Grab Your Pets and Join Us for a Celebration of Animals.
This month:
Pet Detective Jamie Katz
Pet Fooled Producer/Director Kohl Harrington
Television Host David Frei
Fear Free Pets Dr. Marty Becker
Actor Sir Patrick Stewart
Animal Radio® Show #1175
FDA Warns Dog Owners About Xylitol
The Federal Drug and Food Administration is warning dog owners about a new diet Peanut Butter made with an alternative sweetener. 'Xylitol' can shut a dog's kidney down in a matter of minutes.
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The Lowdown On Pet Microchips
Still, the best way to ensure your lost pet is returned is by implanting a rice-sized microchip under their skin. This is a simple, fast and painless procedure done at your veterinarian or local shelter. Some people are afraid of the technology, mistakenly thinking 'Big Brother' is tracking your pet. We'll break that myth. We'll also discuss the different types of microchips and how to make sure your pet has the right one.
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Pet Pictures Can Drastically Change Attitude
We all love pets and whenever anyone feels socially rejected or sad, new research from Miami University shows that just a thought - or a picture of their pet - can lift their mood. In the study they also found that just thinking about another human did not produce the same effect.
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Paralyzed Kitten Gets Lego Wheelchair
A kitten that was found paralyzed and abandoned by its mother on the streets of upstate New York has been given a unique makeshift wheelchair by a local veterinarian. This mobility device was made out of Legos!
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Goose Knocks On Police Cruiser For Help
A mother goose recently knocked on the door of a Cincinnati police cruiser in her search for help for a gosling tangled in a Mylar balloon string. The officer in the car said he initially thought the goose was hungry when he discovered her pecking at the door of his car.
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Animal Radio® Show #1174
Adventure Cats
Just when you thought you knew all there was to know about cats, Laura Moss tells us about cats that like hiking, camping, kayaking, canoeing, and even surfing. If you have an adventurous cat, she'll tell you what you can do to enrich the furr-balls' life.
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The Inner Life of Cats
For millennia, cats have been celebrated as secretive, mysterious companions, content to live alongside (but apart from) humans. Thomas McNamee shares the science revealing cats' hidden depths of emotion and affection for humans.
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Deadliest Animal Kills About 120 People Yearly
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, pit bulls are NOT the deadliest animals, or even rattlesnakes. Believe it or not, deer are the deadliest animals in America, responsible for killing 120 people on average every year. Deer are normally not violent, but the majority of the deaths caused from deer stem from car accidents.
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Think Twice Before Putting Your Pet on a Plane
United Airlines is investigating an incident where one of the world's biggest rabbits was found dead after a plane had landed from a flight from London's Heathrow airport to Chicago's O'Hare. It turns out that United had the most animal deaths of all U.S. airlines last year for the second year in a row.
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Fake Cancer Treatments Targets Pets
The FDA has given warning letters to 14 companies that are selling more than 65 fake cancer treatments. The bogus products include pills, capsules, powders, creams, teas, oils and treatment and diagnostic kits. They're most commonly marketed and sold without FDA approval on websites and social media platforms and are usually advertised as 'natural' and often falsely labeled as dietary supplements.
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Animal Radio® Show #1173
Pet Detective Jamie Katz
She's a real life Pet Detective, schooled as a human Private Investigator. Jamie Katz has found over 150 lost or stolen pets in the last 2 years. She'll share some wild stories and give you tips to make sure your pet isn't stolen.
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Federal Agency Goes Pet Friendly
The Interior Department welcomed a new breed of visitor to its Washington headquarters last month, one on four legs, covered with fur and on a mission to boost morale at the agency in charge of public lands. The first federal agency to go dog friendly opened its doors to 85 dogs that first Dog Day!
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New Tick-Borne Disease Discovered
Scientists have a double-shot of bad news about ticks. There's a new, and potentially fatal, tick-borne illness called Powassan and this summer looks like it might be one of the worst on record for an increase in the tick population. The Centers for Disease Control say tick-borne diseases are on the rise and prevention should be on everyone's mind now through early fall when ticks are most active.
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Human College Graduates 24 Pets
One of only a handful of colleges that allow and encourage pets, Eckerd College wants students to bring their dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, ducks and chinchillas to school. They supply pet dorms and vet visits for college kids and their pets. They even have a graduation ceremony for the creatures big and small. Tanya Womack is the Staff Coordinator for Pet Life at Eckerd College. She's happy to tell us about this groundbreaking initiative and she consults with other colleges that wish to institute the same policy.
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Prisoners Training Animals
A small team of women prisoners in Phoenix is working with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Animal Safety Unit. The program helps comfort and train animals rescued from deplorable conditions. Six days a week the women in the program are transported to a former men's jail that has been converted into a holding center and safe haven for animals.
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Animal Radio® Show #1172
Join the Shellebration
World Turtle Day is coming up. The Executive Director of the American Tortoise Rescue, Susan Tellum tells us why turtles and tortoises make great pets, except when they're having sex.
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Pig Trial Ends
Animal Advocate Anita Kranjnc faced a prison sentence for feeding water to a dehydrated pig. After two years of defending herself in a court battle, the judge dismissed the charges against her for mischief and meddling with private property.
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Some Pets Make You Look More Attractive
New research suggests women rated men holding puppies as almost 24% sexier, 14% more trustworthy and 13% more attractive than the same men not holding a puppy. Meanwhile, women with kittens were perceived as the least attractive and women with cats were rated lowest on sexiness and trustworthiness.
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Tick Talk
Dogfather Joey Villani shares a little known secret for easily getting rid of ticks. Simply pulling them out of your animals, or using a match to get rid of them can actually cause more problems. But with this technique, the ticks will leave on their own accord.
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Class Action Claims Prescription Pet Food is a Marketing Scheme.
Four law firms are making news for representing pet owners in a class action lawsuit, which alleges that prescription dog and cat food is a marketing scheme devised by pet food companies to pump up their profits. They state that requiring a prescription from a veterinarian misleads consumers, providing cover that enables pet food companies to charge excessive prices because prescription pet food contains no drug or other ingredient not also common in non-prescription pet food.
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Animal Radio® Show #1171
What The Pet Food Manufacturers Want You To Know
The pet food industry is worth 29 BILLION dollars a year. With so much at stake, they've formed a lobbying group called Pet Food Institute. PFI's Communications Director, Mary Emma Young joins us to tell you want they want you to know about pet food.
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Pet Fooled
Pet food advocate and director of the movie "Pet Fooled," Kohl Harrington believes you are being lied to and manipulated by the major pet food manufacturers - all in the name of economics. Kohl shares the information he collected while producing the movie, including documentation that you're being deceived into slowly killing your pets; and even paid hush money by pet food makers. You'll want to hear this before you shop for pet food again!
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Employers Offer Paternity Leave
Harper-Collins Publishers is now offering their employees "PAWternity leave" when they adopt a new pet, giving workers up to five working days of paid leave to settle in with their new animal friend. The publisher says it wants to encourage responsible adoption of animals as well as make life easier for their staff that choose to open their homes to furry friends.
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Pet Rat Saved After Heroin Overdose
Volunteers at an overdose prevention site in Vancouver, Canada, say they saved the life of a pet rat named Snuggles after the little rodent overdosed on heroin it had eaten off a table.
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Cat Yoga Classes
For cat lovers and exercise enthusiasts, free yoga classes filled with feline friends sounds like a pretty good deal. But these classes are offered with a larger purpose in mind, as the cats need homes. The P.A.W.S. Animal Adoption Center in Camden, Maine, offers free monthly cat yoga classes as a way to introduce potential new pet owners to some kitties in need.
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Victims Scammed After Buying Dogs Online
Police in the town of Winkler, Manitoba, Canada, are asking people to be extra vigilant when buying anything online after three people were scammed out of hundreds of dollars when they bought dogs that they never received. The victims had all recently responded to online classified ads listing dogs for sale.
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Animal Radio® Show #1170
Star Trek Star Changes His Mind About Pit Bulls
Actor and humanitarian Sir Patrick Stewart is fostering a pit bull named Ginger after they bonded instantly. He admits that he once believed the negative stereotypes about pit bulls, but his love for Ginger and other pit bulls has grown so deep that now he's partnered up with the ASPCA to #GetTough against dog fighters.
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Fear Free Movement
When Dr. Marty Becker created the Fear Free certification for Veterinarians, he had no idea it would take off so fast. More and more veterinarians are creating a relaxed environment that pets will like. They're practicing techniques that make dogs and cats enjoy going to the vet. The end-game is happier, healthier pets that live longer.
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Giving The West Coast Some Love
TV Host and Animal Advocate David Frei was the top dog at Westminster for almost 30 years. He tells us that he's created the first major west coast AKC Dog Show and it's all going on in Beverly Hills. Trailing the super success of the Thanksgiving Day Dog Show, NBC has bankrolled the celebrity filled dog show.
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Taiwan Outlaws Cat & Dog Meat for Humans
Taiwan is the first country in Asia to pass a law outlawing the human consumption of dog and cat meat. An amendment to an animal protection law, passed earlier this month by the Taiwanese, indicates a changing attitude in, "A society in which dog meat was regularly eaten, to one in which many people treat pet cats and dogs as valued members of their families," according to the government's own news agency.
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Eliminating Hairballs
If your cat is always hawking up hairballs, then perhaps you should hear what Animal Radio's Dogfather, Joey Villani has to say. He has some inexpensive and effective ways to reduce the hair your cat consumes. This is especially helpful if you've ever stepped in a juicy hairball in the middle of the night.
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