Grab Your Pets and Join Us for a Celebration of Animals.
This month:
Fear Free Founder Dr. Marty Becker
Eating Disorder Counselor Shannon Kopp
Advocate Ralph Nader
Pontificator Boze Hadleigh
Animal Radio Flashback with Comedian Buddy Hackett
Animal Radio® Show #1154
You're Petting Your Pets Wrong
Dr. Marty Becker is back with new research that shows you may be petting cats and dogs improperly. This is especially important if you're a veterinarian. The Fear Free Pets movement wants us to rethink how we interact with our four-legged friends.
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Do Dogs Like 'Baby Talk?'
Most of us baby talk to babies and our dogs, but maybe we should just limit it to puppies because it turns out older dogs aren't so impressed with our baby talk. A new study shows that baby talk, also known as dog-directed speech when you're conversing with your dog, gets a big response from puppies, but older dogs really couldn't care less.
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Recipe for Cats and Dogs To Get Along
Cats and dogs really can get along to the point that they'll play hard together, drink water from the same bowl and cuddle on the couch, according to research led from Tel Aviv University. They discovered the recipe for success is to adopt the cat first and introduce a dog while both pets are still young. In homes where the cat and dog are mates, the research suggests they've managed to correctly read each other's body cues.
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Pet Owners Fined for Animals Left Out in Cold
In Yakima, Washington, authorities are giving a warning to unkind pet owners after receiving reports of animals being left outside in frigid temperatures. Since the beginning of last month, animal control has already responded to at least 60 animal welfare checks. Pet owners could face a misdemeanor charge for animal neglect if their pets are found in distress and given a fine from $250 to $5,000 depending on the severity.
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Animal Radio® Show #1153
Opossum Rescue is a Thing
The Opossum's Pouch Rescue founder Beth Sparks is our guest. She says North America's only marsupial is quite misunderstood. Beth cares for injured and orphaned Opossums, which are different than Possums. Who knew? Well, apparently everybody, as rescues and social media sites centered on the Opossum are popping up everywhere. Besides, who can resist the little guy in this picture?
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Denver Bans Cat Declawing
Denver has become the first city in Colorado to ban elective cat declawing. The city has decided to prohibit veterinarians from performing the procedure unless it's medically necessary. That makes Denver the first major U.S. city outside of California to make this move after passing the bill in November. However, the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association opposes the measure saying the decision to declaw a cat or not should be left up to a veterinarian and the pet owner.
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The Healing Power of Dogs
Shannon Kopp is no stranger to Animal Radio. In 2015, she told us about her eating disorder, Bulimia. She was throwing up 20 times a day. It was killing her. No doctor or therapist could help her. Things didn't change until she met a special dog. Now, she's advocating the use of animals to help others suffering from eating disorders. You have to hear this incredible and inspiring story told by Shannon.
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Judges Decided Pet Custody
Divorcing couples in Illinois who can't agree on who keeps the pets will have a judge decide custody, thanks to a new state law. Usually companion animals are treated like property to be divided up between the couple, because in most states pets are still classified as property. But now with the rise of two-income families opting not to have children, the issue of pet custody is gaining more attention.
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Fine for Fake Service Dogs
An Arizona state lawmaker has introduced a bill that will fine people up to $250 if they're caught trying to pass their pets off as service animals in public places. As much as this problem irritates many people, some disability advocates worry that if State Senate Bill 1040 becomes law, it may cause more problems and misunderstandings.
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Animal Radio® Show #1152
Ralph Nader Guests
Named by Time, Life and Atlantic magazines as one of the hundred most influential Americans, former U.S. Presidential candidate Ralph Nader is our guest. Now, he's speaking out for the animals in his book called "Animal Envy."
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Teens Invent for Dogs
Josh and Zach Armstrong are 13 and 15 respectively. They're home-schooled. But don't let that fool you. They've invented an electronic circuit that a blind dog can wear on his collar to alert him of impending obstacles. They'll tell their story to us this weekend.
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Dog Lands Jobs at Lowe's
Clay Luthy is an Air Force veteran who can't go anywhere without his 10-year-old service dog Charlotte, even to work. That's why the dynamic duo is especially overjoyed that they finally landed a job at the Lowe's in Abilene, Texas. Up until Clay's wife gave him the idea to apply at Lowe's, the veteran had a hard time finding a business that would be okay with his Charlotte following him around in a work zone. Lowe's Human Resources Department says, "Clay won the job on his own merit, but the company just got the benefit of getting Charlotte right along with him."
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The Misunderstood Pit Bull
Author and pit bull advocate Deirdre Franklin wants you to know that the breed gets a bad-rap. She'll tell us why pit bulls are misunderstood. If you're thinking of adopting this adorable breed, you'll need to know what hurdles lay ahead.
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The Gnarly Yeast Infection
If your dog has ever had to deal with a yeast infection, you know how itchy and uncomfortable your furry-friend can be. Not to mention the stink! These infections are usually secondary of a bigger problem. Dr. Debbie can help you identify the problem and get your dog back onto the recovery path.
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Animal Radio® Show #1151

Animal Radio Howliday Special
Bring on the holidays with inspirational and emotionally driven tales about the connection with our pets. Celebrated authors and entertainers share their most intimate thoughts on animals.
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On this week's show:
Comedian Buddy Hackett loved animals so much he started a foundation and a yearly comedy show to help save abused and homeless dogs and cats.
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Animal Advocate Ed Sayres has found an addendum to Genesis explaining the creation of Cats & Dogs. You might be surprised to know that God felt the dog was a reflection of himself and named the creature "DOG" - GOD backwards.
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From the nationally recognized Helen Woodward Center in San Diego, Mike Arms had a rough start in the animal world. Moving from Kentucky to New York, a search for work landed him at the local shelter. After being beaten by thugs for saving a dog, he dedicated his life to the animals.
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Also on this special show: Rae Ann Kumelos, Peter Gethers, Britt Savage, Vinnie Penn, Trixie Koontz and Jingle Fish!
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Animal Radio® Show #1150
Human Like Toilet For Your Cat
There's a new human-like toilet on the market for cats. It is called Catolet. It's basically a conveyor belt-equipped automatically-flushing toilet that's made for cats. Ideally, the Catolet is installed in a bathroom where it is permanently connected to the water supply and sewage system with hoses that are included. Right now you can sign up to get one for $299.
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Life's A Pooch
Pet pontificator Boze Hadleigh is back on Animal Radio to celebrate the connection with our dogs. He's queried hundreds of celebrities and well-known people for quotes about "man's best friend."
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Giving Back - Paying it Forward
Animal Radio's Pet World Insider Robert Semrow has five ways you can give back to the pet world this holiday season.
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AIBO The Robotic Dog Is Reborn
Sony Corp is going to try again with its robotic dog AIBO after more than a decade. AIBO is billed as a pet that behaves like a real dog using artificial intelligence to learn and interact with its handler and surroundings. Numerous studies have been done with robotic dogs and nursing home patients with fantastic results.
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Giving Your Dog Your Undivided Attention
New research suggests dogs make a wider variety of facial expressions when their owners or companions are paying attention to them. So, while you are sitting at a computer holding on to a toy while your dog basically plays tug of war with itself, is not nearly as beneficial to them as when you invest your attention in that play time.
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First Responders Can Now Treat Pets In Wisconsin
Wisconsin lawmakers are pushing to change state law and allow first responders to treat pets when responding to an emergency. However, the departments do not receive special training for handling pets and they do prioritize saving human lives first. 22 other states in the U.S. already allow first responders to provide animals with emergency care.
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Animal Radio® Show #1149
Human Like Toilet For Your Cat
There's a new human-like toilet on the market for cats. It is called Catolet. It's basically a conveyor belt-equipped automatically-flushing toilet that's made for cats. Ideally, the Catolet is installed in a bathroom where it is permanently connected to the water supply and sewage system with hoses that are included. Right now you can sign up to get one for $299.
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Life's A Pooch
Pet pontificator Boze Hadleigh is back on Animal Radio to celebrate the connection with our dogs. He's queried hundreds of celebrities and well-known people for quotes about "man's best friend."
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Giving Back - Paying it Forward
Animal Radio's Pet World Insider Robert Semrow has five ways you can give back to the pet world this holiday season.
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AIBO The Robotic Dog Is Reborn
Sony Corp is going to try again with its robotic dog AIBO after more than a decade. AIBO is billed as a pet that behaves like a real dog using artificial intelligence to learn and interact with its handler and surroundings. Numerous studies have been done with robotic dogs and nursing home patients with fantastic results.
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Giving Your Dog Your Undivided Attention
New research suggests dogs make a wider variety of facial expressions when their owners or companions are paying attention to them. So, while you are sitting at a computer holding on to a toy while your dog basically plays tug of war with itself, is not nearly as beneficial to them as when you invest your attention in that play time.
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First Responders Can Now Treat Pets In Wisconsin
Wisconsin lawmakers are pushing to change state law and allow first responders to treat pets when responding to an emergency. However, the departments do not receive special training for handling pets and they do prioritize saving human lives first. 22 other states in the U.S. already allow first responders to provide animals with emergency care.
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Animal Radio® Show #1148
Christopher Gutierrez decided to create a cat café in Chicago. Not just any regular cat café though. He filled it with video and arcade games. He said the niche is working. His mission is to rescue cats from life-threatening situations and find quality homes through his adoption program.
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Massaging Your Pets
Craniosacral Therapist Tracy Vroom works hard to help animals feel better through massage. As an instructor at the Rocky Mountain School of Animal Acupressure and Massage, she's sharing what she knows about her healing touch. She'll get us started with massage techniques for our pets.
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A Message To Veterinarians
Veterinarian Dr. Julie Reck says that turning her office into a Fear Free certified clinic helped her to practice better medicine. She opened her clinic in 2011 and now she has a bustling practice with four vets and an new attitude. The pets are the big benefactors.
Listen to Dr. Reck on the Fear Free Expert Series.
Commemorating A Pet
Yes, all dogs go to heaven. But what you do with their earthly bodies is up to you and now you have options. There is cremation, burial at a pet cemetery and even taxidermy. You can also turn their ashes into synthetic diamonds, which is pretty expensive and starts at about $2,500 for the smallest size diamond. However, there is another option. Now you can have your pet composted. Lori Brooks reports.
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Emotional Support Squirrel Faces Eviction
A man in Florida is facing eviction from his condo because he refuses to part with his ESA, or Emotional Support Animal, which in this case is a squirrel. The man says he rescued the female squirrel, now named Brutus, shortly after Hurricane Matthew. He says she's just like a cat that hides nuts. He even has the required doctor's note saying he suffers from anxiety related to a car accident more than ten years ago.
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Dog Owners Are Healthier
There are literally thousands of studies saying pets are good for your health but this latest one has a lot of people talking. This research was 12 years in the making, studying 3.4 million people, and found that adult dog owners are less likely to die than their non-dog owning peers.
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Animal Radio® Show #1147
Chickens As Pets
The "Chicken Chick" is back with her backyard chicken stories and tips on raising your own chickens. Trained as a lawyer, Kathy Shea-Mormino is taking on courts all across the U.S. to allow chickens in city settings.
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Tackling Pet Diabetes
Pet World Insider Robert Semrow has 5 Things You Must Know About Pet Diabetes. The disease is becoming more prevalent as more pets are becoming obese. This is just another reason to keep your pet fit and eating properly.
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Controlling Pet Stress
You may think your pets are living the spoiled life. But did you know they actually could be stressed, causing undue strain on their immune system? Dr. Elizabeth DeLomba is back with details on the silent killer. She'll tell us the signs to look out for - and what to do if your pet is stressed.
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Fake Delta Airlines Website Scamming Pet Owners
An elaborate, but bogus pet-shipping website that makes people believe they are dealing with Delta Air Lines has also been linked to a puppy selling scam, offering smaller dogs like Chihuahuas and poodles for sale. Delta filed a lawsuit against the website in federal court because it is designed to look like the real Delta site and uses the airline's logos and even pictures of its planes. According to Delta, the fake website operators collect thousands of dollars without ever shipping or delivering any pets.
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Okay, That's A Little Weird
A new survey shows a large percentage of pet owners are going out of their way to do things for their pets, that other less animal friendly people may consider weird. But who cares, right? This new survey revealed that a 33% of us let our pets into the bathroom with us. The poll of 2,000 dog and cat owners also found a third shared a bath or shower with their pet! 3 in 10 sign their animal's name in birthday cards. More than 6 in 10 admit they are closer to their pet than they are to some of their family members. But 9 in 10 owners said they don't care what people think of their relationships with their pets.
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