Animal Radio® Show #415 November 10, 2007
Maggie Leaves Alaska
Air Force Capt. Kelley Jeter
How do you move an elephant from
Alaska to California? You call in the Air Force! As no commercial
airlines could carry the 8,000-pound elephant, the Air Force was
called in who then used a C-17 military plane, which is normally
used to transport tanks, to move Maggie out.
This is not the first time the military has helped moved a large animal. Back in 1998, the Air Force moved Keiko, a killer whale, to Iceland from Oregon, also on a C-17.
Maggie, Alaska's lone elephant, was moved to the Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) in California after many years of controversy. Many people felt Alaska was not the proper environment for an elephant, and when Maggie fell down twice this year and needed help to get up, it was realized that perhaps they were right.
A large group of people came out to say their final goodbyes to Maggie, and as she boarded the plane, she trumpeted twice as if to say goodbye.
Maggie Arrives in California
Pat Derby, Performing Animal
Welfare Society (PAWS)
After a 4 and 1/2 hour flight,
Maggie arrives safely in California.
We talk with Pat Derby of the Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) in California where Maggie is no residing. Pat is sitting with Maggie as we speak. She states that Maggie is standing against the fence with the other four elephants, and is doing great.
PAWS currently has 12 elephants, 7 Asian and 5 African. When Maggie first arrived, she walked out of her crate as if she knew she was coming there and was just expecting it. On her first day, all of the elephants rumbled and trumpeted and it was very encouraging. Maggie turned around and charged at them like "don't give me any nonsense, I survived the winters in Alaska, you're not going to pick on me!"
Maggie is doing well physically. The only thing she has a problem with is muscle tone. She currently holds her head a little low, but she will build her muscle tone very quickly waling up and down the hills, which she seems to be taking advantage of.
Maggie is currently being socialized and someone is always sitting there with her. The other elephants are also nearby, just on the other side of the fence, and they are all eating together. There is a lot of touching is going on with trunks exploring each other.
It costs around $200,000 to move Maggie. Bob Barker helped with the costs of moving and caring for Maggie. He also previously helped with other elephants, Nicholas Gypsy and Ruby. Donations are always welcomed.
Click here to
see more Maggie Coverage and to view her on the PAWS Elephant
A CAT-alog
Arden Moore, Planet Cat
The one and only book you will
ever need on cats! Planet Cat is the purfect book and will make
an excellent gift for the cat lover.
The book contains more than 400 lists on all things cats. It's all here, from the origins of the species to care and training to breeds and behavior to famous cats in history, art, and literature. The book even includes a list of celebrity cat people.
You will find everything from how to say cat in 46 languages; Hemingway's cats; Cats who changed history; Why cats paint (and do all cats paint?) Tricks you can teach your cat; Great gifts for the pampered cat; Cat food recipes; An IQ test for your cat (find out just how smart your cat is!); Human habits that drive cats crazy (for example turn down that music!) and more!
This book is full of so many fascinating
facts; even the self-professed dog lover will find it interesting.
This is definitely a book you will want to leave out on your coffee
Lilly, the Ferret, Kicked Out of Dorm
Britt Savage
Over allegations of a violation
of her civil rights, a student at Our Lady of the Lake University
in San Antonio, Texas, has filed a complaint.
But what makes this so different from other complaints, is that the student, Sarah Sevick aged 19, states that the school won't let her keep her therapy ferret, Lilly, in her dormitory.
While Lilly is not a trained therapy animal, Lilly helps calm Sarah during panic attacks. Sarah states she has a post-traumatic stress disorder from both a physical disorder and depression. Sarah states Lilly is not only a pet, but helps her during her time of need such as a blind person needs a seeing-eye dog. Sarah states that her disability is a blind disability, and "just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not real."
The Justice Department is reviewing the complaint, but it could take three months for any action to be taken. The university is not commenting at this time.
NEWS UPDATE: Real Estate Foreclosure
Crisis Claim Pets
has heard about the increasing foreclosures that are taking place
across our nation, but have you heard how it is affecting out
Animal Shelters are reporting an increasing number of animals that are being surrendered by families who state that since they lost their home, they have nowhere for their pets to go. California is being hit especially hard, and at the Escondido Humane Society; they are receiving 20 to 30 calls more per day due to people facing foreclosure. There have even been cases where people leave their pets behind.
But don't give up if you are facing foreclosure. There are plenty of programs out there with plenty of options to help you, your family and your pets avoid foreclosure. By fighting foreclosure, you can ensure that your family can keep your pets.
And now with the help of the Internet, you can find pet friendly rentals, even though you may have to pay extra for the security deposit or an extra monthly fee.
UPDATE Brought To You By Simple Solution Natural Line Of Products
Comedian Kip Addotta
discuss his cat "Harley," whom he says owns him, and
is the longest relationship he has ever maintained with a female!
Listen in as Kip talks about some great flea remedies he discovered, using only soap, water and a light bulb!
Kip Addotta has made over 32 guest appearances
on "The Tonight Show," and is still entertaining crowds
on the radio and at clubs.
The Ultimate Pet
Tim Clarkson, Perfect Petzzz
Are you looking for that perfect
pet that needs very little training in order to remain "perfect?"
Or a pet that never needs walking or a litterbox? Congratulations,
you have found the perfect pet!
Perfect Petzzz are lifelike puppies and kittens that offer a real pet ownership experience without the hassles and expense. There are over 25 different breeds of puppies and six different types of cats for you to fall in love with. And, they all actually "breathe!" They also come with their own bedding and brush, so you have everything you need to adopt them.
Say goodbye to feedings and vet bills.
Say hello to lots of love and cuddles. Perfect Petzzz the
ultimate pet!
Do Animals Have Souls?
Gary Kowalski, The Souls of
In this revised edition of this
celebrated book, Unitarian Universalist minister Gary Kowalski
grapples with the big spiritual questions around our relationship
with animals: Do animals have souls? Are they aware of death and
are they conscious of themselves? Do animals experience love?
Do they know right from wrong? And ultimately what do we lose
in a world without animals and what does that mean for our ongoing
relationship with the creatures with which we share the world?
Offering beautifully written vignettes
that shed light on these questions and much more, Kowalski explores
how animals play, their sense of altruism, and their capacity
for love.
Make Sure Holiday Feast Remains Festive
Dr. Jim Humphries, Veterinary
News Network
With family gathering around the
dinner table, the last thing that you want to do on Thanksgiving
is rush your dog or cat to the emergency room. A few simple precautions
will help make sure your holiday feast remains festive.
It's only natural for us to want to share our delicious dinner with our pets. After all, we do consider them to be part of the family, and many pet owners feel their dogs and cats should share in the holiday food. Well, in fact, more than 60% of us will feed our pets from the Thanksgiving Day table. But, all good intentions aside, there are many holiday treats that can cause serious medical problems for our pets.
Our signature dish, that Thanksgiving Day Turkey, might seem harmless enough, but the wrong parts of the bird can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even intestinal blockages. Now while a little small piece of white lean mean might be a nice treat for your dog or cat, avoid giving your pet any of the skin, fatty pieces and especially those bones. The skin and fat of a turkey can cause digestive upset, or worse, a condition known as pancreatitis, and that can be severe in small breeds of dogs. This is inflammation of the pancreas, and it's very painful for the pets, and it's very common during holiday seasons. I've even seen this condition be rapidly fatal. Poultry bones of any type should be avoided, as they tend to break and splinter. Easily, these fragments of bone can then lodge in your pet's digestive tract, causing an obstruction or potentially perforate through the tract setting up a life threatening infection and emergency.
Likewise, discarding items that were used to cook the turkey should be done with care. Basting bags, skewers and strings with the smell of the bird on them might be eaten by a hungry pet and cause problems. Be sure to dispose of these in a pet-proof container, preferably behind a locked door.
There are other items on the table that can cause problems too. Any high fat or extremely spicy food has the potential to upset our pet's normal digestive process. Foods prepared with onions or onion powder can cause destruction of your pet's red blood cells if consumed. Grapes and raisins are known to cause kidney failure and even those delectable baked goods can be dangerous. Some of these desserts contain the artificial sweetener xylitol that has been implicated in liver failure and a sudden decrease in blood sugar in dogs.
And under no circumstances should you ever give your pet alcohol!
Remind all your Thanksgiving guests that your pet has her or his own food and there is no need to give them treats from the table. If your dog or cat continues to beg during dinnertime, it might be wise just to put them in another area until dinner is over.
Talk with your family veterinarian about
emergency services during the holidays, and keep that number posted
and easy to find. Following these guidelines will keep your whole
family home for the holidays.
Dogs, Cats Not Immune to Breast Cancer
Dr. Gerald Post, Veterinary
Oncology and Hematology Center
are hearing more and more about our pets getting some of the same
diseases that humans get. Now, we find out that they can get breast
cancer as well, known as mammary cancer. Cancer is now the No.
1 natural cause of death in older pets.
Dr. Post states that mammary cancer is very common in unspayed female dogs and cats. He states it is very important to spay your pets before they have their first heat, which will greatly reduce the risk of mammary cancer.
While about half of the mammary tumors found in dogs are usually non-cancerous, those found in cats have about a 90% chance of being cancerous.
Because our animals have shorter lives than we do, cancer can be found in them sooner. And because environmental problems are the same for animals and people, we can use them as models, sort of like the "canary in the coal mine," warning us of risk factors that we should look out for as well.
While a veterinarian should see your pet annually, you can also do a physical exam on your pet weekly or monthly. Have your pet lie on their side on the floor while you check for lumps, or have them sit in your lap while someone else checks them over.
Some signs of mammary cancer are abnormal swellings that persist or grow larger; sores that won't heal; weight loss or loss of appetite and bleeding or discharge from any body opening.
"Early detection and diagnosis is
the key to great health," Ogilvie said, adding that if the
cancer is detected early, animals have a good rate of survival.
Then, they can continue to help amuse, annoy and comfort their
human companions for many more years to come.
Picks & Tips
Susan Sims, Fido Friendly Magazine|
Travel Tip:
Susan travel tip is about making
preparations for your road trip with your dog. It's a good idea
to make a list of everything you need and keep it along with all
of the Fido necessities in one spot. It's also a great idea to
have a little spare bag packed with everything you need from your
vet records, your extra leashes, you dog collars, your tags food,
water and a pet first aid kit. Towels are also a good idea. This
way, if an emergency comes up, or a last minute road trip, you
are good to go. Just grab that spare bag and out the door you
Travel Pick:
One of Susan's
favorites is the Hotel Columbia in Telluride. They have a restaurant
and bar that is part of the hotel, for when Fido is tired out,
you can let him stay in his crate in the room and you can go there
and watch the skiers out the window. They even have a host dog,
a yellow lab named Levi, who is always there to welcome you as
you check in. And don't forget to ride the free pet friendly designated
gondola. All you have to do is look for the gondola with the picture
of the cat and dog on it. But, I am not sure you will see any
cats up there!
Fido Friendly Magazine:
The Travel Magazine For You &
Your Dog, a complete guide to Fido-friendly accommodations across
the United States and Canada. "Fido Friendly is the only
magazine dedicated to the travel lifestyle of man's best friend,
and the one magazine your dog will thank you for." And don't
forget to join the Fido Friendly Travel Club.
Listen to the entire Podcast of this show (#415).
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