Animal Radio® Show #614 September 10, 2011
911 10th Anniversary
Michael Hingson, Thunder Dog
Michael Hingson had been trying to write a book about his experiences on 911 and what lead him up to being in the Twin Towers with his guide dog Roselle on that day. It just happened to turn out that the book was completed just before the 10th Anniversary of that fateful day.
On the morning of 911 there was a thunderstorm brewing and Roselle could sense the distant rumbles while her owners slept. As a trained guide dog, when she was "on the clock" nothing could faze her. But that morning, without her harness, she was free to be scared, and she nudged Michael's hand with her wet nose as it draped over the bedside toward the floor. She needed him to wake up.
With a busy day of meetings and an important presentation ahead, Michael slumped out of bed, headed to his home office, and started chipping away at his daunting workload. Roselle, shivering, took her normal spot at his feet and rode out the storm while he typed. The storm eventually passed and by all indications it was going to be a normal day. A busy day, but normal nonetheless, until they went into the office.
Michael and Roselle were in Tower One on the 78th floor when the plane hit the building. At the time, they knew there was an explosion, but they didn't understand what truly happened until later. All they knew was that they should leave. To exit the building, they had to descend 1,463 stairs and then try to make their way home with both buildings collapsing around them.
While this book is about 911, it is also about trust and courage and how blindness and a bond between dog and man saved lives and brought hope during one of America's darkest days.
Michael Hingson, is a national ambassador for the Braille Literacy Campaign and a miraculous survivor of 9/11. He now owns The Michael Hingson Group, Inc., a consulting firm concerning inclusiveness and diversity and a platform for engaging speaking opportunities. Hingson has never let blindness stop him from achieving his goals. His life is a testimony to the power of trust, perseverance, and the amazing bond between humans and animals. Michael and his wife, Karen, live in the San Francisco Bay Area with two yellow lab guide dogs, Africa and Fantasia, and one cat, Sherlock.
Is Your Skin Crawling?
Dr. Neelam Taneja-Uppal
What if your skin really was crawling with unseen parasites, your family thought you were crazy and your doctor diagnosed you as delusional? That's exactly what happened to several patients before Dr. Neelam Taneja-Uppal found the truth.
A forty-year-old woman came in to the office of Dr. Neelam Taneja-Uppal with crawling sensations and sores on her skin, convinced she had something living on her body. Her husband was ready to divorce her and medical professionals had told her that she was delusional. Dr. Uppal was able to save this woman's marriage and her sanity by correctly diagnosing Morgellon's Disease. This woman's story inspired Dr. Uppal to write Is Your Pet Safe, her new book about parasitic disease and their possible transmission by pets.
Morgellon's disease is a poorly understood condition, which a growing number of physicians believe to be a chronic infectious disease. The disease can be both disabling and disfiguring. The symptoms include itching, biting and crawling sensations, “filaments” or fibers which emerge from the skin, skin lesions which range from minor to disfiguring, joint pain, debilitating fatigue, changes in cognition, memory loss, mood disturbance and serious neurological manifestations.
"The patients I saw were told they were delusional." Says Uppal. "But they were truly undiagnosed due to a lack of understanding of the specific testing measures needed to determine parasitic disease. I want to inform both patients and the medical community about the dangers of parasites, the causes and the possible treatments options available."
Dr. Uppal believes the danger is growing every day, with an increase of pets in American households, the increase of immigrants from tropical, third world countries and lack of knowledge and research on the subject. Dr. Uppal hopes to raise awareness, gain support for research and educate the public about this growing health risk.
Dr. Uppal is a board certified physician in Infectious Diseases and holds a place on the Advisory Board of the National Morgellon's Foundation.
"Get Your Licks on Route 66" Adoption Tour 2011
The Cross-Country Adoption Tour!
Join FIDO Friendly® magazine and the Animal League as they team up for the 3rd Annual "Get Your Licks on Route 66" national mobile adoption tour.
This life-saving tour kicks-off on September 7, 2011 and travels across the US to raise awareness of the importance of adopting a pet from a shelter. Get Your Licks on Route 66 will achieve its mission to save lives through 16 events in the following states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah.
One lucky adopted pup will be featured in an upcoming issue of FIDO Friendly® magazine!
About the Tour
Check for updates and track our mobile rescue and adoption unit at these web sites:
The Dogfather's Grooming Tip with Joey Villani
Save Money Between Grooming
In this economy, most people are trying to stretch their dollars. As a result, they are trying to stretch their dog's grooming from their usual 4 to 6 weeks to now between 8 and 10 weeks.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing, if you are brushing your dog properly at home between grooming! But, most owners let their dog's coat completely go between grooming. This means that by the time they get to a groomer, their coats are a knotted mess!
After waiting so long, these people don't understand why all of a sudden their dog needs to be clipped down short. This is because the groomer can't get the knots out, and if they can, it is going to put the dog in a very uncomfortable situation. If it is too knotted, the groomer won't try to brush it out because the dog will suffer.
So if you want to stretch your grooming dollars, continue to go to your professional groomer on a 4 to 6 weeks basis. However, get your dog's hair cut every-other-grooming, but do everything else each time. You can have them bathed, their nails done and their ears done every time, but only have the hair cut every-other-time.
Discuss with your groomer what type of tools you need to brush and comb your dog at home. The type of your dog's coat will determine what type of comb you need. You can also ask them to show you how to do it, because there is actually a method to brushing your dog.
You may not know this, but most groomers also offer a brushing service. If you feel your dog is getting a little knotted between grooming and you can't brush it out, go to your groomer and ask them to just brush your dog and get the knots and tangles out. Don't have them bathe them or cut their hair, and you can save almost 75% of your grooming cost.
Check with your groomer about any special plans or discounts they may have.
DOGFATHER'S GROOMING TIP Brought To You By Use the code "SAVE25" to receive 25
Animal Radio® News with Stacey Cohen
Is Your Dog The Next Rembrandt Or Should I Say Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrembrant?
Many doggie daycare centers around the country offer painting classes for pooches. Now Art-Casso painting kits let both Fluffy and Fido create a design for their own home dinner mat. The non-mess system produces canine and feline masterpieces in minutes. Once you pooch has painted his work of art, you can hang it inside The Lodge, a dog's ultimate home away from home that you can set up in the backyard. It has a balcony that can be customized with a pet drinking fountain, and a spacious interior that can be fitted with a flat-screen TV so that your pet can watch his favorite Animal Planet shows in the comfort of his own, er, dog cave.
Bull Semen Causes A Hazmat Situation
A hazmat situation on a Nashville highway is blamed on toppled canisters of bull semen. The canisters fell off a Greyhound bus onto Interstate 65. Traffic was diverted around the area while workers tried to determine exactly what was in the foul smelling tanks. After a call to Greyhound, they realized they were dealing with dozens of vials of spilled bull semen, which was on its way to a Texas breeding facility. Once the storage tanks were deemed safe, they were moved off to the side of the road so crews could clean up.
Dog Dines On Meal of $10,000 Worth Of Diamonds
A Georgia dog apparently has a taste for the finer things in life. literally. The pooch dined on a meal of $10,000 worth of diamonds. Honey Bun often walks the counters at John Ross jewelers. He's not much of a guard dog, but he is great on customer relations. "He's been loved," said co-owner Chuck Roberts. Customers sometimes hide treats in their purse for Honey Bun, but the Roberts' recently learned this pampered pooch has more expensive taste. "A customer came in and I jumped up out of my chair and came out here to wait on him. And I left the chair where you could jump up on my chair and jump up on my desk," said Roberts. On the desk: four packs of loose diamonds, pens and dog treats. When he returned, only three packs remained and an empty pouch was lying on the floor. "I looked all over and there weren't any diamonds, so immediately, I knew he'd eaten them," said Roberts. Since Honey Bun wasn't talking, there was only one way to find out. Carbon doesn't show up on an x-ray, but two blank spots confirmed Honey Bun was a likely suspect. It only took a day, and they found another surprise. "The next afternoon, sure enough, the earring back and two diamonds were recovered. No panic," said Steve. Honey Bun was guilty as charged, but this pooch was granted a reprieve. "I haven't scolded him to this day and won't," said Roberts. "It was my fault for leaving the chair there.
Should Plane Cabins Be Pet-Free?
Plane cabins should be as pet-free as they are peanut-free, says Canada's leading doctor's group. The Canadian Medical Association voted in favor of supporting a ban on all pets, except for certified service animals such as guide dogs, traveling inside aircraft cabins on all Canadian passenger planes. B.C. physician Mark Schonfeld says current federal regulations allowing major national airlines to accept pets in cabins are posing serious threats to people allergic to animals. Cats and small dogs are the animals most likely to be found onboard, though some airlines allow birds and rabbits as well. "While airlines argue that this is a great convenience for pet owners, the practice actually exposes our patients, and their passengers, to significant allergens that can make the journey very difficult — and occasionally quite seriously ill as a result," Schonfeld said Tuesday at the doctors' group's annual assembly in St. John's. "People have to travel with EpiPens, adrenalin, bronchodilators and antibiotics. Some people end up having their entire holidays ruined." Schonfeld said allergies to pet allergens are now classified by the World Health Organization as a disability.
Poo Is In The Air
There’s a new reason to crack down harder on dog owners who don’t clean up after Fido. Samples in two cities found that in winter the most common bacteria in the air is from feces — probably that of dogs. Researchers want to extend their air sampling to cities across the country to see how widespread the bacteria might be. Air samples taken in winter from four cities in the Midwest — Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit and Mayville, Wisconsin. Chicago and Mayville did not show elevated levels, but Cleveland and Detroit did. The airborne bacterial communities of Detroit and Cleveland most closely resembled those communities found in dog poop. As best as they can tell, dog feces are the only explanation for these results. Humans are exposed to bacteria in the air is not new. We breathe in bacteria every minute we are outside, and some of these bugs may have potential health implications. We need much better information on what sources of bacteria we are breathing in every time we go outside.
Emergency Supply Kit For Pets
If you're in the path of a hurricane or an earthquake, make sure you think of your pets. Owners should have an emergency supply kit for their pets. This kit should include: at least three days of pet food and water in airtight, waterproof containers; bowls for food and water; current photos and physical descriptions of pets, in case they should become lost; medications; vaccination records; pet first-aid supplies; comfort items such as a toy or blanket; and small garbage bags for waste.
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