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Animal Radio is sending 5 incredible animal acts to the front of the line for America's Got Talent auditions! Remember, many animal acts have won. Olate Dogs won two seasons ago. If you have a pet or animal act that can impress the judges, reach out to us at YourVoice@AnimalRadio.com to be the first to audition in front of Howard, Heidi, Mel and Howie.
Animal Radio® Show #791
US Airways Apologizes to PTSD Sufferer
Former U.S. Marine Eric Calley suffers from (PTSD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He is quite thankful for his service dog, "Sun." Calley had a run-in with U.S. Airways when they denied proper seating for his service dog and berated him with insults.
A Flight Attendants View of Service Animals
Since there is no real certification for service or emotional support animals, anything goes. Flight attendant Heather Poole is fed up with trying to make everybody happy. She questions the credibility of "emotional support" pigs, horses and monkeys. Yes, these are animals she's had the pleasure of accommodating on her LA-NY route.
Homeopathic Drugs Need Regulation
No matter how hyper your dog is, you would never give it an alcoholic drink to help it relax? You might have been doing just that if you used the product Good Dog made by Pet Organics. It turns out that among those 'natural ingredients' is 13% alcohol, about the same amount that is wine.
Disabled Vet Evicted Over Unpaid Pet Fee
We've been seeing more and more stories about the fees landlords charge people who move in with pets. Now, an unpaid pet fee has resulted in a disabled Army Veteran and his service dog being evicted from a mobile home in Bandera, Texas. David Palasek refused to pay the pet fee, citing Section 504 of the Fair Housing Act that states service animals are not pets, so are not subject to a pet fee.
Hi-Tech Pet Products
Some pretty interesting pet-related items were unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Among them, Fitbark, a little device that goes on your dog's collar and monitors how much your dog plays and runs. For the hi-tech feline, Cat Fishing 2 is an app that let's your cat finally get some work done on your tablet.
....and of course our Dream Team will be answering your pet-related questions toll-free at 805-769-8458.
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Animal Radio® Show #790
Young Heroes
This week's Hero Person is 9-year-old Orly Sedransk. After a visit to her local shelter, she was moved to do something to make a difference. Through a 50/50 raffle, she was able to raise enough money to help the municipal shelter purchase cages to hold cats.
Top Dog Names
Next time you go to the Dog Park, you're likely going to hear someone calling for Max or Bella. Those are the top two names bestowed on puppies in 2014. Vetstreet.com says other popular names for boy dogs after Max were Charlie, Rocky, Buddy and Cooper. Rover.com says there was a 37% increase in food-themed names like Coconut, Ginger, Kale, Peanut, Guinness, Vino, Mochi and Whiskey.
Road-kill Clothing
Pamela Paquin is an "ethical designer." She collects road-kill to turn into "Petite Mort," or stoles, collars and coats. The average price is $1000 for one of her creations. So, how is this being received? She says it's "Fashion to die for." Many of her clients are upscale and affluent. Pamela says this is a tribute to the animals.
Pet Food Stamps Program Shuts Down
When Pet Food Stamps, Inc. was formed in 2013; it got attention from all over, including being featured on CNN, CBS, ABC and Animal Radio. In 2013, founder Marc Okon raised $65,000, enough to handle the nearly 200,000 people who'd asked for help. He resigned last April, saying he was overwhelmed with applications and closed the program.
Petco Stops Selling Treats From China
Petco has kept it promise and removed all dog and cat threats made in China from the shelves of it stores nationwide. Last May, the chain became the first national pet retailer to say it would stop selling the treats after reports began showing up Chinese-made treats were making animals sick, and worse. The move includes pet treats made for the Petco Brand 'unleashed' and those sold online.
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Animal Radio® Show #789
Palin vs. PETA
Sarah Palin is catching heat from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) for posting a Facebook picture of her son standing on the family dog to reach the kitchen sink. While the dog doesn't seem the slight bit annoyed, PETA believes this is the wrong message to be sending. The post has over 70k likes. Palin says, "At least we didn't eat the dog."
Autistic Children Respond to All Types of Animals
We've heard about research that pet dogs can help autistic children improve their social skills. Now, a first-of-it's kind study says that any kind of pet can help. The study suggested that when pets are present, the children tend to interact and talk to others more.
United Airlines Leaves Dog on Cold Tarmac
United Airlines is taking heat for a picture that was shared on Twitter of a dog in a kennel out in the cold rain on the tarmac in Houston. The photo was put up by a woman on a plane nearby who says that airline employees were just ignoring the dog and after 30-minutes, she decided to let the company know using social media. United acknowledged the situation, blaming the pet carrier service.
Do Passengers Mind Animals On A Plane?
A study done by the airport shuttle service Go Airport Express found that 52% of people say they're ok with pets traveling in airplane cabins instead of being stowed like cargo, but 6 out of 10 thought it would be a good idea to keep them in a special area because of possible allergies.
Are Animals Property in Custody Battle?
Animals are still considered property when it comes to the law. 27% of the respondents in a recent survey had noticed an increase in the number of couples who fought over custody of a pet during the past 5 years. Most lawyers say anything that you care about, and that includes pets, should be in the pre-nup.
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Animal Radio® Show #788
Dr. Laura Delivers Reckless Message
Thousands of people seek the advice of radio shrink Dr. Laura Schlessinger. Yet she continues to prove that she's not so healthy upstairs. Using her radio show as a platform, she said, "All Pit-bulls are bad and should be put-down." This is complete ignorance at its ugliest.
Actress Jessica Cameron Guests
The extremely charismatic and talented Jessica Cameron shares her life with 5 hep black cats. In fact, she just finished directing (and acting in) Truth or Dare and she reveals how 'Grumpy Cat' turned down a part in this feature flick.
Take Your Dogs To Dinner
It's now legal in California to take your dog to many restaurants, as long as they have an outdoor space. Dogs have to be on leashes or in carriers, well-behaved and they can't be where food is being prepared. It's still up to the restaurant to decide if dogs are welcome and local laws trump the new state law, but the idea is to keep people from leaving dogs in hot cars during the summer or tied up alone outside of restaurants.
Where Llamas Go To Retire
This week's Zeuterin Hero Person saves homeless and sometime ill Llamas and Alpacas at his self-funded sanctuary in British Columbia. David Chapman explains how Alpacas were valued around $20,000 before the turn of the millennium. "Now they're worth less than a stray dog." Many are left homeless and unable to care for themselves.
Small Children And Reptiles Don't Mix
A study is out with a warning for people who have small children and also have exotic reptiles, like snakes, chameleons, iguanas or geckos. The study found that 27% of the kids that came down with salmonella lived in homes with a reptile as a pet.
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Animal Radio® Show #787
Just Say No To Big Cats
Actress Tippi Hedren (The Birds) is back to talk about the big cats at her sanctuary and legislation to stop the breeding of lions and tigers. She comes clean about her daughter's (actress Melanie Griffith) relationship with "Neil" the lion.
Fines For Leaving Your Dog Out In The Cold
The city of Pittsburgh has now made it illegal to tether dogs and leave them outside or unattended for more than a half-hour if the temperature falls below 32-degrees or goes above 90-degrees. There's a $500 fine for lawbreakers.
Pets Can Give You A Tax Break
If you foster an animal, you can deduct some of the associated costs. Things like vet bills, food, grooming; they qualify as charitable donations, which are deductible up to 50% of your adjusted gross income. But once, you officially adopt the animal, that animal is no longer considered a foster, so you will lose the deductions.
Saving Elephants
This week's Zeuterin Hero Person is rescuing elephants from circuses and zoos. Often mistreated, the gentle giants are exploited for our entertainment. Scott Blais, co-founder of an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee, Skypes with us from Brazil, where he is currently rescuing 50 elephants.
Body Art Is Not For Animals
It will soon be a crime throughout New York State to pierce or tattoo a companion animal. There is an exception for markings one under a veterinarian's supervision. The laws were prompted by people showing off what they did to their animals on the Internet, including a woman who was piercing kittens and selling them as 'gothic.'
Pet Owners Get Emotional Distress Award in Death of Pet
The Maryland Court of Appeals has ruled that a jury can award damages to pet owners for the emotional distress they suffer following the injury or death of a beloved animal due to gross negligence. The Court let stand a $200,000 award to Roger and Sandra Jenkins. Their Labrador retriever was shot and killed by a Frederick County sheriff's deputy.
Telethon Adoption Huge Success
The first all-star dog adoption telethon was a huge success. The figures have just come out and the producers of Cause for Paws: An All-Star Dog Spectacular that aired Thanksgiving night resulted in more than 4,4000 people filing adoption papers for homeless dogs. More than 4-million people tuned in to watch the program hosted Hilary Swank and Jane Lynch.
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Free Pets and People Drug Discount Card
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Animal Radio® Show Highlights
Animal Radio® is now on iHeart Radio!! Listen to full shows or Listen to highlights
Groomer Superglues Ear Back On
Britt Savage reports on a groomer that accidentally cut a dog's ear off and glued it back on.
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Turning Roadkill Into Clothing
Pamela Paquin collects road-kill and turns it into high-price clothing accessories.
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Actress Jessica Cameron Guests
Actress and "Scream Queen" Jessica Cameron shares her love for animals€¦and she screams for us too.
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Lucky Iguana
Did you know Iguanas have to penises? Dr. Debbie explains - sort of.
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TailsInc February Pet Events Calendar
Janice Brown-Gork delivers the monthly pet events calendar.
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Cat Toilet Seat Inventor
A genius inventor calls the show and explains his "cat" toilet invention.
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New Update
News Director Tammy Trujillo reports on the defunct Pet Food Stamps program.
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New Update
News Director Tammy Trujillo reports on a couple that received court ordered compensation for the police shooting of their dog.
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