Grab Your Pets and Join Us for a Celebration of Animals.
This month:
Marijuana Advocate Dr. Steven Katz DVM
Wife of Howard Stern, Animal Rescuer Beth Stern,
Animal Linguistics Researcher Dr. Con Slobodchikoff,
Nat Geo's Dr. Brian Hare.
Animal Radio® Show #1219
Pot for Pets?
Dr. Stephan Katz explains how he is using parts of the marijuana plant to create a therapeutic treat for pets. Do animals respond the same as humans to medical marijuana? What is the legality of pot for pets? These burning questions and more are finally answered.
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To Flush or Not To Flush
It may be hard to believe, but people still flush kitty litter down the toilet. Not only is it bad for the pipes, Doc Halligan says it's bad for marine life. Apparently there is a parasite that is transmitted through cat feces and has been documented as a significant killer of otters and other sea life. Who knew?
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Lessons from a Knucklehead
Doug Green learned a lot of life's lessons from his dog, Shirelle. He even says that the dog was responsible for his career path as a psychotherapist. He also finds that dogs are great intermediaries in his practice. He'll share some of the important epiphanies inspired by Shirelle.
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When is it Time to Let Go?
It can be incredibly difficult to know when it's time to euthanize your furry-friend. Balancing your own selfishness with your pet's health and happiness is no easy task. Dr. Debbie has answers that will help you make the decision when that time comes.
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Animal Radio® Show #1218
Beth Stern Guests
Yes, she is the wife of Howard Stern. But more importantly, Beth Ostrosky - Stern is an avid animal advocate. She's fostering a bunch of animals at home. She says Howard is really into her pets and sometimes he'll get very emotional when the animals find homes.
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Cats Actually Have A Language
Con Slobodchikoff is studying animal linguistics. He's noticing patterns that indicate language among cats and even prairie dogs. He even says that someday we may have an App that will translate our conversations with animals.
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Pet Restraints FAIL
New research from the Center for Pet Safety reveals that the pet restraints tested have a 100% failure rate. Does this mean you shouldn't use them when traveling with your pet? Absolutely not. However, Lindsey Wolko has the lowdown on what works and what doesn't when it comes to keeping your pets safe in the car.
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Don't Worry About Bugs In Your Food - They Were Intentionally Added
Acclaimed European chef David Faure isn't worried about his diners finding a bug in their meals. In fact, he's started intentionally adding a variety of creepy crawlies to the dishes he serves at his restaurant. He says the biggest obstacle in his quest is finding a reliable local supplier of edible insects.
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Eating Poop - Don't Knock It
Not a week goes by without a listener calling to ask why their dog is eating other dog's feces. While there are many theories as to why this happens, Dr. Debbie gets to the bottom of it and sheds light on the very common problem.
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Animal Radio® Show #1217
Is Your Dog A Genius?
Nat Geo's Dr. Brian Hare hosts a three-part series devoted to finding the genius in your dog with interactive games you can play. Tapping into your dog's 'smarts' is easy as knowing the activities in which they exceed.
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Smart Inventions For Pets
Scott Harris co-invented a cat feather-toy that can be remotely controlled from a smart-phone. They've installed 21 of these toys at shelters nationwide. With a click of a button, you too can play with the animals up for adoption - from the comfort of your own armchair.
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School Allows Service Pit-Bull
A federal judge in Florida has ruled that a sweet pit bull name Stevie will be allowed to go to school with 7-year-old Anthony Alboniga, who has cerebral palsy. For the past two years though, officials at Anthony's school in Broward County refused to let Stevie come to school with Anthony, unless the company paid for a so-called handler to go with them, which the family could not afford.
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Chimps Get Their Day In Court
Two chimpanzees will have their day in court under a law that up till now has only applied to people. New York Supreme Court Justice Barbara Jaffee has granted Hercules and Leo a writ of habeas corpus. They live in a lab at Stony Brook University of Long Island and have been part of research into how humans evolved to walk on two legs.
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Cats Get To Post Pics To Instagram
Many pets have their own Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. Of course, there's a person behind them doing the work. Not for long. Whiskas Australia have created a wearable camera that goes on your kitty's collar, and it automatically takes pictures while and posts them to Instagram for you and your cat.
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Animal Radio® Show #1216
Cat Survives 8-Days Being Shipped In Box By Owner
Cupcake is an incredibly lucky cat. The Siamese survived being stuck inside a small cardboard box for eight days and 260 miles after her owner accidentally mailed her. The owner didn't see Cupcake snoozing inside the package as she packed it with DVDs. Then she dropped the box in the mail. The package's recipients were stunned to open the box and find the cute cat curled up alongside the movies they'd bought. Cupcake was reunited with her tearful owner (who felt horrible) over the weekend. She says, "I knew Cupcake was missing, but not for one second did I think she was in that box."
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Unique Ways To Memorialize Your Pet
The one downfall of cats and dogs is their short life span. This leaves us looking for unique ways to pay tribute to their life. We've found companies that will turn your pet into a diamond gem stone or shoot your pets remains into space. Now comes Pet Perennials, a wild-flower garden composed from your pet's ashes. The startup's founder Remy Bibaud explains.
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Cat Lovers Take More Pictures
The research is in from one "cloud" company that says we upload more pictures of our cats than dogs. What does this actually say about cat guardians? Do we take more cat pictures because we're "cat crazy?" Jackie Stone from MiMedia has her reasons for the trend.
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The Difference Between Dog and Cat Owners
Dog owners are happier, more sociable, earn bigger salaries and have a bigger sexual appetite than cat owners, according to a new study. Animal Radio News Director Lori Brooks says data also suggests that dog owners are more likely to have paid off their mortgage and they will be inclined to describe their job as "stressful." By contrast, cat owners are happier living alone and admit they relish a simpler pace of life. The study also found the average cat owner takes home $34,000 a year, while the typical dog lover can expect to earn $38,000.
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Animal Radio® Show #1215
Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats!?!
Research from Manhattanville College confirms what you may suspect... cat owners are more neurotic and less happy than dog owners. Assistant Professor Katherine Bao explains the results of this study and talks about ongoing research.
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Batman Set Made Into Birdhouses
The very "Batty" Rob Mies joins us to explain why they've cut up the Batman vs. Superman movie set and made bat-houses, signed by the actors (even Ben Affleck & Zack Snyder) and auctioned on eBay.
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Liam Berkeley came up with an App that matches dogs with those that want "dog-time" but don't have enough time for a full-time pet. The spirit in the service lies in how it enables "borrowers," people who aren't fortunate to have their own dog, but would love to spend time with one whenever they have a chance. Would you trust your dog with someone suggested by a phone app?
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Giant Rabbit Finds Home
Atlas, a giant rabbit about the size of a terrier, has found a new home after being taken in by the SPCA last month. The rabbit's previous owner decided they could no longer care for him and the shelter spent a month searching for a proper home for the abnormally large rabbit. The new pet parent to Atlas says she feels like she won the lottery because there were hundreds of calls and emails from people all over the world who wanted to adopt Atlas. By the way, Atlas' new name is almost as long as he is. The new owner named him Axilla the Bun Binky Master Jazz Paws, but calls him Atty for short!
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Boston Latest to Ban Puppy Mill Sales
More than 90 cities across the country have now banned the sale of commercially-bred dogs in pet stores, while Illinois and Maine have proposed bills to ban the sale of puppies in pet stores statewide! In the latest big win for animal advocates and animals, Boston has become the latest major city to sign legislation banning the sale of commercially bred animals.
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Animal Radio® Show #1214
Pigs As Pets
The very charismatic Debra Jo Chiapuzio is back to tell us about life with a pet pig. She says her dog thinks the swine is a yummy-treat. If you've ever considered a pig for a pet, you must hear this interview. Debra, who is responsible for creating the Emma Zen Organization, raised funds to supply local fire departments with pet-oxygen masks. Now she's behind the "Food Train" to help rescued pigs.
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Protective Order Protects Pets of Domestic Abuse
A new federal bill in search of Congressional support could be passed to protect both animals and people. The Pets and Women's Safety (PAWS) Act will make it a crime to cross state lines to commit an act of domestic violence on a pet. The program would also provide support for animal shelters that offer space for the pets of people fleeing domestic violence.
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Living In A Bathtub for 30 Daze
Danielle Daals left her family in New Zealand to sit in a bathtub for 30 days in front of the Miami Seaquarium. Of course she has a good reason. She wants people to know that Lolita the Killer Whale lives in the smallest tank in the United States. We talk to her about halfway through her publicity stunt.
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Cat Trapped In Woman's Body
Nano, as she likes to be called, claims she was born in the wrong species and that she's actually a cat trapped in a human body! She says her personality and psychological features prove that she is more feline that human because she prefers walking around on her hands and knees to standing on two legs, and likes to sleep in sinks and wind mills, despite her adult size. She also claims she possesses a slew of catty characteristics like ultra-sharp hearing, laser night vision and fierce aversions to both dogs and water. The clincher that Nano is really a cat is seen in her You Tube video in which she says, "It's also obvious that I'm a cat when I start purring and meowing . . . Sometimes I hiss when meeting dogs in the street."
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Animal Radio® Show #1213
Rocker Marlon Hargis Talks About His Furry Friends
He's still around and touring for the animals. From the band Exile (Kiss You All Over), Marlon Hargis is our guest; and saying he loves our furry friends is an understatement. He even does a benefit concert for a homeless pets and people organization.
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Canned vs. Kibble - Moist vs. Dry
Doc Halligan is here to settle the age-old question, should we be feeding our pets dry food or from a can? The answer may depend on many factors. Is dry kibble responsible for one of the most common problems in older male cats?
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Real Estate for Animal Businesses
You may already know how hard it is to find somewhere to live with your pets. That is especially true if you live in Los Angeles. LA is where Lynsey Polacheck runs her real estate business for animal related businesses like groomers, pet hotels and even a doggy-shrink.
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Canine Flu Now in 28 States
The new strain of canine flu was just confirmed in Missouri and Montana. There is a preventative vaccine for about $50, which is a lot cheaper than treating a dog with this strain of flu. And what about the cats? Can they get it?
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What You Need To Know About Microchips
The biggest misconception about microchips is that they contain the owner's information. Dr. Debbie sets a listener straight (or perhaps the listener sets Dr. Debbie straight) when they ask why veterinarians don't scan for stolen pets. Make sure these microchip pitfalls don't make them useless when your pet goes missing.
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