Grab Your Pets and Join Us for a Celebration of Animals.
This month:
From the band 'Exile,' Musician Marlon Hargis
Actress Joyce DeWitt,
Petsit's Beth Stultz,
Batman's Robin, Caped Crusader and Gentle Giant Rescue owner Burt Ward.
Animal Radio® Show #1214
Pigs As Pets
The very charismatic Debra Jo Chiapuzio is back to tell us about life with a pet pig. She says her dog thinks the swine is a yummy-treat. If you've ever considered a pig for a pet, you must hear this interview. Debra, who is responsible for creating the Emma Zen Organization, raised funds to supply local fire departments with pet-oxygen masks. Now she's behind the "Food Train" to help rescued pigs.
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Protective Order Protects Pets of Domestic Abuse
A new federal bill in search of Congressional support could be passed to protect both animals and people. The Pets and Women's Safety (PAWS) Act will make it a crime to cross state lines to commit an act of domestic violence on a pet. The program would also provide support for animal shelters that offer space for the pets of people fleeing domestic violence.
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Living In A Bathtub for 30 Daze
Danielle Daals left her family in New Zealand to sit in a bathtub for 30 days in front of the Miami Seaquarium. Of course she has a good reason. She wants people to know that Lolita the Killer Whale lives in the smallest tank in the United States. We talk to her about halfway through her publicity stunt.
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Cat Trapped In Woman's Body
Nano, as she likes to be called, claims she was born in the wrong species and that she's actually a cat trapped in a human body! She says her personality and psychological features prove that she is more feline that human because she prefers walking around on her hands and knees to standing on two legs, and likes to sleep in sinks and wind mills, despite her adult size. She also claims she possesses a slew of catty characteristics like ultra-sharp hearing, laser night vision and fierce aversions to both dogs and water. The clincher that Nano is really a cat is seen in her You Tube video in which she says, "It's also obvious that I'm a cat when I start purring and meowing . . . Sometimes I hiss when meeting dogs in the street."
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Animal Radio® Show #1213
Rocker Marlon Hargis Talks About His Furry Friends
He's still around and touring for the animals. From the band Exile (Kiss You All Over), Marlon Hargis is our guest; and saying he loves our furry friends is an understatement. He even does a benefit concert for a homeless pets and people organization.
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Canned vs. Kibble - Moist vs. Dry
Doc Halligan is here to settle the age-old question, should we be feeding our pets dry food or from a can? The answer may depend on many factors. Is dry kibble responsible for one of the most common problems in older male cats?
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Real Estate for Animal Businesses
You may already know how hard it is to find somewhere to live with your pets. That is especially true if you live in Los Angeles. LA is where Lynsey Polacheck runs her real estate business for animal related businesses like groomers, pet hotels and even a doggy-shrink.
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Canine Flu Now in 28 States
The new strain of canine flu was just confirmed in Missouri and Montana. There is a preventative vaccine for about $50, which is a lot cheaper than treating a dog with this strain of flu. And what about the cats? Can they get it?
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What You Need To Know About Microchips
The biggest misconception about microchips is that they contain the owner's information. Dr. Debbie sets a listener straight (or perhaps the listener sets Dr. Debbie straight) when they ask why veterinarians don't scan for stolen pets. Make sure these microchip pitfalls don't make them useless when your pet goes missing.
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Animal Radio® Show #1212
Joyce DeWitt Guests
She played Janet, the brunette on Three's Company. Joyce DeWitt is our special guest this week and she's "talking dogs." She starred in a Hallmark made-for-TV movie about dogs.
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GPS Microchip Fraud?
Karen Hanover was a recent guest on Animal Radio® and discussed a new device she and her mother created called Escape Alert, a GPS microchip that could track your dog if he/she ever got lost. Hanover signed a plea deal in federal court stating that she bilked 48 people out of nearly a million-and-a-half dollars.
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Pet Insurance Reform
California has become the first state in the nation to enact a set of protections for people who buy pet insurance. Assembly bill 2056 requires insurers to explain their policies more clearly and give people a 30-day trial period, during which a person can get a full refund. The pet insurance industry is expected to grow to at least $750 million by next year, while Americans spend more than $15 billion annually on veterinary care.
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E-Cigarettes Causes Trouble for Pets
With the popularity of electronic cigarettes, veterinarians are seeing more and more nicotine poisoning events. The pen-like smoke vaporizer usually is flavored, which makes it even harder to keep away from dogs. Dr. Ahna Brutlag from the Pet Poison Helpline is here to explain.
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Animal Radio® Show #1211
Quit Your Stupid Job
Beth Stultz of wants you to quit your dumb job and become a pet-sitter! She says you can make anywhere between 50,000 to a MILLION a year doing what you love. Beth will tell you how to get started.
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Pet Dental Health Month
Sure, everyone is telling you to brush your pet's teeth daily. But are you? Of course not. Not because you don't care, but because it can be a tremendously complex undertaking. Doc Halligan and Joey Villani have the lowdown on brushing compliance and why it's so important for your pet's health.
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Pets and YOUR Happiness
A survey from Manhattan College confirms that people that own pets are generally happier than those that don't. The research also goes on to back up an earlier theory that cat owners tend to be neurotic.
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Goats Celebrates The Broncos Football
A Colorado farmer is celebrating the Denver Bronco's by knitting Broncos sweaters for the 150 baby goats expected to be born on her family's 400-acre goat farm this spring.
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Animal Radio® Show #1210
From Caped Crusader to Canine Crusader
Actor Burt Ward was the original 'Robin' on the hit series Batman. Because of security issues during Batman's filming, he had to have two large breed dogs with him all the time. Now he's devoted to giant breed dogs and runs the Gentle Giant Rescue. He tells Animal Radio that as many as 25 Great Danes share his bed with him and his wife Tracy.
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The Secret Life of Mac
Inspired by the viral videos of cats stealing clothes and other items, author Melinda Metz weaved a story about a Klepto-kitty named Mac who will steal your heart. Why is it some cats, left to their own devices, choose to abscond with everything from lingerie to money?
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EMT's Can't Treat Animals… Yet
Police in Boston are praising proposed legislation that would allow emergency medical service workers to treat police dogs injured in the line of duty. Currently, Massachusetts' laws penalize EMT's if they assist an animal in an emergency.
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Can Our Pets Become Addicted To Opioids?
The opioid crisis isn't just impacting people. A new study in Pennsylvania says there's been a big increase in the amount of pain medication being prescribed for pets in the state. The new research shows opioid prescriptions for animals in the state are up 41% over a 10-year period. It's unclear why there's been such a dramatic increase. But, if opioids are so addictive for humans, are they addictive to pets?
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Animal Radio® Show #1209
What If Your Pet Could Talk?
There have been some new advances in Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), which suggest the dream of being able to talk with animals could really happen. With the help of A.I., scientists are learning how to translate animals' vocalizations and facial expressions into something we can understand.
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Dog Flu Is Year Round
Canine Influenza, more commonly known as the 'dog flu' is not the same virus as the human flu. For humans, there is a flu season in which the virus is spread, but dog flu is seen year round in pets. You cannot give your dog the flu and you cannot get the flu from your dog. However, dog flu signs and symptoms are much like what people experience such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose and gooey eye discharge. People get flu shots to protect themselves and there IS a flu vaccine for dogs too.
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Most Common Reasons Pets Go To Vets
After treating more than 15,500 animal patients last year, Dove Lewis Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Animal Hospital in Portland has compiled a list of the most common medical issues pets are taken to the vet for, as well as the most common items eaten by pets. The top item pets eat that they shouldn't is chocolate followed by marijuana and human medications.
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Teaching Kids About Spay & Neuter
Lynn Jackson is at the forefront of educating students in Burke County, North Carolina about the acute feral cat and sterilization problems faced by this part of the U.S. She visits with fourth graders and teaches responsible pet ownership.
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Swiffer Hoax Has Been Around - Here It Comes Again.
For some reason, the rumor that the chemicals used in Swiffer Wet Jet cleaner is killing pets is making the rounds again. But don't worry - it's not true! This urban myth has been around for a number of years and seems to get run through the social media grinder every few months.
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Animal Radio® Show #1203
Parsing The Hottest CBD Trend
Topping the list of the biggest pet trends is the use of CBD, a bi-product of marijuana. Dozens of new CBD products have begun popping up. Some might not be so good for your pet and may actually contain arsenic. Dr. Debbie and Lori Brooks explore the pros and cons before you make an informed decision.
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Emotional Support Alligator at New Orleans Airport
It's not uncommon to see dogs or cats being used at major airports as a de-stressor. When you step off a plane in New Orleans, you'll meet an alligator. While these alligators aren't necessarily intended to provide emotional support, they are ready to take a selfie and be petted. Director of Communications at the airport, Erin Burns joins us to explain this unique partnership with the Audubon society.
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Women Sleep Better With Dogs Than Humans
There's a new study out that shows women sleep better next to dogs than their human partners. 55% shared the bed with at least one dog and 31% shared their bed with at least one cat. Researchers found dogs were less likely to wake their owners in the middle of the night than humans, who were equally disruptive to women's sleep and didn't provide the feelings of comfort and security that dogs do.
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Are Kennel Dryers Bad?
If you go to a groomer, you might be very familiar with kennel dryers, used to finish your pet's coat after a grooming. After several tragic accidents, many have become frightened of putting their animal inside the dryer. Dogfather Joey Villani addresses this problem head-on, saying there is nothing inherently wrong with these machines - and instead blaming bad groomers.
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