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Cat People More Neurotic - Dog People Outgoing

Animal Radio's Judy Francis and Studio Cat (Animal Radio® Newsroom  L.A. - Bobbie Hill) Jan 15 2010 - The early Egyptians loved cats and elevated the most popular house pet to the level of god. But does this type of affinity for felines mean they were neurotic?  It does if you believe a study by a leading authority on human personality. 

Sam Gosling, professor of Psychology at the University of Texas in Austin, is publishing his findings in the journal Anthrozoös saying it is the first study  to break down what cat and dog people tend to be like. Gosling says his study involving over 4500 participants shows dog people and cat people have distinct differences. 

According to the findings dog people are more outgoing, easygoing and conscientious, cat people on the other hand tend to be neurotic.  But on the up side, cat people are more open than their dog loving counterparts.

Gosling said, "This research suggests there are significant differences on major personality traits between dog people and cat people.

Gosling with the help of grad student Carson Sandy asked 4,565 volunteers 44 questions and ranked them according to the "Big Five" personality dimensions used by psychologists to study personalities. Forty six percent said they were dog people with just 12 percent claiming to be cat lovers. About 28% of those surveyed said they liked both dogs and cats while just 15% didn't like either pet.

When Animal Radio® host Judy Francis asked actress Betty White if she was a 'Cat Person' or 'Dog Person,' she replied "I'm an anything with four-legs person." Hear Betty White on Animal Radio®.



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