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Animal Radio® Show #961
Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom
The little known insurance company would've sunk into obscurity if it weren't for the marriage to the iconic television programming it hitched its name to. Marlin Perkins and his monkey hosted the Sunday evening tradition. The show lives on today as a web series hosted by this week's Animal Radio guest, Peter Gros. Peter talks about several harrowing experiences filming wild animals, including chasing a 12-foot python through the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in Manhattan.
Meet Your Breed
Don't just get a dog because it's cute. To ensure a long lasting relationship, you should get a breed that suits your activity level, as some dogs require lots of stimulation while others, like the unsuspecting Greyhound, would rather be a couch potato. Behaviorist Kim Brophey is here to help you pick out your new furry family member.
The New Fear Free Guide
The biggest thing to recently happen to animal welfare is arguably the Fear Free movement. Starting with veterinarians, changes were made to make vet visits a better experience for the pet and everyone involved. Then Fear Free moved into the household by creating the Fear Free Happy Homes program. Now, with the help of Fear Free father and renown author, Dr. Marty Becker talks about the new Fear Free book, From Fearful to Fear Free. Listen to Dr. Becker in the Fear Free Expert Series on Animal Radio.
Raccoon Overdoses on Heroin
Firefighters at Wayne Township in Indiana must still be laughing about a recent visit they had from a frantic woman who showed up at the station house early one morning with her pet raccoon. The raccoon was stoned after being exposed to too much marijuana and the owner thought the raccoon was overdosing. Later, they discovered the raccoon had actually gotten into someone's stash of heroine.
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Animal Radio® Show #960
No Dogs Left Behind
Jeffrey Beri founded the global animal rescue No Dogs Left Behind. He checks in with Animal Radio from China where he's rescuing thousands of dogs from a horrific life and ultimate slaughter. He reports that the Chinese are changing their view on pets.
Brilliant Shelter Program
Alan Cook, the inventor and mastermind behind the Brilliant Pad Self-Cleaning Dog Potty, is donating hundreds of potties to shelters and adopters across America. "By potty training shelter dogs, we're helping to make more dogs adoptable," says Cook. Shelters may apply at
Think About Your Pets When Buying That Tech Gadget
Tech expert Kim Komando says every piece of technology we put into our homes could very easily emit a sound that cannot be heard by humans but comes in loud and clear for pets. That's not to say pets are suffering because of our gadgets, but that the possibility exists and it is something you may want to consider. In scientific terms, humans can hear sounds up to about 20,000 Hz, while dogs can hear sounds up to 45,000 Hz and cats 64,000 Hz. That means there are frequencies undetectable to us but very noticeable and even hurtful to animals. Lights can also be a problem, because animals see the world differently than humans. LED lights flicker more than others, though the speed at which they do so isn't really noticed by humans. Dogs, however, are sensitive up to 80 Hz or flickers per second.
Retiring Former Research Chimps
The Director of Behavior and Research at Chimp Haven joins Animal Radio to talk about the many chimps that are now living at her sanctuary in Louisiana. Amy Fultz is currently fund raising to help build more habitats in the 200-acre refuge.
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Animal Radio® Show #959
Comedian/Actress Mindy Sterling (Austin Powers) is doing a mewsical about cats along with Fred Willard, Emily Deschaneland Nicole Sullivan. These are only a smattering of celebrities that will be singing their heart out. Mindy is our guest this week.
How To Think Like A Cat
Do cats worry about retirement? Nope. Do cats do things they don't want to? Definitely not. Stephane Garnier joins us from France to tell us how to structure our life to be more like the serene feline. Who knows, you may learn a little something something that will make your mundane existence a little better.
Smucker Buys Rachael Ray Food
In a move that isn't good for consumers. The J.M. Smucker Co. has announced it will buy Ainsworth Pet Nutrition, maker of Rachael Ray's Nutrish brand. The deal is valued at about $1.7 billion. You might remember that Smucker was just called to the mat for pentobarbital in their pet food.
Getting Kittens Started Right
Inventor and veterinarian Dr. Elizabeth Bales says it's great to socialize your kitten early, just like a dog. There are even kitten socialization classes. She has some quick tips for enriching your cat's life. Dr. Bale is up next in the Fear Free Pets Expert Series on Animal Radio.
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Check out Brilliant Pad's New Shelter Program
Animal Radio® Show #958
Pets Make You More Attractive
Dr. Helen Fisher is a Senior Research Fellow at The Kinsey Institute. She's been studying the correlation between pets and dating. Dr. Fisher says, "Dogs are chick magnets!" Women find men with a dog to be more attractive. But interestingly, or not, this does not work in reverse. In fact, the 'cat lady' has a negative stigma.
Major Pet Store Raided After Whistle Blowing Employee
Police in Bellevue, Tennessee recently raided a national pet store chain location after getting a tip and photos concerning animal cruelty. That tip, along with the pictures, came from an employee at the PetSmart store.
Mandatory Pet Rental Laws
If you don't own a home and you have a pet, you know that finding a home to rent that accepts pets can be difficult. According to a poll, 64% of respondents felt landlords should have the right to refuse to rent to pet owners, compared to 36% who felt landlords should not be able to deny a tenant's pets. Of course, opinions varied between homeowners and tenants.
Pet Insurance & Preexisting Conditions
While pet insurance may seem like a good value, be sure to check to fine print. Some breeds predisposed to certain ailments, like hip-dysplasia, may be excluded from certain insurance policies, especially if your pet has been seen before for problems related to the claim.
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Animal Radio® Show #957
Hidden Pain In Cats
Cats may feel pain but there may be no obvious signs. Dr. Robin Downing specializes in pain and palliative medicine for pets and she explains why cats may not exhibit the signs of pain, or at least how humans perceive pain. Dr. Downing also discusses pain treatments for our furry friends. This segment is part of the Fear Free Expert Series.
Sea-furring Felines
We remember the bold seafarers of yore, from Magellan to Shackleton, for their extraordinary exploits; New lands discovered, storms weathered, and battles won. But somehow history has neglected the stalwart, hardworking species who made it all possible ... yes, the noble cat! Philippa Sandall joins us from down-under to describe these under appreciated sea-furring felines.
United Suspends Pet Cargo
After three mistakes in a single week, all involving dogs that made international headlines last month, United Airlines has now suspended its transport of animals in the cargo compartments of its planes. However, animals for which arrangements had already been made before March 20th will still be able to fly. United won't accept any more reservations for pets until it has completed an internal company review of its programs involving animals. United carried the most animals in cargo of any airline last year and the most animal deaths in each of the last five years.
Firefighters Thought They Were Rescuing Puppies
Firefighters in Colorado Springs say they are pretty surprised to learn that the littler of "puppies" they rescued from a storm drain were actually baby foxes. Before learning they actually had baby foxes in their care, they were taken to a veterinary hospital where they were told the tiny little things were really newborn red fox kits.
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