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Animal Radio® Show #983
Celebrating Halloween With Your Pet
A mere 16% of us dress our pets for Halloween. This year, there are more choices than ever for unique costumes. Costume maker Allison Albert shares her latest and greatest designs. Dr. Debbie has tips for those pets that just aren't into this scary holiday.
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Common Flea Meds Causing Seizures
The FDA has issued a warning that flea medications in the Isoxazoline class such as Bravecto, Credelio, Nexgard and Simparica may do more than just combat flea or tick infestations. It turns out they all have the potential of causing seizures, muscle tremors or other neurological problems in pets.
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L.A. Bans Sale Of Furs
Los Angeles will become the largest city in the U.S. to ban the sale of fur. The city council has voted unanimously to move forward with the ban, which will take effect 24-months after final language is passed. The ban will prohibit the sale of coats, handbags, shoes, hats, jewelry, accessories and other products made in whole or in part of fur.
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Pop Up Pee Pads
Bill Klein (TLC's The Little Couple) invented a pee pad with a pop-up fire hydrant. He says it cured his dog's inappropriate urination and it can help other dogs. Bill's business is enjoying success. He says humor coupled with social media is the best marketing. The Little Couple reality-star says he's proud to be in the "pee-pad" business because his product addresses a grand problem that affects so many dog owners.
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ASPCA Fighting Predatory Lenders
The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has filed a lawsuit in New Jersey on behalf of two sisters who unknowingly entered into a pet leasing agreement so they could purchase an 8-week-old Golden Retriever puppy from a pet store. Both the lender and the pet store are targeted in the lawsuit. Pet stores and online puppy sellers offer pet leasing schemes to make high priced puppies appear more affordable. Consumers may think they are opting for a standard payment plan, but many of these arrangements are actually leases where the consumers are required to make inflated monthly payments while the leasing company retains ownership of the dog. At the end of the lease, the consumer is required to make an additional payment if they want to keep the dog. For the sisters in this case, they will have paid a total of $5,300 at the end of the 24-month period to fully own their dog, now named Cooper, whose original purchase price was $3,500.
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Animal Radio is a proud supporter of Fido Friendly's 'Get Your Licks on Route 66' Adoption Tour
Animal Radio® Show #982
Who Is Happier? Dog or Cat Guardians?
Do dogs or cats make you happy? The dog vs. cat argument will probably go on forever. But now there's a new survey that says dog owners are officially happier than cat owners, but not by much. Dog owners are only happier by a mere 4%.
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An Alternative To Pet Insurance?
Dr. Allen Kamrava believes he has invented a better way to cover the costs of a catastrophic health event. According to Kamrava, advances in technology allow for a community-based model that can replace typical pet health insurance.
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More Animals Being Used For Therapeutic Purposes
Dogs, miniature horses, cats, rabbits and even llamas are increasingly being used to help heal and cheer the sick in hospitals, cancer clinics and other settings. However, research to support the efficacy of animal-assisted therapy is largely in its early stages. A team led by scientists at UC Davis published a study about interactions between family house cats and children with autism. It found that cats in families with a child with autism-spectrum disorder " often provided valuable bonding, attention and calming affect to the child."
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Get Your Licks On Route 66
Animal Radio is proud to be a part of the 10th Annual Fido Friendly Adoption Tour. Susan Sims is traveling the famed Route 66 matching up adoptable dogs and cats with great homes across the country. She'll check in with us from St. Louis.
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Yes, This Was Happening In The United States
For years, animal lovers and animal welfare organizations have been working to end dog and cat meat sales. There has been a big step toward that goal, as the U.S. House of Representatives passed bipartisan legislation named the Dog and Cat Meat Trade Prohibition Act. The Act makes it "illegal to knowingly slaughter, ship, transport, move, deliver, receive, possess, purchase, sell or donate a dog or cat or his or her parts for human consumption, and authorizes a fine of up to $5,000 for each violation" in the United States.
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Animal Radio® Show #981
Accidentally Sickening Your Pet
The Senior Veterinary Toxicologist at the Pet Poison Helpline wants you to know what household toxins can fatally sicken your pets. Dr. Ahna Brutlag warns that pesticides and bait traps can kill more than bugs and mice. She also says even pet safe anti-freeze can be harmful.
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Psychologist Tells Us What Pets Want From Their Owners
Ever wonder how your pet sees the world? There's an entire branch of science devoted to figuring that out. Psychologist Dr. Zazie Todd has been studying the techniques guardians use to better their relationship with their pets.
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Toxoplasmosis Could Actually Improve Your Life
According to a new study, a mind-controlling parasite found in cat feces increases a person's likelihood of studying business and going into entrepreneurial-related careers. The parasite Toxoplasma Gondii has long been associated with impulsive behaviors leading to an increased risk of car accidents, road rage, mental illness, neuroticism, drug abuse and even suicide. Researchers believe T. Gondii exposure might push people toward higher risks and higher reward activities. The experts found that people infected with the parasite were about 1.5 times more likely to major in business and 1.7 times more likely to pursue a management and entrepreneurship major.
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Animal Crackers Have Been Freed
For over a century, the box of Barnum's Animals Crackers showed a caged circus boxcar with lions, elephants and other animals inside. The new box design has no cage and the animals on it are finally free, or at least not behind bars. All of the circus imagery is gone, in favor of a wildlife scene. The crackers themselves have not been changed. Hope you sleep better knowing this.
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Pop Diva Sheena Easton Flashback
Singer, songwriter and actress Sheena Easton provides one of the most memorable celebrity interviews on Animal Radio. Sheena is cra-cra about her kitties, no holds barred when she divulges how she spoils her cats and dogs.
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Animal Radio® Show #980
Dog Is My Co-Pilot
Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Peter Rork quit his thriving practice to create "Dog Is My Co-Pilot," a non-profit organization dedicated to flying dogs and cats from kill-shelters to rescues that can re-home them. So far Dr. Rork has transported 10,000 animals, much of it at his expense. He explains why this is more rewarding than orthopedic surgery.
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What Days Do People Spend More On Their Pets?
Womply's science team analyzed transactions from 4,400 local pet businesses on all 365 days of the 2017 calendar year in all 50 states to identify consumer-spending patterns. The top-five sales days of the year are all in December with an average expenditure of $113.89.
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Company Offers "Fur-Ternity" Leave
A Minneapolis marketing company announced it has adopted a company-wide policy of allowing employees to work flexible hours from home for one week when welcoming a new puppy or kitten into their homes. "Part of embracing employee satisfaction as a business priority means recognizing important life events that happen outside of the office," Nina Hale CEO Donna Robinson said. "If we want to continue to set the example as a top workplace, it is crucial to offer innovative benefits that help to preserve the work-life happiness of our employee owners."
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Project Breath Program Donates Pet Oxygen Masks
The Invisible Fence Company created the Project Breathe Program, which donates pet oxygen masks to first responders. Since the program's inception in 2006, 23,500 masks have been donated to first responders and now the company is giving more. Invisible Fence will equip 45 additional fire departments across the U.S. and Canada with these lifesaving devices.
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What Are Animals Saying To Us In English?
Brian Jones is a self-proclaimed audio-psychic. He tapes animals, including dogs and cats, and slows the tape down to reveal words. He believes the animals are trying to talk to us and we need to listen. We'll let you be the judge.
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Animal Radio® Show #979
Turning Animals Into Drones And Helicopters
In 2012, Bart Jansen's cat was unfortunately struck and killed by a car. Instead of cremating or burying "Orville" (named after the Wright Brothers), he turned him into a drone. Despite outrage from cat-owners, he defends the action as a tribute to his furry-friend. Many other pet owners have asked for his services since. Now he plans to turn a cow into a helicopter.
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What Vaccines Does My Pet Really Need?
There's no need to over-inoculate your pet with potentially harmful vaccines. Dr. Jean Dodds is considered one of the foremost veterinary experts on vaccinosis. She tells us what injections are necessary and how often. Dr. Dodd's also discusses the downside of over-vaccinating your pet.
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Pet Owner Harming Pets For Opioids
Researchers at the University of Colorado recently conducted a survey of nearly 200 veterinarians in the state about how opioid abusers may be using veterinary clinics to get drugs. The results revealed that 13% of veterinarians believe, or have suspected, that they have seen a client who purposefully injured their pet, made their pet sick or appear to be sick, just so they could get an opioid prescription.
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The World's Richest Pets
Topping the 2018 Richest Pets List, compiled by a pet insurance company, the wealthiest pet is a German Shepherd named Gunther IV, worth over 375 million dollars. Gunther, who lives in Germany, inherited his wealth and has his own personal maid and butler, eats steak and caviar and has several multi million-dollar homes. Taylor Swift's and Oprah's pets also top this list.
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Home Shoppers Buying For Pets
Pets are part of our family. So much so, that, according to a report, even if we found our perfect home and it wasn't right for our pets, we would pass on it. The survey for Realtor.com showed 75% of pet parents would say €śno thank you" to their dream home if it weren't a fit for their animals.
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