ANIMAL RADIO NETWORK® | July 3rd 2006 Newsletter
Programming with a Purpose
this issue:
SPRAYING What can I do?
OF CRATING Here's How.
Vari-Kennel Ultra BOOK REVIEW
Pleasurable Kingdom - Dr. J. Balcombe
Do they work?
Protecting your dog from the heat!
This Week on Animal Radio®:
LITTER PALOOZA 2006 - Everything (and more) that you've always wanted to know about cat and dog elimination, but were afraid to ask!! Cat behaviorist Vicky Halls, pet historian Kathryn Grier, author Arden Moore and Darlene Arden all chime in. Learn about this multi-million dollar industry and it's history.
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Crating your Dog Hal Abrams Many of us already know the importance of Crate Training our dogs. Much of the other training and obedience lessons will revolve around the "crate" or "kennel." But the important thing to remember is that the crate is not a punishment, but a safe warm place for your dog to hang out. We can compare it to our bedroom. Here are a few reasons to Crate Train: -Easier to go to the Vet Here are some tips to help you Crate Train your furry-friend: You must pick the right size crate!!! Your dog should be able to stand up, turn around and lie comfortably in the kennel. Positive training will help your pet to accept their new crate as a desirable place to rest. Introduce your dog to its kennel while supervising. Start with the door open and leave familiar items or treats in kennel. Make it his new bedroom (if you've ever had teens, or have been one, you'll understand this). Once your furry-friend enters on its own, close the door, observing and soothing your dog as needed. NEVER use this product for punishment! Put the crate somewhere that your dog has a good line of site with you. That will increase his stay inside. NEVER leave your pet alone and confined for extended periods. The crate is not a pet-sitter. Good luck and enjoy this new facet to being a doggy-dad or mom that will make life easier for everyone. Don't miss our Pet Containment & Enclosure Special this weekend on Animal Radio® ![]() ![]() The Infamous Annual Animal Radio® SUMMER GIVEAWAY is HERE!! The list of prizes is growing - bigger and better than last year! Watch the Grand Prize Package GROW. Anyone can ENTER and WIN. So far, prizes from Petmate, Drinkwell and Get Serious! More to come. Details coming at
On July 8th, the story of "Lucky," the cat hit by a car, kicks off the Animal Radio® Angel programming. With a little help, Lucky gets hip surgery. If your company would like to become an Animal Radio® "Angel," please contact Animal Radio Network® at 435.644.5992. Pocket Pets - July 22nd
Think your company should be a part of an upcoming feature? Call 435.644.5992 or submit your contribution ideas to
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Summer Sun Shines for the Animals The season of summer begins on June 21, when our closest star, the sun, attains its zenith at the highest point in the heavens. We celebrate this longest and most brilliant day of the year as the Summer Solstice, a time of light, joy, and happiness. This year, during the week of Solstice, our biggest star aligned in favor of animals, as a fashion designer, a grocer, and a president made decisions that will dramatically influence and affect the lives of animals all over the world. The fashion designer is Ralph Lauren, and his decision to eliminate the use of fur in his clothing and home collections means thousands and thousands of animals; rabbits, raccoons, foxes, minks- and if the fur comes from China, cats and dogs- will be spared an unspeakably cruel and violent fate. Lauren joins other fashion designers and retail stores, including Ann Taylor, J. Crew, Victoria's Secret, and the Limited, in not using fur in their designs and products. Bravo to you Mr. Lauren, and to all of those designers and retailers who choose not to clothe their customers with cruelty. May the sun shine ever brightly on all you do. The grocer is John Mackey, founder and CEO of Whole Foods, who made the decision to stop selling live lobsters in his chain of 183 Whole Food stores. Mackey is a vegan, and although Whole Foods does sell meat and seafood, he stands on the front lines of the food industry in advancing standards for compassionate animal welfare. Thanks to Mr. Mackey's decision, lobsters will no longer haunt the seafood aisle in tanks, as poet laureate Billy Collins describes, "filled to the brim with their copious tears." Since the lobster in Chinese myth is the symbol of mirth, Mr. Mackey's decision has given both lobsters and animal advocates everywhere something to smile about. The president is George W. Bush. Although his administration is not known for its support of environmental or animal advocacy legislation, on June 15, the President's signature created the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, the 75th national monument in the United States. This new monument, bigger than all other national monuments combined, is located due west of Kauai. Now the largest protected marine area in the world, it is the size of 46 out of the 50 states, and is home to over 7000 species of birds, fish, and marine mammals, including the endangered Hawaiian monk seal and spectacular reef corals. With one stroke of his pen, the president created the largest act of ocean conservation in history! That means a big aloha for the future of finned families. Thank you Mr. President may the power of your pen continue to write a brighter future on behalf of animals everywhere. And let us not let the sun eclipse the stellar companions who serve to make these wonderful events happen. The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals act as advocates for all animals, working tirelessly with designers and retailers, educating them about the effects of their business decisions on animals. And, it was First Lady Laura Bush who invited Jean- Michel Cousteau, son of Jacques, to the White House to screen his pivotal, and obviously very influential, film on the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. For animals and animal lovers everywhere, let us hope more great news for our four-legged, winged, and finned friends is in the stars! Copyright 2006 - Voice of the Animal Visit us at to order
a Volume One- Voice of the Animal CD for yourself or a friend.
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Breed Bans? Do They Work?
Since the 1980s, breed specific legislation (BSLs) or aggressive dog laws have been working their way across this country and Canada. Touted by many to be the answer to vicious dog attacks, BSLs have shown up in state legislatures, city council meetings, and small town agendas. A breed specific legislation is defined as a statute or regulation that is directed toward one or more specific breeds of dogs. According to the website, www.animal, the majority of BSLs focus on dogs traditionally known as "dangerous" breeds. These include pit bulls, German Shepherd Dogs, Chow Chows, Rottweilers, and Doberman Pinschers. The list, however, is growing and often includes mixed breed dogs that show characteristics of these breeds. Additionally, 37 states have already enacted laws or have legislation pending at some level of government.
Opponents of breed specific laws will often use the definition of the law as one of their main arguments against the laws. The BSLs are aimed more at restricting certain breeds than addressing the specific behavior of individual animals. Other issues opponents will bring forth include the difficulty and often arbitrary nature of enforcement, overload of court systems and the mis-identification of animals. The American Kennel Club's Position Statement on BSLs says that the AKC will support dangerous dog control that is non-discriminatory and is enforceable ( Additionally, the AKC is encouraging all types of dog lovers to become active in or start animal control advisory boards locally. Besides nationally known groups, many smaller local groups have been voicing their concerns as well. Entire organizations have been created to help defeat these bills. The Ohio Valley Dog Owners says that BSLs are not likely to work because "irresponsible owners and the criminals who use dogs for illegal purposes simply switch to another breed." The city of North Chicago just recently passed a BSL restricting the ownership of pit bulls. The restrictions include annual license fees of $500-$1000, requirements that the dogs be kept on 4 foot leads and muzzled whenever on the streets, registration and notification of all births of pit bulls and photo identification to be supplied to the city. North Little Rock, Arkansas has a similar ordinance but includes Rottweilers as well. Even with some local municipalities taking the plunge to prohibit certain breeds, some states are putting their foot down to stop any reactionary legislation. According to Colorado's state laws, no municipality may enact a law that is restrictive based on breed alone. In the first two months of 2006, 4 BSLs were stopped due to public outcry or cost ineffectiveness in Colorado, Massachusetts and Oklahoma. However, California just (Jan 2006) repealed a ban on BSLs, allowing cities to adopt ordinances banning or restricting certain breeds. Even as the debates on BSLs heat up, dog attacks continue to make news. In Grant County, Indiana, a story originally surfaced about a Rottweiler type dog and a potential pit bull entering the home of an 88 year old woman on oxygen and attacking her. After two days of frantic reports of stray dog sightings and the canceling of recess at a local elementary school, the real culprits were found to be the dachshund and Labrador owned by the woman's daughter. Because of breed misconceptions and stereotypes, some pets are considered to be less dangerous than others simply due to their breed makeup. This story illustrates how wrong that assumption can be. Searching the Internet for Breed Specific Legislation, more than a quarter of a million sites appear on MSN alone. All of the national dog clubs and even the American Veterinary Medical Association have position statements denouncing the need or wisdom of breed specific laws. It is important that dog owners of any breed, or any mixed breed, pay attention to laws that may affect their right and ability to keep their dog. As always, visit your veterinarian if you are concerned about your dog's behavior and have questions about the breed. For more information, visit and watch the video detailing these laws. Dr. Jim Humphries is President and News Director of Veterinary News Network. Hear the Veterinary Minute on Animal Radio®. Animal Radio® made possible by: World's
Best Cat Litter Your cat deserves the world's
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Dog, Family Reunited After Nearly 5 Years
So when they recently received a call from animal control officers saying that they had their dog, they were very surprised. Gidget still had the same collar and tags she was wearing when she was lost five years ago. Gidget was covered with matts
but appears to have been fed. The Webbs believe that someone
might have had their dog all of this time, but are just glad
to have her back home.
Help - My Cat has Started Spraying!
Leo, my male neutered Maine
Coon cat started to spray a couple of months ago. I had him for
four years and he's never sprayed until recently. His favorite
spots to spray are around our windows and doors. I don't understand
why he's doing this. He's always liked other cats. The neighbors
cats that come around the house have never bothered him before.
I've done everything I can think of to stop his spraying, including
scolding him and rubbing his nose in it. Instead of improving
the situation, he's spraying more and now he won't let me approach
him. I'm at the end of my rope. Dear Leo's Dad, The most common reason a cat will spray windows and doors is because of unaltered transient cats outside the house. You may have a whole male in the neighborhood or a queen in heat that prefers to hang out in your back yard. Most likely this is what is motivating Leo to spray. The good news is that with a little work and patience, this behavior can be changed. My suggestions will tackle this challenge from several angles. All of these suggestions will be important to implement in order to meet the spraying challenge. The first task will be to address the cause of the problem. If you have feral cats visiting your yard, I recommend you trap the cats, get them fixed and then release them. Your local humane society should be able to provide you with a Have-a-Heart (Havahart) trap. Another option is to call a local cat rescue group for help. If the trespassers belong to a neighbor, try having a conversation with the neighbor about their errant cats. Realistically, I know that some neighbors are not open to conversations about their cats or suggestions that the cats should be kept indoors. If you find that's the case, we can still modify Leo's behavior.
Leo will need to have his own room for awhile. If possible, the location of the room should be away from the areas he's spraying. The room should be comfortable, with food, water, a place to sleep and at least two uncovered cat boxes. Locate the boxes on opposite sides of the room, away from the feeding and water station. Plug a Comfort Zone* diffuser into an electrical outlet. Comfort Zone can take the edge off stress and help calm Leo. Spend lots of time interacting with Leo in this room. Monitor his litter box habits. You will probably find that he is a perfect gentleman in this room. After a week or so of not spraying, you can slowly integrate him back into the rest of the house by gradually expanding his territory. While Leo is in his room, identify and clean the areas both inside and outside the house that have been targeted by him and the unwanted outside visitors. A black light, used in the dark, will help to identify all of the areas that have been targeted by causing the sprayed areas to fluoresce. After identifying the areas, clean the horizontal areas thoroughly, using an enzyme cleaner such as Anti-Icky-Poo. It is important to let the enzyme cleaner sit, soak in and dry on it's own in order for it to be the most effective. The vertical, sprayed areas should be treated in the following way: clean each vertical area that has been marked using soap and water. After rinsing and thoroughly drying, spray Feliway** on the target areas. The Feliway spray will help Leo change his association with the area. It is important to spray those areas with Feliway twice a day. The reason we won't be using the enzyme cleaner on the vertical areas is because enzyme cleaners can neutralize the effect of the Feliway spray. After all of the targeted areas are cleaned and treated, tape butcher paper on the windows blocking Leo's view to the outside. One of my clients got creative and used colored paper which she then had her little girl draw on. Don't worry; the paper won't be there forever! As you slowly expand Leo's territory into the whole house, you will need to change his association with the targeted areas. Feed him treats in the areas he's sprayed. Use a fishing pole toy to play with him in the areas that were his favorite places to spray. Before feeding or playing with him in the target areas, spray the vertical areas with the Feliway spray. Monitor him and make sure to praise him when he's behaving. It may take a month or two until Leo stops spraying completely. Be patient, he may have a set back, but if that happens don't panic. Put him back in his room, clean the sprayed areas with the enzyme cleaner and then gradually introduce him back into the rest of the house.
Do you have cat-behavior
questions? Ask the Cat Coach.
You can find out more about
The Cat Coach at
Marilyn can be reached for consultation to solve feline behavior
issues either by e-mail
or by phone: 650 780 9485. Animal Radio® made possible by:
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LISTEN AT WORK...all day long. Fresh animal programming 24/7. Be sure to view our programming schedule to catch your favorite show.
{Editors Note: We are absolutely thrilled to have Australia's top animal show on Animal Radio Network® We've brought together the world's best pet programs under one roof. If you haven't heard our full-time animal channel - check it out now } ![]() G'day from chilly Australia!.... Yep it's winter here.... and there's a drought.... (worst in our history!) and just as our southern pets are rugged up or lying in front of warm fires, we had an e-mail from a listener in Darwin... that's about as far north as we go here in an area called the Northern Territory... (Uluru, Kakadu etc) The writer was worried about her two Alaskan Malamutes getting too hot!! - CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? - In our southern states which are the coldest areas here, some people run Huskies and Malamutes in the forest when the temperature dips below 15degs Celsius (59 F) but Darwin??... IT'S ALWAYS HOT UP THERE! It hardly ever drops below 20degrees Celsius (68F) and that's overnight - daily temps during winter are around 30degrees!.....(86F) with summer reaching up to 50Celsius (122F) - so we asked ourselves "why do people have pets - dogs in particular - in inappropriate climates?"... and is Darwin or any perennially warm location an appropriate place to have Huskies and Malamutes and the like? The writer's other dog is a Spitz - another 'cool country' dog. We offered some advice including those new 'cooling vests' you can buy and of course reminded her that dogs really require a LOT of hydration before, during and after exercise - or even when temperatures are warmer than normal - for these particular dogs we imagine that must be most of the time! We happen to know this person loves her dogs 100% but gets moved around with her work quite a bit so maybe she has very little say where she goes - so the next point of all this of course is 'if we had a child with asthma, could we ask never to be moved to Sydney for instance - the asthma capital of the country?' And if we can do it for our kids and ourselves, why can't we do it for our pets? These days a whole new set of challenges await pet owners and lawmakers alike. If animals now effectively have 'rights', then surely we should be able to say on their behalf "I have a certain breed of dog (or cat or bird etc) and don't want to be moved anywhere that's too warm (or cold or whatever)." Sadly there are people 'out there' who don't want us to have pets at all. Despite all the medical evidence that pets are good for our health, some cities, towns and their respective lawmakers, don't even like animals and try and bring in laws to limit or stop completely our freedom to enjoy being with our animals almost anywhere - anytime. But while a lot of that activity goes un-noticed on a daily basis (we'll watch it for you!) - something that does happen daily is the smile on a child's face seeing their first puppy or kitten. Brian's young granddaughter Lisa-Maree just got two rescue Papillion's. TWO!!! - She lives in another state so we hurriedly joined her up to our national tag and photo ID service Dog-E-Data. I also sent her some information on microchipping, spaying and neutering, diet etc plus, we also sent her a DVD of Clicker Puppy, produced by Doggone Crazy in Canada and endorsed by well known trainer Karen Pryor, just to kick start her on the basics of training. We figure anyone who gets two rescue dogs from the pound who has never had any experience is gonna need all the help they can get!... and the last thing we want is to see those dogs back in the shelter.... Darn, we really wish their mom had asked us first.... we would have suggested a Guinea Pig, a mouse or even goldfish to start with! So remember - if the kids are hankering at you to get a pet, please... "DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST!" - then we might have a few less abandoned and surrendered animals in our animal shelters next year after the novelty wears off. Meantime - we'll keep you posted
with young Lisa-Maree's progress. Take care & hugs for your pets Brian & Kaye This week on Pet Talk Radio!
Also this week: Hear Pet Talk Radio! on Animal Radio Network® - Check schedule for showtimes. Animal Radio® is made possible by:
ASK "THE DOG BIBLE" Based on THE DOG BIBLE: Everything Your Dog Wants You To Know by Tracie Hotchner What Causes Heatstroke in Dogs?
Dogs are susceptible to the effects of heat because their skin works differently than ours. We have many sweat glands and tiny capillaries in our skin, and the sweat we produce when we get overheated evaporates, which cools the blood in those capillaries. Dog skin has neither sweat glands nor blood-cooling capillaries. Dogs cool themselves by panting, which allows cooler air into their lungs to dissipate their body heat. Blood vessels in the tongue and mouth are cooled as the saliva evaporates. Panting is not an efficient cooling system, and a dog can easily enter the danger zone: the point at which he cannot cool himself down. Dogs also dissipate some heat through the pads of their feet. TIPS ON KEEPING YOUR DOG COOL IN THE HEAT * If your dog is outside during
the day, make sure there is lots of shade for him. Hear Tracie Hotchner as she hosts Dog Talk The Radio Show on Animal Radio Network® Consult schedule for showtimes.
Many experiences early in my life taught me to question the beliefs that people have about animals. So, when I had the opportunity to work with bats for the first time, I was more than willing to question existing scientific assumptions.
The veterinarian at the clinic and I donned thin leather gloves to examine her. And what a fuss she made while we did so! She used her wing membranes to try to make herself look larger and more ferocious than she actually was. As we tried to handle her, she would stretch out one wing while using the other to cover her underside. Like a show girl performing a fan dance, she kept one wing covering her belly at all times. It was a spectacular display. It took us a while to figure out what was actually going on . . . Clinging to her chest were three infant Red Bat pups, each slightly larger than your thumbnail. Collectively, their weight was large enough to prevent her from flying, though. They were weighing her down. Unable to fly with the pups, she was also unable to eat or drink. Red Bats usually only give birth to one or two pups at the most. Three were just too many for her to carry. At the time, we assumed all three were hers. However, in retrospect, it is hard to say. I later observed mother bats tending to the offspring of other bats with the same tenderness and care shown to their own children. In any case, this female was doing everything should could to protect these three pups. With one wing, she tried to scare us away, while using the other wing to protect the babies. To finish examining her, we needed to remove the bat pups. Once we tucked the children inside a folded hand towel, she stopped fighting us. Only then could we see how very sick she was. She was emaciated and dehydrated - so much so the vet didn't think she would survive. She was skin and bones. Surprisingly, though, the pups were in pretty good shape. The mother bat had given all of her body's reserves to help them survive. We administered subcutaneous fluids to the mother and offered her some emergency formula. Then there was the problem of what to do with the babies. Back then, infant bats had a very poor survival rate when people tried to raise them. Being lactose intolerant, most of the milk formulas people try to feed them caused serious problems. I decided to try something different. Using a lactose-free animal milk replacer as the base, I added other things to increase the fat and protein levels. Using a special syringe tip to deliver a single droplet of formula at a time, I began to feed the pups. They gobbled up the formula. Later that evening the mother bat died, leaving us with an even greater problem. The common belief at the time was that infant bats could not be raised in captivity and then successfully released to the wild. The thinking was that infant bats needed their mothers to teach them all sorts of things, like how to hunt and catch insects while flying, where to find shelter, and what migration routes to follow in the fall. It is sort of hard to explain. But when I removed the babies from the mother, in my mind and to her, I promised to take good care of them. I couldn't just give up on them, after she gave her life for them. The least I could do was ask some simple questions. Most specifically, I wanted to know why bats couldn't be raised in captivity and released to the wild, when so many other species of animals could. That turned out to be a question no one could really answer. Not even some of the foremost authorities on bats. Little did I know it, but by asking that simple question, I was well on my way to becoming a full-time substitute bat mother. Over the next several weeks, my goals were simple: 1) Keep the pups alive The first phase of the effort was simply to keep them alive -- feeding the infants every two hours for the first weeks of their care. They thrived and quickly grew into fluffy, rust-colored miniatures of their mother. I took care to never speak to them, and to never handle them but with a special pair of "bat gloves" that help hide my scent. In no time at all it seemed and they were ready to start flying. With a little creative problem solving, and a ream of netting, an empty, second-floor, abandoned room at the University of Minnesota was converted into a large bat flight cage. Window screens were removed and the windows covered with netting to allow the room to fill with wild insects every night. A lantern suspended in the middle of the room attracted swarms of bugs. On evenings when bugs were scarce, I used a sweep net that friends and I drove through cornfields to catch flying insects that I then released into the room. I sat back and watched nature work. The bat's first flights were awkward and clumsy. But in no time, they were performing spectacular aerial acrobatics. We used a bat detector, an electronic device which captures bat echolocation sounds and translates them into the range of human hearing, to listen to their ultrasonic navigation. Like any good bat mother, I gradually weaned them off of formula. As I cut back on their formula, I began picking up "feeding buzzes," on the bat detector. A feeding buzz is a specific kind of echolocation bats use when zeroing in on a moth or other prey. As many things do, the time with this trio went far too quickly for me. It was late summer. The bats were self-feeding. They were wary of humans. It was time to let them go. They were taken, along with their bat house, to a secluded cabin along a natural migration route for Red Bats. I don't know for sure if I ever saw them again. But weeks later I did see a trio of Red Bats at the release site. This experience inspired me to conduct a more complete research project on infant bats the following summer, which concluded that captive-raised insectivorous bats can be successfully rehabilitated and released to the wild, if not habituated to people, and if provided with the proper care and environment. Several follow-up studies by other researchers confirmed my findings. Questioning assumptions, especially those that don't seem to make sense, can greatly expand our understanding of the world around us while enriching our lives. To this day, sitting out on
my patio on a summer evening, round about dusk, when I see the
moth-like flutter of a bat silhouetted against the sky I still
think back to that trio, and their mother who gave her life for
her children. I know it is silly, but I can never help but wonder
if this bat could be one of their offspring. Hear Animal Wise Radio on Animal Radio
Options Talk With Your Animals airs every weekday on Animal Radio Network's Full-time animal channel. If you would like to talk with your pet via Joy Turner, please call 1-866-405-8405 to make arrangements. Animal Radio® made possible by:
TIP: Introducing a new baby (human) to the household. Prepare your dog AND cats with sounds of screaming babies at This way they won't want to explode when the real thing comes along!! |
By Arden Moore Foiling Feline Houdinis In Eau Claire, Wisconsin, lives
a very relieved cat owner named Jany Chumas. According to news
reports, her cat, Mary Poppins, pulled a disappearing act when
workers installed drywall to a room in her home. When the work
crew departed, Chumas could not find her shy cat. She searched
her home and assumed that her cat had somehow slipped out the
door and ran away. "I called her 'Here, kitty, kitty' and I could hear this faint, weak, meow coming from behind the walls where they had just dry walled," Chumas told reporters. The local fire department arrived and cut a small hole in the drywall and in the ceiling. Finally, a very hungry, tired, and dusty Mary Poppins popped out and tumbled into the arms of a grateful Chumas. Fortunately, Mary Poppins was deemed hungry, but healthy. As a special correspondent for Animal Radio and editor of Catnip, the national monthly published in affiliation with Tufts University's Veterinary School, I share this story to illustrate how easily indoor cats can become Houdinis especially during remodeling projects. Recently, I opted to replace my old carpet with feline-friendly laminate flooring in several rooms of my house. I also decided to finally dispose of the ugly, narrow baseboards and have the work crew install wider and more modern-looking baseboards throughout the house. As any one of us knows, having workers in our homes for a few days or more (the job always seems to stretch beyond their initial predictions) can be taxing on our nerves and patience. But for me, the biggest concern during this mini-construction phase, was for the safety of my three indoor cats. All it would take is for a worker to accidentally leave a door open and curiosity could lead to a disappearance by one or all of my cats. My cats, all rescued from the streets years ago, have been pampered for many years now, as indoor cats. My youngest, Murphy, is seven; Callie is 10; and my oldest is Little Guy at age 19. I took the proper precautions by putting my cats in a spare bedroom before the arrival of the workers. I also brought in their water and food bowls, plus a litter box, and turned on a smooth jazz radio station on low to help mute the construction noise. I shut the door and taped a large sign in bright orange that read: DO NOT OPEN CATS INSIDE!!! When the crew arrived, I told them about my three cats and let them peek inside the bedroom where the three cats stared back at them. As I shut the door, the workers chuckled at the sight of the sign, but they got the message. When they were ready to install the baseboards in that room, they alerted me so that I could shuffle my tabby trio to a completed room and close that door. My cats were not thrilled by all the hammering, drilling, and other construction noise, but they had their amenities and each other's company in a safe zone during the three days. They happily prowled the perimeters of my home each night when the crew left. Losing a cat is very upsetting. It is something that I hope never happens to any of you. But knowledge is a good weapon. Even if your cat is "strictly indoors," the passage to the outside can occur at any time without your control. All it takes is for a curious cat to slip unnoticed out a screen door not quite closed. Or a bird-watching feline to shift his weight against a loose window screen and pop out on the ground. Some keep collars with identification tags on their cats. But here is a startling fact: more than half of the nine million-plus cats brought to animal shelters throughout the country are classified as strays. The reason: no collar ID or evidence of a microchip. That's the finding by the American Humane Association. My advice: Make sure your cat packs an ID. You wouldn't drive without your license, right? An ID can keep your wandering or lost cat from ending up in a shelter as a feline version of Jane Doe. Without a way to be reconnected with their owners, many cats end up being euthanized due to space constraints at some shelters. In microchipping, a computer chip about the size of a grain of rice is implanted in our pet usually around the shoulder area. The procedure is painless, quick, and permanent. If your cat strays from home, the chip's info can be read using a scanner wand found in veterinary clinics, animal shelters, and other rescue places to ensure a happy reunion. Make sure you complete the
ID process. Amazingly, up to 40 percent of people who do microchip
their pets, neglect to contact the microchip company to register
their information. Without registering, it is nearly impossible
to reunite pets with their people. Animal Radio special correspondent
Arden Moore is the editor of Catnip, the national award-winning
monthly published in cooperation with Tufts University's School
of Veterinary Medicine. Arden has also authored more than a dozen
books on dogs and cats and can be reached through her Web site: |
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