Sep 9th 2006
Hollywood Party for the Animals with Jan Sluizer
MAD TV's Debra Wilson Skelton
Gilmore Girls Kelly Bishop
Jan Sluizer comes to us live from The
Farm Sanctuary's Hollywood Party, where many celebrities were
in attendance. The event was held on Saturday, August 26th in
Hollywood, California, and was to celebrate two decades of progress
in the campaign to end cruelty toward farm animals.
What Happened to Steve Irwin?
Mark Richmond, Professional
Mark Richmond is a Professional
Herpetologist who had a chance to work with Steve Irwin several
years ago.
Mark, along with everyone else, is still in shock after the sudden death of Steve by a stingray. While Steve was a fast reactor on land, being in the water was like being in a different element, where your reactions are a little bit slower. Stingrays have a serrated, toxin-loaded barb, or spine, on the top of their tail. The barb, which can be up to 10 inches long, flexes if a ray is frightened. Stings usually occur to people when they step on or swim too close to a ray and can be excruciatingly painful but are rarely fatal.
Even though Steve has been offered a State Funeral,
Steve's family has decided on a private funeral to be held within
a week, and a public memorial service will be held within two
weeks, with thousands expected. Steve's father said his son would
not have wanted a formal state funeral because "he's an ordinary
guy, and he wants to be remembered as an ordinary bloke."
The world has lost a great wildlife icon,
a passionate conservationist and one of the proudest dads on the
planet. He died doing what he loved best and left this world in
a happy and peaceful state of mind. He would have said, 'Crocs
"Bart Simpson's Voice" Nancy
Nancy's achievements as an actor
include dozens of credits in television, film and theatre. She
is recognized as one of the world's leading voice-actors, Bart
Cartwright lives with a ranch-full of animals including a plastic
cow affectionately named "Milk-Dud," which she says
is only appropriate because one of Bart's catchphrases is "Don't
have a cow, man!"
Cartwright shares her feelings for her
pets this week on Animal Radio's national weekly program. They've
always been a major part of her life.
Chiropractic Care in Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Jim Humphries,
Veterinary News Network
Mention chiropractors, and you will get a variety of opinions
and experiences. Well, now that includes experiences with our
animal friends. People who have had positive chiropractic experiences
now want their pets and their horses to experience it too.
More than 500 veterinarians and chiropractors across the United States have formed the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association, a group dedicated to performing chiropractic for pets. Founded in 1989, the AVCA helps certify doctors who have undergone animal chiropractic training and ensure they meet adequate standards. Pet owners should be extremely wary of anyone who calls themselves an animal chiropractor, because they may lack a veterinary degree or a degree in chiropractic medicine. Many pets have been harmed by well meaning people with "experience."
In spite of some problems, many animal guardians are excited about the drug-free hands-on approach to their pet's health. Horse guardians, especially, seek the assistance of an experienced veterinary chiropractor to improve the athletic performance of their animals without the use of drugs, which are many times prohibited in competitions.
Chiropractic medicine offers important
therapeutic approached for common problems not currently available
in veterinary medicine, and some of the results can be significant.
So if your veterinarian recommends some chiropractic treatment
for your animals, you may want to give it a try. Just be sure
to work with a doctor of veterinary medicine or a doctor of chiropractic
medicine who has been specially trained with animals.
A Tribute to Steve Irwin
Produced For The Alan Jones Show 2GB 873AM
By Radiowise Media Networks.
Pet Loss
Peggy Haymes, Healing from the
Loss of a Pet
For a time, Peggy volunteered with a pet loss support group
in Greensboro, NC. While she enjoyed the work, she walked away
from the meetings thinking about all of the people who were hurting
but for whatever reason would never attend such a meeting. How
could she provide a resource that was convenient and easy to use,
something people could use on their own timetable and in the privacy
of their homes? That's how the CD, Healing from the loss of
a Pet, and the company, PetCaring, was born.
Man Wrestles Alligator - Do Not Do
This at Home!
Britt Savage
Brent Carey reacted to an alligator that jumped out of a lake
and tried to dragged his girlfriend's dog back in the water, by
jumping on the alligator's back.
Brent and his girlfriend were walking at a park in Charleston, South Carolina, when all of a sudden an alligator jumped out of the water and grabbed her dog Chance.
Without even thinking, Brent jumped on his back and began to fight the alligator so it would free the dog.
The dog eventually broke free and ran to the shore. Brent received only minor injuries on his arms and legs during the scuttle.
Afterwards, Brent stated that it was probably not a good idea to ever jump on the back of an alligator.
Oregano Oil Monopoly?
Dr. Cass Ingram
In the event of an Avian Influenza
outbreak here in the United States, President George W. Bush is
trying to derive a plan to quarantine American citizens with the
help of the U.S. Army. Other parts of the plan are to do ample
research on a flu vaccination and then stockpile effective drugs.
But not everyone agrees with this plan. One of the world's leading
experts in natural remedies, Dr. Cass Ingram, believes that a
holistic approach would be more effective against the Avian flu.
He cited oregano as having properties that could aid in the battle
against the avian flu pandemic. Ingram has been researching oregano
for 10 years, and states the herb has been tested against various
hostile viruses and bacteria, and observed that the extract deactivated
all viruses within 20 to 30 minutes of contact. According to Dr.
Ingram, "the P73 didn't just hinder H5N1's growth in the
lab, it slaughtered it."
Dr. Ingram feels the government has ulterior
motives, especially when he received a call from Vice President
Cheney asking him if he stockpiles barrels of the stuff. "I
don't stockpile oil-that's your job," was the doctor's blunt
Dr. Ingram states that Cheney is not interested in seeing anyone
profit, such as small nutritional companies, unless he and the
presidency can profit. After all, isn't Cheney in the oil business?
Perhaps he is trying to create an oregano oil monopoly!
You can read more about this cure-all
in Dr. Cass Ingram's books: The Cure is in the Cupboard
and Natural Cures for Killer Germs. To order, call 1-800-243-5242.
Talk With Your Animals
Joy Turner
Joy speaks with Oliver who informs his guardian that he is a reincarnation
of someone from her past who is looking out for her.
The Great Chimp Event
Rae Ann Kumelos,
Voice of the Animal
What do 266 chimpanzees and 57
fourth to eighth graders have in common? Each other. Compassion,
action, a great plan and an island sanctuary in Florida all combine
to create a very happy ending for these former laboratory chimpanzees.
"Bad" Fat
John E. Bauer, DVM, PhD, Texas A&M University
While the concept of good and bad fats may be an effective way
for humans to monitor the quality of their diets, it is not an
appropriate concept for dogs and cats, according to a report in
the September 1 issue of the Journal of the American Veterinary
Medical Association.
In general, dogs and cats have more good cholesterol than bad
cholesterol in their bodies, no matter what types of fat they
eat. They can consume saturated and unsaturated fats without the
risk of clogged arteries, high cholesterol, coronary artery diseases
or strokes, "even when they consume amounts of dietary fat
that would typically turn human blood into sludge," says
the report's author, John E. Bauer, DVM, PhD, professor at the
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas
A&M University.
Instead of "good" and "bad" fats-the typical
labels for saturated and unsaturated fats, respectively-Dr. Bauer
proposes the terms "functional" and "facilitative."
Functional fats are typically essential fatty acids that help
perform important cellular functions. They are necessary for growth,
development, reproduction and healthy skin.
Saturated fats should not be considered bad for pets, but "facilitative"
in that they increase the taste and acceptable texture of foods,
improve palatability and ensure the intake of the necessary calories
for an animal's well-being.
Facilitative fats in dogs and cats also provide a dense source
of calories and energy and promote the absorption of fat-soluble
vitamins. "Although they may be bad for humans," Dr.
Bauer writes, "they are simply facilitative in dogs and cats."
Dr. Bauer adds that the exception to this
is when the amount of fat in a diet is so large that it places
animals at risk for obesity and obesity-associated problems.
Mike Fry, Animal
Ark Animal Shelter
Mike Fry reports on a Katrina
survivor who changed his life. Following his rescue from the streets
of New Orleans, a frightened little Chihuahua Pomeranian mix named
Goldie came to live at his house.
Funny Cat Names Contest
ScoopFree Automatic
LitterScoopFree and Animal Radio are looking for the funniest
cat names and the story behind them. Just submit your funny cat
name and story and you will be eligible to win one of 3 prizes.
Each prize consists of your choice of one Scoopfree automatic
litter box or (if you already own a ScoopFree) a case of 6 ScoopFree
Throwaway Trays filled with Fresh Step® Crystal litter.
Listen to Animal Radio at for chances to win additional ScoopFree boxes, ScoopFree Throwaway Trays and other prizes for you and your cat.
ScoopFree is the first litter box you can leave totally alone for up to 30 days with one cat (15 days with two cats)-no scooping, cleaning or refilling. It utilizes our ScoopFree Throwaway Tray which comes pre-filled with Fresh Step Crystal litter. The crystal litter absorbs the liquids and dehydrates the solids, providing unbeatable odor control. The box automatically rakes and grooms the litter and seals the solid waste into a trap built into the tray, so you never have to see, smell or touch messy waste. After about a month, just remove the old tray and throw it away. Then replace with a new tray and you have just cleaned you litter box for another month.
The contest begins at on September 1,
2006 and ends on September 30, 2006. If you are chosen as a winner,
you will be able to select which prize you want to receive. Winners
will be notified by email by October 16, 2006. Not valid where
prohibited by law.
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