ANIMAL RADIO NETWORK® | March 3rd 2006 Newsletter
Programming with a Purpose
this issue:
COPE WITH A.D.H.D. Britt Savage gets the story...
VETERINARIAN Fixing what ails your Pet.
Arden Moore explains...
Dick Van Pattens Natural Balance Pet Food BOOK
REVIEW Barking Up The Family Tree
TALE ANIMAL HELPER - Once Upon Our Time with Dr. Rae
Ann Kumelos.
FOR YOUR PUP - Put on the Apron and cook for your Dog.
Any Provider
Listen to Animal Radio Network's full-time
animal channel while you read this newsletter. Not working?
This Week on Animal Radio®
of Bart Simpson, NANCY CARTWRIGHT talks about all
the animals at her ranch. BOB BARKER is back...this time
he wants you to know about the elephants at the LA Zoo. Eighties
TV Star DICK VAN PATTEN eats his own line of pet food.
M*A*S*H's Radar O'Reilly, GARY BURGHOFF on Animals
and Artistry.
This Month we'll be broadcasting LIVE from the pet industry trade show - The Global Pet Expo - from San Diego on March 25th. Only industry execs are invited to this event. We'll be center stage - best seats in the house. You're our VIP guest! You'll get a sneak peek at all the new pet products becoming availble in 2006. See and hear the cutting edge technology for your furry-friend.
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ASK "THE DOG BIBLE" Based on THE DOG BIBLE: Everything Your Dog Wants You To Know by Tracie Hotchner
Isolate or Socialize? Some experts say that to protect a young puppy's health he should be kept away from all other dogs and public places until his puppy shots are finished at 16 weeks. Other experts say that your puppy will be emotionally stunted unless he meets lots of dogs and experiences a vast assortment of social situations by the time he reaches 4 months of age. Both points of view can be defended. While there is well-documented proof that unsocialized dogs can suffer from a long list of problems (growing up to be nervous, timid, noisy, or aggressive, especially around new people or in new situations) it is also true that a young dog is physically vulnerable. The Timing of Socialization Makes all the Difference The paradox is that the most developmentally sensitive weeks in a puppy's life - when it is optimal to introduce him to places and things - are the very weeks when cautious caretakers recommend keeping your puppy virtually isolated because he is most susceptible to getting illnesses from other dogs. But research on canine development has shown that "appropriate positive socialization" (which in everyday language - means "lots of happy adventures") has to happen during the window of opportunity that opens at 3 weeks and is at its peak between 12 and 16 weeks. Early socialization of puppies getting them exposed to as many sights and sounds as possible is fundamental to the youngster becoming a well-balanced dog. Experts agree that a puppy who is kept isolated will miss that developmental period and may grow up fearful of strangers, other dogs and much of the world around him. There is also an entirely canine socialization that needs to take place at this tender age. There are many behavioral skills that dogs can only learn from other dogs - so puppies need to hang out with others of their own kind. Meeting members of his own species is vitally important before 16 weeks of age, because those weeks are followed by a normal and natural "fear period" in dog development, during which time they actually are not open to adaptation and learning. Some Puppies Have Higher Need for Socialization Stand-offish Breeds: there are aloof breeds of dogs who warm up quite a bit if they get a steady diet of socialization during those magic weeks. Puppy kindergarten helps smooth out the natural inclination of some kinds of dogs to be unsociable. Without that positive experience, those same dogs could wind up being less pleasant lifetime companions. Pet Store Pups: The other group of puppies that has a lot to gain from puppy classes is those purchased at pet stores which come from puppy mills (because ALL puppies in ANY pet store come from wholesale brokers and breeders). These mass marketers of dogs raise puppies as livestock so that they lack positive early contact with people. In the institutional mass breeding operations, a dog does not interact with people, who are limited to workers who feed and clean the cages of hundreds of dogs. The important step of exposing young puppies to the sights and sounds of normal household life does not take place in a puppy mill which means that young dog has started out with a social deficit that you need to overcome if your puppy came from a pet store. What's the Worst that can Happen Medically? Most of the infectious diseases that puppies are vaccinated against have fortunately become rare, even extinct (in good part because of aggressive vaccination habits in the past). Distemper has been almost entirely wiped out, parvo doesn't occur often (although it can be deadly to an entire litter), canine infectious hepatitis is practically unheard of and rabies is rare. Kennel cough (also called Bordatella) is the most dangerous illness that's out there for any dog, which means it can be even more serious for little puppies. It is a highly infectious air-borne disease that a dog can spread by coughing or even just breathing and which is contagious before he even has symptoms himself. It can occur and be spread in crowded canine environments like shelters, doggy daycare facilities and dog runs. What Should You Do? What is the truth? Which side of this issue is "right" or more right? How to resolve this dilemma for yourself? How precise are those critical weeks in a puppy's emotional development? How essential is it for her to get out-and-about - on the other hand, is the physical risk of mingling with other dogs that great? As with so many black/white controversies, both sides have a point but the gray area is where the answer lies. Talk to your vet about how to resolve the problem, always keeping in mind that there are doctors who may know less about the social development of dogs than they do about "disease process" - so their point of view may be skewed towards the physical considerations. This conservative approach that some vets take weighs in favor of safeguarding puppies from infectious disease while disregarding the importance of how a dog can suffer lifelong damage from early social isolation. For most people the answer will be moderation: don't live locked away but do be careful where you take the puppy. That doesn't just mean choose a puppy kindergarten carefully, it means you need to think twice about taking the puppy into any public place where other dogs will be or have been. Veterinarians' waiting rooms are notorious places for the disease to spread certainly NEVER let a small puppy down on the floor at the vet's and don't let him sniff or play with any other dog in there. Puppies are physically vulnerable and their immune systems are not fully up and running yet. It doesn't matter whether people tell you their dog has had vaccinations or is in good health that dog can be carrying an infectious disease that his strong constitution isn't bothered by but could knock a little puppy for a loop. Make Your Own Puppy Play Group If you can't find any puppy classes near where you live - or you don't want the responsibility of figuring out whether a puppy kindergarten is safe - you have the option of making your own puppy play group for dog-to-dog socialization. Just invite a few friends with healthy, friendly dogs, the younger the better , and let your pup take it all in.
Animal Radio® made possible by: That Fish Place -That Pet Place
Contest judges are Dr, Kevin Fitzgerald, Animal Planet's "Emergency Vet" and Jen Greenberg, Pet Photographer, who will choose the winners on Animal Radio on June 3rd! Deadline for entries is midnight
EST May 31, 2006 Animal Radio® made possible by: Flavocin
Hi-Tech Veterinary Care
When veterinarians began practicing just twenty years ago, the scalpel was their main tool in the operating room. Today, laser technology can make it possible to reduce surgical pain and bleeding and shorten surgery time. Endoscopy can retrieve objects from a pet's gastrointestinal tract and bypass surgery all together. Arthroscopes and laparoscopes make joint and abdominal surgeries almost seem like minor procedures. Advances in diagnostics such as ultrasound, echocardiography, and even MRI's are becoming more and more accessible in veterinary medicine and detect disease processes much earlier. This means that illnesses such as cancer that once carried a grim prognosis for pets are now considered treatable and often with a good outcome. Tendon and bone problems that once spelled the end of a career for equine and canine athletes can be diagnosed much sooner, often before the animal has any pain, so that treatment begins before devastating trauma occurs. Laser surgery uses a very intense beam of highly focused light that can cut through tissue. It is especially useful for very small, precise cuts for biopsies, eye surgery, and tumor removal. Because the lasers automatically seals blood vessels and nerve endings as it cuts, there is much less bleeding and pain. Many pet owners don't mind the additional cost of laser procedures and ask that laser be used on their pets for more routine surgeries such as spays and neuters. Ultrasound or "sonography" is another advancement that was once found only at university veterinary hospitals or referral practices. Now the technology is considered a mainstream tool in many veterinary practices. A device called a transducer sends high frequency sound waves into an animal's body and measures and interprets the patterns reflected. A still or video picture is created on a monitor. Ultrasound is painless and is very safe on such delicate tissues like the eye, spinal cord, and fetuses. A special type of ultrasound called echocardiography allows a veterinarian to precisely measure heart chambers and view heart valve function which means much better diagnosis for common pet heart problems and more precise treatment. Radio waves are even helping veterinary dermatologists identify and treat skin conditions in pets. Mainstream surgical techniques with a scalpel can alter or damage delicate skin tissue, making diagnosis difficult. Board-certified veterinary dermatologist, Dr. Lowell Ackerman, a Boston-based practitioner is thrilled with the advantages of radio waves. "With radio waves, I can cut out any mass or lesion in a cookie-cutter like pattern and not destroy any tissue that I send to a pathologist to be read and identified." Even such advanced technologies like MRI's are beginning to be more common buzzwords and procedures in veterinary practice. MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, uses magnetic and radio wave technology to produce images of body structures and internal organs from many different angles. The technology goes to the atomic level, which produces much more detailed images than regular x-rays or even ultrasound. But progress carries a price tag, and with health care costs rising in both human and veterinary medicine, some practitioners and owners wonder if they can afford these miracles of modern medicine and surgery. Will hi-tech replace good old-fashioned hands-on "hi-touch?" For example, laser surgery can add another $50-$200 to a surgical procedure. The cost of an MRI was once $1000-$1200, and even though it is now about half that cost, it is still considered too pricey for some owners. Dr. Toby Rouquette, an emergency veterinarian practicing in Ft. Worth, Texas, is highly appreciative of new technologies which often makes his job much easier and provides much better patient care than ever before. "Technologies such as endoscopy, ultrasound, and sophisticated patient monitoring systems in both surgery and in our medical wards increases patient care and chances of survival in many cases. But not all clients can afford the additional expense of some procedures- we still need to be very good at traditional surgery, medicine, and diagnostics." Some veterinary practitioners are also concerned that new diagnostic and treatment procedures may mean less hands-on expertise and by-pass the importance of interacting with their clients and patients. They worry that taking a very accurate history from an owner or performing a thorough physical exam may be skills that won't be emphasized enough in veterinary schools and teaching hospitals. It is precisely these skills that most pet owners appreciate as the reason many feel that veterinary medicine is often more compassionate than human medical care. For more information about emerging technologies in veterinary health care, ask your veterinarian or visit Dr. Jim Humphries is a veterinarian in Colorado Springs, CO. and President of the Veterinary News Network; an Animal Radio content partner. You can hear the great Doctor every week on Animal Radio®. We welcome Dr. Jim to the Animal Radio News Department. Hear up to date animal news with Dr. Humphries every day at 10:30 am PST and again at 7:30 pm EST on Animal Radio Network's full-time animal channel. Hear the Veterinary Minute on Animal Radio®.
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ONCE UPON OUR TIME: The Fairy Tale Animal Helper Before time. Beyond time. Once upon a time. When we read these words, we know we are in the realm of enchantment. Narratives that begin this way are fairy tales. Fairy tales are timeless and placeless; they evoke a realm where anything is imaginable and probable. There is a pause in eternity, a spaciousness of time to a fairy tale that allows for suspension of disbelief about what is or is not possible. In the world of fairy tale, animals talk with people to inspire, guide, assist, and protect. Might this have actually happened? And, if so, is this still possible today? One way to interpret the fairy tale animal is as an image that conveys archetypal patterns-universal images and blueprints--that serve as reflections of our own inner nature. Marie Louise von Franz, the famous student of psychologist Carl Jung, discovered a remarkable fact about the role of the animal in fairy tales. In the many hundreds of stories she studied over the years, always on the lookout for some basic overall guidelines that could be applied to human behavior, she found only one rule for which there is no exception or contradiction: "if you do not listen to the helpful animal or bird, whatever it is, if any animal gives you advice and you don't follow it, then you are finished." Finished! It did not matter what the animal told the hero to do: lie, don't lie, fight, don't fight. What mattered was following the animal's advice. Not to do so invited certain disaster. As psychologists, both von Franz and Jung interpreted this remarkable finding of the role of the animal in fairy tale as embodiment of our own animal instincts. We see examples of comparing instinctual animal behavior to our own in our everyday colloquialisms: "clever as a fox;" "the eyes of a hawk;" and "horse-sense." These instinctual and psychological perspectives hold value; they give us a language of analogy that is implicitly understood in our culture. Yet, they do seem to privilege human beings over our animal companions. What about the actual physical presence of a fox, hawk, or horse? Is their appearance or companionship in our lives reduced only to observing their instinctual characteristics for guidance in our actions? Does that mean that if I happen to see a fox in my backyard, I am to assume she is telling me to be clever and cunning in whatever I happen to be doing? Is this what the role of the animal helper in fairy tale meant? That is one possibility. Another idea comes from the world of the shaman. The mythologist Joseph Campbell called the shaman a "walker of worlds between ordinary and non-ordinary reality." Shamans see the universe and all of the creatures in it as part of an interconnected web of life, or whole, based upon their own experiences within that web of life. A shaman's spirit journey into another realm allows him or her to directly experience the web of life and a mystical unity with all of nature. It is while in this intentional trance state that the shaman meets up with his animal spirit guide, in fairy-tale language, an animal helper, who in turn guides him/her in some area that will elevate and inspire his soul, and through him, enriches his community. In the fairy-tale world, this guidance and inspiration eventually culminates in a 'happily-ever-after' ending. We see this shamanic 'walking between two worlds' motif in tales when the hero is out in a forest and suddenly finds himself in a timeless Otherworld, usually inhabited with talking animals that help him in his quest. (In Celtic tales, if these animals are white with red ears, then one knows they are in the land of faerie). In the Cinderella fairy tale, which is a story found in cultures all over the world, we see Cinderella traveling back and forth between the otherworldly realm of the magical ball and her mundane life in the cinder-ashes. In the Disney movie of this timeless tale, the version we in America are most familiar with, rats and lizards are transformed into horsemen and footmen who ferry Cinderella back and forth between the two worlds. In the Irish version, Cinderella is assisted by a tortoise-shell cat who gives her all she needs. The Egyptian Cinderella's wishes are granted from a tree that grows on the grave of her pet animal. In all these versions, she is helped by her animal friends. Might Cinderella be a shamaness, dancing between the realms in slippers of rainbowed glass, her various animal helpers partners on her enchanted dance card? We all know what it is like when we are engaged in an activity we love and lose all sense of time; it is magical. At that place and space, are we perhaps walking in the Otherworld of fairy tale? Might we be able, like Cinderella, to enjoy an enchanted Otherworldly state where we too can ask our animal friends for wisdom and guidance? Maybe so. I do like the idea because Cinderella's Otherworld brings us a little closer to appreciating the animals that live with us in this world. Here is one more lens through which to view the fairy tale animal helper: dreams. Scholars speculate that fairy tales may have come from nighttime dreams in which a person was helped by an animal; the next morning over the day's chores, trips to the local well, or in gatherings with the royal court, the dream was then recounted, perhaps as fact, and a fairy tale was born. Today, in modern-day dream work when the focus is on the animal dreams of the individual, it is not just for the instinctual 'horse-sense' reasoning the animal brings, but to hear the actual voice of the animal in the dream. Just what is it that polar bear, tiger, lizard, dolphin, or ladybug is trying to tell you? In a harried and hurried society where we often do not take the time to pay attention to the natural world, whether it is the presence of our own cats and dogs, or the appearance of the fox in the backyard, our dreams can act as a radio through which other voices are broadcast. It is one place where we let go of the craziness of a busy day long enough for us to hear the wisdom and guidance of the animals. And, the animals need us to hear them, for their message and wisdom lies mute until the dream is engaged. And from that engagement-something we can actually do through journals, meditation, active imagination, even discussion over our modern-day wells and royal courts, the office water cooler--will emerge stories and images of divine guidance and inspiration in a fairy tale narrative to carry us back and forth between the otherworld of dream and into our waking lives. Whether we choose to believe that the animal helpers of fairy tale are purely instinctual parts of the psyche, that they actually exist in the timeless realm of the Otherworld, or that they speak to us through our nighttime dreams, one fact remains consistent: their message is essential to our individual and collective well-being. Once upon our time, we can choose to follow in the dance steps of our fairy tale heroes and heroines. We too can choose to engage and embrace the four-footed, crawling, swimming, and winged helpers that consistently envelop and protect us in a timeless weave of inspired grace. And that is no fairy tale. Authored by Rae Ann Kumelos,
Ph.D. - This article first appeared in Best Friends Magazine
in 2004. ![]() So many ways to listen!
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ASK THE CAT COACH Marilyn Krieger
Dear Bandaged, Teaching Teeko to not bite will take a little work, consistency and patience. Everyone who interacts with Teeko will need to consistently follow the tips outlined below in order to successfully change her behavior. Do not use hands when playing with Teeko. We have a phrase: Hands are for loving, Toys are for playing. Only use your hands for petting and loving Teeko. She needs to learn that hands are not toys or prey. Have a variety of different kinds of toys available for her to play with. Try to have multiple play sessions during the day and evening with her. When holding or petting Teeko, watch her body language. Cats usually warn you in some way before biting. The warnings signs to watch for are: eyes dilating, tenseness, looking back at your hand, change of ear position to flat or turned, fixated staring at you, tail twitching. As soon as you see or feel any changes divert her attention by throwing a toy for her to chase. Throw the toy away from you horizontal to the floor. Don't throw a toy for her if she's already bitten you or is in the act of biting. You do not want to reward bad behavior. Divert her attention before she bites. When she's biting you, yell owwww loudly, imitating a cat in pain. She should stop biting and back off from you. Immediately after she's bitten you, disengage from her and give her a timeout. Do not interact with her. Leave the room for a few moments, or sit on your hands, or stand up and walk away from her. Do not punish her by hitting her, etc. Punishment will reinforce the behavior. After giving her a few minutes to calm down, come back in the room, speak calmly to her and interact a little with her. Don't attempt to pet her after she bites you. She needs a cool down, time out period. Teeko will let you know if she wants to be petted. Respect her desires, don't pet her if she doesn't want to be touched. Instead of abruptly stopping a play session, slow down the play gradually. Praise her when she's being a good girl and not biting. When she stops herself from biting you, tell her she's wonderful, give her a treat that she likes. If everyone in the household consistently follows the suggestions above, Teeko will learn that it is not appropriate to bite the hand that feeds her. Marilyn Krieger is a Feline Behaviorist, Associate Member IAABC, Professional Member CWA. Do you have cat-behavior questions? Ask the Cat Coach. Every issue will answer 1-2 of your cat-behavior questions. Please send your questions to: You can find out more about The Cat Coach at © February 2006 by Marilyn Krieger, All Rights Reserved Animal Radio® is made possible by:
Be sure to view our programming schedule to catch your
favorite show.
{Editors Note: We are absolutely thrilled to have Australia's top animal show on Animal Radio Network® We've brought together the world's best pet programs under one roof. If you haven't heard our full-time animal ![]() PET RESCUE TO THE RESCUE G'day from downunder You know the more we
look at what's happening in the US, the more we see we have so
much in common when it comes to our animals. Our introduction highlighted several listeners who had written in saying how disgusted they were that so many animals are dumped (not surrendered) and that they not only wondered why this was happening but also what was being done about it. It seems that for some people, dumping an animal is much easier on the conscience than surrendering it to a welfare organization and the 'face to face shame' that that experience obviously brings especially if the 'surrenderer' has to fill out a form stating why they are surrendering. In our on-line forum we've also had people saying the RSPCA (like your SPCA in the US) should be shut down because they 'kill' animals (euthanize them). But with limited or no government funding, where do they think all these animals are going to be kept - who is going to feed them - who will attend to their medical needs??? This is why we get so frustrated at the attempts by various animal welfare groups to 'save every animal' - it simply can't be done. Using just Aussie figures here - can you imagine if we stopped killing unwanted animals (in shelters) tomorrow, what would happen in 12 months time?... In Australia there would be 200,000 animals living in cages somewhere for the rest of their lives... the year after there would be about 400,000 within 5 years a million... see where we're going? Of course in the US you could multiply that by at least 20 times or more! Whilst we don't want to see ANY animal killed ever sadly some animals have to be killed because there are not enough people now to take or keep the animals we have already. But saying all of that won't change the minds of the average pet owner like you or us especially if they listen to our show or Hal & Judy on Animal Radio. but what CAN happen is that YOU take this and similar messages to your friends, neighbors AND state & federal governments and get them to see that the only way out of the problem is to educate kids that animals are not disposable items. We also need to educate them about de-sexing and why backyard breeding or puppy farming is just plain wrong. We also need to educate future pet owners that an animal is a lifelong commitment. Then and only then might we
start to see a way out of what is a national in fact an
international - disgrace! Somehow through sign language and lots of bowing, we managed to do an interview. We really can't figure out if we answered their questions properly or who will translate our answers back in Japan But the one thing it did bring home to us is that animals our 4 dogs in particular have no problems with language or ethnic background or pre-conceived ideas about people. They were just happy that there were more than enough new hands willing to pat and offer a cozy lap for a few hours while mom & dad 'worked'. Say's a lot about animals and what they can ultimately teach us doesn't it? Take care & hugs for
your pets Brian & Kaye Animal Radio® made possible by: PetCot
Welcome to two more affiliates! WEDO 810am Pittsburgh airs Animal Radio Tuesdays at 2pm and KJDL 1420 am in Lubbock. This week you'll hear our ANIMALS ONLINE Special. We're focusing on the technology that affects our pets and tips for making our furry friends comfortable in the digital age.
More Exciting Cellular News!! Now you can listen to Animal Radio Network's full-time Animal Channel ANYTIME on ANY CELL PHONE, ANY PROVIDER. The Mobile Broadcast Network now features Animal Radio Network 24/7. Find out how to listen FREE (normal airtime rates apply) by visiting Animal Radio Network is program number 1221. Upcoming Specials
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GRAB AN APRON - IT'S CHOW TIME! I remember the day my Dad came back from the grocery store, placed a brown bag full of food on the kitchen counter and announced: "This is for Crackers." Crackers was our family's rotund Beagle that my Dad affectionately nicknamed "Pickle Barrel." Our veterinarian told us that she was extremely overweight and needed to be put on a pound-slimming diet. Effective immediately, Dad ordered, we were no longer to succumb to Crackers' begging brown eyes by sneaking her portions of our meals: strips of bacon, bits of hamburgers, and ice cream cones. We became Crackers' personal chefs, preparing healthy, low-calorie meals of steamed brown rice, vegetables, lean ground beef and boiled chicken. Preparing "people food" for our family dog seemed strange at first, but then we saw the results: a happier, healthier and slimmer Crackers who shed the "Pickle Barrel" nickname and who lived to be 16. Yes, folks, food is fuel for people AND dogs. The right "fuel" keeps our dogs fit and frisky. Our dogs are full-fledged members of our families and deserve to be served nutritious, well-balanced meals. We are fortunate that dog food has become quite a popular subject to study. Veterinary nutritionists working for major commercial dog food companies have created a whole array of foods specific to a dog's age, health, activity level, and yes, even breed. Yet your dog deserves a variety, a periodic break from the same old chow found in his bowl. That's why I wrote, Real Food for Dogs: 50 Vet-Approved Recipes for the Canine Gastronome. This book, published by Storey Books, contains 50 veterinary-approved recipes sure to get your dog drooling with delight and begging for seconds (but resist, resist). I'm happy to report that my book has been reprinted in four languages English, French, German and Japanese! The beauty of this book is that the recipes are easy to make, easy to store the leftovers and easily edible for you, too! Now, I'm not saying that you'd give up a piece of carrot cake to snack on Great Gravy Cookies, BUT, you may find Chow Hound Chicken Soup or Canine Casserole doggone delicious. I know I do. Prepared these recipes once a week or for special occasions as a tasty substitute for commercial dog food that contains a necessary balance of nutrients. You'll be improve your relationship with your dog, hone your cooking skills (why not try out a new recipe on your chow hound?) and save some money on the weekly food bill. As for your dog, you may find him happily tail-tapping the kitchen floor, napkin tucked into his collar. Bone appetit! Arden Moore, author of Real Food for Dogs Doggie Chef 10 Commandments As you venture into the taste-filled world of homemade meals for your dog, please keep these 10 tips in mind: 1. Wash your hands in warm
soapy water and rinse well before handling food. T-R-E-A-T-S ARE TERRIFIC! So, don your apron, warm up the oven, and bring out the mixing bowls. It's time for you to step into the role of doggie chef and your dog to become your treat taster! Here are three of my favorite recipes to share with you from my book, Real Food for Dogs: Recipe 1: Leap for Liver Foxi, a plump Pomeranian prefers to perch on the couch most of the day. But she perks up and starts yipping and prancing when her owner, Karen Cichocki, of Dyer, Indiana, brings out the liver from the refrigerator and the food processor. That tandem means only one thing: liver treats are soon on their way! "Foxi loves these liver treats as much as my husband, Rick loves my chocolate chip cookies," notes Cichocki. "I make enough in a batch to freeze some and hand them out as treats for Foxi." 1. In a food processor, blend
the liver one slice at a time on high until liquefied. Add a
little water as you add each slice. Recipe 2: Canine Casserole In my search for dog testers to try out this recipe, I found five very willing candidates at the Seal Beach Animal Care Center in Seal Beach, California. Rudy, a Labrador-Akita mix couldn't wait a second longer and actually leaped on top of the serving table before I could put the food bowl down on the ground. Laura, a German Shepherd mix with a touch of arthritis, and Roscoe, a Labrador-Pit Bull mix, demonstrated the best manners by slowly but methodically licking their bowls clean. Chinook, a Husky with one brown and one blue eye, won the speed contest, inhaling a full bowl within 33 seconds while Reeka, an Australian Cattle Dog mix, proved to be the most picky - she strategically nosed out all the carrots and gulped down the rest of the casserole. I wish to thank these five delightful dogs and all the volunteers at the Seal Beach shelter for the opportunity to "test market" this casserole: 1. Cook the brown rice in a
steamer. Recipe 3: Marvelous Mutt Meatballs Have some fun and hone your dog's fetching skills by popping a few of these meatballs into its mouth at dinner time. 1. Preheat oven to 350{deg}
F. Is your favorite canine drooling
for more delicious treats? You can order my book, Real Food for
Dogs, through my e-commerce partner, Blubandoo at Or, visit my Web site:
and send me an email. I'll be happy to autograph all book orders!
FUN ANIMAL COMMUNICATION EXERCISES Let's talk more about the different
forms of animal communication. You will remember the 3 forms
of communication are pictures, words or feelings. When you communicate
with animals, always accept your first impression, even if it's
just a fragment of something. Communicating will become more
complete and clearer as you practice. The following are fun exercises
to do with your pet to help you know for certain what your primary
form of communication is. Talk With Your Animals airs every weeknight on Animal Radio Network's Full-time animal channel. If you would like to talk with your pet via Joy Turner, please call 1-866-405-8405 to make arrangements. Animal Radio® is made possible by:
A.D.H.D. The 2-year-old caramel pygmy and the 18-month-old American Alpine are also the only things that help the 12-year-old manage his attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, David's mother, Patty, insists. But township zoning law says goats and a subdivision don't mix. That led the family this week to federal court, where an advocacy group for people with disabilities filed a federal lawsuit against the Miami Township trustees. The suit alleges that the township's refusal to allow the goats is a violation of fair housing laws. Patty Valentine says the family would have to move, which they can't afford to do, if David can't continue living here with D.J. and Blessing. David, a seventh-grader in Milford schools, keeps his grades up because he knows he doesn't get to play with or take care of the goats unless he does well in school, his mother says. Both goats have won ribbons at the Clermont County Fair. David and his dad, Dale, both showed them this summer and won. D.J. and Blessing aren't walking to the bus stop in the mornings with David anymore - the family is trying to keep them low-profile while the suits are pending. David thinks the goats motivate him more than the other pets because they're like a kid with ADHD. "They don't really listen very well,'' he said. "That's kind of like me. Animal Minute is made possible by:
During the Month of March, Animal Wise Radio will focus on the topic of Global Warming, an issue that is already affecting many species on the planet. We will kick off this topic this month with a special, live broadcast from the Millennium Hotel in Minneapolis, featuring award-winning author, Eugene Linden. Mr. Linden will talk about his many years researching global warming, and about his new book, "Winds of Change: Climate, Weather and the Destruction of Civilizations." Other shows will look at the
process of turning wild animals into pets, including talk about
the process of domestication, and a recent report from the Animal
Protection Institute on the keeping of exotic pets. Hear Animal Wise Radio on Animal Radio Network® - Check schedule for showtimes.
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10 HUMAN HABITS THAT DRIVE CATS C-R-A-Z-Y! Everything seems harmonious in your home until you get that look. That steady stare, that glowing glare, that do-you-mind look of disbelief and disgust . . . from your cat. Often without releasing a single meow, your cat conveys her displeasure in your lack of pet etiquette. Most times, feline housemates "tolerate" your follies and faux pas. But cats are candid creatures. They don't mask their feelings. They don't shrug off mistakes. From their vantage point, we often seem to try too hard or not hard enough to cater to their wants and needs. After all, we're only human. Certain human habits can unleash frustration in felines. To help identify them, Catnip turned to two cat experts: Alice Moon-Fanelli, PhD, a certified applied animal behaviorist at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine and John C. Wright, PhD, a certified applied animal behaviorist and professor of psychology at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia. Our experts rate these Top 10 Pet Peeves: #1. Dirty litter boxes. Picture for a moment, your home minus a clean bathroom. Your only option: a pungent port-a-potty in the backyard. You find yourself wishing for the lung capacity of an Olympic swimmer so that you can hold your breath and complete your deed before you need to inhale. Disgusting, right? Some cats belonging to delinquent litter box-scooping owners feel the same way. "Cats are fastidious by nature so a dirty litter box is downright disgusting," says Dr. Moon-Fanelli. "They deserve a box that is scooped every day and more than one box if there is more than one cat in the household." Solution: She offers a few other feline-friendly gestures: skip the perfume-scented litter, lose the lid (for many cats, the hooded boxes trap odors inside the box, causing them to gasp or, seek a new place to potty like behind your sofa.). Win over your cat by actually cleaning the box and re-filling with clean litter once a week. Location is also key. Pick a private, quiet place in your home not next to a noisy washer machine or deep in the dark corner of your basement. #2. Blaring music. As your cat naps on the sofa, you rudely slip in a Bruce Springsteen CD into your stereo and crank up the volume until your walls shake. Yowl! Your cat heads skyward, lands harshly and then dashes to the opposite end of your home. Reason: feline ears are much more sensitive than human ears. They have more hair cell receptors and their cone-shaped ears capture more sounds. "Playing loud music actually may be painful to them," says Dr. Moon-Fanelli. "I find that my cats are much more comfortable when I play classical or jazz music than when on play rock music on a high volume." Solution: Pump down the volume or wear headphones
when you want to blare music. Or, Opt for classical or jazz radio
stations or CDs. Cats seem to like these musical styles best,
perhaps because they are rhythmical and don't pack surprise beats.
"Generally, cats that get upset by your movement in bed tend to be ones that startle easily," says Dr. Moon-Fanelli. "Also, cats instinctively want to attack things that move like feet under a bedspread." Solution: Sleep on your back and don't move a muscle. Or, more realistically, provide a cat bed in your bedroom or leave your door open for them to leave. If necessary, protect your toes by wearing thick socks. #4. Shouting. The human equivalent of cat fights -- yelling and speaking in loud tones during a spat with your spouse or your strong-willed teen-ager -- can cause cats to flee and often seek quieter places, like under your bed or deep in your closet. "When you fight with a teen-ager or a spouse, cats typically are not sure what's going on," says Dr. Wright. "They go from first being alert, to being interested, and then to being terrified. Cats love ritualistic activities, set routines. They usually don't know how to deal with an upset in routine, like their people yelling. The loud voices often freak them out and cause them to dart out of the room." Solution: Try to focus on solving problems in a civil tone, rather than yelling and finger pointing. If necessary, enroll in an anger management class to benefit everyone in the household. #5. Super-stressed humans. Cats tune in like four-footed mood barometers. They know when you're happy, sad, angry, and bummed. "Cats read our body languages so well," says Dr. Wright. "When we're stressed, our muscles tend to be tight; our posture rigid and our pupils dilated not inviting signs to a cat." Solution: Recognize that you can't totally control your life and more importantly, remember to savor positive moments and events. "When you come home from work, try to spend a few minutes with their cats," says Dr. Wright. "Spend quality time talking with your pets every night and think of good things that happened that day that you can share with your animals. They may not understand your words, but they do understand your tone. This activity can help reduce the stress in you." #6. Tardy feedings. Your alarm clock blares at 6 a.m. Five minutes tick off, then 10 and still no movement by you to get out of bed. Impatience swells inside your tail-thumping, hungry cat. More minutes pass and you still haven't made a move toward the cat bowl. "Cats are creatures of
habit," says Dr. Moon-Fanelli. "They want to be fed
at regular hours. If you get up and immediately feed your cat
every morning, she gets into a routine and starts to expect to
be fed within minutes of you waking up. When you miss the feeding
schedule or delay it, you can have one really upset cat." #7. The carrier, the car, the veterinary clinic. These Three C's of Concern can cause panic in some cats. Unlike dogs, cats prefer to be homebodies. "We don't travel with our cats like we do with our dogs and usually the only time cats are in crates are when they must go someplace unpleasant like a visit to the veterinary clinic," says Dr. Moon-Fanelli. "Also, many cats suffer from motion sickness." Solution: Convert your carrier from a place to avoid to a place of comfort for your cat. Select a model that is truly the cat's meow cushy and well ventilated with a comfy towel or bedding inside. Leave it out and open in your house so your cat views it as no big deal. Entice the crate's cat appeal by placing treats and toys inside and placing it in one of your cat's favorite napping spots. Then get your cat accustomed to car rides gradually. During the ride, tune the car radio to a jazz or blues station at a low volume. Also, try to avoid any sudden, jarring stops. #8. Ill-mannered children. Children, especially those yet to reach their 10th birthday, seem determined to lunge at, loom over, and force bear hugs on cats. When a cat approaches, they can't resist the desire to grab, pat, dress it up in doll's clothes, or worse, give chase. Solution: "Your cat needs an escape route and a safe zone inaccessible by a young child," says Dr. Wright. "Once your child is old enough to learn and understand household rules, you need to teach them how to behave around the family cat. Say things like do allow the cat to come to you so you can play with it or don't disturb the cat when he is sleeping or eating." #9. Adopting another cat or a dog. It's truly a cat's life until the day you come home cradling another cat or kitten or worse, a D-O-G. The notion of sharing the home with another pet can cause many a cat to spit up a hairball or rip up the sofa arm in protest. "Introducing a new pet can really aggravate some cats," says Dr. Moon-Fanelli. "People tend to select cats primarily because they like the cat's looks and color instead of selecting based on a cat's personality." #10. Forced affection. It is easy to be guilty of committing this major cat sin. For many cat lovers who return home after a business trip, vacation, or simply a long workday, they tend to burst through the door, chase down their cats and engage in a big group hug. No surprise that your cats react by wiggling free and racing away. Once you calm down and sit on the sofa, magically, your cats will slowly approach and greet you on their own terms. "The more you try to force affection on your cats, the less they want to give you," says Dr. Moon-Fanelli. "Not all cats are lap cats or want to be held tightly and cuddled. Being overly affection can actually drive your cats from you. Play hard to get in other words, act more like a cat, pretend not to care and your cats will seek you out for attention and affection." Solution: Dr. Moon-Fanelli recommends that you let the two animals get to know each other initially by smell. Keep them in separate rooms and run a shirt or towel over both coats to exchange scents. Then, let them view one another from a distance. Cats are territorial, so make sure that the new pet has its own possessions do not force them to share a bowl, toys or litter boxes. CONCLUSION By heeding the advice offered and practicing good manners, people can bond closer with their cats. Happy, contented cats tend to exhibit less behavior problems. "Keep in mind that they are cats not little adorable humans," says Dr. Moon-Fanelli. "By striving to learn animal behavior, you can better understand who they are, what their needs are, and really live harmoniously with them." Animal Radio special correspondent Arden Moore is the editor of Catnip, the national award-winning monthly published in cooperation with Tufts University's School of Veterinary Medicine. Arden has also authored more than a dozen books on dogs and cats and can be reached through her Web site: |
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