Grab Your Pets and Join Us for a Celebration of Animals.
This month:
Actor and National Dog Show Co-Host John O'Hurley,
Cat Daddy Jackson Galaxy,
Country Star Tanya Tucker,
Actor Ed Begley Jr. and your pet's carbon-paw print,
and Dr. Joe Wakshlag talks about using CBD products on your pet.
Animal Radio® Show #1198
John O'Hurley is Back
Co-host of NBC's Thanksgiving Day National Dog Show; actor John O'Hurley (J. Peterman on Seinfeld) is back for the 14th year to share fun stories about the dogs in his life. He'll also take a stab at pronouncing the new breed names in this year's Thanksgiving Day show. At home, John has two dogs, a Cavalier King Charles named Sadie and a Havanese named Lucy. John says that everything he knows about dogs he learned at the National Dog Show from the breeders and from walking up and down the aisles full of dogs. So when he was looking for new family members, he knew what type of dogs he wanted. John states that dogs are not trials. You should learn about the dog you are interested in and shouldn't get a dog to try it out and see if it will work. The shelters are unfortunately full of too many dogs that were trials.
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Country Star Tanya Tucker Guests
Musician Tanya Tucker joins the Thanksgiving celebration live from Nashville. She has a menagerie of animals and plenty of anecdotes to go around. This is the first time for her on Animal Radio€¦we'll be gentle. But this ain't her first rodeo. Years ago, Tanya tells us that she lost one of her Chihuahuas in the hills of Malibu, California, for 9 months. He was eventually found about 60 miles away due to a microchip. She was in Nashville when she got the call and they had an incredible reunion, with both of them going crazy!
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Don't Stuff Your Pet With Thanksgiving Leftovers
Thanksgiving is all about enjoying time together - family, friends, and great food. In many households the family pet may also sample a taste from the holiday table; a morsel of turkey breast for Tabby or a side of fixings for Fido. Tuned in to those enticing smells, our pets know how to manipulate us with a flutter of sad puppy dog eyes or incessant meowing. Sharing these Thanksgiving goodies with our pets can put their health in jeopardy, but many of us do it. Over 60-percent of pet owners confess to sharing their holiday meal with their pets, but that doesn't make it wise.
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My Cat from Hell
Animal Planet host, Jackson Galaxy is back to yap about his awesome book. Jackson and Kate (his partner in crime) will show you how to make your house cat-friendly without forsaking aesthetics.
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Banning Shock Collars
The Scottish government is asking residents there for their opinions on electric shock collars, used to train cats and dogs, and if they believe the collars should be banned. Wales, Sweden, Denmark and Germany have already banned shock collars, but supporters of them say they can be used successfully as a last resort - and have compared the pain inflicted to a static shock. Meanwhile, shock-collars are still legal in the United States; the usefulness is still in question. Sometimes a dog will "take the hit" if his/her drive is high.
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Animal Radio® Show #1197
CBD for Pets
You've probably heard about CBD, or Cannabidiol, a cannabis compound boasting significant medical benefits. Research on the safety and efficacy in pets is still in its early stages according to Dr. Joe Wakshlag. He'll help us parse out all the claims and navigate the double-talk.
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Selfies Include Pets
Pet owners are being asked if, and why, they include their cat or dog in selfies posted to social media as part of new research into our relationships with our pets. Dr. Lori Kogan, of Colorado State University, said the study indicated 50% of pet owners had their pet as their feature photo on their devices and that behavior offers insights into the close bonds between people and cats and dogs.
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Put Your Phone Down and Stop Ignoring Your Pet
Data from USC's Annenberg Center shows that on average Americans spend nearly 24 hours per week online. Research suggests that pets may get anxious and even depressed when we spend too much time on our smartphones.
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"The worst thing you can do when your dog has been sprayed by a skunk is to use tomato juice." That's according to Animal Radio's very own 'Dogfather' Joey Villani. Besides not being effective, it's also pretty messy. But fear not! Joey has the perfect recipe of household products to fix this smelly problem.
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Peace, Love, Goats of Anarchy
Leanne Lauricella gave up her NYC corporate job, traded in her Mercedes for a pickup truck, and decided to care for handicapped goats. She'll never look back! She says it was the best decision ever. She has taken-it-up a level by integrating her love for goats throughout social media. The Goats' online fame landed them on Rachael Ray. Leanne has even published 6 books.
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Chicken-Nugget Eating Alligator Evicted From Home
Authorities in Kansas City, Missouri, discovered an unexpected occupant when they went to evict a man from his grandmother's home. Inside the home, police found a 7-foot, 200-lb. alligator. The grandson said the pet gator was only 15 inches long four years ago and grew bigger over time on a steady diet of chicken nuggets. He added the alligator is afraid of the dark and thunderstorms.
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Animal Radio® Show #1196
Your Pet's Carbon Paw-print
Actor Ed Begley Jr. is well-known for being green before green was cool. He'll share ideas for reducing your pet's carbon paw-print and saving money at the same time.
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Canine Fender Bender
A woman recently returned from her shopping trip at the mall to discover her car had been hit by a vehicle driven by three dogs. She later learned the owner had left it running with the animals inside and they somehow managed to put it into gear.
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Top Pet Accident-Prone States
Petplan Pet Insurance compiled a list of states that are more likely to have accident prone pets. California tops the list followed by Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
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What's wrong with a little rawhide treat now and then? A lot! Besides the lacks of nutritional value, it is commonly a choking hazard. Dr. Debbie sees choking cases in her office several times a year caused by splintered rawhide treats. Some are fatal!
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Benefits of Pets at Work
A new study supports the stress reducing benefits of bringing your pooch to work. The study also reveals that workers have an increased level of job satisfaction and work productivity as well as higher staff morale.
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Animal Radio® Show #1195
George The Skateboarding Dog
Nadine Singel never tried to train her bulldog to skateboard. When you see him surfing the concrete with such passion and skill, it's hard to believe that he picked up the sport by watching neighborhood kids skateboarding. You'll love George's story.
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Why You Should Adopt A Senior Pet
Senior pets are often the most undesirable pets to adopt. But seniors actually make great pets. So says Kim Skarritt, founder of the Silver Muzzle Cottage, a rescue and hospice for older dogs. She's committed to making the last months of a pet's life comfortable and happy.
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The Lucrative Pet Treat Business
Anyone looking to cash in on the booming pet products business would be smart to investigate making pet treats, which have outpaced both dog and cat food in the last five years in the US. New research shows that pet treat sales increased by 29%, growing to more than 4 billion dollars of the retail pet products industry.
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Most Popular Top Pet Costumes For This Year
If you are one of the many people who just love Halloween, you may already have your pet's costume. But if you don't, we have your list of the top ten costumes for pets this year. It turns out that this year you'll likely be seeing a lot of cats that look like dogs and dogs that look like cats. About 20% of pets will be parading around in costumes this Halloween.
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What You Need To Know About Rabies
Pet World Insider Robert Semrow says many pet parents have heard of, but may not truly understand what Rabies is or how it can affect our pets and us. Rabies is a serious illness that can have fatal consequences. This is one of those illnesses that you can be very proactive with. Have a strategy and understanding of the risks to you and your pets.
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Animal Radio® Show #1194
Celebrating Halloween With Your Pet
A mere 16% of us dress our pets for Halloween. This year, there are more choices than ever for unique costumes. Costume maker Allison Albert shares her latest and greatest designs. Dr. Debbie has tips for those pets that just aren't into this scary holiday.
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Common Flea Meds Causing Seizures
The FDA has issued a warning that flea medications in the Isoxazoline class such as Bravecto, Credelio, Nexgard and Simparica may do more than just combat flea or tick infestations. It turns out they all have the potential of causing seizures, muscle tremors or other neurological problems in pets.
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L.A. Bans Sale Of Furs
Los Angeles is the largest city in the U.S. to ban the sale of fur. The city council has voted unanimously to move forward with the ban, which will take effect 24-months after final language is passed. The ban will prohibit the sale of coats, handbags, shoes, hats, jewelry, accessories and other products made in whole or in part of fur.
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Pop Up Pee Pads
Bill Klein (TLC's The Little Couple) invented a pee pad with a pop-up fire hydrant. He says it cured his dog's inappropriate urination and it can help other dogs. Bill's business is enjoying success. He says humor coupled with social media is the best marketing. The Little Couple reality-star says he's proud to be in the "pee-pad" business because his product addresses a grand problem that affects so many dog owners.
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ASPCA Fighting Predatory Lenders
The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has filed a lawsuit in New Jersey on behalf of two sisters who unknowingly entered into a pet leasing agreement so they could purchase an 8-week-old Golden Retriever puppy from a pet store. Both the lender and the pet store are targeted in the lawsuit. Pet stores and online puppy sellers offer pet leasing schemes to make high priced puppies appear more affordable. Consumers may think they are opting for a standard payment plan, but many of these arrangements are actually leases where the consumers are required to make inflated monthly payments while the leasing company retains ownership of the dog. At the end of the lease, the consumer is required to make an additional payment if they want to keep the dog. For the sisters in this case, they will have paid a total of $5,300 at the end of the 24-month period to fully own their dog, now named Cooper, whose original purchase price was $3,500.
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Animal Radio® Show #1193
Can Dogs Be Gay?
Dogs may exhibit behavior that we, as humans, construe as sexual behavior. The truth of the matter is that it has more to do with dominance and not sexual preference. Alan Kabel unravels the mystery that has many of us scratching our head in confusion.
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Flight of The Butterflies
Dr. Chip Taylor was the advisor of the 3-D hit IMAX movie "Flight of the Butterflies." He explains the intriguing migration of the Monarch from Mexico to Canada. You might be surprised about the life of this casual insect.
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Dogs Get High On Pot
Pooches getting high on pot is an increasing problem in states where medical marijuana is legal. Veterinarians say what used to be a rare problem is becoming alarmingly more common, and the results can be deadly. Dr. Stacy Meola says "Dogs most commonly get stoned by eating their owner's pot-enhanced foods." Our own Dr. Debbie White is upset when owners won't come clean in order to save their pet.
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Who Better To Find A Lost Dog Than Another Dog?
Anne Wills is the founder and executive director of Dogs Finding Dogs, a Baltimore-area nonprofit that uses trained tracking teams to search for lost pets.
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Armed & Dangerous Turtles
If a pet turtle shows up at your home, do not take him in. He is considered armed and dangerous. No joke. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of Salmonella cases linked to tiny breeds of the reptile is on the rise.
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Dog Hitchhikes Under The Hood
A dog survived a 110-mile trip beneath the hood of a Chevy Silverado with the blazing Southern California sun above. Jaime Magana of Chino says he had no idea there was a dog hitching a ride in the engine compartment until he stopped in San Clemente for lunch.
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