![]() ANIMAL RADIO NETWORK | October 3rd 2006 Newsletter Programming with a Purpose In this issue: |
![]() Live from SuperZoo - our picks for New Pet Products. |
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Get some great costumes at the Animal Radio® store. |
This Week on Animal Radio®:
HGTV's CLIVE PEARSE is really a big animal
lover and is helping the dogs of Romania. Why won't the world's
most famous billionaire musician pay to care for his animals?
Radio® friend and actress TIPPI HEDREN
takes in Michael Jackson's abandoned felines.
What's new for our furry-friends? We're LIVE from SuperZoo Las
Vegas and our NEW PET PRODUCTS Special ...all this week on Animal Radio®
LISTEN TO ANIMAL RADIO NETWORK NOW Listen to a LIVE STREAM of Animal Radio Network's full-time animal channel while you read this newsletter. The above link will launch player. More listening options here. |
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Submit Your "HORROR
STORY" in Which Your Cat Lost One of His Nine Lives - Win
a ScoopFree Automatic Litter "This contest is in the playful spirit of the scary stories told around the campfire," said Alan J. Cook, president of Lucky Litter. "We want to hear your favorite story on how your feline proved that cats indeed have nine lives." Share your cat's story and enter the contest, which runs through Oct. 31, by visiting www.scoopfree.com/contest. Please include a picture of you and your cat with your entry. Contest Details Winners, to be announced by Nov. 17, will receive a free ScoopFree automatic litter box or a case of six ScoopFree Litter Tray Cartridges if they already own a ScoopFree. The contest is not valid where prohibited by law. The funny details on your cat's story may be shared with listeners of our promotional partner Animal Radio®. Animal Radio® is the "most-listened-to" pet show according to Arbitron. The show is carried by more than 90 radio stations and reaches 2 million radio listeners every week. Please be sure to tell us how to pronounce the name of you and your cat. The patent-pending ScoopFree Litter Tray Cartridge comes pre-filled with Fresh Step® Crystal litter. The crystal litter absorbs the liquids and dehydrates the solids, providing unbeatable odor control. ScoopFree automatically rakes and grooms the litter after the cat leaves the box, removing the solid waste into a trap built into the disposable tray. ScoopFree is the first litter box you can leave alone for up to 30 days with one cat or 15 days with two cats, without any scooping, cleaning or refilling. ScoopFree is available at selected PetSmart stores and can be purchased online at PetSmart.com, Target.com, Amazon.com and Costco.com. For more information on this major innovation in cat care, visit www.scoopfree.com
Next Weekend: Actor Adrian Zmed
Top New Products as heard on-air
by Tiki - Imaginative
Line of Clothing and Accessories for Pets and their People
Epiks - The Best Shoes for your Dog
Pants for Dogs
- Protect Your Home
from Dogs Accidents
Canine Genius - Smart Toys for your Dog
Planet Dog - Zip Lead Retractable Leash
A.I.T., Inc. - ScooPick, Bag with a Built-In Scooper
Clothes were definately the big thing at SuperZoo this year. There was even a fashion show. Look for our Holiday Pet Product Special this November.
A quick welcome to 93rd Animal Radio® affiliate, KXAZ 101.9 Page AZ, 93.3 FM Kanab UT, 1039am Lake Powell AZ. A full two-hours at 8am Utah Time, 7am AZ Time. See a list of our 90 other affiliates across America. The Infamous Annual Animal Radio®
wrapping up! What you can win so far:
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Cats and Witches: A Familiar
Fear of the Feline and Feminine OK, that statement is a bit dramatic as no one is getting burned at the stake. Now. But for over a period of 500 years in medieval Europe, women who were believed to be witches, and their cat companions, who were thought to perform evil services on their behalf, were persecuted, tortured and yes, burned at the stake. Today, the persecution is subtler. But if you are a woman caring for cats, especially stray cats, then chances are you have encountered the societal projection of a centuries-old stigma against women and cats, a stigma that often takes the form of verbal abuse, mockery, and threats. So how did this stigma toward women, witches, and cats begin? In centuries and cultures past, the cat was considered sacred and treated like royalty. The most famous feline worship took place in Egypt, where the goddess Bastet took the form of a cat. As companion to the Sun-god Ra, Bastet brought good fortune, and represented the beneficent healing rays of the sacred sun. She was also a representative of the moon, as she was considered the eye of the Sun-god during the hours of darkness. Cats were so worshipped in ancient Egypt, that it was considered a crime punishable by death to harm one, and when a beloved family cat died, a period of mourning was enforced by the state. The beautiful Roman goddess of the moon and protectress of animals, Diana, chose the cat, feline huntress of the night, as her sacred symbol. In Norse mythology, Freya, goddess of love and Mother of Life, flew through sun-drenched skies in a chariot pulled by two black cats. Freya was so beloved, that the day most sacred to the Northern Europeans was named in her honor: Friday. Gods and goddesses, as well as all of us mere mortals, carry a darker side to the psyche, and in ancient myth, this shadow side was personified to represent the dual nature of the deity. The aggressive nature of the Egyptian Bastet was portrayed in the lion-headed Sekhmet, the fierce goddess of war who represented the destructive scorching aspects of the sun. Freya's alter ego was know as Hel (with one L), and as Freya represented summer and the lightness of flight, Hel, although still beautiful, stood for winter. As Mother of Death, Hel reigned in the underworld where she lovingly received those spirits who had passed on. As Christianity became the
predominant belief throughout Europe, one of two things happened
to the goddesses and their cats. They were either absorbed into
the new belief system, with their archetypal energies renamed
to reflect monotheistic values (the Celtic goddess Brighid, who
had a cat companion, is often thought to be the predecessor of
Saint Brigit), or, they were banished altogether and branded
as witches or demons. In Hel's case, Christianity transformed
the compassionate goddess of the underworld to an actual abode
of hideous death and named it, Hell. While the once sacred cats
of Freya and Hel, the Mother of Life and Death, were vilified
as attendant devils and familiar companions of an evil witch.
Isn't it time to banish the true demons, fear and ignorance, and embrace a culture of compassion and love? Let's start by thanking those women who devote their time, energy, and resources to helping the feline ancestors of Bastet. Copyright 2006 Voice of the Animal Visit us at http://www.VoiceOfTheAnimal.org to order
a Volume One- Voice of the Animal CD for yourself or a friend.
Animal Radio® made possible by: SCOOP
Pet Proofing Your Home Your home is a haven and a place of safety for you and for your pet. But, inside every house are poisons, dangers, and hazards that can injure your dog or cat. Here are some helpful tips to help keep your pet safe and out of the emergency room! The two kittens raced around the apartment, through the bedroom, under the bed and out into the living room. After circling the bar twice, Dora could not help but become entranced with the swaying tinsel hanging from the lower branches. Soon, her brother, Vulcan, was also busy swatting at the strands and seeing how much damage he could do with his teeth. Little by little, the tinsel disappeared into the bellies of the kittens. Disasters such as this one are common to veterinary emergency room personnel, but not usually well known by pet owners. Not only can our pets damage valuable items and destroy our clean living areas, but they can hurt or poison themselves, sometimes fatally. Knowing a few helpful hints can help keep your home is working order and help keep your four-legged friends out of the veterinarian's office. According to consultants at PetProTech pet safety products, most pet emergencies result from ingestion of toxins, ingestion of non-digestible materials leading to intestinal blockages, and accidents causing fractures or soft tissue trauma. The ASPCA Poison Control Center urges pet owners to search every room of the home and try to look at it from a toddler's perspective. If the toddler can reach it, so can the new puppy or kitten. Puppies chew to help explore their world as well as relieve stresses. Remember that puppies will often view anything on the floor as fair game. It is important to pick up potential hazards such as batteries, tobacco products, coins, and many household plants. Although new kittens are not prone to chew like puppies, houseplants, especially in the lily family, can be extremely poisonous to cats. To keep your kittens safe, keep dangerous plants out of reach, or, better yet, outside. For both types of pets, it is extremely important to put away all medications, both yours and theirs. A single acetaminophen caplet can kill an adult cat and many dogs will eagerly over consume the beef flavored pain relieving drugs created for them, leading to potential stomach ulcers, bleeding, or kidney damage. Trash cans and garbage bags are often irresistible to both dogs and cats. The aroma of foods and other apparently "delicious" items is often too much for even a well-trained pet. To the pet, getting into the garbage is its own reward when tasty leftovers and treats can be found. Keep food scraps, especially cooked bones, in a secure container, preferably behind a locked or child-proof door. Simply placing the trash can up on a counter will not always assure safety. Besides making a mess, garbage can raiding can lead to stomach upsets, vomiting, diarrhea, or even obstructions and perforations of the intestinal tract. During the holidays, many people become soft-hearted and give "just one treat" to the begging pet. Unfortunately, too many treats, or the wrong types, can cause severe stomach upsets and may lead to an emergency visit to the veterinarian. Bones, fatty foods, onions, and alcoholic beverages should not be on your pet's holiday menu. Thanksgiving can be especially difficult and many emergency rooms report higher than normal number of pancreatitis cases and intestinal blockages during this time. Chocolates, especially dark or baking chocolates, should never be given to pets. Even seemingly harmless treats, such as grapes or raisins, have caused deadly kidney damage to dogs. Ask your guests to honor your holiday wish and restrain from giving holiday food to your pet. Other holiday dangers can include ingestion of mistletoe, holly, or the water from the live Christmas tree. All of these have the potential to make your pet seriously ill. If your cat is very inquisitive, it may be necessary to keep the tree behind a closed door. The tree's decorations are also a potential for causing an emergency visit due to ingestion or lacerations from broken ornaments. Read the labels of insecticides well to insure that your pets will not be harmed by their use. Place rat, mouse, or ant traps and poisons in locations unlikely to be found by your pet. Pet safety experts say that granular pesticides are much safer than pellet pesticides because the pet is less likely to eat the granules. Anti-freeze is a well-known poison to pets, but other garage items, such as gasoline, oils, and fertilizers can be dangerous as well. Keep these items out of pet's reach and wipe up all spills as they happen. The number of items in our
homes that can hurt a dog or cat are just as numerous as items
that can harm a child. Being proactive and preventing the pet
from eating the wrong item or getting into a situation that can
harm him or her is the best way to avoid injuries. If you suspect
your pet has ingested something toxic or potentially been injured
by a household object, contact your veterinarian immediately.
For more ideas on how to pet proof your home, visit http://www.MyVNN.com
for ideas and remember that your veterinary staff are also great
resources for ideas on how to keep your dog or cat from getting
into trouble. Animal Radio® made possible by: World's
Best Cat Litter Your cat deserves the world's
best. All natural and safe litter made from whole-kernel corn
provides superior odor control, clump-ability, scoop-ability
and flush-ability. Visit http://www.worldsbestcatlitter.com to find
a retailer near you.
ASK THE CAT COACH - Marilyn Krieger Certified Cat Behavior Consultant How Do I Make My Outdoor Cat Inside Only?
My cat, BeeBop, has enjoyed being an inside/outside cat for most of his life. After hearing you speak a few weeks ago, I've come to the conclusion that it would be safer for him if he never went outside. I adore him, and want him to be disease free and live a long life. I have tried a couple of times to keep him in the house but he howled and started to tear the carpets up around the doors. I felt so bad that I let him out again. What should I do? How do I convince BeeBop that he should live indoors and not go outside? Carrie in San Francisco Dear Carrie, Before convincing any cat that it should change its life style, it's important to have it spayed or neutered. Spaying and neutering helps to keep the cat population down and also helps to eliminate frustration, stress and accompanying behavior challenges such as spraying, howling and fighting. The most cantankerous nature-loving cat can be persuaded to move operations inside 24/7. It may be easier to transition BeeBop to inside living during the winter months when it's cold and wet outside. Most domestic cats will choose a warm spot on a couch over keeping dry under a bush. Begin the transition to inside living by feeding BeeBop exclusively indoors. There shouldn't be any food available for him outside. Put BeeBop on a consistent feeding schedule. Feed him 3-4 times at the same time, every day. In order for him to associate you as the food provider, don't leave food around for him to eat whenever he's hungry. After every meal, keep BeeBop in for longer periods of time, but make it interesting and fun for him so that he wants to stay inside. Part of the life style change from street cat to house cat will involve convincing BeeBop that relocating inside is much more interesting and fun then being outdoors. Be creative, bring the outdoors in. Fascinating, cat-centric indoor activities include providing a diversity of stuff to climb on, lots of space to explore, places to hide and interactive toys to play with. Start by increasing the vertical space. Since cats love to climb, provide your cat with tall cat trees/gyms or install accessible carpeted cat shelves around the perimeter of select rooms in your home. When buying or constructing a tall tree, make sure that it has a very sturdy base so that over-exuberant cats can't accidentally knock it over. Cat furniture is available with carpeted enclosures that BeeBop will love to go in. Hang objects that he will be fascinated with from the shelves on the cat trees. Bribery works too. Find a treat that BeeBop loves. Make him work for his treats by converting a whiffle ball into a treat ball by stuffing treats in it. Ping pong balls work well too. After punching multiple holes in a ping pong ball, fill it with treats and then give it to BeeBop. He will spend hours trying to remove the treats from the ball. Additionally, BeeBop will need regularly scheduled play sessions. Play with him before his meals. At the end of the play session let BeeBop "catch" the toy and then feed him his meal. After BeeBop eats, he will groom and then take a little nap. Make sure that he has a number of comfortable napping areas to choose from. Provide BeeBop with hours of entertainment by installing a carpeted window perch and than hanging a bird feeder outside the window with the perch. Make sure that the windows and window screens are secure and closed. Some cats are very strong and can easily punch out window screens. Others can squeeze through windows that are barely opened. Another source of entertainment is the TV. Turn on the Animal Planet or run a DVD/tape that has been made especially for cats. These tapes feature birds, animals, insects and fish and some cats find them fascinating. Making your home more interesting and intriguing then the great outdoors will result in BeeBop preferring to live the life of a King inside his own private domain. BeeBop will live a longer and healthier life and will give you long years of companionship without the howling. © October 2006 by Marilyn
Krieger. Animal Radio® made possible by: XFLEAS.com
Oldest Crow Lives to Age
59 Tata was never able to fly after a thunderstorm blew him out of his nest in a Long Island Cemetery. Tata was taken by the cemetery caretaker to a local family who was known for taking care of animals in the past. The family took care of Tata for over 50 years, when they had to give him up due to their own health problems. Tata then lived out the remainder
of his life, even though he was blind and had cataracts, with
Kristin Flones. Animal Radio® made possible by: Pet Solution Rx Hamster Lives to Tell Tail
after Shredder It was believed that the hamster must have gotten into a skip of rubbish that was destined for the recycling plant. After spending several minutes passing through the large shredder, the hamster was found virtually unharmed. The hamster has since been
named Mike and was adopted by Liam Bull, whose father works at
the recycling center. |
LISTEN TO ANIMAL RADIO NETWORK NOW LISTEN AT WORK...all day long. Fresh animal programming 24/7. Be sure to view our programming schedule to catch your favorite show.
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{Editors Note: We are absolutely thrilled to have Australia's top animal show on Animal Radio Network We've brought together the world's best pet programs under one roof. If you haven't heard our full-time animal channel - check it out now } ![]() G'day from Downunder... Sydney NSW to be precise. Did you know October 4 is World Animal Day? - there's a number of great websites with more information for you, but we found this: www.worldanimalday.org.uk Basically - the whole idea is to celebrate animal life in all its forms and our relationship with animals. It's also to acknowledge the diverse roles that animals play in our lives - from providing food, through being our companions, to supporting and helping us, to bringing a sense of wonder into our lives and to acknowledge and be thankful for the way in which animals enrich our lives. We have to admit those worthy phrases come straight off the World Animal Day website, but what do they really mean to the average pet owner? In Australia right now there is great debate over whether immigration visas should only be given to those people who can speak our language and have an understanding of our culture. On the back of that we thought we'd start a test of our own for pet owners... We're going to call it 'The Great Aussie Pet Test'! The idea is that on October 4 this year - and we hope every year - all pet owners do a test that not only helps them understand more about animals, but also helps them learn about stuff they maybe didn't know... 'Like how do Turtles breathe?' or 'Is it better to let dogs & cats have a litter before spaying or neutering?(answers below) The idea of the Great Aussie Pet Test is that everyone's a winner! Why?, because no matter if you answer correctly or incorrectly, pet owners get to learn a lot more about their own animals, and about some of the other animals in our environment. So while the official 'World Animal Day' is a great global concept, we think acting locally - starting with Pet Talk Radio! listeners, is another proactive way of helping people celebrate animals. Ok, something completely different - and it looks like the temperatures are cooling in your part of the world right now heading into fall but here in Australia it's the opposite! - But it's never too late to have a pet disaster plan, and after recent years and the horrendous fires we've had, we're starting to get people to plan for that emergency that may just strike when we least expect. Fires, floods, hurricanes and even terrorism are now all part of everyday life all over the world - most authorities find animals to be a real problem in emergencies for many legitimate reasons, so it's never too late to plan what you are going to do if (when?) disaster strikes. There are plenty of good websites out there and no doubt some great books - best of all, check with your local city hall, fire department or emergency services for what they suggest you do in your particular area... Or give the local SPCA a call. Finally (and we promise we'll bring back the fun next month!) - have you included you pets in your will?... If you have an accident, who will look after them? We bring you this reminder in honour of 'WildLife Warrior' Steve Irwin who made darn sure his legacy of caring conservation for all animals will be carried on for many generations to come.... Something to think about eh? Until next month, take care and hugs for your pets from Brian & Kaye ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ABOVE: Animal Radio® is made possible by:
ASK "THE DOG BIBLE" - Based on THE DOG BIBLE: Everything Your Dog Wants You To Know by Tracie Hotchner Dogs and Cats in Harmony
Differences in how dogs and cats relate: Cats and dogs are not natural enemies, but they aren't natural friends, either. Dogs and cats rarely compete for the same thing because they usually don't want what is important to the other, which is a large part of what makes peaceful cohabitation possible. When living under the same roof, they both need food and water, territory and the affection of the people but as long as they are separate but equal, the potential for "sibling rivalry" and the resentment that comes with it, can be avoided. If these two animals from different species live together over several years, they come to an understanding of each other and learn to respect the different issues that are important to each of them. A cat takes much longer to warm up: If your cat has not had a dog in the house before, expect the cat to have a meltdown when the dog arrives, and don't be surprised if it lasts a fairly long time. Most cats take months to adjust to having a dog in the house-and there's not really anything you can do to speed the process along. As long as the cat has high places to jump up onto, away from the dog, there's no danger of serious harm coming to her. Normal defensive behaviors for a cat are hissing, swatting and arching her back, so don't worry if your cat does that with a dog either in the beginning or really at any time that she is trying to get her point across. Dogs and Cats: Living Together Successfully On some level your cat will probably never fully forgive you for polluting her world with a canine. There are some cats who actually like dogs, but more frequently the best they can do is come to accept a dog they live with but usually just one. A cat can go past tolerance to actual friendship with a dog, but that is unusual. Anyone who has had a mixed dog/cat household can tell you that cats are discerning about their interspecies friendships and may come to really be close to one dog while rejecting all others. Start Young: The most successful relationships between dogs and cats are those that begin when both animals are young, introduced as puppies and kittens, which allows them grow up together and figure each other out. If you do not have two youngsters from both species, then it is better to have a kitten, who can adapt more easily to a grown dog than a puppy would be able to win over a grown cat. Territoriality: Dogs can be territorial about specific locations and objects, especially dominant males of terrier breeds and working breeds. Some dogs can get vicious about things like food and water bowls, special areas of a room, their beds and people of whom they're especially fond. Things that matter most to a cat: Cats can also prize locations and objects, but they'll rarely fight over them and even then only with another cat, not a dog. What does make a cat fiercely assertive are: pathways leading to those favorite locations, attention from favorite people, play objects (especially catnip) and special food treats. Differences in the social
order of the two species:
While dog and cat behavior is quite different, both species do
have a pecking order but the difference is that with cats,
the ranking of who is on top is constantly fluctuating. Cats
do not have a social order that is easily understood. In the
wild, most cats are solitary creatures who come together and
stay together to mate and raise their young. Otherwise the males
and females live separately within their own territories (the
only cat this is not true of is a lion, who lives in a pride,
which is a kind of pack). The lifestyle of cats in the wild gives
clues about the independence of domestic cats, who give the impression
they are indifferent to human attention. But domestic cats have
been pampered by humans who cater to their every need cats have
learned to crave the affection, grooming, scheduled fancy meals
and affection lavished on them by their people. You could say
this is something they have developed in common with dogs: a
shared dependence on humans. So while we enjoy having both these
animals share our lives, it is up to us to bring them together
in a way that enhances the quality of their lives, too. Hear Tracie Hotchner as she hosts
Dog Talk The Radio Show on Animal Radio Network® Consult schedule for showtimes.
Maggie, Animal Ark's Most Recent Puppy Mill Rescue, Sheds Light on Plight of Animals in Mills
A kind person rescued Maggie from a large puppy mill near Little Falls. Her condition is unfortunately common for animals rescued from large, pet factories. Animal Ark needs your support to help Maggie, and other animals like her. She needs to see an eye specialist. She needs radiographs to evaluate the condition of her legs. She can currently walk, but is clumsy and awkward when she does. She can't run. Surprisingly, she is only about 10 months old. And, already, she is suffering chronic neglect due to the lack of care she received in her previous "home". "There are tens of thousands of dogs living in Minnesota like this," said Mike Fry, executive director of Animal Ark. "The largest puppy mills in our state have thousands of breeding adult dogs and uncounted numbers of puppies." The subject of puppy mills began making local press in January of this year when Morrison County issued a Conditional Use Permit to Garry McDuffee to operate a 600-dog breeding facility (not counting puppies). Since then, Minnesota puppy mills have made the press in Detroit, New York and other states, because puppies raised here are shipped around the country. They are sold in pet shops and via the Internet. Minnesota has, unfortunately, begun to earn a national reputation for being one of the centers of the puppy mill trade. In spite of the press, puppy mills continue to do booming business in Minnesota. "The USDA has proven woefully inadequate at regulating this industry," said Fry. "And the humane investigators in our state have not done much better." To prove his case, Fry cites another case that has recently received a fair amount of press. Ruben Wee used to operate a puppy mill in southwestern Minnesota. Conditions at his facility were so bad that dead animals were found on the property during at least one inspection by the Companion Animal Protection Society (CAPS). To avoid inspections by USDA, all Wee needed to do was tell them he was no longer selling animals commercially. Rather than fining him, they then just stopped inspecting. CAPS investigators took their investigation to local humane investigators. But it was years before any of them even visited the facility. Eventually, with pressure from Animal Ark, local law enforcement charge and convicted Wee of animal cruelty. "It is not that the humane investigators in Minnesota are bad," said Fry. "However, it is clear that they do not have the skills or resources needed to address a problem as large as this." By large, Fry means overwhelming. There are hundreds of USDA licensed commercial breeders and dealers in Minnesota. Add in the ones operating illegally and consider that some facilities have thousands of breeding adults, and it is easy to see why humane investigators are overwhelmed. "Closing one of the largest puppy mills in the state would require an effort roughly comparable to the work of the Hurricane Katrina Rescue efforts operated out of Tylertown, Mississippi, That required a large, national response, hundreds of volunteers and months of work." Fry said. "We are talking about thousands of unsocialized animals with medical and behavior problems." Solving this problem is going to require new legislation, and a large, coordinated effort with the area's largest animal welfare organizations stepping in to help. Cooperation with large, national animal welfare groups will also be necessary. He also believes that a bipartisan congressional investigation into this issue is warranted. As for Animal Ark's latest
puppy mill rescue, Fry expects she may never be a "normal"
Pekinese. However, he believes she will recover enough to have
a good life following her rescue.
A Common Question Talk With Your Animals airs every weekday on Animal Radio Network's Full-time animal channel. If you would like to talk with your pet via Joy Turner, please call 1-866-405-8405 to make arrangements. http://www.TalkWithYourAnimals.com Animal Radio® made possible by: PET
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By Animal Radio® correspondent Arden Moore
Henry, a three-legged cat in La Jolla, California has big plans. With the help of his owners, Cathy Conheim and Donna Brooks, MD, he intends to become the first cat in history to raise $1 million to help people and animals in need. He is well on his way. Since being found with a mangled front left leg that required amputation to save his life two years ago, this brown-striped tabby has emerged as a symbol for triumph over tragedy. Through the sales of two books on his still-young life, Henry's World: A Three-Legged View of Human Absurdity and What's the Matter with Henry: The True Tale of a Three-Legged Cat, Henry has raised money to pay for an apartment for a former medical researcher left homeless due to a life-threatening illness. She now shares her apartment with her reunited cats. He has made thousands of dollars in donations to children's hospitals, wounded soldiers returning from Iraq, pets impacted by Hurricane Katrina, wildlife organizations, and others in need coast to coast.
With Conheim acting as his "official cat scribe," Henry has answered more than 9,000 emails from people all over the globe seeking his help and marveling at his ability to lend a paw despite his own physical limitations. Not bad for a cat who stumbled into the lives of two long-time dog lovers and a black poodle named Dolly.
"We never imagined ever having a cat," says Conheim, a psychotherapist. "We don't dislike cats. We just didn't know much about them - until we met Henry." It didn't take them long to become feline fans. Step into their home in La Jolla and you will note touches of cat décor: a stained glass image of Henry, a plush cat toy missing one front paw, and plenty of comfy pet beds for anytime napping. I first heard of Henry when he sent me a personal letter and a copy of his book. I regularly receive media copies of books from writers but this one definitely stood out. In his letter, Henry explains that he is a lucky cat because his human rescuers had enough money to pay for his medical care and to give him a pampered life. But he recognizes that other animals and people are not so fortunate. So, he offers his books at cost and permits those selling the books to keep all profits and use them for their worthy causes.
He writes: "I think my story is one of triumph over barriers and bias. I refused to be limited by the loss of my leg. I gave up a leg and one of my nine lives in order to teach my human companions some important lessons: 1. You can only hate that which
you don't understand. Pretty smart cat, eh? And, one determined to meet his mission to make a difference one person, one animal and one dollar at a time. Excerpt from Henry's World Henry, the tripod cat, regularly emails people and pets all over the globe. He signs all his emails Henry JM (initials for Just Me). Here is a sampling of some who have corresponded with Henry: Dear Henry: Mom just found out today that she has cancer, but they don't know what kind yet. She had to go to the hospital for a biopsy on a lump in her neck. She feels fine, but is kind of scared, but I know she'll be alright. My brothers and sisters and I will take very good care of her. We love her very much. Love to all, Emmy Lu Dear Emmy Lu: I don't know what cancer is, but I have heard that people get scared if they have it. A lot of Moms' friends are cancer survivors, so I guess that means they get to stay with their beloved four-legged creatures. Snuggle up to your mom a lot. We furry creatures are the best fur nurses around. Love, Henry jm
Dear Henry: My Mom found me in the woods of North Carolina ohyears and years ago. I had all four legs, but was really starving. Mom and I grew old together. She gives me thyroid medicine every day. When she picks me up, I still wrap my paws softly around her face. It was love at first sight. And still is. Rhett Butler Dear Rhett: I am glad to meet you. Mom Cathy says she has to take thyroid medicine every day. I don't know what it is. I take medicine now so my wound won't get infected. I love my Moms at first sight, too. They would not have taken me if I hadn't had my accident. I guess accidents can be a good thing. Thanks for writing to me. Henry jm
Dear Henry: Mom says she uses the "chicken test" when one of us cats is sick. If we won't eat the chicken, then she knows we are really sick. I've never been too sick to eat chicken, even when my leg was all mangled and Mom was trying to save it. I had a fever and had to take medicine. I hope I never get too sick to eat chicken. Take good care. - Love, Punkie Dear Punkie: After you wrote, I asked Mom for some chicken. I ate a little of that, which was really good. You are right about a lot of stuff. Take care of yourself so neither of us has to go to that guy with the white coat. He is definitely not on my list of uncles. Love, Henry jm
Animal Radio special correspondent Arden Moore is the editor of Catnip, the national award-winning monthly published in cooperation with Tufts University's School of Veterinary Medicine. Arden has also authored more than a dozen books on dogs and cats. Her next book, The Dog Behavior Answer Book, releases in November 2006. To order this book or reach Arden, please visit her Web site: http://www.ArdenMoore.com |
Thanks for subscribing. We love to hear from you. Please email us at yourvoice@AnimalRadio.com. Until next month, we'll hear you on-air on Animal Radio Network -Hal Abrams, Co-host Animal Radio® |
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