will probably like the taste. You can add several tablespoons of one of these drinks to your pet’s water every day.
Panda Census
China has counted its 1.34 billion people; now it's the pandas' turn. After conducting a census of its human population last year, China is about to start a once-every-10-years count of giant pandas in the wild. The official China Daily reported more than 60 trackers were trained at Wanglang National Reserve in the southwestern province of Sichuan, which is believed to have the largest number of wild pandas in China. They will collect droppings for DNA analysis, which will allow zoologists to track individual pandas and accurately estimate the population. The census is also expected to reveal more on living conditions, age structure and changes of habitat of the endangered species. The last census counted 1,596 wild pandas in China, 1,206 of which were living in Sichuan. Wild pandas are threatened by a loss of habitat, poaching and for being poor breeders. Females in the wild normally have a cub once every two or three years.
Horse Rescue Team Locates Man
A man who had been missing from his home near Houston was found alive at the bottom of a 30-foot-deep manhole, according to local news reports. The Houston Chronicle reported that rescuers pulled Kevin Gonterman from the hole after members of a volunteer horse search team discovered him in the hole earlier. The hole, located about 150 yards from the road, is about 4 or 5 feet in diameter and is labeled "sewage," the paper said. Gonterman also had been bitten by snakes. EquuSearch's Frank Black told the Chronicle, Gonterman was conscious and speaking lucidly during his rescue. After being pulled out of the hold by the Houston Fire Department, he was taken to an area hospital. Its not known how Gonterman ended up in the hole, or how long he had been stuck.
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