Animal Radio® Show #563 September 18, 2010
Quality Natural & Organic Pet Foods That Are Simply Better!
Deborah Reddeck, By Nature™
By Nature™ Natural & Organic Pet Foods for cats help keep them feeling young with a powerful mix of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to promote a strong immune system. Formulated to help support a pet's natural defense against the effects of aging, illness, physical & environmental stress. And as the name indicates, it is an all-natural product.
Cats are considered obligate carnivores (which means that they depend solely on the nutrients found in animal flesh for their survival), so they must have meat in their diet to do well. With By Nature™ cat foods, you won't find any fillers like corn, wheat and soy, which are not very digestible for a cat. Cats are not small dogs and shouldn't be fed like one. Their digestive systems are very different and they have very specific nutritional needs.
By Nature™ cat foods come in multiple formulas such as Chicken & Potato; Seven Seafood Platter; and Weight Control, which is made of Chicken, Salmon & Duck. Some other weight controlled cat foods you will find on the market have their protein levels lowered, which you really don't want to do. The By Nature™ Weight Control Formula lowers the calories by lowering the fat levels while still maintaining the high quality protein.There are two simple things you should give your pets: the gift of pure love and the best food for their health. With By Nature™, you can give them both!
A Very, Very Bad Beagle
Paula Munier – Fixing Freddie
Freddie, the Beagle, was the puppy from hell! Freddie was acquired when Paula Munier made a promise to her son she never thought she would have to fulfill. When she had to 'pay-up' by getting a dog for him, she never expected a very, very bad beagle would soon rule her life. If you thought Marley was bad, you should see 'Freddie!'
Paula took her son to a home with puppies where he picked out Freddie. Paula should have been tipped off when Freddie was already six months old and half price!
Freddie's rap sheet included pooping in Paula's shoes; peeing on her dates; lunging at the UPS man; and eating all of the knobs off of Paula's new cherry cabinets.
Paula seemed to have two adolescents on her hand at one time, both Freddie and her son! Paula thinks of adolescents as a "Five Year Virus."
Freddie was taken to an animal behaviorist (a puppy shrink) who diagnosed him with separation anxiety and fear based aggression. This often happens in homes with single moms because the dog tries to become the alpha. Paula had to turn herself into the alpha, to tame both her son and Freddie.
Freddie was kicked out of puppy classes and eventually trained by a private instructor. While Paula wouldn't go so far as to say that Freddie is now a well-behaved dog, he is now a far better dog.
Paula's son is now off to college and she is "stuck" with Freddie. Good thing they are now pals!
Dodge Journey Pet Destinations
What Is Your Favorite Place To Take Your Pet?
People who have pets love to travel with them. At Dodge, they have made it easier with their pet friendly vehicle, the Dodge Journey, which contains concealed storage bins, Chill Zone glove box cooler and second-row dual in-floor storage bins with removable and washable liners (very handy for muddy paws!) Call us with your favorite place to take your furry-friend: 1-866-405-8405
This week's Dodge Journey Pet Destination:
Carol from Pennsylvania loves to take her dog to the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, which is a family and luxury vacation destination on 2,000 wooded acres in the Laurel Highlands of Southwestern Pennsylvania. You will also find the Nemacolin Wooflands, Pet Resort and Spa. You will find everything from climate-controlled rooms with elevated beds to a grooming salon, daycare and obedience training classes. The only problem you will have is that your dog will not want to check out!
Past Dodge Journey Pet Destinations:
John of Clinton, Iowa loves taking his dogs to Eagle Point Park, which has a big dog park and is situated in the northern section of Clinton. There, you will find a place to walk your dog on the levee along the river. Eagle Point Park overlooks the Mississippi River and General Zebulon Pike Lock and Dam (No. 11). It is a 164 acre park. Visitors are provided with spectacular views of the river and parts of Illinois, and Iowa. In the fall, you might even get lucky and glimpse hundreds of eagles fishing in the river.
Susan Sims, Publisher of Fido Friendly Magazine, travels constantly around the country exploring Fido friendly places. So, we asked her what her favorite place was for her and her husband Gregg to take their dog, Junior. Susan loves Seattle, Washington, and tells us some great places. Susan picks Kimpton's Hotel Vintage Park in Downtown Seattle as her favorite hotel. During her stay, she enjoyed a view of the Space Needle from her room. Next, she picks Tulio Restaurant in the hotel. While your dogs can't dine in the restaurant, she was able to order some fabulous food from room service. And lastly, while she was in Seattle, she took her dog to Marymoor Dog Park in Redmond, which has 40 acres of off leash fun for your dog!
Mark, from Southeastern Wisconsin, recommends the Burlington Dog Park in Burlington, Wisconsin. He tells us it is a great place to take your dogs in the summer. They have some great open fields to let your dogs run free. It is also next to the Fox River, so if you have a dog that likes to flop around in swampy mud, it is a great place!
Vladae, Animal Radio's own Russian Dog Wizard, is one busy guy. He sees one client after another and is always hard at work turning unruly dogs around for their guardians. But after a hard day of training dogs, he and his wife like to take their dog Mika (who is of course very well behaved), to the Huntington Beach Dog Park in Huntington Beach, California. There, Mika can run free with the other dogs and just be herself!
Steve from Tennessee recommends the town of Townsend, Tennessee, one of three gateways to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which has dubbed itself "The Peaceful Side of the Smokies." You can find many roadside parks along the Little River to take your pets. Steve states that his dogs first learned how to swim in the Little River.
Richard of Bend, Oregon likes to take his Labrador Retriever to Tumalo State Park in the heart of sunny central Oregon. Tumalo State Park rests along Oregon's spectacular Deschutes River, which is a great place for your water-loving dog to romp.
Glenn of San Diego recommends Ocean Beach Dog Beach in San Diego, California. Ocean Beach Dog Beach is open to canines any time. This small beach has plenty of sand for the dogs to run on, and waves for them to run through. On weekends there can be up to 100 dogs there.
Bo from Los Angeles, California tells us her 2 black labs like to go hiking and to the beach. But one of her favorite places to take them is Runyon Canyon Park in Los Angeles, California. It is a 130-acre park in the Santa Monica Mountains, two blocks from Hollywood Boulevard. She states that this is a great place where your dogs can frolic with other dogs and have a good time! And who knows, you might even catch a glimpse of a celebrity and their pet while you're there!
Danielle from Shell Beach, California tells us her favorite place to take her dogs is Avila Beach, California. She states it is a very secluded beach with a nice protected area to let your dogs run free. Everyone brings their dogs to this beach and it is a very pet-friendly place.
The Dogfather's Grooming Tip with Joey Villani
Not The Most Comfortable Subject To Talk About
It may not be the most comfortable subject to talk about, but it's important that dog AND cat guardians know about these smelly organs
Even though Anal Glands are not necessarily part of Joey's regular grooming tips, it is something you need to look out for and make sure that your groomer is doing.
Joey states that he gets excited about anal glands. He explains this by recalling when he was teaching grooming and they had a line of tubs against the wall. When you became en expert at expressing these glands, you could actually shoot them at someone grooming at the next tub. This was especially fun to do to the new groomers!
What are anal glands? Dogs have two of these glands, one gland on each side of the anus, which contain a foul smelling liquid.
They are scent glands that dogs use to mark their scent. Before dogs were domesticated, it was believed that dogs once used these glands in the same fashion a skunk would, and spray someone or something as a defense mechanism.
With dogs being domesticated, and with the foods that we food them, a lot of dogs (especially small dogs) have a problem releasing their anal glands. Normally these are expressed automatically when a dog passes his stools. When they aren't released, they will fill up like a balloon and rupture, which can lead to an infection.
Have you ever soon your dog scooting his bottom along the rug? Nine times out of ten they are trying to relieve these glands themselves. This applies some pressure and sometimes this will release them, unfortunately all over your rug!
If you don't know what you are doing, please have a professional groomer or your veterinarian express your dog's anal glands on a regular basis.
DOGFATHER'S GROOMING TIP Brought To You By Use the code "radiospp" to receive 25% off!
Animal Radio® News with Laurie Roberts
September Is Disaster Preparedness Month
The American Veterinarian Association is reminding folks the importance of having a plan in case of a disaster and to be sure to include their pets and livestock. During those times when things can get hectic, it is made even more stressful because there isn't a plan in place to make sure animals are cared for. To get some help on this, check out their website at
Is That A Tiger In Your Suitcase Or Are You Just Glad To See Me?
A 31-year-old Thai woman was stopped at an airport in Bangkok where authorities found a 2-month old tiger cub in her luggage. She was having trouble struggling with a large bag she wanted to check for her flight to Iran - undoubtedly after being told no, that will not fit in the overhead bin, when they decided to x-ray her luggage and found several stuffed tiger toys as well as the drugged tiger cub. Officials are investigating if the cub was wild born or captive bred. Tigers are listed as endangered or worse by the International Conservation of Nature. Check out the video.
Extinct Flightless Bird
The extinct 10-foot-tall flightless bird, the Phorusrhacid, was known to be a vicious fighter, but recent ct scans of the South American bird have found that they actually used their heads like hatchets. Scientists say they would dance around like Muhammed Ali, using their speed and hatchet like skull repeatedly striking and killing their prey. In other words, they were the prehistoric version of today's CEOs!
Oyster Herpes On The Rise In Europe
(Jeez, now those poor oysters will never get a date. What is oyster speak for 'it's only a cold sore?'). The disease cannot be passed on to humans, but it does kill the oyster, which is affecting the fishing levels and global warming is suspected as the culprit.
Huggable Pet Urn
You know, when this person came up with this idea, people I am sure thought they had lost it. But.... you never know. Most of us know the pain when a pet passes away and many have the pets ashes saved in an urn. But, you can't hug an urn, hence huggable pet, yes, they are plush, soft, dog-shaped urns you can hug. No word on if they are coming up with a cat version. I sure hope so because one of our kitties is in a dresser drawer, and it would be nice to dress her up a bit!
One Of The Strangest Hybrids In The World
The Dahlonega, Georgia Wildlife Preserve is home to one of the strangest hybrids in the world – a Zedonk. The animal has stripes on his legs and is the offspring of a Zebra Dad and a Donkey Mom – isn't amazing what you can with internet dating? I am pretty sure they met on the exclusive website "I Swish My Tail at"
Confirming Or Disproving Those Pet Myths
* Chocolate is deadly to dogs - not true. Not great for them, but not deadly
* Swiffer and Febreeze - this rumor became so huge via email that the SPCA had their poison control center check it out - not true
* Poinsettias can be deadly - this is not true. But what is true is that mistletoe is poisonous to both dogs and cats
Also, apparently you should keep beehives out of reach. Questionable congratulations go to Ellie, a year old Labrador Retriever from Santee California who won the VPI Pet Insurance Hambone Award for Oddest Insurance Claim. The lab ate an entire beehive, something her owners noticed only after she began vomiting hundreds of bees. Exterminators had sprayed the hive and Ellie went after it when all the bees were dead. My first thought when I saw that was, boy, when she started to get sick I hope she was outside. Or at the very least, it didn't end up on the carpet. Anyway, Ellie was rushed to the vet and is doing just fine. She beat out 11 other stories, including a poodle that ate two baby bottles and a used diaper. One of the most disturbing things my black Lab Cinder ever ate was when she sucked the top off of a lasagna that was on the counter. It was disturbing because she took the best part!
Worst Flea Season In Years
Scientists - and probably your scratching pet - are confirming this is the worst flea season in years. They say keep in mind - using dog flea products on cats is extremely harmful. We use Advantage on our cats once every 30 days and Groucho, our Maine Cool, can tell when I am opening up the container and he hides. Also going late this summer is poison oak and poison ivy. The first time I had it I didn't know what it was, but boy, was it ever ugly. Turns out I get it from our outdoor cats. Well, someone recommended I try Benadryl to get through my poison oak attack, but all that did was make me do a semi comatose face plant into my salad at a fairly fancy lunch. If your pet is nice enough to bring you one of these joys, your doctor can help you. There are also products at pharmacies and natural health product stores.
Saving The Hellbender
Researchers are trying to freeze sperm to save the hellbender, North America's biggest salamander. The two-to-three foot long creatures' numbers have been declining for years and are on the protected lists in most states. They can live for decades and are also known as the devil dog or snot otter. The way to get sperm, and this apparently is universal amongst salamanders and two and four legged creatures, is to rub it between its front legs and tail. However, and this is also universal, if you want to get anywhere, with anyone, do not call them 'snot otter'. However fun it is to say, it will never, ever get you anywhere romantically.
NEWS UPDATE Brought To You By World's Best Cat Litter™
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