Grab Your Pets and Join Us for a Celebration of Animals.
This month:
*Delivering Death Row Dogs To Adoptable Homes,
*Creating A 'Bucket-List' For Your Pet,
*Cancer: No Longer A Death Sentence For Your Pet,
*'Sally Forth' Writer Francesco Marciuliano Transcribes Cat's Poetry,
*How Far Would You Go To Save Your Pet's Life?
*Bestselling Author Dean Koontz Tells Us Why He Bought His Dog A Typewriter.
Animal Radio® Show #1288
Hero People
We kick off this week's Hero People series by showcasing humans going above and beyond the call of duty to improve our animals' lives. Greg Mahle spends much of his time on the road delivering death row animals to adoptable homes.
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Performance Standards for Pet Travel Safety Products
Nearly all of us drive with our dogs in the car. And now there are car seats to ensure safety in case of a sudden stop or an accident. The Center for Pet Studies has teamed up with Subaru of America to test car harnesses. They looked at seven harnesses using a specially designed crash test dog.
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Who's the Smartest
While Dr. Diana Reiss doesn't like to compare animal smarts; she is quick to explain just how intelligent dolphins and elephants are and their ability to recognize themselves in the mirror.
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Carrot Dating
Another genius idea or just a dud? The jury is still out on Carrot Dating. The premise is meeting singles online while bribing them with a cute little puppy. What if your date showed up holding a cuddly puppy instead of flowers?
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They Get A Bad Rap
Pit bulls get a bad rap. They're not necessarily vicious dogs unless trained to be… or simply untrained. Every decade has its poster dog. It used to be the German Shepherd and the Rottweiler. Let's break the myth today and save these dogs from their owners and bad press.
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Separation Anxiety
Alan Kabel has proven ways to treat and cure separation anxiety. It all starts with desensitizing your dog to the subtle cues you give them when you're about to leave the house.
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Animal Radio® Show #1287
Pet Bucket List
Our Hero Person this week is Riina Cooke. When she discovered her dog had a terminal illness and only months to live, she created a bucket list of stuff to do with "Romeo" before he passed. She shares how the idea originated and some fun things she did with her dog in his last moments.
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Where Animals Go To Retire
Ellie Laks spends her days caring for a menagerie of abandoned or neglected animals. From cows to kitties, her property is home to over a hundred animals that will live their life out at the Gentle Barn.
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Loss Prevention
While microchips are a great form of identification, Ulvid Osis created a pet registration system that works in tandem with microchips to help owners find missing animals using a Google search. He'll explain how Fetch ID is peace of mind.
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Titanic Pets
While many documentaries and films have been made about the Titanic, none really focused on the many animals aboard the doomed crossing. Tammy Trujillo suggests you have tissue handy when you hear about one owner who wouldn't leave her dog's side.
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Mexico Is Going To The Dogs
Over the past decade, Mexico's middle class has been growing, creating a new market for all things dog. This includes everything from clothing and accessory boutiques to spas and restaurants that feature doggie snacks. Sales of pet-related products in Mexico have grown an average of 13 percent a year, to $2.2 billion last year.
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Colorado Is The 39th State To Ban Greyhound Racing
The governor of that state has signed it into law. Yes, on marijuana, no on pit bulls, and now the end of Greyhound racing with a new ban. At least seven states still allow greyhound racing.
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Animal Radio® Show #1286
Preventing And Treating Cancer In Your Pet
Cancer is no longer a death sentence for dogs or cats. Amazing technological breakthroughs allow vets to treat cancer fairly effectively. Dr. Gerald Post from The Veterinary Cancer Center is back to answer questions.
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Traveling With Your Dog
Kelly Carter has traveled the world with her Chihuahua, Lucy. Now she's telling us the best places to take your pet. She even has tips for making the journey more pet-friendly and comfortable.
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Bad Vet
Imagine taking your dog to the vet and he falsely tells you that your furry-companion needs to be euthanized. Then imagine the vet didn't euthanize the dog but used it for transfusions without your knowledge. This allegedly happened in Fort Worth, Texas. Listen to this horrendous case as the details develop.
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First Ever One Million Pibble March
There's been a Million Man March and Million Mom March, and a few weeks ago, there was the first-ever One Million Pibble March on Washington. What's a Pibble? It's one name for Pit Bulls. Thousands of pit bull advocates convened on the West Lawn of the U-S Capitol. The message was to create stronger laws against dogfights and stop legislation restricting ownership of certain dog breeds.
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Creating Memories and Keepsakes
Amy Cecil is bringing back the fun of paint-by-numbers to the pet world. You can easily create a masterpiece painting of your pet with Amy's "Easy 1-2-3 Art" system. You'll start by uploading a picture to her website.
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Animal Radio® Show #1285
I Could Pee On This
Our special guest is Francesco Marciuliano. He's the author of the Sally Forth comic strip that runs in over 700 newspapers and a series of pet poetry books that he says he transcribed from his cat. Not bad for a kid with a "Bucket List" at ten years old. You'll laugh until you hurt!
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$1 Million Lawsuit Over Dog That Was Supposed to Euthanized
The story of the vet in Fort Worth, Texas, who is charged with keeping several dogs alive who were supposed to be euthanized so they could be used as blood donors, keeps getting more unbelievable. The clinic has been shut down while it is being investigated for animal cruelty and faces a $1 million lawsuit.
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Stuffed Pet Look-a-likes
Jennifer Graham has a pretty cool business. She makes customized stuffed animals that look just like your pet. You'll submit front and side-view pictures of your furry companion. Eight weeks later, the UPS man will deliver a stuffed version of the family pet.
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There's Panda-Monium in China
There is panda-monium going on in pet shops all over China. Dogs that look like the country's prized pandas are all the rage. It takes about two hours to turn a dog into a panda, and the look will last for about six weeks before it is time for a touch-up.
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IKEA Helps Homeless Animals In Showrooms
The showrooms of two IKEA stores currently feature life-sized cardboard cutouts of shelter dogs available for adoption. Shoppers interested in the dogs can scan their unique QR codes to learn more about them.
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Animal Radio® Show #1284
Being A Vet Saved Her Life
When Veterinarian Dr. Sarah Boston noticed a lump on her body, she insisted that it was cancerous, even though other doctors said no. She did an ultrasound at her office and validated her worst fear. The lump was removed, and she is now cancer-free.
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What Would You Do For Your Dog?
When this week's Hero Person found out his pup had Ventricular Tachycardia, a rare condition where a dog has a rapidly fast and sometimes irregular heartbeat, Scott Clare drove almost 5,000 miles and spent over $10,000 to treat Buck-O.
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Bit 100,000 Times
Brian Barczyk had 30,000 snakes at home. Yes, he was bitten 100,000 times. And yes, the ladies dig it! While Brian told people he breeds snakes, he actually said he cleaned snake poop for a living! He ran one of the world's largest snake breeding facilities and hatched over 30,000 baby snakes a year! They sold to beginner hobbyists and advanced collectors. They had snakes as cheap as $25 all the way up to $125,000 a piece.
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Removing Sap
Animal Radio Dogfather Joey Villani has several foolproof ways to get tree sap out of your dog's hair and that hard-to-get-to spot between their pads. No need to cut out the hair if you use the right stuff.
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Animal Radio® Show #1283
Skunk Explosion
Skunk researcher Christopher Kemp joins us. He's from England, and they don't have skunks in Europe. Ironically, Pepe' le pew is from the Americas. But the most important thing you'll learn is that tomato Juice doesn't remove the smell. Christopher will unlock the true secret to remove the stink and some other interesting facts about the mostly misunderstood critter.
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Small Town Hero
This week's Hero Person is making a big difference in a small town. Businessman Barry Kives is paying the adoption fees on 60 pets in his local shelter. Thinking Globally. Acting Locally. Do you know someone that should be nominated for our Hero Person of the Week? Send us an email to:
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Trouble For Tear Stain Removers
The top makers of tear-stain removers are being called to the carpet by the FDA. The administration says these products are not FDA-approved and may have harmful side effects on your pets. Animal Radio News Director Tammy Trujillo reports on the investigation.
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Panda Faking It?
A Panda in China was about to give birth on live TV until handlers found out she wasn't pregnant. Researchers suspect the Panda may have faked her pregnancy to get some of the lush accommodations and plentiful food offered to the expecting Pandas.
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Also this week, Tail Docking - Nail Trimming - Dressing Up Your Dog
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Animal Radio® Show #1282
Dean Koontz is Back
Award-winning, best-selling author Dean Koontz returns to Animal Radio airwaves to tell us the story about his dog, Anna. According to Dean, Anna purchased a computer and started answering advice emails. Tune in to hear the rest of the story.
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Dog Food Advisor
Dr. Mike Sagman was a dentist until he gave that up to create an unbiased website that reviews every pet food on the market. Nobody is in his pockets...although they try. He's here to tell us how pet food manufacturers deceptively use loopholes to make their labels read better. Find out how your food stacks up.
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Cat Sense
John Bradshaw is arguably the top expert on cats. He's back to dispel myths and tell us what happens inside our kitties' heads. For instance, did you know cats can hear very low and very high frequencies? While cats can't see in the dark, they can see only a few colors well in dimly lit areas.
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AVMA-CDC on Ebola and Our Pets
Dr. Doug Aspros from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) have teamed up to bring you the latest information on the Ebola virus and your pet. Is your pet vulnerable? Probably not. There are real risks you should worry about. Many thousands of people died last year from Rabies alone.
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Pet Crowd-funding
This week's Hero Person created a crowd-funding website similar to Kickstarter to help pay for much-needed pet projects. Whether funding surgery or feeding homeless animals, Sarah Timms wants to use modern fundraising techniques to help pets live happy and healthy lives.
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