Animal Radio® Show #618 October 8, 2011
Hot Men Cats & A Cause
Aimee Gilbreath, Found Animals
Cats are the real underdogs in the shelter world and make up about 75% of the animals euthanized. Found Animals wanted to find a creative and fun way to talk about cat adoptions and show cats are great pets for any life stage and any lifestyle. What better way to break the myth of the crazy cat lady with some hot men!
Found Animals launched an unconventional calendar to Promote Cat Adoption! Not one, but 15 cool cats grace the pages of Found Animals Foundation’s 12-month calendar featuring a bevy of cat-loving men posing for a cause! Striking a mix of risqué and tongue-in-cheek poses alongside the most camera-ready of nimble felines, the quirky 2012 calendar, aptly dubbed “6 Packs/9 Lives is the brainchild of Found Animals Foundation-- the Los Angeles-based nonprofit dedicated to decreasing animal shelter euthanasia.
Aimee Gilbreath was involved with the casting call (lucky girl!). All of the men in the calendar are actual cat owners. Some of the men submitted videos of themselves with their cats and some even wrote songs for their cats as part of the casting process. Mr. March is actually a vet-tech, Mr. January is a personal trainer, and Mr. May is working on his massage certification. They are all just fantastic guys who love cats!
For every calendar that is sold, a dollar goes to their cat program. Found Animals is also distributing the calendars to other non-profits that they can sell as a fundraiser and keep all of the proceeds.
Found Animals Foundation is for shelter cats in general and is a privately funded Los Angeles based non-profit organization dedicated to animal welfare issues and led by business and medical professionals. The Found Animals team works directly within the animal welfare community to improve animal shelter processes, fund pet sterilization research, promote effective animal welfare policy, and provide funding to area shelters and spay/neutering clinics. The organization also sponsors and promotes pet adoption, pet spay and neutering, microchipping programs, and various animal and pet-related events.
Have You Ever Wondered What Your Pet Would Say If They Could Talk?
Gregory Baker, Pet-A-Greeting
The idea for Pet-A-Greeting came about when a friend of Gregory Baker and his co-founder Steve Miller created a video with Steve's 3 pups and had them talking. The light bulb went off, and they tried to figure out how they could do this themselves.
Pet-a-Greeting is the first-ever site that allows members to upload a photo of their dog, cat or other pet, or use the library of pet photos, and create a customized talking message to share. The site allows members to create personalized greetings that feature their talking pet and then distribute them via email, Facebook and Twitter.
There is a 10-day free trial and then $9.95 for the first year or $14.95 for two years, During that time, you can create as many greeting as you would like. They have some pre-recorded greetings you can use or you can create your own personalized greeting.
Think of the fun you can have with your pet with the upcoming holidays!
The Dogfather's Grooming Tip with Joey Villani
Bathing A Cat & Living To Tell About It
It's no secret that Joey usually creates his tip from actual experiences during his week, and this week was no exception.
A man came into his salon and told Joey he has a cat that has fleas. He explained that it was too expensive for him to take the cat to a groomer and he was having a hard time bathing him at home.
Most cats are afraid when you put them in the sink or turn and then turn on the water. It is usually the actual sound of the water running that scares them and not the water itself.
So, if you have a cat that is not overly aggressive, this method should work. Get two small garbage sized trash cans (about 7 gallons each) and fill them with lukewarm water. In one, add 1/4 cup of white vinegar. In the other, add 1/4 of flea shampoo made for cats only. You also need to have a flea comb on hand. When you are ready, scruff the cat by the back of his neck with one hand and grab his feet with the other. Then gently lower the cat into the can with the flea shampoo. Make sure the water level comes up to his head, but not over it.
Your first thought probably is that this is crazy! However, most cats usually enjoy it. Keep them in the shampoo for about 5 minutes and work it through their body. Use the flea comb to come through their head to remove any fleas there. After 5 minutes, take them out and gently lower them in the other can with the white vinegar, which will rinse off all of the shampoo. After a few minutes, remove the cat and dry them off and keep them in a warm place until they are completely dried.
But if your cat will scratch and bite, you might just want to fork over the money and take them to a professional groomer and save the money you would be spending on doctor bills on yourself!
DOGFATHER'S GROOMING TIP Brought To You By Use the code "SAVE25" to receive 25
Animal Radio® News with Stacey Cohen
Walmart Isn't The Only One with A Greeter!
The Walmart Greeter used to be the friendly face when you walked in to the store, but the Fairmont hotel has a new twist to the whole greeting thing. Fairmont Hotels & Resorts has unleashed a movement to appeal to animal lovers by stationing lobby dogs in many of their more than 60 upscale properties around the world. The newest is Edie in Pittsburgh. Her main job is to just sit around and be cute, says Julie Abramovic, spokeswoman for the 18-month-old Pittsburgh hotel. She has such a soothing effect on our guests. "We're a pet-friendly hotel and people are delighted to walk through the doors and see a dog just roaming around the lobby." The 50-pound boxer/Labrador retriever mix wears an employee name tag and keeps an appointment book for guests who wish to sign up to take her on 20- to 30-minute jaunts around Pittsburgh's Golden Triangle. Besides ample affections, her reward is dog-healthy treats crafted by executive pastry chef Naomi Gallego, who also prepares human delicacies for the hotels Habitat restaurant. Abramovic brings Edie home with her every night but adds, If I ever go away, I have a whole building of employees who want to take her home with them.
800 Pound Grizzly Missing
A bar in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, is without its stuffed grizzly guard as police continue to look for the alleged bear-nappers. According to the Pittsburg Post-Gazette, employees at the Eagle's Nest caught a group of five men who had been drinking at the bar ttrying to make off with the bear. The 800lb. animal is reportedly worth about $10,000. The suspected thieves managed to get the bear down from the second floor balcony, but were eventually scared off. However, the employees weren't able to get the taxidermied creature back up the stairs and decided to leave it outside overnight. To their dismay, they returned later than morning to find the bear missing. Police are currently tring to track down the suspects using one fo the alleged thief's credit card information and a neighbor's surveillance footage.
World's Costliest PerfumeLesPoochs.618.jpg
At $750 to $1,000 an ounce (more than twice the price of Chanel No. 5) Les Poochs V.I.P. Parfum is one of the worlkd's costliest perfumes. The kciker: It's for dogs! The unisex scent, which comes in a heavy crystal bottle, carries a citrusy top note and fades to the warm aroma of the rare os-man-thus flower. People will probably like the scent, but dogs won't. A dog's favorite smell, according to researchers, is "dead animal."
Are You Depressed? Get A Bird!
We all know that pets make us feel good, but you don't have to stick to just cats or dogs. A British psychiatrist recommends pet parrots as ideal pets for some patients with symptoms of depression. They are recommended for the house bound, the lonely and patients with depression, especially middle-aged women suffering from the "empty nest syndrome." The birds can be loyal, loving and provide good companionship.
Invasion Of The Giant Snail
Florida is used to strange creatures, but the discovery of a non-native animal, a giant snail from East Africa, has got local officials really worried. A search-and-destroy advisory that went out included this bit of history: The last time the giant snails were found in Florida (back in 1966) they had multiplied from three to 18,000 in seven years and cost $1 million to eradicate. After a single mating session, each snail can produce 100 to 400 eggs. In a typical year, every mated adult lays about 1,200 eggs. The 1966 incident was tied to a boy who brought three into Miami as pets. His grandmother later released them into her garden, starting a plague that took 10 years to eradicate .In the new outbreak, officials are looking into a possible connection to a criminal investigation. A man is accused of smuggling in the snails for a religious practice in which followers would drink the snails' juices for a healing ritual. Several people became violently ill. The man allegedly was helped by a woman said to have hid the snails under her dresses on flights to Miami. It is illegal to import the snails into the United States. Smugglers can face up to a $1,000 fine per charge. Why worry? Besides their intimidating size (up to 8 inches long and 4 inches in diameter) they consume at least 500 different types of plants, can cause structural damage to plaster and stucco and can carry a parasitic nematode that can lead to meningitis in humans, the Florida Department of Agriculture said in a statement.
8 Things Your Pet Should Not Eat
ChocolateWhy: Stimulates the nervous system and the heart.
Poisonous to: All species, but dogs are most likely to eat dangerous quantities.
Possible effects of poisoning: Vomiting, increased thirst, restlessness, agitation,
Grapes, Raisins
Why: Damage the kidneys.
Poisonous to: Dogs, cats.
Possible effects of poisoning: Increased thirst, increased urination, lethargy, vomiting.
Garlic, OnionsWhy: Damage red blood cells, causing anemia.
Xylitol(Found in sugarless gum)
Why: Causes increased insulin secretion, resulting in lower blood sugar levels.
Poisonous to: Dogs.
Possible effects of poisoning: Vomiting, lethargy, lack of coordination, seizures, jaundice, diarrhea.
Poisonous to: Cats, dogs.
Possible effects of poisoning: Vomiting, red-colored urine, weakness, anemia.
Alcoholic Drinks
Why: Depress the nervous system.
Poisonous to: All species.
Possible effects of poisoning: Vomiting, disorientation, diarrhea, lethargy, lack of coordination, difficulty breathing, tremors, coma, seizures.
Raw Yeast, Bread DoughWhy: Forms gas in the digestive track; fermentation of yeast causes alcohol poisoning.
Poisonous to: All species, but only dogs typically ingest it.
Possible effects of poisoning: Distention of abdomen, vomiting, disorientation, diarrhea, lethargy, lack of coordination, difficulty breathing, tremors, coma, seizures.
Macadamia Nuts
Why: Cause muscle and nervous-system problems.
Poisonous to: Dogs.
Possible effects of poisoning: Vomiting, lethargy, weakness, increased body temperature, tremors.
AvocadosWhy: Contain persin, which damages the heart muscle.
Poisonous to: Most species - birds are especially sensitive.
Possible effects of poisoning: Vomiting, diarrhea (in dogs), lethargy, difficulty breathing (in birds and rodents).
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