- Actress Vivien Cardone loves her animals - on film and in real life!
- Pocket Guide prepares you for a pet emergency.
- Obamas select First Dog and possible names.
- Behind the Scenes of Hotel for Dogs. 60 dogs and lots of Milk Bones!
- Saving on pet care - Animal Radio's Bailout Plan to keep pets from being left-behind.
- Get a peek at new pet products before they're in stores!. Animal Radio's Global Pet Expo #1 Pick.
AVMA has Top 10 Spring Tips For Pet Owners
Planting a garden, spring cleaning, fertilizing the lawn -- we all have lots of work to do with the coming of spring. But pets also have health and safety needs this time of year that their owners should know about.
"I see it all the time in my clinic in the springtime. Animals get into fertilizers and pesticides, those used on a home or on a farm, and it makes the animals sick," says Dr. James Cook, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). "People need to be aware of these potential hazards. Along with better weather, the spring brings with it the use of a number of common lawn chemicals and the blooming of plants that can be hazardous to pets."
Here are the AVMA's top 10 spring hints for pet owners:
*Fleas and ticks
They can be tiny, little more than a pinhead in some instances, but they grow and spread quickly once they find a host. The preventative treatments that you may have discontinued in the winter should start early in the spring to keep your pet's coat, and your home, free of pests.
*Lawn fertilizers
Lawn fertilizers are very toxic to pets. Store fertilizers in a place far from where your dog or cat -- and children-- can get at it. After applying it to your lawn, follow manufacturer instructions on how long you should wait before allowing your pet into the area. If you see a sign posted on a lawn that tells you to keep your pets off, abide by it.
*Pesticides and herbicides
It's probably not surprising that these chemicals can be toxic to your pets, but, even when they're not lethal, there are some long-term health concerns. Studies indicate the use of pesticides and herbicides may be tied to increased rates of specific forms of cancer in dogs. If your pet is exposed, wash them with soap and water immediately and call your veterinarian.
*Cocoa bean mulch
It's becoming common to mulch a garden with the fragrant spent shells of cocoa beans. But just like chocolate, dogs like to eat them and they are toxic.
Lilies are a flower common in the spring, and they are very, very toxic to cats. Cats will often chew them, and even small amounts can lead to kidney failure and death.
*Rhubarb leaves
Rhubarb makes a fine pie and it's a staple in many vegetable gardens, but the leaves are poisonous and can cause kidney failure. For a complete list of plants and plantings that can be dangerous to pets, visit www.avma.org.
*Rat and mouse poisons
Controlling vermin becomes an issue again in the spring. Be aware that the same properties of common rat and mouse poisons that make them irresistible to pests will also attract your pet. If consumed, these can be fatal to your animal.
*Cleaning products
Spring cleaning is an annual tradition in many households, but make sure the cleaning products don't hurt your animals. If the label states "keep pets and children away from area until dry" follow those instructions carefully, and store all chemicals out of reach of children and pets.
*Paint and paint thinners
If you're putting a fresh coat of paint on the house, keep the pets away. Paint thinners, mineral spirits and other solvents can cause severe irritation or chemical burns if swallowed or even if they come in contact with your pet's skin. Latex house paints typically produce a minor stomach upset, but some specialty paints may contain heavy metals or volatile substances that could be harmful if ingested.
*Preventative medications
Consult with your veterinarian about seasonal medications to keep your pet healthy. For example, in many parts of the country, heartworm medications for dogs are often discontinued in the winter. Springtime is the season to restart this medication to keep your dog free of this parasite. But keep in mind that manufacturer's instructions warn that heartworm medications should not be given without first visiting your veterinarian to ensure that your pet has not developed the heartworm parasite. A simple blood test will give you that peace of mind.
For more information, visit www.avma.org.
Listen to Animal Radio®

On Animal Radio® this month
Everyone is talking about the type of dog that will soon be living in the White House. Wendy Diamond, Animal Fair Magazine, states that doesn't want to see everyone running out and buying a similar dog, and to do your homework before getting a dog to make sure it fits your lifestyle. She also has some some great tips on how to save money on our pets during these hard economic times.
Tom Gunderson, one of the trainers for the movie Hotel For Dogs, discusses how difficult it can be working with several dogs for one character. You not only have to groom them to look alike, you might even have to use dye to make sure that they have the same spots! And you would think working with all of the dogs used in the movie would be a challenge, but it was the trainers that gave everyone the hardest time!
Animal Radio® hosts Hal Abrams and Vladae Roytapel broadcast live from Orlando for the annual New Pet Product Special - brought to you by Herm Sprenger. They'll be showcasing the latest and greatest to be added to the 39 billion dollar industry. Last year it was doggy wigs and kitty toilets. Global Pet Expo is presented by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) and Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA).

-XM Satellite Radio ch. 158 Saturdays at Noon eastern - and again on Sundays at 5pm eastern.
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Vivien Cardone – All Roads Lead Home
You may remember Vivien Cardone from the movie “A Beautiful Mind” starring Russell Crowe. When Vivien auditioned for that role, she was too young to know neither who Russell Crowe was nor the director, Ron Howard. She tells Animal Radio® that as a result, she was very relaxed and had a lot of fun with them, which is why she probably got the role!
Her current role is in All Roads Leads Home, which is a movie about a 12-year-old girl named Belle (Cardone) who loses her mother in a car accident; she rebels against her father (Coyote) and is sent to her maternal grandfather’s working farm. With Belle’s father struggling with grief and guilt and her grandfather (Boyle) detached and directionless, Belle devotes herself to saving the animals that are destined to be destroyed because they cannot produce for the farm. Can Belle’s work bring her family back together and help them rediscover their love for each other?
Vivien states that the biggest challenge she faced in the movie was working with all of the puppies. There is a scene in the movie where she is sitting in the grass and reading to the puppies who were running around and not cooperating, and constantly had to be rounded up (what a tough job!).
Vivien currently lives in Utah with her menagerie of pets. She has 3 dogs, 2 cats, 3 sugar gliders, 2 chinchillas, 4 horses, 3 geckos and many fish.
Listen to Vivien Cardone on Animal Radio®

Vinnie Penn, Animal Radio's Resident Party Animal
Footprints in the Snow
So those of you who have been following the Party Animal Segment all of this time, know that live in Connecticut. We received a lot of snow this winter, but I have to tell you something. Before Christmas, at one point I got very creative. I noticed some weird footprints in the snow in front of my house. I grabbed my daughter and lifted her up, and said, “Do you see those footprints over there? Her eyes went wide, and I said, “I think it’s a reindeer.” I was very proud of myself, I was quick and I pointed out that, "They’re staking out the house, Santa sent the reindeer to stake out a house to bring all of your gifts.”
Well, now here it is long past Christmas, and these footprints, I really can’t trace what the animal is, but the other day I saw them leading up and around behind the shed. My daughter spotted them, and she said, “Is the reindeer coming back?” And I said, “No, quite frankly, daddy’s a little worried," and she said, “Go behind the shed and see what it is!” Now I looked at these footprints and I had to take a picture. I have to talk to the gang at Animal Radio and see if we can post it and maybe someone can tell me what it is. If you ask me, I think it’s a gigantic raccoon, that’s half raccoon, half bear. That’s what I think! And I will never go behind the shed. If my daughter ran back there and said, “Daddy, I’m going to go and find out.” I would just yell, “You’re on your own, let me know what it is!”
Listen to Vinnie Penn on Animal Radio®
Pet Emergency Pocket Guide - Animal Radio® March Giveaways
Michael Coffin from Informed Publishing discusses the Pet Emergency Pocket Guide, which contains references for any kind of first-aid for pets you might need on the go. Even though it is primarily for cats and dogs, you will also find information on “pocket pets.
This guide was created after Katrina and after the 2006 Pets Act where it was realized that there was a huge information void on what to do with respect to planning for an emergency that involves your pet during an evacuation. If you don’t do any planning, things can get a little crazy when you are trying to carry it out and you will forget things. A little bit of preparation goes a long way, especially when it applies to your pet. Because just like a child, they have special needs in terms of food, water, medication, bedding, toys, leashes and things of that nature. You have to think about these things in advance. It doesn’t take a lot of effort, but if you do it, it will make a meaningful difference later on!
PET EMERGENCY POCKET GUIDE - a New reference for pet owners covers complete daily care and before-during-after emergency guidelines. Packed with current information in a convenient pocket-sized format, this guide provides easy to follow steps on daily care, travel advice, how-to first aid, disaster planning, and preparation, response, and survival for both common and uncommon injuries, illnesses, and emergencies.
Get $2 off the Pet Emergency Pocket Guide when you order online now. Just enter promotion code ANIMALRADIO at checkout.
Listen to Michael Coffin on Animal Radio®

Animal Radio® Bailout Plan
The staff at Animal Radio® recognizes that tough economic times don’t bode well for our furry-companions. Almost every day for the last six months, a story hits our news desk about how foreclosure and the economic crisis has landed more family pets in the shelter.
As educators, we have decided that we must do our best to put a stop to pet-abandonment simply because times are tight. Animal Radio Network™ is now in-production on a new weekly segment based on cutting costs without cutting corners. We’re creating 13 weeks/segments of our own ‘bail-out’ plan for pet guardians. Furry Finances is coming soon!
Meanwhile, If you've taken a trip to the veterinarian lately you must have realized that medical care for pets is becoming as expensive as human medical care. With the current economic recession, the vet is one of the many places loving pet owners are looking to save. What people don't realize is that veterinary care can easily be a part of a healthy household budget and there are simple ways to save. Dr. Ernest Ward gives the following tips on saving on vet bills.
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for your pet is where it all starts. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 44% of all U.S. dogs and 57% of all U.S. cats were overweight or obese. That's roughly 80-million dogs and cats at increased risk for diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, and various forms of cancer. Diseases equal a high cost to you and your pet. Avoid these high medical expenses by keeping your pets on a healthy diet or rewarding them with low-calorie treats. Avoid the unhealthy table foods like breads and meats!
Use Nutritional Supplements
Yes, they work for dogs too! Nutritional support in addition to a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important elements of human and pet healthcare. Vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids helps to promote your pet's immune system and keep them as healthy as they can be. Strong immune systems equal minimal infections. Save money and keep your pet healthy!
Keep Up With Annual Examinations
While at first this may seem like an unnecessary expenditure, a thorough physical examination by your vet can save you money in the long run. Early detection of diseases and conditions can save you thousands of dollars in medical bills in the end!
Pets aged 1-6: a standard physical examination, yearly
Pets aged 7+: a standard physical examination and simple blood/urine tests, yearly
Use a Premium Dog Food
Some of the most common reasons for vet visits include vomiting and diarrhea, due largely in part to poor diet and food. Poor-quality pet food can cause these messy and unpleasant conditions for you and your pet and unnecessary vet bills on your plate. Talk to your veterinarian about the best diet for your pet's individual needs.
Three-Year Vaccinations: They Work!
In 2005, the USDA approved the first three-year distemper, parvovirus, and hepatitis vaccine for dogs, and in 2006 they approved it for cats. These specific vaccines are used to help reduce the risk of vaccine-associated adverse events and save you money.
Get Pet Insurance
Insurance is primarily used for two reasons: the unexpected and the expensive. This proactive solution to avoiding your favorite pet's unexpected medical conditions can end up saving you thousands of dollars in vet/surgical bills. There are many new major medical coverage plans with low annual premiums available that are cost effective.
Ernest E. Ward, Jr., DVM is the owner and chief-of-staff of Seaside Animal Care, a nationally recognized award-winning small animal practice. Dr. Ward is the current veterinarian for the Rachael Ray Show and is a spokesperson for Rachael's Rescue. He has been featured on NBC Nightly News, Animal Planet, CNN, Animal Radio and numerous television and radio talk shows around the country.
Visit Animal Radio® partner Dogtime.com. A special Road to Rescue podcast features Tony LaRussa this month! |
Wendy Diamond – The Ultimate Pet Owners Manual and Adoption Guide
The question on the top of everyone’s mind as of late has been “What type of dog will the Obama family bring into the White House?” There are many polls on the subject and everyone from the Dog Whisperer to Middle America has been weighing in. While the next First Family is searching for a hypoallergenic dog, their main hope is to find and adopt a shelter animal. The latest word is that they are putting their search off until March, and that they are interested in either a Portuguese Waterdog or a Labradoodle, as Obama has said that he doesn’t want a little dog.
Wendy believes that whatever dog is adopted, it will have it’s own personal dog trainer, it’s own personal dog walker and it’s own personal groomer. But since Mrs. Obama is a very grounded person, she will teach her daughters the responsibilities of owning a dog and perhaps even have them cleaning up the poop!
Between six to eight million dogs and cats end up in shelters every year and about half of them have to be euthanized, according to the Humane Society of the United States. All the pets in these shelters are looking for loving homes. Future pet owners will find it more sensible and affordable, given the current economic climate, to adopt a pet through their local shelter or through an online adoption drive.
But what type of pet is best for you? Don’t get a dog because someone else has one, even if it is the President. You’ll benefit most from having a pet whose needs are compatible with your lifestyle and physical capabilities.
Mrs. Obama said her daughters have also come up with some names for the Portie - Frank and Moose (what does Vinnie Penn think of that?). The First Lady told the girls to work with the names and said the family will wait until at least April before getting their Portuguese Water Dog
Wendy Diamond also gives Animal Radio® listeners some tips on ways to save money without cutting corners on pet care. Don't miss this little fire-ball!
Listen to Wendy Diamond on Animal Radio®

Behind the Scenes on Hotel For Dogs

Tom Gunderson is a dog trainer who currently has nine dogs at his house, either training them for movie work or for education outreach. But that’s not all, he has a menagerie consisting of horses, a monkey, porcupines, a serval, a fox and many reptiles including three alligators.
Tom was one of the dog trainers for the movie Hotel For Dogs, training dogs for the Shep character. There were a total of 3 dogs, which were brothers, who played this role. Overall, there were about 60 dogs in the movie with about 35-40 trainers working with them. The hardest part about working on a movie with so many dogs is not having the dogs hit their mark, but getting all of the trainers to cooperate!
The filming for this move took about 2-3 months to complete. There were a lot of complicated behaviors that the dogs had to do, plus the added complication of them all having to get along and not being distracted by each other
Another thing that happens on a lot of movies, which is not easy, is that the dog trainers must groom the dogs every day to make them look like a million dollars before they go before the cameras. In the case of Hotel For Dogs, Tom not only had to groom the three dogs everyday, but he had to make sure that they looked identical. This includes using makeup and dye.
His words of wisdom for anyone who wants to become a dog trainer for movies is that you have to have a lot of patience. You also have to have more than just an interest or passion for working with animals; you have to make it your lifestyle. It can’t just be your job or occupation; it really has to be above and beyond that. You also have to have a serious commitment and be able to take the animals home. In Tom’s case, he has the animals at his home during training so that he can develop a relationship with them. There are also the constant messes and need for grooming.
Tom offer some tips on saving on pet care including grooming your dog at home, just make sure you have all of the necessary tools. He also is a believer in the Swiffer Sweeper for cleaning up. We think Swiffer paid rent this month. He says he uses the dry clothes to pick up dog hair and the wet clothes for muddy footprints.
Listen to Tom Gunderson on Animal Radio®

Animal Radio's NEW PET PRODUCTS Special brought to you by Herm Springer.
LIVE and Nationwide from the Global Pet Expo in Orlando.

Animal Radio® hosts Hal Abrams and Vladae Roytapel broadcast live from Orlando for the annual New Pet Product program. They're showcasing the latest and greatest to be added to the 40 billion dollar industry. Last year it was doggy wigs and kitty toilets. Global Pet Expo is presented by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) and Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA). Look for the next Global Pet Expo on March 25- 27, 2010 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.
Be our VIP guest and get a sneak peek at all the new pet products becoming available in 2009. See and hear the cutting edge technology for your furry-friend. Listen NOW!
Some of the best new products from this year's special:
Herm Sprenger – Dog Training Collars
Herm Sprenger manufactures the finest quality prong collars, made in Germany. Excellent for gentle control. Shown to result in easier and faster training for both the dog and the trainer. No need to jerk or pull. Works on the same principal that pups learn from the mother dog when she picks up or reprimands the pup around the neck with her teeth. The dog knows to relax or stop an unwanted behavior.
Animal Food Services (AFS) – Real Meat Diet 
Discover what the magic of TRUE REAL MEAT can do for the animals in your care! These real meat diets by Nature's Advantage provide essential, natural, micro nutrition necessary for peak performance. It keeps the animal in top body condition and builds a foundation for a preventive health program.
Kurgo - Skybox Booster Seat
Ride in luxury with a skybox view. You want to give mini-Fido a comfortable and enjoyable ride. Though it may seem like the perfect spot is curled up on your lap, this is not the case. The Kurgo Skybox Booster Seat offers a safe and secure alternative by providing enough elevation for mini-Fido to have a clear view of the road ahead and a comfortable, secure padded seat to snuggle down on longer trips. The best part, is they are still within arm’s reach when you have the desire to scratch their belly!
Poochie Kingdom – Spring 2009 Raincoats
Montreal based company Poochie Kingdom Inc. is the new trendsetter in exclusive, haute-couture luxury raincoats for decadent pooches around the globe catering from Chihuahuas to Great Danes. All coats are designed, hand-made and manufactured locally embracing the multitude of talent from within.
Canny Company – The Canny Collar
The Canny Collar is a dog-training collar developed by The Canny Company, a group of professionals dedicated to dog behavior training and control of dog behavior problems. This includes practical advice backed up by a select range of quality dog training equipment, such as the Canny Collar, designed to stop your dog from pulling on the leash.
Lucky Litter – FroliCat BOLT Interactive Laser Toy
The FroliCat BOLT Interactive Laser Toy provides hours of fun for you and your feline friend. Simply hold BOLT in your hand or place it on a flat surface, turn it on, and watch your cat pounce, chase and bat at the exciting laser patterns. And if you have to leave, you can simply set a 15-minute play session for your cat using the automatic timer. You can also adjust the mirror to aim the laser across a variety of surfaces. BOLT will automatically turn off after 15 minutes in both automatic and manual modes.
Cat Above Company – ScratchPal Chalet
Cats love cardboard scratchers. We don’t love the cardboard mess. The solution: ScratchPal – the No Mess Cardboard Scratcher. The high sides and broad lip stop scratched-off particles from escaping the box and littering the floor. The side channels accumulate the scratched off particles. And cats will love the new Chalet, not only providing them with a scratch area, but also providing them with a place to hide and take a little catnap!
Parrot Wrapz, Inc. – Avian Clothing 

Parrot Wrapz is clothing that is the only suitable means of self-expression to compliment your parrot’s personality! The unique article of clothing is known as a "WRAP" that allows Parrot Owners to Easily Dress their Parrot(s) for any and all occasions. The Wrapz also provide protection against the elements of weather. These Wrapz have been tested on all sizes and breeds of Parrots and Birds and the detailed design of the Wrap and Cape afford the Parrot comfort and fashion.
ANIMAL RADIO® Number One Pick for GPE 2009
Veterinary Ventures - The Drinkwell® 360 Pet Fountain
The Drinkwell® 360 Pet Fountain can provide up to five, patented free falling water streams for multiple pet owning households. The Drinkwell® 360 was designed with the multiple pet household in mind, giving owners the ability to customize their fountain with the five interchangeable spout rings included with each fountain. Pets no longer have to wait their turn for a quick lap of water; they now can each have their own fresh flowing stream of water from any angle. Utilizing the same filtration technology as the other Drinkwell® Fountains, the Drinkwell® 360 constantly circulates the water which inhibits bacteria growth, keeping the water tasting fresh and appealing to pets!
Rainbow Light – Green Dog Naturals
Humans can enhance their wellness and longevity by including supplements as a part of their daily lives. The evolution of canine nutritional science now allows us to do the same for dogs. The complementary line of Green Dog Naturals – Whole Dog Daily™, Healthy Motion® and Omega Glo-Coat 3-6-9™ – is a “whole health for the whole dog” approach to support a long and healthy life. High quality does not mean high prices: for example, Whole Dog Daily costs only $.35 per day-- a mere 10 percent of the price of a daily latte. These great-tasting supplements, in easy-to-mix powders, chewable bone-shaped tablets, or oil, are available at independent pet specialty stores.
K & H Pet Products – All Season Snuggly Sleeper
Warm in the Winter, Cool in the Summer! Finally, an affordable pet bed that both heats and cools! The unique, interchangeable comfort system is the first of its kind. Simply use the award winning Cool Bed III insert for summer cooling and the safe plush heated pillow insert for winter warmth. It can’t get much easier, and certainly can’t get any more comfortable. The All Season Snuggly Sleeper is available in 2 sizes in both sage and mocha fabric colors. All covers are removable for washing. This great new product is UL/CUL listed and includes a two year limited warranty.
Idea Factory – Pet Shower Deluxe
You’ve used a bucket. You’ve used a cup. No need to struggle anymore to thoroughly rinse. With an 8’ hose and choice of sprayer that makes showering your pet easier, you can rinse dirt away from every inch of your pet ... FAST! Pet bathing has finally been made easy!
West Paw Design – Eco Friendly Pet Toys
Meet Tux™. It's like a dog's chance to get his cake and eat it too! Tux™ is the perfect combination of a supremely stuffable/tossable dog treat toy and guaranteed-tough Zogoflex®. Just like our other Zogoflex® toys, Tux is pliable, bounces, nontoxic, recyclable, and buoyant. Simply stuff your dog's favorite treat into the cavity of Tux and let 'er rip. Tux is even dishwasher safe for easy cleaning! Tux™ is a treat toy and was designed to withstand chewing, but still be fun - with or without a treat!
What could be more enticing to your favorite lap-warmer than a delightful little bug to stalk and pounce? The very same bug jam-packed with 100% premium organic catnip and our signature silver bell. This little bug is certified safe and eco friendly too! Using our eco fabric made from 85% recycled IntelliLofto fibers makes this high quality cat toy one that will make your kitty go buggy! No Compromises!
Multi-Pet – Support Our Troops Loofah
Dogs have become our new heroes of War. They have served along side our troops for the Department of Defense since World War I. Not only are they trained to protect their comrades, but also provide companionship to our troops, who are thousands of miles away from friends and family. What better way to Support Our Troops than with the new dog toy "Support Our Troops Loofah." Multipet International will donate a portion of all proceeds to help support our troops.
Dynamic Accents –Pet Gate
The new 30" tall Kensington Pet gates are constructed of beautiful hardwood with mortise and tenon joinery for lasting durability. These gates are loaded with features and ship FULLY ASSEMBLED. The free standing design and sliding width adjustment require no installation or tools for usage. Substantial 18" end panels and anti-skid footpads provide full stability to prevent tipping and easily fold flat for storage or transport. Available in two sizes: Small for openings 28" to 36"; Large for openings 29" to 72". The mission style compliments most decors and the unique use of woods make the products one of a kind.
Canus – Canus Nature’s Dog Products
It doesn’t matter whether you’re human or dog, fresh goat’s milk is good for you. Canus has launched Nature’s Dog, a line of All Natural goat’s milk products for canine friends everywhere. The initial product launch includes four dog grooming and treat products, appropriate for dogs of all ages, from puppies to seniors. Goat’s milk has healing, moisture-rich properties with the right protein structure to be readily absorbed. Goat’s milk is also easy to digest and has beneficial proteins, minerals, enzymes and probiotics, so creating healthy dog treats with goat’s milk was a logical extension. For bath time, Canus offers Nature’s Dog All Natural Goat’s Milk Shampoo with an appealing Blue Cedar Fragrance and Nature’s Dog All Natural Goat’s Milk Shampoo Bar. There is also the Nature’s Dog All Natural Health Treats, made with real goats milk, as well as the Natural Dog Wipes.
Finally, Wigzi has launched a new dog toy that is completely free of chemical odor and taste, lightweight, floats and made of patent pending material from Italy. Dogs go absolutely wild when they get their paws on it. Their toys are also recyclable and packaged with 100% recycled paperboard.
Big Bird Products – Bird Shoulder Cape
Big Bird Products, Inc. proudly presents the "new" Bird Shoulder Cape. The bird toys on our poop cape will keep your companion bird busy while riding on your shoulders; whether you own an African gray or a cockatiel. Parrots and hookbills of all sizes will appreciate being able to forage for their favorite bird treats in their own "treat pocket". Their owners will also appreciate their shirt staying free and clean of bird poop and holes.
Endless Possibilities, Inc. – Kitty Boink
Turn a cat into a kitten again with Kitty Boinks. This clever mesh tube springs into action and makes cats go wild. When compressed Kitty Boinks shoot up to 30 feet, providing cats with tons of exercise and excitement. Cats can’t seem to get enough of this colorful mesh pocket rocket, thus sending your kitty like a rocket across the room. They are light, safe and fun for your feline. Kitty Boinks are like a silent, springy playmate for hours of fun and as intoxicating as catnip!
Puppy Piñata, LLC – Puppy Piñata
Puppy Piñata gives dog owners the pleasure of fulfilling their dog's desire to work for their treat. We have done all the work of stuffing the toy for you, and now you can give your dog a toy and a treat all in one. The stimulating Puppy Piñata toy with treats inside will allow your dog to release his inner drive to hunt and work for his food. While interacting with the Puppy Piñata, dogs will play and work to open the special treat-release pocket. And when the treats are all gone, you can restuff it with more!
BioPet – DNA Breed Identification
The DNA of any dog governs the appearance of the dog as well as being related to the general behavioral characteristics of the breed. In recent years, there has been a great deal of research performed on how differences in DNA give rise to the differences that are seen between breeds. Advances in DNA testing technology mean that it has become possible to identify the ancestry of any dog by performing a simple test using a cheek swab. All cells carry the same genetic material, regardless of type or location in the animal. Taking a cheek swab is therefore the easiest way to obtain the samples needed for testing. On receipt at the BioPet testing site the samples are prepared and analyzed, resulting in a rapid and accurate determination of the breeds that have contributed to the makeup of your dog. We believe that 92.5% of the mixed breed dog population in the USA is covered by our 62 validated breeds.
Wetnoz – “Zen” Dog Bowls
The “Zen” dog bowls are shaped in a pill like form, sort of oblong, and there is a reason for this. You can place them in either direction - one for cats and one for dogs. For the cat, (placed perpendicular to their body) reduces whisker contact with the sides of the bowl. For the dogs, the opposite direction allows their ears to fall outside of the bowl. There is also a thumb hole for easy gripping, which can double as a treat receptacle for that 'two-course meal' dining experience.
R2Solutions - Fish Training Kit
The R2 Fish School Kit is the world's first complete pet fish training system that is changing the way the world interacts with pet fish. Using marine mammal training techniques, fish training expert Dr. Dean Pomerleau and RS Solutions have developed the ultimate tools and guides that make it fast and easy for anyone to train their own fish to perform incredible behaviors. Pet owners can now teach their fish soccer, football, limbo, fetch, slalom and other amazing tricks. Now people in the market for a dog might want to consider a fish instead!
Skamper-Ramp – The Great Water Escape Ramp for Pets and Other Critters
Every year in the U.S. alone, tens of thousands of pets, along with countless other creatures, needlessly drown in swimming pools or walled ponds/lakes. Pools are perilous for pets. Skamper-Ramp is the solution that helps protect them! Available in 2 sizes, the Skamper-Ramp helps them get put of the water by themselves day or night. Only dogs need to be taught how to use the safety ramp.
Purina – Chef Michael’s Dog Food
Small dog owners know that special things come in small packages, well now, the same goes for their dogs’ food. Chef Michael’s canine creations help fulfill a dog’s desire for a real meat meal, but with the added details of thoughtful preparation and personal touches as if their owners made it themselves. It is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for growth of puppies and maintenance of adult dogs. The brand consists of both wet and dry dog food formulas where the smaller size packaging provides the first cue that Chef Michaels is dedicated to refining the dining experience for small dogs.
Nutri-Pet Research, Inc – NUPRO All Natural Dog Supplement
NUPRO supplements are made with fresh quality health food ingredients that are human-grade, not animal-grade. No matter what diet your pet eats, NUPRO is an essential part of your daily nutritional program. It is a totally holistic product that replaces the vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes that a dog does not get from his processed food. In other words, what we are doing is replacing with natural ingredients what a dog would normally have gotten in the wild. It is excellent for all breeds and all ages from puppies to geriatric.
Listen to the New Pet Products Special on Animal Radio®
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