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Animal Radio® Show #966
Rap King to TrapKing
The TrapKing Sterling Davis spreads the word about Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) and his approach to educating and engaging different demographics while ending the "crazy cat lady" stereotype! "Gotta let the fellas know, you don't lose cool points for compassion."
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Could Your Pet's GPS Leak Sensitive Information?
Smart collars and other devices for animals that track their locations are very popular now. However, the problem, according to Kaspersky Lab, is that these tracking devices can leak sensitive information. The pet-tracker class of connected gadgets adds one more layer of vulnerability, but calling attention to the flaws could be a wake-up call to the manufacturers.
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Don't Lease a Pet!
Buying a pet at a pet store can end up costing twice what it says on the price tag if you are lured into signing a pet-leasing contract. Pet leasing has been drawing scrutiny from lawmakers and animal welfare groups since last year highlighted many consumer complaints against Reno, Nevada-based Wags Lending, which pioneered the practice of loans to lease pets. And if you stop making payments, the company has the right to take your animal back and ding your credit score.
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Music Calms The Savage Beast
Multi-platinum musician Terry Woodford's Canine Lullabies are being played in over 2500 rescue and shelter facilities. The results are quite remarkable. The music, with a heartbeat in the mix, reduces anxiety and comforts sick animals.
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It's Allergy Season
Did you know your dog could be allergic to cats? Did you know your cat could be allergic to YOU? Many pet owners are dealing with animals that have seasonal or food allergies. Dr. Debbie has some ideas for when you've tried everything else to comfort your pet.
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Animal Radio® Show #965
The Secrets Of The Snout
Scientist and researcher Frank Rosell joins us live from Norway to talk about our pet's incredible nose and smelling capabilities. He'll explain why your friend's dog is "all-up-in-your-business" and just how far and how much our dog can smell stuff. They can even smell cancer.
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65-year-old Woman Has Had Her Pet 56 Years
Here's a story you don't hear very often. Jeanna Smith got her pet tortoise during the Kennedy administration, and it might still be alive for the Bieber administration. Not many people live most of their life with their childhood pet.
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Chernobyl Dogs Headed To U.S.
In 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant melted down creating a huge evacuation zone for more than 120,000 humans with many pets being left behind. Over the last 32 years, the surviving former pets have multiplied, creating a community of hundreds that live in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Now, a dozen of those homeless puppies will head to the United States for adoption.
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What To Do When You Can't Reach A Veterinarian
The Fear Free Pets Expert Series continues with Dr. Dawn Crandell. She'll teach you how to evaluate and treat your pet when a veterinarian isn't easily accessible. Before you take your dog on a summer trip or camping, make sure you're prepared for the unexpected.
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Your Turn To Weigh In On Airline Service Animal Policy
The Transportation Department announced it's seeking comments for drafting rules for dealing with animals flying with passengers on planes. The proposal asks for comments about questions such as: whether to treat psychiatric service animals the same as other service animals, such as for the blind and deaf; whether to require emotional-support animals to travel in containers or with a harness or leash; and limiting the types of animals qualifying as emotional-support animals. Comment Here.
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Animal Radio® Show #964
When Pets Attack
Many of us have stories of being bit or attacked by companion animals. Some careers are inherently vulnerable to attacks, like veterinarians and postal carriers. USPS Carrier Ramiro DeMarco talks about dogs, cats and snakes that have 'gone postal.'
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The Sounds You Can't Hear
Dr. Jeremy Turner, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Illinois College, studies the sounds that humans can't hear, but that may be loud and clear, and maybe even annoying to your pets. Dr. Turner says the proliferation of electronic devices introduces un-heard noise that can actually stress our furry companions.
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Dog Shoots Man
An Iowa man's dog shot him while the two were playing together. They were roughhousing on the couch when the large mixed breed dog bounded back up on the sofa, somehow disabling the safety on the gun, which the man had in his belly-band. The dog then stepped on the trigger, hitting the man in the leg. After the gun went off, the dog knew it was no longer playtime because he laid down beside his owner and cried because he thought he had done something wrong.
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Woman Discovers Dog Is Actually Fox
A woman was stunned to discover her dog was actually a domesticated fox. She paid $190 for what she believed to be a Japanese Spitz puppy from a pet shop. For months she raised the pup, but kept noticing odd behaviors. The dog never barked and at three-months-old it began refusing to eat dog food. She turned to a friend who worked at a nearby zoo who told her that her dog wasn't a Spitz; it was really a white haired domesticated fox!
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Pawfficer Donut Sworn In
A suburban Detroit police department is giving a kitten a new home after their newly selected police cat, Pawfficer Badges, was too sick to join the force. "Badges" has Feline Leukemia, which is a viral disease that typically can cause immune suppression, is contagious to other cats and can be fatal in the long run. Badges will receive treatment and will eventually be adopted into a home. However, the Troy Police Department has officially sworn in a new cat named "Pawfficer Donut," who has some big paws to fill.
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Check out Brilliant Pad's New Shelter Program
Animal Radio® Show #963
Natasha Lyonne Spoils Her Maltipoo
Actress Natasha Lyonne (Orange is the New Black) is our guest. She divulges her obsession with "Root Beer," her Maltese/Poodle mutt. Natasha joins Will Arnett, Stanley Tucci and Shaq for the new movie Show Dogs. She says it's much easier to work with dog actors than human actors.
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Human Meds for Pets
Dr. Lisa Radosta explains the use of common human behavioral medicines, including Prozac, for use with anxiety-ridden dogs and cats. She says veterinarians are more eager to prescribe psychotropic drugs to help our pets live a Fear Free life. Listen to Dr. Radosta in the Fear Free Pets Expert Series.
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Can Animals Predict Earthquakes?
It's been believed by many people that dogs, cats and other animals can anticipate or predict an earthquake. Now, for the first time, researchers have scientifically studied the claim. It is near impossible to determine whether the unusual animal behaviors are predictive or coincidence. However, the experts acknowledge, "the animals may sense seismic waves generated by fore shocks, but probably can't predict an earthquake."
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Who Loves Ya Baby?
Christian Savalas, son of Kojak star Telly Savalas, has just finished designing a smartphone gaming app revolving around his mother's dog. He joins us to share the inspiration behind "Wild Wiener," the wildly addictive dachshund game.
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United Airlines Bans Certain Breeds of Cats & Dogs From Flying
After a review of all of its policies and practices concerning animals, United Airlines is banning 25 different pet breeds when it resumes flying pets this summer. It will be a few months, but United will again accept dogs and cats in the cargo hold starting July 9 if the pet parent is booked on the same flight. United will now no longer allow 21 dog and four cat breeds that are prone to physical problems from heat or other travel stress.
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Animal Radio® Show #962
Being Blind - Faking A Sighted Person
For 30 years, legally blind from birth, Stephen Kuusistos went about his daily business as if he had 20/20 vision. He even drove bikes and motorcycles. But his life changed dramatically when he met his first service dog, Corky. This dog assisted him and even taught him some valuable life lessons.
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The Truth About Raccoons
Over the years, many people have tried to make pets out of raccoons. This is nearly impossible. Raccoons not only make bad, destructive pets, but they also inherently carry disease. Animal Radio's Dr. Debbie has to let down a listener that was dead-set on making a wild raccoon a family member.
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Recreational Drugs and Alcohol - Not For Pets
The Family Center for Recovery surveyed over 1,000 pet owners who admitted to seeing their pet ingest drugs or other substances. 10% of men and 5% women in this survey said they purposefully got their pet high on drugs so they could share the experience and nearly 8% of men and 4% of women said they gave their pet drugs or alcohol out of boredom.
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Dog Park Hijacked For Ten Years
The Tribeca Dog Park in New York was literally stolen, or hijacked, ten years ago by area residents who put a lock on the gate, began charging fees, banning non-member status mutts and enforcing its 22 rules with an iron fist and the city never noticed. The people with the pirated dog park installed a keypad lock on the gate and sent members a secret 4-digit passcode after they paid a $120 annual fee over Paypal on the group's website.
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Man Shoots At Roommate Over Cat Hair On Couch
A 58-year-old Florida man has been arrested after he shot at his roommate because he was angry about cat hair being on the couch. The roommate told police that the cat-hair-hating-guy fired in his direction and said, "The next one's going to be you." Mr. Cat Hair Hater is being held without bond and is facing charges of shooting into a dwelling, aggravated battery and aggravated assault.
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