Grab your Pets for a Warm and Fuzzy Break from the New Normal.
Enjoy some laughter with your pets, Boston Globe's Matthew Gilbert, Dr. Marty Becker, Justin Silver and Dave Donnenfeld, TV Host Bob Barker and actor Leo Grillo.
Animal Radio® Show #1087
The Dog Park Phenomenon
Boston Globe TV Critic (a great gig if you can get it) Matthew Gilbert investigates the dynamics of dog parks. He didn't like dogs. In fact, he was afraid of them until his spouse introduced him to a dog that would forever change his view. Matt shares stories about the nutty fellow canine-lovers at his dog park.
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Flea Wars
Animal Radio Vets Dr. Marty Becker and Dr. Debbie are armed with flea-ridding tactics. Did you know that there are over a dozen different kind of fleas? There's a difference between "cat" fleas and "dog" fleas. Most importantly, how do we get rid of them for good? We've got answers.
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Muffin's Halo
Our Hero Person this week invented a bumper, or better described as a 'halo,' that protects blind dogs from bumping into furniture and other obstacles. Sylvie Bordeaux was tired of seeing her blind dog bash into stuff. With needle and thread in hand, she created a genius product that is helping vision-impaired pups from being discarded to shelters.
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New Uses For Unwanted Fur
Now a national organization called Born Free USA has come up with a fantastic idea. It collected unwanted furs and sent them to wildlife rehab centers in Texas. California and Missouri where they were cut into small pieces and used for orphaned babies and injured animals to snuggle in.
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Declawing Is Major Surgery
The American Veterinary Medical Association has amended it's policy to clarify that declawing is a major surgery that should only be performed as a last resort to prevent destructive clawing, but it stopped short of suggesting a ban on it. The new policy stresses the importance of educating cat guardians about normal feline scratching behavior, alternatives to declawing and that declawing is actually the amputation of the first digit of the cat's toes.
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Animal Radio® Show #1086
Pets In Space
Celestis Pet will shoot your pet's cremains into deep space, or to the moon, or even into orbit around the earth. The rocket and space technology company has been launching satellites and human remains for over a decade. Now, they want a piece of the 58-BILLION-dollar pet industry. Top Dog Stephen Eisele explains what you get for your $1,000. It's pretty impressive!
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The Language of Dogs
TV Dog Trainer Justin Silver is back with his really funny friend, Dave Donnenfeld. Together they're 'righting' canine 'wrongs' wherever bad dogs and bad guardians need them. "Their book is the Rosetta Stone of Doglish," says Animal Radio host Hal Abrams.
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Woman Does CPR on Bearded Dragon
When you love your pet, you love your pet, no matter what breed or species he or she is. That explains the actions of a woman in Oregon. Sherrie Dolezal runs a bearded dragon rescue and came home the other day to see one of lizards named Del Sol floating unconscious in the pool. She got him out, started pounding on her back and doing chest compressions. She finally started CPR and he started breathing again. Del Sol and Sherrie are now doing just fine.
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Big Choices For This Week's Hero
When his agent asked, "do you want to act or do you want to save animals," after he kept missing auditions, he chose to dedicate his life to the creatures. That makes Leo Grillo, the founder of DELTA rescue, our 'Hero Person.' He has over 1500 animals on 115 acres. He doesn't adopt-out any of these animals because his statistics say owners keep their animals only 2.5 year on average.
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Animal Radio® Show #1085
Bob Barker Back For Lucky 13
America's most recognized Animal Advocate, TV Host Bob Barker is back on Animal Radio for his thirteenth time. This time he's Animal Radio's Hero of The Week.
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Do Pets Feel Jealousy?
From the "Duh" Department, a new study reveals that dogs are indeed capable of feeling jealousy. Who paid for the study? You did. What's next? A study to determine if dogs dream? Anyone who lives with animals knows that they are capable of many of the same feelings humans encounter.
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Getting Rid of Tear Stains
Joey Villani brings his years of expertise to help you get rid of your pet's tear-stains with stuff from your pantry. The Dogfather unselfishly shares the groomer's tips you can do inexpensively at home - much to the disappointment of your other groomer.
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Day 30 Eating Dog-food
Dorothy Hunter made it to day 30 of eating dog food. It was all to prove a point about human-grade pet-foods. Animal Radio checked in on her throughout her stunt. Now we find out what she ate on day 30. While Dorothy first human-meal was a big-fat-cheeseburger, she admits to a shinier and healthier coat.
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Divorce in a New Age
Divorce these days not only means splitting belongings and custody of the kids, it may also include visitation for the pet. In fact, that is now often the case when pet families are split-up. Vinnie Penn can't keep his mouth shut about this topic...or any other topic for that matter.
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Dog and Baby
Bringing a human baby into your home requires lots of prep if you have pets. Dr. Debbie has what you need to know about introducing dog to baby so that your furry-friend will think of the screaming blob as a good friend. After all, you don't want your dog getting jealous?
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Animal Radio comes to you from the Redbarn Studios
Animal Radio® Show #1084
Hero Behind Bars
This week's Hero People are in prison. Female inmates are teamed up with a dog 24/7. Their mission is to train these shelter dogs to help autistic children. It's a second chance for the inmates, the dog and the child. Program Director Janette Thomas explains how the Pups in Prison initiative is a win, win, win!
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Banning Hybrids
Animal Defense League's Daniel Lutz is petitioning the courts to outlaw exotic hybrids of wild-cats. He says cats have been responsible for 14% of all the world's extinctions since 1600. Will legislation make a difference in our ecosystem?
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Evaluating Pet Insurance
Can pet insurance save you in a pinch? You don't have to go very far to find differing opinions on pet insurance. We'll give you two real life cases involving pet insurance. You decide. California will be the first state to regulate pet insurance.
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Animal Bloodmobile
Oh sure, you've seen the mobile blood banks that routinely troll for human blood. But you've probably never seen a mobile blood bank for dogs. Kim Marryott saw the need and now she manages a program in Pennsylvania that collects the twelve different canine blood types for transfusions and other life-threatening procedures.
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Who's Your Daddy?
If you have a mixed breed dog, you might consider getting him or her a DNA test. Not only will you find out just what combination of breeds went into your best friend, but Dr. David Linzey of the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association says you might find out some valuable health information. But are these tests accurate. Animal Radio tested them - with different results.
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