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Animal Radio® Show #996
Hero Dogs
The founder of the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, Wilma Melville shares stories of growing her nationally recognized organization by rescuing the dogs that would go on to rescue humans.
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Pet Prenups
Many couples these days are using prenuptial agreements to decide who gets the pets in the case of a future divorce. Legal experts say the number of couples deciding who keeps pets ahead of time is growing. And, there are even free online versions of pet prenups for couples to easily sort out their plans for the future. If you've missed your chance to draw up a prenup for your pooch and worry your partner could take it away someday, there are methods to improve your chances in a canine custody dispute. Whoever takes care of the pet, took them to the vet and paid for the pet's supplies and vet bills will stand a better chance of gaining custody, especially if you can prove it in court.
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Dog On Death Row
One Connecticut family is heartbroken over their beloved dog Simon (a mixed breed) who is currently on death row & local town wants to euthanize him. Dr. David Young (Simon's Dad) tells Animal Radio that a teenage neighbor deliberately cut the fence separating their yards and illegally trespassed on Young's yard where Simon was playing. The teenager was brandishing a lacrosse stick in a threatening manner. Simon feeling threatened bit the teenager on the leg. Simon has been in City Custody over a year awaiting a court decision.
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People Put Their Pets Health First
More than half of dog moms and dads put their pet's health above their own according to a new study. 55% of the pet parents who were interviewed said a healthy diet for their dog is of the highest importance to them. But sadly, the experts found we don't always consider the health benefits of our own food. Just a third of us consider the nutritional benefits of the food we're adding to our shopping baskets for our own consumption. And, although we shop for our pets with their health in mind, we could be doing more harm than good at home. Over a third of the dog parents admitted to feeding their fur kid chocolate and cheese, which in some cases can be extremely toxic. Only 68% claimed to know 'some' of the food items that are dangerous for dogs to consume. See our list of toxic foods.
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€¦and it's the Animal Radiolympics.
Animal Radio is a proud supporter of Fido Friendly's 'Get Your Licks on Route 66' Adoption Tour
Animal Radio® Show #995
Legislation To License Groomers
Shortly after Rosemary Marchetto's Shih Tzu was dropped at a chain store groomer she was informed that her dog had died. She feels the groomer was negligent and that the profession needs regulation. Bijou's Bill, named after Rosemary's dog, is being spearheaded by New Jersey Senator Valerie Huttle. The law would require pet groomers to be licensed, at least 18 years old, and tested by the State Board of Veterinary Examiners. Rosemary joins us this week to tell her story. Animal Radio's Joey Villani is also on the forefront of this groundbreaking legislation and he says there is some push-back from many groomers.
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You Can Now Ask Alexa Pet Medical Questions
Vet24seven has launched MyPetDoc, an Alexa skill that is the world's first artificial intelligence "SmartVet." Now, pet parents with a pet health question can talk with MyPetDoc on Alexa and get veterinarian-backed answers to their concerns. Once MyPetDoc has answered the pet parents' questions, they can then choose to speak immediately with a licensed veterinarian for more guidance and advice for a $25 charge. This doesn't sit well with Animal Radio's Dr. Debbie.
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Making It Illegal To Stalk Pets
The federal stalking law is getting an update to include threats made against a pets and emotional support animals. Senator Gary Peters of Michigan managed to get his proposal, which adds threats and violence against a person's pets to the stalking statute, included in this year's Farm Bill. Under the law, threatening or harming a pet as a way to harass or intimidate a victim is punishable by up to five years in prison.
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Do You Have The Right Car Seat For Your Fur-baby?
A recent Harris Poll indicates that many dog owners don't restrain their animals while driving with them. Many admit to allowing their dog to roam freely about the car, sit on their lap or stick their head out the window. Award-winning car columnist Tim Spell tells us the dangers behind unrestrained pets in the car and how to find the right restraining system and use it properly.
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Pet Scams On The Rise
The Better Business Bureau's Scam Tracker has seen an increase in people losing money to pet scams. They're not surprised as it's typical around the holidays. Animal Radio's Lori Brooks exposes the scams and has tips to avoid being scammed.
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Animal Radio® Show #994
Parsing The Hottest CBD Trend
Topping the list of the biggest pet trends is the use of CBD, a bi-product of marijuana. Dozens of new CBD products have begun popping up. Some might not be so good for your pet and may actually contain arsenic. Dr. Debbie and Lori Brooks explore the pros and cons before you make an informed decision.
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Emotional Support Alligator at New Orleans Airport
It's not uncommon to see dogs or cats being used at major airports as a de-stressor. When you step off a plane in New Orleans, you'll meet an alligator. While these alligators aren't necessarily intended to provide emotional support, they are ready to take a selfie and be petted. Director of Communications at the airport, Erin Burns joins us to explain this unique partnership with the Audubon society.
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Women Sleep Better With Dogs Than Humans
There's a new study out that shows women sleep better next to dogs than their human partners. 55% shared the bed with at least one dog and 31% shared their bed with at least one cat. Researchers found dogs were less likely to wake their owners in the middle of the night than humans, who were equally disruptive to women's sleep and didn't provide the feelings of comfort and security that dogs do.
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Are Kennel Dryers Bad?
If you go to a groomer, you might be very familiar with kennel dryers, used to finish your pet's coat after a grooming. After several tragic accidents, many have become frightened of putting their animal inside the dryer. Dogfather Joey Villani addresses this problem head-on, saying there is nothing inherently wrong with these machines - and instead blaming bad groomers.
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Animal Radio® Show #993
Mayor Takes Terminally Ill Pet On Trip Across America
When someone you love is terminally ill, you may do whatever you can to make the little time left count. Attleboro Massachusetts Mayor Paul Heroux took his dying dog Mura on a cross-country bucket-list trip. He says "Filling up my gas tank: $40. Staying at a sketchy hotel: $60. The look on Mura's face after she just ate a nasty freeway gas station hot dog: Priceless." The animal friendly politician has also gone to far lengths to make his government workplace a pet-friendly environment.
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Troubled Teens Find Help
Research back by the Iams Company is now showing that animal assisted therapy can make a significant difference in the recovery of troubled teens. A New Leash On Life, a program designed to match foster dogs with troubled youth, is having a positive effect on the children's behavior and social interaction. Britt Savage Reports.
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Alligators At The Airport
Many airports around the country are helping to de-stress passengers with teams of therapy animals in the terminals. These mostly include dogs and the occasional therapy pig, which struts around the San Francisco airport, or the therapy cats in Denver. Now, there is a new kind of therapy animal appearing at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport in Louisiana, where they have baby alligators at the baggage claim. The program is part of the airport's new partnership with the Audubon Nature Institute. Selfies are encouraged for that souvenir you won't soon forget.
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FDA Reducing Use Of Animals In Research
In keeping with the goals of reducing, replacing and/or refining the use of animals in research, the Food and Drug Administration has released for public comment their proposed research to validate an alternative approach for what they call bioequivalence studies for certain animal drugs. Another proposed change is that for at least two months before a study begins, the FDA's animal care staff will work with the dogs to socialize them and acclimate them to being handled. The dogs will also receive regular veterinary care, including vaccinations and preventive care, so that they remain happy, well socialized and healthy and thus able to be adopted. If you have comments, make them here.
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Animal Radio® Show #992
Evicted Alligator Gets Legal Representation
'Katfish,' the 200-pound PET alligator that was forcibly removed from his home, is now being represented in court by Tristen Woods and Lauren Sierra. The alligator's owner, Sean Casey fed Katfish a diet of chicken nuggets from Wendy's. Tristen and Lauren explain the situation and what the future holds for the reptilian.
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Stressed People Have Stressed Dogs
Dr. John Huber says happy owners generally have happy pets. Alternatively, stressed owners tend to cause their pets to be anxious. This anxiety can cause a myriad of canine behavior problems.
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Vegan Diets Can Land You In Jail
Cat owners in the U.K. are being advised they are breaking the law if they feed their cat an all vegan diet. Cats are obligate carnivores and need meat. Owners of cats that are malnourished face a hefty fine and even a jail sentence.
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Pet Spending Surpasses Previous Reports
Americans spent a staggering $77.13 BILLION on their pets in 2017. That's a 15% increase over 2016. The biggest chunk was spent on pet food, followed by veterinary care. Consumers will spend on average of $237 per pet for the holidays.
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Is Petsmart Really To Blame
Petsmart is under the gun again as another grooming accident allegedly resulted in a broken jaw. However, Dr. Debbie is quick to point out that the dog's jaw may have been compromised prior to the grooming due to poor dental care.
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