Grab Your Pets and Join Us for a Celebration of Animals.
This month:
Actress/Comedian Nicole Sullivan,
Comedian Elayne Boosler,
Petfinder Creator Betsy Saul,
Reverand James Capers is Blessing the Animals,
and George Semel talks about cloning his dog.
Animal Radio® Show #1193
Can Dogs Be Gay?
Dogs may exhibit behavior that we, as humans, construe as sexual behavior. The truth of the matter is that it has more to do with dominance and not sexual preference. Alan Kabel unravels the mystery that has many of us scratching our head in confusion.
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Flight of The Butterflies
Dr. Chip Taylor was the advisor of the 3-D hit IMAX movie "Flight of the Butterflies." He explains the intriguing migration of the Monarch from Mexico to Canada. You might be surprised about the life of this casual insect.
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Dogs Get High On Pot
Pooches getting high on pot is an increasing problem in states where medical marijuana is legal. Veterinarians say what used to be a rare problem is becoming alarmingly more common, and the results can be deadly. Dr. Stacy Meola says "Dogs most commonly get stoned by eating their owner's pot-enhanced foods." Our own Dr. Debbie White is upset when owners won't come clean in order to save their pet.
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Who Better To Find A Lost Dog Than Another Dog?
Anne Wills is the founder and executive director of Dogs Finding Dogs, a Baltimore-area nonprofit that uses trained tracking teams to search for lost pets.
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Armed & Dangerous Turtles
If a pet turtle shows up at your home, do not take him in. He is considered armed and dangerous. No joke. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of Salmonella cases linked to tiny breeds of the reptile is on the rise.
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Dog Hitchhikes Under The Hood
A dog survived a 110-mile trip beneath the hood of a Chevy Silverado with the blazing Southern California sun above. Jaime Magana of Chino says he had no idea there was a dog hitching a ride in the engine compartment until he stopped in San Clemente for lunch.
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Animal Radio® Show #1192
Funny-lady Nicole Sullivan's Sleeping Arrangements
America's Favorite Dog Walker, actress & comedian Nicole Sullivan (King of Queens - MadTV) is our guest. She wants you to know about the Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats. She's also wants you to know her sleeping arrangements.
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DON'T Give Your Dog a Bone
Vets are now warning people not to give their dog a bone because it could kill them. And, if you're thinking that only applies to cooked bones, which break and splinter much easier, that is not always the case. Surgery is usually needed to remove any blockage and in some cases, the damage caused by bones is so serious that it can be fatal.
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Creating a Foster Revolution
The mastermind behind the world's largest pet adoption website, Petfinder, is working to change the way un-adoptable animals find homes. Betsy Saul created the website to unite transitional pets with foster parents.
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120 Pound Rodent
The word rodent implies ugly unwanted, little creatures that sneak into your home and freak out a lot of us. There is a 120-pound rodent in Texarkana that is genuinely loved, hugged and even given home-cooked meals. His name is Chico and he€™s a Capybara, a species National Geographic says is, "The World's Largest Living Rodent."
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Animal Radio® Show #1191
He Cloned His Dog!
George Semel cloned his dog after it was mauled by a Rottweiler. Now the Koreans are holding his three cloned puppies for ransom. They want more than the $50,000 he was initially asked to pay. And what proof does he have that these are actually cloned animals? None yet. Join us as TLC's "I Cloned My Pet" films this compelling interview.
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Cemetery Welcomes Man's Best Friend
Families have been known to skirt cemetery rules in trying to reunite Fido or Patches with their owners, slipping a tiny tub of ashes into a casket or sprinkling their remains at a grave site when no one's looking. But come spring, animal lovers won't have to be so sneaky anymore in one state.
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Elayne Boosler Guests
Yes, she's one of America's most outstanding comics, but she's also an animal advocate with her own 501c3 organization created to help the smaller shelters save animals. Find out why she hates the Humane Society of the United States and the ASPCA.
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Should Groomers Be Licensed?
After several news stories about bad groomers giving bad cuts or even cutting off ears and super-gluing them back on, a few legislators want to make licensing groomers mandatory. The crusade continues in California.
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Animal Radio® Show #1190
Moving Animals For The Rich And Famous
If your last airplane flight had you sitting next to a baboon, it could've been for a client of Pacific Pet Transport, the latest company to get a Reality TV show. They move animals for the rich and famous. From rhinos to snakes, James Nelligan shares their travels and spills the beans on Alanis Morissette and several other big names.
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Banned Pit Bulls
Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) has many up in arms over these ridiculous laws. What's the real story behind Lennox, the dog put to sleep simply because he was a Pit Bull in a county that outlaws them. Even big cities like Denver are saying "no" to Pit Bulls. Good laws or just plain arrogance? Tammy Crew tells you about an organization that has formed to fight BSL.
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Rogue Turtle
Searching for an escaped turtle requires more thinking than walking. Zeke couldn't have gone far. Driving that shell around town can't be easy, and top-speed is about 300 yards per hour. Still, after much searching, and a blast of publicity that has made him a North Shore celebrity.
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Baby Boomers Giving Up On Pets
While we have heard about people abandoning animals because they couldn't afford them any longer, it's more likely the decline in ownership is due to people choosing not to bring new pets into their households after their old pets have passed away, Stephen Zawistowski, science advisor to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), says that the aging baby boomer population may be part of the reason why fewer pets are in homes.
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No More Fried Green Tomatoes
While you shouldn't be feeding your dog table scraps anyway, now there is a warning to avoid green tomatoes altogether. The chemicals in un-ripe tomatoes and even raw potatoes can easily cause your dog to go into seizures. Dr. Debbie has what you need to know to protect your pup.
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Animal Radio® Show #1189
Ripley's Strangest Animals
Ripley's Believe It Or Not is back for their parade down Animal Radio avenue with the most-bizarre and exceptional dogs, cats, fish, birds and insects. We are proud to have more giveaways of the new coffee-table book.
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Smartphones for Cows
The age-old task of determining when your milk-cow is in heat is over. A French company has designed a cell-gadget that attaches to the cows genitalia and automatically texts you when it detects an increase in temperature and movement; both signs of being in heat.
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Fall at the Vet Clinic
Dr. Debbie is already seeing her usual increase in business this time of year. From candy poisoning to consumed costumes, Autumn always means trouble for thousands of pets across the country. Debbie will tell you what you need to know to stay out of the hospital.
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Pet Pix Boost Productivity
Sarah Kliff reports on a study that proves putting pictures of baby animals on your desk can actually increase the amount of work that you achieve. Find out what makes this so. Then start digging out those photos of kittens and puppies.
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Animal Radio® Show #1188
Blessing of the Animals
He's back to bless your dogs, cats, fish, birds, snakes, and even your iguanas! Dr. James Capers claims to be fluent in "parrot" among other languages. His charismatic personality will put a smile on your face and his blessing will bring your pet years of happiness.
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Rock Eating Kitty
Dr. Debbie takes on some of America's biggest challenges every week. This week it's all about a cat that eats rocks. What would make a kitty do such a thing. How do you stop this behavior before it becomes trouble?
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Craigslist Scam On Lost Pets
Losing a pet is an emotional time for any pet owner and the best possible scenario is for your pet to come home on its own, the next is to receive a call from someone who found your pet, safe and uninjured. The Connecticut Humane Society has issued a warning about a scam, preying on vulnerable pet owners.
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Candy Eating Cows
You know what they say: "If life gives you bulk quantities of defective candy unfit for human consumption, make chocolate-laced cattle feed." Or that's what they say in Kentucky apparently, where an industrious cattleman has responded to skyrocketing corn prices by swapping out the corn in his 1,400 cows' diets for low-grade candy.
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