Grab Your Pets and Join Us for a Celebration of Animals.
This month:
A Deep-Dive Into The Service Animal Scene,
Flea Facts and Tick Talk with Dr. Marty Becker,
8 1/2 Year Old Hero Alyssa Carter,
Quit Your Crappy Job And Work With The Animals says Jamie Migdal,
Actress Kim Sill.
Animal Radio® Show #1268
A Flight Attendants View of Service Animals
Since there is no real certification for service or emotional support animals, anything goes. Flight attendant Heather Poole is fed up with trying to make everybody happy. She questions the credibility of "emotional support" pigs, horses and monkeys. Yes, these are animals she's had the pleasure of accommodating on her LA-NY route.
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Airline Apologizes to PTSD Sufferer
Former U.S. Marine Eric Calley suffers from (PTSD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He is quite thankful for his service dog, "Sun." Calley had a run-in with a US airline when they denied proper seating for his service dog and berated him with insults.
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Homeopathic Drugs Need Regulation
No matter how hyper your dog is, you would never give it an alcoholic drink to help it relax? You might have been doing just that if you used the product Good Dog made by Pet Organics. It turns out that among those 'natural ingredients' is 13% alcohol, about the same amount that is wine.
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Disabled Vet Evicted Over Unpaid Pet Fee
We've been seeing more and more stories about the fees landlords charge people who move in with pets. Now, an unpaid pet fee has resulted in a disabled Army Veteran and his service dog being evicted from a mobile home in Bandera, Texas. David Palasek refused to pay the pet fee, citing Section 504 of the Fair Housing Act that states service animals are not pets, so are not subject to a pet fee.
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Animal Radio® Show #1267
Dogs With PTSD
Former Navy Seal Michael Ritland created a non-profit to help military dogs transition to civilian life. Just like our human soldiers, dogs need help acclimating back into a normal environment. Small noises can cause extreme emotional distress in our enlisted canines.
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Unique Adoption Ideas
The Aloft Hotel is Asheville, North Carolina is helping the local shelter find homes for adoptable dogs with their unique program. So far they've found homes for almost two-dozen dog. Wait until you hear how they're doing it.
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Police Dog Removed From Force
A Florida Police Dog is being kicked off the for for biting a Dunkin' Donuts worker in the calf. "Renzo" had been a police dog for about a year. This is his second bite incident.
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Jerky Treats Update
Most stores are no longer selling jerky pet treats made in China. The treats were connected to thousands of dogs getting sick and at more than one thousand deaths. But the FDA could never determine WHAT it was in the treats that were causing the issues. With the treats off the shelves, for the most part, the number of complaints to the FDA has gone down dramatically, but the agency says it still plans to continue it's investigation.
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Animal Radio® Show #1266
Flea Facts and Tick Talk
Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker is back to help you keep your pets flea-less and tick-less. The good doctor has the ugly truth about how ticks infect you and your pet with a multitude of nasty viruses. And are fleas becoming resistant to spot-on preventatives?
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APPA Releases Pet Spending Figures
The American Pet Products Association (APPA) released the yearly numbers of dollars spent within the pet industry. APPA says we spent 58 BILLION in last year on 397 million pets, including everything from freshwater fish and reptiles to cats and dogs. We spend over 20 billion on pet-food alone. No wonder the business is so cutthroat as many compete for our dollars.
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8 1/2 Year Old Hero
Our Hero Person this week lives in Johannesburg, South Africa and she's 8-and-a-half years old. Alyssa Carter parlayed her love for Rhinos into fundraising to keep them from being poached. So far, she has been able to raise $23,000 by selling candy and trinkets to schoolmates and family.
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To Vaccinate Or Not To Vaccinate
Dr. Debbie teaches us all about the Titer test. The test determines the amount of antibodies in your pet, and ultimately if it is really necessary to vaccinate. She'll tell you why you should vaccinate and what types of animals should avoid vaccination altogether.
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Amtrak On Track To Become Pet Friendly
Amtrak is one step closer to becoming pet friendly. The House of Representatives has approved 8 billion in funding for a pilot program for people traveling with pets. At least one car per train would allow pets in kennels as long as they meet size requirements. The bill now goes to the Senate and then to the White House, where it reportedly is being supported.
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Animal Radio® Show #1265
Quit Your Crappy Job
If you've ever thought of quitting your job to work in the pet industry, you'll should hear this week's guest. Jamie Migdal created a website to match you with the perfect pet-related job. From Dog-walking to Marketing, the jobs pay quite well.
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Sewer Trolling Hero
This week's Hero Person definitely goes above and beyond for animals. His latest rescue was a small Chihuahua dumped into a sewer. Dusty Showers probably needed a few showers after crawling through raw sewage to find this pup that everyone else had given up on. This isn't his first heroic stunt. Besides the long list of animals he has rescued, Dusty also rode his bike across the country to raise funds for Cancer research.
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Owner and Dog Receive Similar Pacemakers
Catherine Pipon was diagnosed with a condition known as heart block. Doctors inserted a pacemaker. Recently, her five-year-old Cairn Terrier Molly was diagnosed with the same condition. Catherine spent over $5,000 to get a pacemaker for the dog. The pacemakers are nearly identical and their conditions are so similar that Catherine and Molly share the same doctor Jersey General Hospital. Molly goes in after hours, so other patients don't get upset that a dog is being seen at a people hospital.
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Animal Radio® Show #1264
Better Living Through Pheromones
Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker is back with the scoop on pheromones. Can the synthetically produced smell be helpful in calming cats and dogs, or is it a waste of money?
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Pedigree vs. Mutt
It's long been thought that mutts are much healthier, both mentally and physically, than those pure bred for pedigree. While there may be some truth to this, it is not always the case. Author Michael Brandow describes how the quest for status has harmed man's best friend.
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Man Finds Dog 18 Months Later
Richard Brower's German Shepherd, Dozer, was stolen 18 months ago. He looked everywhere. After a year-a-half, Richard decided to share his home with a new dog. He did an online search for 'German Shepherds for sale,' which led him to the local animal rescue and right there was Dozer on the front page.
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Therapy Ducks?
Former Ohio National Guardsman Darin Welker uses ducks to treat his PTSD. The town council says he hasn't presented enough evidence that the ducks serve a medical need and that he would face imminent harm without them.
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Zombie Cat in Custody Battle
Last week, we had the story of Bart the cat that was hit by a car and buried but was actually still alive. Bart dug his way out and made it to his neighbors yard. Bart is now officially, and fondly known, as the Zombie Cat. If you think his story couldn't get stranger, think again.
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Animal Radio® Show #1263
Just Say No To Big Cats
Actress Tippi Hedren (The Birds) is back to talk about the big cats at her sanctuary and legislation to stop the breeding of lions and tigers. She comes clean about her daughter's (actress Melanie Griffith) relationship with "Neil" the lion.
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Pets Can Give You A Tax Break
If you foster an animal, you can deduct some of the associated costs. Things like vet bills, food, grooming; they qualify as charitable donations, which are deductible up to 50% of your adjusted gross income. But once, you officially adopt the animal, that animal is no longer considered a foster, so you will lose the deductions.
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Saving Elephants
This week's Hero Person is rescuing elephants from circuses and zoos. Often mistreated, the gentle giants are exploited for our entertainment. Scott Blais, co-founder of an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee, Skypes with us from Brazil, where he is currently rescuing 50 elephants.
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Body Art Is Not For Animals
It will soon be a crime throughout New York State to pierce or tattoo a companion animal. There is an exception for markings one under a veterinarian's supervision. The laws were prompted by people showing off what they did to their animals on the Internet, including a woman who was piercing kittens and selling them as 'gothic.'
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Pet Owners Get Emotional Distress Award in Death of Pet
The Maryland Court of Appeals has ruled that a jury can award damages to pet owners for the emotional distress they suffer following the injury or death of a beloved animal due to gross negligence. The Court let stand a $200,000 award to Roger and Sandra Jenkins. Their Labrador retriever was shot and killed by a Frederick County sheriff's deputy.
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Animal Radio® Show #1262
Genius Idea For Shelter Pets
Actress Kim Sill is back to tell us about her latest project. She's putting adoption stores inside malls. Kim is saving hundreds of death row cats, dogs and bunnies by changing their adoption venue to the more appealing atmosphere.
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Valentine Dangers
While you may not associate Valentine's Day with pet dangers, Doc Halligan from the Lucy Pet Foundation thinks you should be extra cautious. She see more animals the day after Valentines (only third after Christmas and Halloween), usually because pets swallow something they shouldn't have.
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Using Dogs To Treat Cancer
Author Arlene Weintraub explains how vital the roles of dogs are in the search for a cure for cancer. Veterinarians and Oncologists are working together to discover new treatments for Cancer.
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Few Pet Friendly Rentals in Los Angeles
Have you ever searched for a home or apartment to rent that allowed you to have pets? Yes, it's nearly impossible to find in Los Angeles where 62% of the rental units do not accept pets. Now, the LA City Council has voted to make some changes in hopes of making landlords more open to accepting pets at their properties.
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15-Year-Old, 3-Legged Dog Saves Family - Twice
A small, 15-year-old, three-legged dog might not seem like much of a threat, but this dog took a bullet for his family in Wisconsin and saved them from a man who had broken into their home and attempted to rob them. A bullet grazed the top of the dog's head and became lodged in his neck.
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