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Animal Radio® Show #948
What If Your Pet Could Talk?
There have been some new advances in Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), which suggest the dream of being able to talk with animals could really happen. With the help of A.I., scientists are learning how to translate animals' vocalizations and facial expressions into something we can understand.
Dog Flu Is Year Round
Canine Influenza, more commonly known as the 'dog flu' is not the same virus as the human flu. For humans, there is a flu season in which the virus is spread, but dog flu is seen year round in pets. You cannot give your dog the flu and you cannot get the flu from your dog. However, dog flu signs and symptoms are much like what people experience such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose and gooey eye discharge. People get flu shots to protect themselves and there IS a flu vaccine for dogs too.
Most Common Reasons Pets Go To Vets
After treating more than 15,500 animal patients last year, Dove Lewis Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Animal Hospital in Portland has compiled a list of the most common medical issues pets are taken to the vet for, as well as the most common items eaten by pets. The top item pets eat that they shouldn't is chocolate followed by marijuana and human medications.
Swiffer Hoax Has Been Around - Here It Comes Again.
For some reason, the rumor that the chemicals used in Swiffer Wet Jet cleaner is killing pets is making the rounds again. But don't worry - it's not true! This urban myth has been around for a number of years and seems to get run through the social media grinder every few months.
Teaching Kids About Spay & Neuter
Lynn Jackson is at the forefront of educating students in Burke County, North Carolina about the acute feral cat and sterilization problems faced by this part of the U.S. She visits with fourth graders and teaches responsible pet ownership.
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Animal Radio® Show #947
Tickles Saves Pickles
When this little pig got sick and needed a blood transfusion, his guardian, Maddie worked effortlessly to find a match. Thanks to social media, Pickles the Potbellied Pig was saved by Tickles - a 450 lb. donor pig, whom was also saved from the butcher in this 'win-win-win' hog story.
Examining PVP's Prior to Vet Visits
Dr. Natalie Marks suggest that pet owners use Pre-Visit Pharmaceuticals (PVP) before you go to the veterinarian. This will make the visit easier and more pleasurable for your pet. She says these medications are not sedatives or painkillers, but are effective for easing anxiety. Dr. Marks is next on the Fear Free Pet Expert Series.
Microchips FAIL
About 15,000 family pets need to have a new microchip inserted because their old microchip no longer works. Especially sad news since it could lead to some pets being mistaken for strays and put down. Pets that are micro-chipped with a product called BioTec, manufactured by Virbac, are at risk. A letter from Virbac says, "It now seems possible all of those BioTec chips might fail over time." We'll tell you how to identify if you're affected by this problem.
Couple Stows Cat in Luggage
A young Florida couple is facing animal cruelty charges after airport security agents at the Erie, Pennsylvania airport found a cat in their luggage. The 6-month-old female cat named Slim was literally inside the suitcase along with the couples' clothing and other items. Luckily, the Erie TSA team spotted the cat during pre-flight inspections.
Couple Rescues Handi-cats
Joe and Lauren DiPaolo have devoted everything to rescuing handicapped cats, or 'handi-cats.' Their house is full of cats with one or multiple ailments. They're providing life-long care for a feline without eyes, a kitty using a wheel contraption in place of legs, and one with a cleft palate, just to name a few of the maladies. You must hear them tell you their story of undying devotion.
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Animal Radio® Show #946
Opossum Rescue is a Thing
The Opossum's Pouch Rescue founder Beth Sparks is our guest. She says North America's only marsupial is quite misunderstood. Beth cares for injured and orphaned Opossums, which are different than Possums. Who knew? Well, apparently everybody, as rescues and social media sites centered on the Opossum are popping up everywhere. Besides, who can resist the little guy in this picture?
Denver Bans Cat Declawing
Denver has become the first city in Colorado to ban elective cat declawing. The city has decided to prohibit veterinarians from performing the procedure unless it's medically necessary. That makes Denver the first major U.S. city outside of California to make this move after passing the bill in November. However, the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association opposes the measure saying the decision to declaw a cat or not should be left up to a veterinarian and the pet owner.
Judges Decided Pet Custody
Divorcing couples in Illinois who can't agree on who keeps the pets will have a judge decide custody, thanks to a new state law. Usually companion animals are treated like property to be divided up between the couple, because in most states pets are still classified as property. But now with the rise of two-income families opting not to have children, the issue of pet custody is gaining more attention.
Fine for Fake Service Dogs
An Arizona state lawmaker has introduced a bill that will fine people up to $250 if they're caught trying to pass their pets off as service animals in public places. As much as this problem irritates many people, some disability advocates worry that if State Senate Bill 1040 becomes law, it may cause more problems and misunderstandings.
The Healing Power of Dogs
Shannon Kopp is no stranger to Animal Radio. In 2015, she told us about her eating disorder, Bulimia. She was throwing up 20 times a day. It was killing her. No doctor or therapist could help her. Things didn't change until she met a special dog. Now, she's advocating the use of animals to help others suffering from eating disorders. You have to hear this incredible and inspiring story told by Shannon.
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As Seen on Shark Tank
Animal Radio® Show #945
Officer Tells Story Of Lake Rescue
The video of an cop rescuing a dog from a frozen lake has gone viral. Officer Robert Voorhees took a big risk when he decided to cross an ice covered lake in New Jersey. He'll share his heroic story with Animal Radio listeners. He says anyone would've done what he did. Would you?
Top Dog-Friendly States
With about 90 million dogs living in homes in the US, we are a country of dog lovers. But not all states are equal in terms of safety and amenities for pets. You may be quite surprised by the findings. Where does your state fit in?
Pet Owner New Years Resolutions
Fear Free certified trainer Debbie Martin thinks both you and your vet should make resolutions and promises to your pet. She'll share her techniques for creating a Fear Free environment and schedule for your dog. Check out the Fear Free Expert Series.
Chinese Pet Economy On The Rise
The world of pets is changing in China with the country's fast rise in wealthy citizens. The Chinese government is calling for residents to create 1,000 "Specialty Towns" by 2020. In Pyongyang County, the specialty theme is pets. There is no doubt that the Chinese pet economy is thriving mostly because of an aging population and declining birth rates.
Felony Charges For Boy Who Tossed Kitten
There's good news about the kitten that unfortunately starred in a viral video last month. You've heard about Spot, a little 3 and a half-pound calico kitten that was tossed high into the air by a teenage boy in the Southern California. Police got their guy. The San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office has filed a charge of felony animal cruelty against the 16-year-old suspect.
The Real Cost of Owning A Pet
You can add up all the vet visits, food and toys and you still would be missing the costs associated with damage to your house… because that happens. Chad Hall with Remodel Mate has tips to help you reduce the damage and do it without selling a kidney.
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Animal Radio® Show #944
Comedian and Musician Singing for the Dogs
We welcome back Comedian Victoria Jackson (SNL - The Tonight Show) and Singer/Songwriter Kimberly Dahme (rock super-group "Boston"). They've co-written a song about a special dog. Victoria just battled stage 3 cancer and won, with the help of "Daisy," her four-legged medicine.
Pet Stores Offering Pet Leases
Do you want that cute doggie in the window so much that you would lease it if you couldn't afford it? You might be in for a shock when a $1,200 dog turns into almost $5,000 in payments. And if you miss a payment, they can come and repossess your dog, because pets are 'property' in the eyes of the law. Adopt. Don't Lease.
Los Angeles May Soon Be Home To Vegan Dogs
Around 33,000 pooches enter the L.A.'s animal shelters each year. They're currently fed kibble composed mostly of turkey, chicken and lamb byproducts. But food for LA’s shelter dogs might soon be swapped out for a plant-based food under a new. If they approve the switch, it would make the Los Angeles shelter system the first in the nation to feed its canine residents a vegan diet. Commissioner Roger Wolfson, a Hollywood screenwriter proposed the vegan diet. However, the city’s chief veterinarian has recommended rejecting the proposal.
Museum Dedicated to Dogs
Cats may be the kings of the Internet, but a museum dedicated to dogs will be opening in Massachusetts. It will feature a private collection of dog inspired paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs and of course dog accessories. The 8,000 square-foot historic space will feature more than 180 pieces from famous artists and rare dog collars dating back to the 1800s.
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Free Pets and People Drug Discount Card
You may already know how expensive pet medication can be. Especially when pet insurance doesn't cover drugs.
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Animal Radio® Show Highlights
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Butt-hole Surgery
A Los Angeles Cat Rescue crowdfunded a surgery to give a kitten an anus. Really!
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After the Rapture
Pastor Travis Davis, for a small fee, will take care of your pets after the big rapture.
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Comedian and Musician Team Up
Former bassist for rock supergroup Boston, Kimberly Dahme and SNL comedian Victoria Jackson teamed up to write a song about a dog. They explain during this guest spot on Animal Radio
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Cop Risks Frozen Lake To Rescue Dog
Officer Robert Voorhees talks about saving a dog from a frozen lake.
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