MOST COMMON PET MISCONCEPTIONS - Cats will NOT always land on their
A SKUNK AS A PET? - And no, "they're not like ferrets!"
DOG CAR OF THE YEAR - What cars top the "pet-friendly" list.
- Time to get concrete furniture? NOT!
- Coping with the pain of losing a pet.
- This pet-bison is litter-trained too!
- Even your cat can do this exercise.
Also in this issue:
Glenn Close has played some chilling roles that
weren't always in favor of the animals. But, Glenn is nothing
like the characters she plays, and in fact is a big animal lover!
Rebecca Kolls teaches you how to plant a garden just for
your pet. Find out what plants are bad for your pet and what
plants can keep the fleas at bay. |
Quick Programming Note: Hey All! We're very delighted to announce
that Animal
Radio® has been picked up for XM Satellite
Animal Radio® became part of the XM Satellite Radio lineup
March 29th - and airs twice weekly! Tune us in on XM "America's
Talk" channel 158 Saturdays 12-2pm EST and Sundays 9-11am
And yes, you can continue to
get Animal
Radio® on 90+ AM-FM affiliate radio stations,
streaming online 24/7, on your cell-phone, and downloadable podcast.
Now we're everywhere you want great animal talk.
"We've been working for
a long time to fine-tune Animal Radio® for satellite radio,"
says Animal Radio Network Associate Producer, Judy Francis. "I've
always wanted to be sandwiched between Bill Handel and Dr. Dean
Edell," referring to the time-slot on XM Satellite Radio.
Upcoming lineup for Animal
Radio® on XM includes actors Glenn Close and Ed Asner, trainer
to the stars Tyson Kilmer, Vladae the Russian Dog Wizard, TV
legend Bob Barker and more to be announced.
Most Common Pet Misconceptions
Dr. Debbie White,
Lone Mountain Animal Hospital - Animal Radio® official
You've all heard them. Things you should and shouldn't do with
your pets. But, how many of them are true and how many are myths
and misconceptions? Dr. White explains the 10 most common erronious
beliefs she sees at her Las Vegas practice.
A cat will always land on their feet after a fall.
Cat's do have a keen sense of balance and often seem acrobatic
and land foot side down, however they can be badly injured from
falls of varying heights. Cats that fall from high elevations
in large urban areas are commonly diagnosed with an injury called
High Rise Syndrome. Pet owners should monitor cats on outdoor
balconies and keep window screens secure.
A dog's mouth is sterile
and licking their wounds is a way to help heal wounds.
A dog's mouth is a
verifiable sewer of bacteria. Repeated licking on wounds can
actually inhibit healing in the area.
Cats need milk.
Cats LIKE milk, but
no they do not NEED milk. In fact, many kitties will display
digestive upset with diarrhea after drinking milk.
Cats can do just fine on
a tuna diet.
Feeding an all tuna
diet is actually DANGEROUS for your cat. Tuna is nutritionally
deficient for cats and feeding an exclusive tuna diet will leave
your cat at risk of many nutritionally driven diseases. (Problems
include: Thiaminase in tuna is an enzyme that destroys an important
B vitamin resulting in a Thiamine deficiency, the risk for a
dangerous disease called pansteatitis , and high Magnesium levels
in tuna can increase risk of Lower Urinary Tract Disease, as
well as other nutritional deficiencies of vitamins and minerals
such as calcium.
When dogs eat feces it is
a sign of worms.
While disgusting, this
behavior is not a direct sign of worms, although it can increase
the potential for ingesting and acquiring parasites from this
feces tasting behavior. This behavior is called coprophagy, and
is a behavior that is commonly displayed by mother dogs as she
cleans the waste from the newborns. Puppies and adult dogs may
continue this behavior forming a bad habit and some dogs will
even do it for attention getting from their human companions.
When a dog scoots it's rear
end on the ground, it means he/she has worms.
While some dogs with
tapeworms can have itchiness on the anal area, the butt scotching
behavior is not a direct indicator for intestinal worms. Actually,
the most common cause of butt scooting can be problems with anal
sacs, but also diarrhea or even allergies.
a cat's whiskers are cut off then they loose their balance.
Cats whiskers act more as "'feelers" and are not involved
in maintaining balance.
Female dogs should have
a litter or go through a heat before getting spayed.
There is no sound basis for this old wives tale. There is no
behavior benefit to letting a female dog have a litter. In fact,
shelters are overfilled with dogs and cats - many of who may
have been offspring of such unnecessary breedings. Also, waiting
on getting your
dog spayed can actually increase its risk of mammary cancer.
If a female dog is spayed BEFORE she ever goes into heat, the
risk of breast cancer is almost zero. The risk of breast cancer
in dogs goes up with each subsequent heat for several years.
If your dog eats grass then
he/she is sick.
Dogs often will eat
grass and then vomit, however the fact that your dog nibbles
on grass doesn't necessarily mean he/she is ill. Many dogs just
nibble on grass for fun our out of boredom. Some veterinary nutritionists
believe that grass and vegetation have some necessary nutritional
A warm, dry nose is a sign
of illness and a cold, wet nose-is a sign of health..
From day to day the
appearance of a pet's nose can change. It can be influenced by
activity, climate, and overall behaviors of your pet. Healthy
pets occasionally have a dry, warm nose, so unless it is accompanied
by signs of illness, then no need to worry. Pet owners shouldn't
rely on this rule to evaluate when its time to see your veterinarian.
Consider overall activity, appetite, and other signs of illness
when deciding if your pet needs a visit to the doctor.
Hear Dr. White on Animal Radio®
This weekend on Animal Radio®
Glenn Close
Close has had a lengthy career as a versatile actress and performer.
Glenn is remembered for her chilling roles as the scheming aristocrat
Madame de Merteuil in Dangerous Liaisons; terrorizing puppies
as Cruella di Vil in 101 Dalmatians; and as the psychotic book
editor Alex Forrest in Fatal Attraction. In her new series, Damages,
Glenn brings force and power as Patty Hewes, a fierce litigator
who has a dog killed. But, Glenn is nothing like the characters
she plays, and in fact is a big animal lover! Glenn doesn't believe
there was a time in her life growing up when she didn't have
Glenn currently has two dogs,
Bill and Jake, whom she takes to work with her everyday. In fact,
they have become the mascots of the Steiner Studios.
Look for Glenn's "Lively
Licks" blog, which is a profile of dogs and their people,
on the website FetchDog.com, where she will ask questions such
as: When did you become a dog lover? Why Dogs? And, if your dog
were a famous person, who would they be? Some of the first subjects
are Ted Danson, his wife Mary Steenburg. Glenn states that if
her dogs were famous people, Jake would be the Dalai Lama and
Bill would be Barney Fife!
Fetchdog.com is a new website
offers you the best-handpicked products for your dog, from healthy
food and comfortable beds to unique toys and fashionable collars.
Hear Glenn Close on Animal Radio®
With your Pet in Mind
Rebecca Kolls, Rebecca's
Garden, HGTV
Now that the warm weather is here,
more and more people are out in their gardens. Which means our
pets are probably out there with us also.
When planning your summer garden,
keep in mind a garden appropriate for your pets. So many times
people complain that their dogs ruin their yard and gardens.
A good hint is to watch your dog when he is in your yard. Dogs
usually have a path that they follow around the yard - so don't
plant anything in their path!
Do you have yellow spots in
your yard from your dog? Try feeding him tomatoes or tomato juice.
The acid in the tomatoes has a tendency to break down the urine,
which in turn won't yellow your lawn.
There are organic products
you can use on your lawn that won't harm your pets such as a
product containing corn gluten. And, since you can't be sure
what your neighbors have put on their lawns, after walking your
dog remember to wash his paws.
Plants to Avoid:
Azalea, baby's breath, castor
beans, clematis, dianthus, English ivy, foxglove, grapes, geranium,
hops, lily of the valley, lantana, oleander, morning glory, narcissus,
primrose, tulip bulbs, stargazer and tiger lilies (cats only)
and yew.
Plants that are Good for your
Catnip, which your cat is naturally
drawn to. It also works as an intestinal cleanser and cats will
seek it out if their stomachs are upset.
Marigolds, nasturtiums and
members of the garlic family are well known to organic gardeners
as natural de-buggers and help you keep those fleas away.
Parsley, which is high in iron
as well as being a natural breath deodorizer.
Master Gardener Rebecca Kolls
hosts the nationally syndicated Home & Garden Television
Network (HGTV) series "Rebecca's Garden" and has served
as the gardening and lifestyle contributor for ABC's "Good
Morning America" since 1999. Her show has spawned several
spin-off entities including the new gardening and lifestyle magazine
"Seasons" and the book "Rebecca's Garden: Four
Seasons to Grow On."
Hear Rebecca Kolls on Animal Radio®
breaking news as it happens - Animal Radio®
is streaming online 24/7 Listen LIVE Now! |
Bob Barker
is best known as ringmaster for the game show The Price Is Right,
a job that he held from 1972 until his recent retirement. Barker
is also an outspoken member of the animal rights movement.
Since his retirement, Barker
has spent a considerable amount of time championing animal rights.
He helped move two elephants, Ruby from the Los Angeles Zoo and
Maggie from the Alaska Zoo, to a more suitable habitat. Recently,
Barker was directly involved with the passage of a Los Angeles
Spay/Neuter ordinance - which requires most dogs and cats to
be spayed or neutered by 4 months of age.
"I've been so busy I wonder
how I ever had time for a TV show," Barker tells Animal
Radio®. Barker is currently working on Bill AB 1634, which
will require most cats and dogs in the entire State of California
to be spayed or neutered by 4 months of age.
Hear Bob Barker on Animal Radio®
Richard Karn (Home Improvement)
- Air Buddies
Richard Karn (Big Al on Home Improvement)
has shared the movie-set with lots of animals...including, and
not limited to, "Tim Allen" he says.
Celebrating the anniversary
of the AIR BUD movie series, Richard played "dad" in
the last Walt Disney canine family adventure, AIR BUDDIES.
Richard tells Animal Radio®
listeners about working with chimps - saying some of his best
roles were opposite primates. He also talks about his furry...and
scaly family.
Hear Richard Karn on Animal Radio®
Phil Keoghan, The Amazing Race
Even though Phil Keoghan, Host of the
Amazing Race, is never on hiatus, he has had pets all of his
life and continues to do so. Currently his daughter has a "cool"
cat named mellow, because as you can guess, he is really mellow.
Phil's first animal was a run-away dog named Buster, who when
found as a young dog, stayed with Phil and his family for the
rest of his life.
You have heard people say that
if you work in television, the most difficult things to work
with are children and animals. Phil agrees. While working on
the Amazing Race, he has worked with both stubborn animals and
interesting animals. One animal that comes to mind were the yaks
that bolted off during shooting taking the teams with them, while
others just stood there and seemed to say "I don't care
if you're in a race, I'm not moving!"
When he was twenty-years-old
and the host of a New Zealand adventure show, Phil almost died
while diving underwater to explore a shipwreck. Faced with the
possibility of death, he was filled with an overwhelming desire
to live and to take risks. At that time, Phil realized that life
was really too short. He then decided to make a list of 100 adventures
he would like to do.
One of the things on his list
was to hand feed wild sharks. He also managed to round up three
people who were debilitated by the fear of sharks and took them
to Fiji to have a chance to get in the water with dozens of bull-sharks.
Phil wrote a book about his
philosophy, NOW, No Opportunity Wasted. Phil encourages
everyone to make their own list and make these lists personal
to us - only we know inside what will make ourselves most fulfilled.
Look for Phil, who will once
again be hosting the Amazing Race for its 13th Season, later
this year.
Hear Phil Keoghan on Animal Radio
"Bart Simpson"
Nancy Cartwright
She is recognized as one of the world's
leading voice-actors, Bart Simpson. Nancy Cartwright, who voices
the character Bart Simpson on "The Simpsons" shares
her feelings for her pets. Nancy tells us that pets have always
been a major part of her life.
lives with a ranch-full of animals including a plastic cow affectionately
named "Milk-Dud," which she says is only appropriate
because one of Bart's catchphrases is "Don't have a cow,
man!" and she feels she should have a cow!
Besides the Bart Simpson character,
Nancy's achievements as an actor include dozens of credits in
television, film and theater.
Hear Nancy Cartwright on Animal Radio
Vladae, The Russian
Dog Wizard
you are fighting a loosing battle with your dog, it's because
you are making the usual common mistakes. Do you want a well
behaved dog? Vladae, the World Famous Russian dog Wizard, teaches
people how to control their pets
Why doesn't my dog listen
to me?
Vladae states that most people speak English to their dogs when
they should be speaking "Doglish." He emphasizes that
you should do what a mother dog does to teach her young:
- Don't give any commands you
can't enforce
- Reinforce what you say
- Don't repeat any commands
Why does my dog listen to
my husband more than me?
Want to be the Alpha Female in your word? Vladae gives some great
tips on how to make your dog listen to you with using only a
15-inch length of cotton rope and cutting it back one foot per
My dog bolts out the door!
Tie a lead to your dog and the front door. Next time he bolts,
he will be stopped automatically by the lead.
Vladae's DVD "Obedience
for Life" is a dog-training program available on two interactive
DVDs. You can quickly and easily teach your dog how to obey you
with the affective methods that deliver astonishing results.
Hear Vladae on Animal Radio
for Your Pets
It came to no surprise to Animal Radio® that dogs can
exercise on a tread-mill. But so can your cat! If she's properly
trained - this can be just one of the many techniques to keep
you pet fit. Mike Torchia is a leading fitness trainer to the
stars, having worked with Al Pacino, Kevin Spacey and Matt Damon
to name a few. Now, Mike has taken his mission of keeping healthy
and fit to the animals.
Today obesity is not just a problem
in people; pets are packing on the pounds too! A recent report
from the National Academy of Science shows that one in four pets
is overweight or obese. This problem can no longer be ignored!
And, Mike is doing everything he can to change this by educating
the public. With the foods animals are eating to the lack of
exercise, Mike is helping to educate what can be done to change
this. His Healthy Pet Nation was designed to help people and
their pets around the world live healthier and better quality
Healthy Pet Nation will focus
on educating people about the physical impact on their pet's
bodies whether it's because of time constraints, stress or over-indulgence.
There should be no stress over what and how people and their
pets eat. Starting a fitness program for your pet doesn't mean
you have to spend 2 hours a day in the park and weigh every morsel
they eat. What people need is to understand the effects and the
benefits of smart decision making when it comes to exercise,
nutrition and taking better care of their pets. Healthy Pet
Nation provides the crucial information in a fun, entertaining
and inspirational way.
Tune in to the NBC Today Show on Friday, April 11th where Mike
will be in Central Park at 8:00am with two handicapped dogs,
Taylor and Abbey. Mike has never worked with these dogs before,
but besides teaching them how to walk on a treadmill, they will
also be running around cones and jumping over low hurdles.
Hear Michael Torcia on Animal Radio
Sweet Home, Where Bailey the Buffalo Roams
Jim Sautner, Bailey
the Buffalo
For thousands of years, the majestic
North American buffalo roamed freely over the wide-open Canadian
prairies. Today, most of these brown, woolly beasts spend their
time grazing on ranches - or in the case of Bailey, watching
TV in the living room of an Alberta family's home.
Jim and Linda Sautner are the proud owners of Bailey, who has
a penchant for spending his time inside the couple's home, about
20 kilometers west of the provincial capital of Edmonton.
"My wife wouldn't let me bring my German shepherd puppy
in the house one day, so I got even with her by bringing Bailey
in," Mr. Sautner said.
"He's made a mess on the carpet a couple of times, so now
we bring out an ice-cream pail whenever he gives us that look."
The Sautners, who own 270 head of buffalo, have become used to
having the 725-kilogram beast watching television in their lounge
room. "He prefers to watch The Nature of Things," Mr.
Sautner said, referring to a Canadian nature series.
The couple rescued Bailey as a
baby, after the calf was abandoned by his mother. Along with
farm hands, they bottle-fed Bailey with milk daily and their
affinity for one another grew rapidly. Christmas was especially
memorable at the Sautners with 21 wide-eyed guests sitting down
to a dinner of mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, and buffalo
meatballs - with the furry giant snorting behind them.
The laid-back Bailey, who has been neutered, has been involved
in some unusual promotional stunts, including showing up in the
lobby of three-star hotels and climbing with Mr. Sautner to the
top of a grandstand at the Calgary Stampede rodeo.
Hear Jim Sautner on Animal Radio
a Skunk Your Next Pet?
Shelor Brumbeloe,
Skunks are widely misunderstood
as a family pet. They are very intelligent (sometimes too much
for their own good) and are extremely clean, affectionate and
quite funny.
Skunks have a unique personality,
health and dietary considerations that you should be aware of
if your skunk is to become a member of your family. A baby skunk
is not a puppy or a kitten, but an intelligent animal with its
own set of natural actions and strange reactions!
When you first acquire a skunk,
it will need to be spayed or neutered, get the required skunk
shots and be de-wormed. It will, however, have its scent glands
Skunks can be easily potty
trained. They are naturally very clean and "corner trained"
instinctively. This means they will choose their own corner,
not one that you pick, but one it picks on their own!
like a small child, you will need to skunk proof your home. This
means that you will need childproof locks on cabinets and a secure
screen door lock. You will also need to remove everything from
the bottom shelf of your bookcase, as they will pull things off.
And as with other pets, keep them away from your house plants,
as some may be toxic.
While you may be used to seeing
skunks in the typical black and white color, they actually are
born with many colors, strip styles, chips, swirls and even solid
But before you run and get
one of these pets, make sure that is it legal in your state.
Here are some states where it is still illegal to own a skunk
as a pet:
Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona,
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois,
Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina,
North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah,
Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia.
In the remaining states were
skunks are legal, they are only available in the month of June.
Don't miss the 20th Annual
Skunks as Pets Show on September 27, 2008 in Daytona Beach, Florida.
Hear Shelor Brumbeloe on Animal Radio®
Car of the Year
Dr. Marty Becker,
Good Morning America
Dr. Becker states that surveys
show about half of all car-buyers consider the comfort of the
family dog when buying a new car and 65 percent take their
pets on errands.
So when you are looking for
a new vehicle and reviewing car websites, you can find numerous
sites that review cars for all of the usual reasons. But what
about a car that is dog friendly?
DogCars.com doesn't spend a
lot of time dwelling on horsepower, handling and other things
that make the usual lot of car reviewer hearts go pitty-pat.
They figure you know all about how many cupholders a car has,
and how many pre-teen soccer stars you can fit in it. So their
reviews are about ... well ... dogs. How well does a car hold
dogs and their gear? How easy it is to get crates into the back
or otherwise restrain a dog for safety? Can you get air in the
back? Do the seats fold flat? And how economic is the vehicle?
DogCars.com lists top vehicle picks in nine categories for 2007,
plus the ones to watch for 2008
DogCars.com has chosen the
Honda Element as the DogCar of the Year for 2007. The Honda Element's
versatile cargo space, easy-clean flooring, crate-friendly rear
design and optional all-wheel drive were cited as the key ingredients
for the perfect dog car. They also gave high honors to the Suzuki
Forenza wagon as the Best DogCarsValue among 2007 models.
DogCars.com team also noted four vehicles to watch for 2008:
The all-new Scion xB, Volvo XC70, Dodge Grand Caravan and Buick
Enclave. In the closely watched Green category, they mark the
2008 Ford Escape hybrid as worth a test drive for dog-lovers
who want a cleaner ride.
"We're glad to see car-makers
address the comfort and safety of our dogs on the road because
people don't want to leave their pets - or should we say 'four-legged
family members' behind. More than a quarter even sometimes
take pets to work," he said.
The Web site, which also offers
Dr. Becker's pet travel safety tips, pet travel product reviews
and reader comments, gave honors to top DogCars for 2007 in seven
additional automotive categories, including luxury, mid-size
and small SUVs, sporty, truck, minivan and compact.
Hear Dr. Becker on Animal Radio®
Bone Voyage!
By Sarah Hodgson
Herald the spring and the upcoming seasonal travels!
As families start to venture
out from winter's snowy blanket to sunnier climates, what is
the best alternative when Fido can't come?
Of the options to consider--
kenneling ones pet, leaving them home with a house-sitter/dog
walker, or housing them elsewhere-- there is no ideal, and really
is up to your pup's preference. There are dogs, for example,
who view a kennel stay as a social child views camp, and other
dogs who will literally chew their fur off, stop eating and return
home completely unhousebroken.
Here is a guideline to follow
when choosing what is right for your furry friend:
Kennels are ideal for social animals who enjoy interacting with
other pets and people. They're not ideal for protective dogs
or solitary pets who thrive on family interaction, but are stressed
when leaving their home environment.
Pet Sitter or Dog Walker
This person comes to your home either living with your pet or
dropping in throughout the day. This option is ideal for dogs
whose life pattern is adjusted to unpredictable schedules and
who welcome the attention of people outside of their immediate
family. If your dog is accustom to an organized schedule, bonded
to one particular person, or is wary of unfamiliar people or
routines, he/she may be stressed. Examples of such anxiety may
include destructive chewing, or house soiling.
Another Home
If you have the option to leave your dog with family or friends,
or find a home-based kennel, consider it from two vantage points:
your dogs and the person who will be responsible for watching
him. The dog who fares best in a new setting is mature, reasonably
trained, and socialized with and adaptable to new experiences.
Placing a young puppy or nervous dog in a new household for a
week is unwise and inconsiderate to the person asked to take
on this responsibility. Dogs in this situation may resort to
aggression (out of fear), running away, destructive chewing or
house soiling. Consider this option only if your dog fits the
first description or if you're paying for this service with a
professional that know how to handle all dogs.
To determine if a professional
establishment is adequate for your pet, and to prepare your dog
for the separation, keep these final things in mind:
Referrals are useful, though you should visit the location in
person. Do you feel comfortable talking to the staff? Ask to
view the dog runs-are they clean, do the dogs seem content? Question
the feeding schedule, exercise routines, and how emergencies
are handled. When you bring your dog, label familiar bedding
and ask if you may leave a favorite toy/bone.
Ask for and follow
up on referrals. Write out a lengthy explanation of your dog's
schedule, habits, and training commands. The more this person's
routines reflect your own, the calmer your dog will feel in their
Another house
If you are leaving
your dog in a different home, mirror the above instructions,
outlining the course of your dog's day. Show everyone involved
familiar handling routines and leave a command sheet so the people
will use familiar directions.
Needless to say, the question
of leaving ones dog is unavoidable and points to yet another
reason to socialize and train all dogs. When final decisions
are made, and you kiss your pup goodbye, be sure to separate
yourself emotionally and have a good time.
Though your dog would rather
his routine not change, he is lucky to have people who care enough
to provide a safe alternative. Your dog will survive.
Bone Voyage!
Sarah Hodgson (Katonah,
NY) has taught dog training for 20 years and is the author of
seven dog training books, including Puppies For Dummies®,
Miss Sarah's Guide to Etiquette for Dogs & Their People,
DogPerfect, PuppyPerfect, and Teach Yourself VISUALLY Dog
Training. She has appeared on national television and radio programs
to promote her training methods and has served as a columnist
for The New York Times. The owner of Simply Sarah, a dog training
school and supply catalog based in Westchester, New York, she
also has a website, www.dogperfect.com.
Hodgson has a degree in psychology and animal behavior from the
State University of New York.
Coming Up on Animal
Popovich Comedy Pet Theatre
World Famous Popovich Comedy Pet Theater is a family-oriented
blend of the unique comedy and juggling skills of Gregory Popovich
and the extraordinary talents of his performing pets.
Each of the show's 15 cats and 10 dogs were once strays, rescued
from animal shelters. "My pets all got a second chance,"
Popovich said. "Other animals should have that, too."
Now, they love to show off onstage - by performing a variety
of stunts and skills! The tricks the animals perform aren't dangerous
or extreme, Popovich said. Their part in the show is more about
funny skits than jumping through flaming hoops. In choosing his
performers, Popovich looks for "personality" above
all else. "You can't 'train' a cat to do anything it doesn't
want to do," joked Popovich,
For the past 10 years, The World Famous Popovich Comedy Pet Theater
has delighted audiences with physical comedy, juggling and the
antics of Popovich's trained dogs and "cooperative"
house cats.
The Circle of Healing
Freedom, a bald eagle, came to
the Sarvey Wildlife Center after she was rescued with two broken
Freedom had an incredible battle for her life ahead of her, and
is alive because Jeff Guidry fought for her life. There is no
doubt that Freedom sensed his love and commitment. Jeff gave
Freedom the support she needed to want to live.
When Jeff was later diagnosed
with a serious illness requiring chemotherapy, he found himself
turning to Freedom for support. Two or three times a week, whenever
he felt well enough, Jeff would visit Freedom and walk with her
around the grounds. Now it was Freedom's turn to give Jeff a
reason to fight for his life.
Only a short time ago Jeff
was informed there was no trace of the disease left in his body.
He immediately left for the Center to visit Freedom. When he took Freedom out of her flight,
she did something she had never done before: She extended her
wings and wrapped them around him.
The circle of healing was now
Hollywood Paws
Do you ever wonder what goes on
behind filing movie scenes when animals are involved?
Most actors will tell you that besides working with children,
animals are the hardest to work with - you never know what will
Tune in to find out what really goes on behind those animal scenes!
March |
   (rated 4 out of 5 paws)
Brush Buddy
You have wipes for
cleaning, a brush for shedding and a towel for drying your dog.
But what if you could have all of this in one product?
That's exactly what The Brush
Buddy is. One side removes dirt, shedding hair and massages your
dog, while the other towel side dries them off. And when it gets
dirty, you can just throw it in the washing machine - how convenient
is that!
And I like the hand pockets.
They are ergonomically designed to grip your dog's body - plus,
you don't have to get your hands dirty!
The Brush Buddy is compact
and easy to transport and store. And, you will probably want
more than one. Keep one in your car, place one in your backpack
and leave one at home. http://www.thebrushbuddy.com
Cat Toys
All cats have a preying
instinct. The Play-N-Squeak Cat Toys brings out that natural
instinct and encourages your cat to hunt, chase, stalk and pounce
on these realistic looking toys. And, they even have a Mouse
sound for added fun that is in the frequency of an actual field
mouse - which no cat can resist!
The Play-N-Squeak line of toys
are available in toys that your cat can play with alone, toys
your cat can play with other cats and toys you can play along
with your cat. I don't know who had more fun - me or the cats!
Bring out the wild side in your cat!
See other reviews at AnimalRadio.com.
Send products for review on-air and in this newsletter to: Animal
Radio Network Product Reviews, 233 East 330 North, Kanab,
Utah 84741. Product may not be returned. Allow 5 weeks for review.
Animal Minute on
with Britt Savage |
Einstein - The Trained Goldfish
are showing that the common goldfish may be a lot smarter than
we thought. Nine-year-old Kyle Pomerleau agrees. He won Albert
Einstein the goldfish at a school fair and soon noticed that
the fish would react to him whenever he came near the tank.
Kyle and his dad decided that
they would try to train the goldfish to do something. They first
bought a finger soccer kit from a dollar store and rewarded Albert
with food every time he swam near the net. As soon as Albert
got the net trick, they added a ball. Soon Albert was trained
to push the ball into the goal for a treat. The father and son
training team have heard from so many people eager to train their
own fish, they've now started selling fish training manuals from
their fish school website http://www.fish-school.com. They say it takes about five or six training
sessions a day for about three weeks to teach most goldfish how
to swim through a hoop.
Boy Finds Rare Snake
know what they say "Two heads area better than one,"
unless they're on the end of a snake and they're fighting with
each other!
A Missouri boy found a rare
two-headed snake with two independently thinking brains. Ten-year-old
Cody Kannir was playing in his backyard when he found the two-headed
baby black snake crawling on a stump. He brought it into show-and-tell
the next day, but his mother suggested they take the snake to
the local wildlife conservatory. Snake experts are taking extra
care with the snake, which they say is about a week old. Feeding
hasn't been easy because it's really two snakes with one body,
so they feel like eating at different times, or worse, at the
same time. That's when the fighting starts!
Britt Savage is a regular
Radio® correspondent as well as an incredibly talented
musician! She can be heard daily on Animal Radio Network.LISTEN TO ANIMAL RADIO NETWORK NOW
Veterinary Minute
on Animal Radio®
with Dr. Jim Humphries |
What IS That Doggie in the Window?
them mutts or hybrids, mixed breed dogs are definitely one of
the most beloved pets. Some people are proud of their "half
Collie, half Shepherd" and others are just as content to
call their dog a "Heinz 57". But, how do you know what
the "mix" is in your mixed breed dog? More importantly,
does it really matter?
Until recently, most people
could only guess as to their pet's ancestry. The American Kennel
Club recognizes more than 150 breeds of dogs and 62 more are
considered Foundation Stock. About 400 hybrid breeds are listed
by the Hybrid Breed Club. Without some sort of validation from
the breeder, people were at a loss to discover what type of dog
their pet might be. But, the mapping of the canine genome has
now given scientists new tools to help answer some owners' questions
about their pet's "roots".
It is now known that humans
first domesticated dogs from wolves more than 13,000 years ago,
but some "tame" wolves may have associated with early
humans as far back as 100,000 years ago. The mapping of the dog's
genome has validated that all of our canine friends, purebred
and mutt, descend from the gray wolf. It may seem far-fetched,
but Chihuahuas and Great Danes have almost identical DNA and,
believe it or not, could actually breed and reproduce. Although
most people are content with the love and affection of their
mutt, a recent survey showed that 60% of dog owners would welcome
knowledge that would help them better understand their pets.
The Wisdom Panel® DNA test
for mixed breed dogs enables some of these owners to find answers.
This new analysis is a comprehensive DNA based test that uses
unique, breed-specific markers in the DNA to identify what breeds
are most common in a dog's ancestry. By taking advantage of something
called "SNiPs" or single nucleotide polymorphisms,
scientists have designed blood tests that can determine from
what breeds your dog might have descended. SNiPs are single changes
in the DNA code that allow researchers to track human population
migration, or for CSI fans, to find the murder suspect from a
single drop of blood.
With a small amount of blood
drawn by your veterinarian, the Wisdom Panel can determine your
pet's unique ancestry through the use of more than 300 SNiPs.
According to Genetic Research Manager, Dr. Paul Jones of Mars
Veterinary, the Wisdom Panel has the ability to identify 134
AKC registered dog breeds that could be present in your pet's
past. Validation testing by Mars, which is ongoing, has shown
an 84% accuracy rate.
So what does all of this mean
for you? Knowing the breed predilection to various diseases,
could this test predict that your pet will develop cancer or
kidney failure?
Dr. Lowell Ackerman, a board
certified veterinary dermatologist and noted author says that
the test is "really more for entertainment rather than medical
or diagnostic purposes." A point with which Dr. Jones agrees.
He states "the Wisdom Panel should only be used for informational
purposes. It should not be used to try and link a disease process
with a pet because of its ancestry and known pre-disposition
to certain diseases or congenital malformations."
And what about the legal implications?
Could an insurance company deny coverage to you because of your
dog's ancestry? To date, this has not been an issue, but the
thought does raise questions. As an example, some cities have
tried to enact pit bull bans. But, according to Jones, there
is no method of proving pit bull ancestry due to the genetic
variability of this dog. Could other "aggressive" breeds
be singled out? Is it possible you may have to move because of
your Rottweiler or Doberman? Could your homeowner's insurance
deny you coverage because your dog has too much German Shepherd?
those folks who want to provide the latest in pet identification,
there is even a DNA fingerprinting test for your pet available
through www.pawsitiveid.net.
Using a cheek swab (just like CSI), scientists can often gather
enough DNA to create a DNA fingerprint for your pet. Unfortunately,
unlike CSI, pet owners often have to send multiple samples in
order to generate enough DNA for the testing. Kansas State University
uses similar testing to verify identity and parentage of racing
If you want to know more about
your pet's genetic background, ask your family veterinarian about
the Wisdom Panel. After a simple blood sample, you can expect
results back within a few weeks. These tests usually cost between
$100 and $200. The cost difference may reflect your veterinarian's
involvement and consultation in the interpretation of the results.
All in all, the Wisdom Panel
could be a fun way of taking a new look at your family pet. You
should remember that there are limitations to this test and it
will not likely provide any concrete evidence of either medical
or behavioral issues. If you have concerns about breed specific
diseases or problems, talk with your veterinarian. There are
specific DNA tests available for many hereditary diseases of
dogs. To see a video on this and many other medical advances,
visit www.MyVNN.com.
Dr. Humphries is a veterinarian
in Colorado Springs and the National News Director for Veterinary News Network. Hear the Veterinary
Minute exclusively on Animal Radio®-LISTEN TO ANIMAL RADIO NETWORK NOW
Ask the Cat Coach with
Marilyn Krieger |
Cat Coach,
I used to have nice
sofas and couches. Now everything is in tatters. My 3 cats think
that my furniture is their furniture and have scratched and ruined
my nice sofas. I would like to replace my ruined furniture, but
need to make sure that the cats won't ruin the furniture as well.
A friend told me that I needed scratching furniture made especially
for the cats. What do you think?
Dear Scratched,
Your friend is right. Cats need furniture that is made just for
their scratching needs. Cats do need to scratch, but they don't
have to scratch your furniture. Cats need both vertical scratching
posts as well as horizontal scratchers, all available from most
pet supply stores. Cats need to scratch for a few reasons. Cat
have scent glands on the bottom of their paws. When cats scratch
they are marking, both visually and through scent. Cats also
need to give themselves pedicures and they need a good stretch.
Cats can be trained to use
their own cat furniture instead of your favorite sofa. Start
by covering up the scratched area and putting a cat scratching
post right in front of the area on the sofa that is being targeted.
When your cats are using the post, praise them. Let your cats
know they are the best cats in the whole world. After the posts
are being used consistently move them gradually, over a few weeks,
to a more desired area.
Marilyn Krieger, CCBC
is a Certified Cat Behavior Consultant certified through, and
a member of the Board of Directors of, The International Association
of Animal Behavior Consultants. She can be reached for phone
and on-site consultations to help solve cat behavior problems
either by e-mail marilyn@thecatcoach.com
or by phone: 650 780 9485. Marilyn is the Cat Behaviorist for
the Cat Channel, Cat Fancy Magazine's web presence www.catchannel.com. .
Additionally, Marilyn teaches cat behavior classes and is available
for speaking engagements. You can find out more about The Cat
Coach, LLC® at www.thecatcoach.com.
Copyright 2008 Marilyn Krieger, CCBC All Rights Reserved.
Pet's Sake with Karen
Lee Stevens |
Get a Load of This!
The week of April 21-27 is National Scoop the Poop Week (no,
really!). Snicker if you will, but this annual "holiday"
was created as a way to bring awareness to the huge health and
environmental issues caused by dog feces.
Consider these facts:
waste is brimming with bacteria and can harbor parasites such
as roundworms and hookworms.
- Because children frequently
play outdoors in the dirt and sand, they are most susceptible
to bacterial infection from dog excrement.
- Many municipalities in the
United States (including Santa Barbara) requires dog guardians
to clean up after their pets and issue fines for those who don't.
- Pet waste contaminates local
waterways and beaches.
- Feces attract flies and we
all know how annoying they can be at family picnics.
It wasn't too many years ago
that I might have, er, poo-pooed the idea of picking up after
a pet in public, but these days I actually find myself approaching
delinquent dog guardians with a mutt mitt and a message. Take
last Wednesday, for instance. I had just settled in for a quiet
lunch in my car at the beach. As I sank my teeth into my sandwich,
I noticed a cute boy and his even cuter Golden Retriever walking
along the waterfront. A Kodak moment, for sure. As I took another
bite, I wondered why this child wasn't in school (I later learned
that he's home-schooled). As I munched and mused, the dog sniffed
at the sand and then-to put it politely-"did his business."
OK, I thought, the boy should
be removing a plastic bag from his pocket right about now. But
he didn't. He kept walking. I stopped chewing. Now I had a doggone
doo-doo dilemma on my hands. Should I do nothing? Should I set
aside my hunger and my sandwich, don a pair of water shoes (which
I always keep in the car for spur-of-the-moment beach walks),
grab a plastic bag (also in the car) and trudge over to pick
up the poop myself? What would Scooby-Doo do? I knew I couldn't
leave without first talking with the boy. God, I hate confrontations.
Then I remembered that Earth Day was fast approaching and I thought
of all the ways that people can help save our beleaguered planet,
which includes making No. 2 clean-up a No. 1 priority.
I gulped the rest of my lunch
and waited for the villains, I mean the boy and his dog, to return
from the end of the pier. With a biodegradable bag in hand, I
strolled to the water's edge and approached the pair with a smile
and a "How ya doing?!" They were doing great, according
to the boy. I casually mentioned that I noticed his dog had "dropped
something" and offered him the bag to clean it up. The boy-whose
name I'll change to Sam to protect the embarrassed-offered profuse
apologies and whipped out a mutt mitt from his pocket. His dog,
with perfect comedic timing, squatted and plopped another "present"
right in front of us. We both laughed as I handed Sam my plastic
bag. "Guess you'll need this after all."
"Thanks," Sam said
rather sheepishly, as he gathered up the now-full bags and headed
back to the picnic area where his dad was waiting for him.
"No problem," I smiled.
"Just doing my 'dooty' to help keep our beaches clean."
Karen, a.k.a., the
PoopPolice, is the founder and president of All For Animals, Inc., a pro-animal, educational
organization based in Santa Barbara, California. Karen encourages
all dog lovers to "just doo it" and pick up after their
pets. Afterward, send her an email message at karenleestevens@cox.net.
Choices, Choices - Listening
to Your Inner Guidance and Following the Magic
Perhaps you remember a previous article, Made
In Heaven? Just to remind you, here is a short recap.
"I was working with a woman whose third dog, a German Shepherd
named Sarge, was the love of her life. The woman was so heartbroken
that she had to put him down. She cried every day for months
after his passing and could still cry easily 20 years later.
She knew Sarge was in pain from hip dysplasia. Sarge was very
stoic. He did whatever he could to please her in spite of the
excruciating pain. Finally one day when the pain was so great,
he bit a boy. He knew that he would be put down because the house
rule was "bite someone and be put down".
20 years later, I was working with the woman. She wanted to know
where Sarge was. When I found Sarge, he was very glad I had found
him and that his person wanted to talk with him because he wanted
to know where she was. She had moved to another town. He kept
visiting the house where they had lived to see her and was confused
about her not being there. For some reason Sarge never looked
beyond their former home. I was able to connect them by asking
the woman to think about the house they lived in. Then I energetically
connected them at the old house. I asked her to think of driving
from the old house to her current house. In this way we showed
him how to get to the new house. Sarge was very interesting.
He did something I've never seen another being on the other side
do. Believe it or not, he was so interested in all the sights
and smells along the way that he got lost. I found him, reconnected
the two of them and we finished showing him the way to her house.
It has been two years since this reunion. For now he waits patiently
to reincarnate as he sits by her side."
Ta Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Fast forward to today. At first he was coming back as a Golden
Retriever named Teddy instead of a German Shepherd. He felt that
the American German Shepherds had health problems. He liked the
energy of a Golden. After awhile he realized that big of a dog
was not going to work for his mom. So he started sending her
clues about another dog. One clue was the softness of a horse's
coat. At an event she attended, she petted a Springer Spaniel
which felt like the horse's coat. Then Springer Spaniels started
showing up in her life more often. He even orchestrated finding
a breeder by having an e-mail with a link to dog breeders sent
to her. She opened it up and then started looking for breeders
of Springer Spaniels in her area. The woman fell in love with
his doggie mom. It just so happened a litter was planned for
February around her birthday and his mom made arrangements to
be able to adopt one of the boy pups.
The puppies were born on Sunday, March 16. Because, through conversations
with him prior to being born, he had requested to keep his whole
tail, his mom requested that his tail not be docked. The breeder
agreed and let his mom have first pick of the litter on Tuesday.
She drove nervously to the house to pick out her baby. She knew
what he would feel like when their hearts connected. He had agreed
that I could help if she got stuck.
The breeder had named all the pups (at least temporarily). About
45 minutes after she arrived, I got a frantic message from her
puppy. "You better help her because she is going to pick
someone else. She needs to make her decision today. Tomorrow
is the day the tails are going to be docked. I don't want my
tail docked. Mom promised me she would not let that happen to
me." So, what happened in this amount of time? Why was he
worried about her choice?
What had happened was she had picked him from all her usual types
of signs. The first boy in the litter, she was the first to choose.
His name was to be Teddy; he was called Sunny - both consonants,
vowels, double consonants ending in y. He was the only one in
the group who was not suckling or sleeping. He was standing up.
Even the breeder told the woman Sunny was the one she thought
came for the woman. Everything was pointing to him and then she
heard, "You need to pick up each boy to feel which one resonates
with your heart." The second boy struck a cord with her
where as she could not feel a strong connection with Sunny (his
breeder chosen name) Teddy. His mom knew the other 3 were not
her boys. Sunny/Teddy was so worried that his mom was going to
make the wrong decision because she was leaning toward another
puppy called Finch, also a boy. He gave me permission to say
which one he was - Sunny. I was also allowed to tell the woman
the other puppy, Finch, had known his mom in another life time
which is why there was a strong heart connection.
Now his mom had to decide which one was to be her boy. Was it
Teddy/Sunny or Finch? Teddy was not going to tell her she had
to pick him. Instead, he steadfastly kept telling her she had
to feel her heart and make the choice. When she asked if he would
be disappointed if she chose Finch, he said no - although I knew
he would be heartbroken. He was not all that pleased that she
would consider Finch even after I confirmed Sunny was her boy
coming back to her. He had waited very patiently to come back
to her. He was so excited to be a part of her household especially
in their new house which is situated on a lake. Lots of things
have changed in his mom's life. The woman feels it is very interesting
to feel him accommodate those changes.
Choices, Choices, Choices! His mom could feel that it was very
important that she pick appropriately. It was very agonizing
for her because she was leaning to Finch. Does she leave Teddy/Sunny,
her long awaited dog for another who jumped into the picture
out of nowhere? Life is about free will. Sunny/Teddy knew that
his mom had to make the decision. There are no right or wrong
choices. Some are just more appropriate than others. His mom
decided she needed to get back on track to why she was there,
and guess who she picked? His name is officially Sunny! He made
his entrance as a boy Springer Spaniel on Sunday, March 16. He
was the second pup and first male born in a litter of 10 pups.
His mom got to see him when he was here just 2 days.
Are you wondering "what if Sunny's mom had picked Finch
instead"? What impact it would have had on Finch's desired
life and on Sunny himself. I see this situation quite frequently
when people, including breeders, do not let the animals, prospective
parents, or the Universe pick each other. This breeder was great
and both let the people and animals choose each other as well
as make their choice right after birth - the time when the instincts
of Spirit are completely in charge. This way, everybody gets
to fulfill their life's purpose as designed in Spirit. Otherwise,
Finch would not have been able to fulfill his chosen role in
life. And perhaps, as one domino falls in the wrong direction,
all the others might also have fallen in the wrong direction
and there is a possibility that all of the pups would have gone
to people they did not intend to live with. This creates quite
a situation from a Soul level. There is a saving grace in this
possibility - Souls can exchange bodies or choose not to incarnate
at that time and give that body to another Soul who would like
to. So, perhaps Sunny would not have re-incarnated because he
wanted to be with his mom. He might have given his body to another
Soul. Perhaps never re-incarnate again because in his mind humans
were too fickle and not to be trusted.
Because Sunny's mom listened to her guidance and her heart, she
did make the "right" choice and so all the dominoes
all fell in the appropriate places. Each pup got the appropriate
person. And, we will trust that the 2 girls still to be spoken
for, will also.
There is a cute story regarding Finch. The woman's human daughter,
Sunny's human sister, named Allison, liked Finch. Finch's new
human mom is named Alison.
Sometimes the choices are not the easiest to allow. Sometimes
they are not what seems the most obvious. But, then again, sometimes
they are. You can be sure that every time you make the choice
of your heart, you will find the magic in that choice. And, there
is ALWAYS magic in the choice of your heart.
Until next time, I'm Joy reminding you, you can never love your
animal companions too much. You can only love them, hopefully,
If you would like to
schedule a private session with Joy, call 425-867-1779 or go
through www.TalkWithYourAnimals.com.
If you are interested in being a caller on Talk with your Animals,
please email Martha@AnimalRadio.com
to make arrangements. Joy Turner is a regular Animal Radio®
correspondent. She can be heard daily on Animal Radio Network.
your events to: root@AnimalRadio.com
Open House at Maddie's Adoption Center
Saturday and Sunday April 19 & 20, 2008
250 Florida Street
San Francisco, CA
The San Francisco/SPCA will celebrate the 140th anniversary of
its founding with an Open House at Maddie's Adoption Center.
The weekend will feature a raft of festive events including contests,
demos, raffles, give-aways, special adoptions, and tours of the
new Leanne B. Roberts Animal Care Center, which is currently
under construction. The weekend will also celebrate the 10th
birthday of Maddie's Adoption Center.
Protecting People and Pets National Workshop
Tuesday April 22, 2008
Mullane Auditorium - Public is Invited
169 W. Grand Avenue
Chicago, IL
New research reveals pet abuse is common in the lives of battered
women. As many as 48% of domestic violence victims remain in
abusive homes out of concern for leaving their pets behind. Protecting
People and Pets is a workshop designed to raise awareness about
the connections between domestic violence and animal cruelty.
The goals of the program are to teach participants how to increase
resources for victims and their pets and to increase inter-agency
communication and collaboration in the community. Specific focus
will be given to developing and maintaining safe haven programs
for pets of domestic violence victims.
This workshop is relevant to
anyone who works with families, individuals, or animals that
may be affected by incidents of domestic abuse. This includes:
animal care and control organizations, veterinarians, veterinary
technicians, animal boarding facilities, social service workers,
counselors, educators, law enforcement, probation officers, humane
investigators, animal and family crisis advocates, medical &
mental health professionals, public health officials, legislators,
judges, court officials, attorneys, community and religious leaders
and anyone interested in preventing violence and cruelty in their
community. Protecting People and Pets is made possible through
Humane Society University and The Anti-Cruelty Society
Canine and
Cocktails for a Cause
Friday, April 25, 2008
Loews Annapolis Hotel
Annapolis, MD
Loews Annapolis Hotel and
Paws Pet Boutique will host a series of "Canines
and Cocktails for a Cause" dograisers to benefit local animal
shelters, while dog-owners and their four-legged best friends
will enjoy cocktails, appetizers, mocktails and Snoopy snacks.
Each Barky Hour, from 5 8 p.m. on the Weather Rail's patio,
has a theme ranging from spring fever to a fall fashion show
as well as contests for dogs and raffle prizes.
Beagle Rescue of Southern Maryland - April 25
All dogs are invited to join in the "Spring Fever .
. . Bark and Rejoice" contest, where prizes will be given
for unique barks. With nearly 60 beagles seeking homes, representatives
will be on hand to answer questions about Westminster's top dog.
2008 Walk For
Saturday May 3, 2008
Crownpoint shores - Mission Bay
San Diego, CA
Diego Humane Society
With one morning, and a little bit of effort, you have the opportunity
to dramatically impact the lives of thousands of animals in our
By participating in the San
Diego Humane Society Walk for animals, you'll help feed and care
for animals looking for loving homes, rescue animals in need,
and provide humane education to enrich the lives of individuals
and animals alike. At the same time, you'll have some fun! Enjoying
a morning filled with a beautiful walk around Crown Point Shores,
eating pancakes, enjoying our vendor village, and taking part
in fun activities for pets and people alike.
Won't you take the first step by registering today!
California Country Hoe Down
Saturday and Sunday May 3 & 4, 2008
19080 Newville Road
Orland, CA
Farm Sanctuary cordially
invites you and yours to our good old-fashioned Country Hoe Down-a
rootin' tootin' weekend of animal-friendly activities. Join other
animal lovers for this one-of-a-kind conference and get inspired
to do more for farm animals in need.
An event for all ages and activist
levels, the Hoe Down features distinguished guest speakers who
move and motivate attendees with presentations on current farm
animal issues, campaigns and advocacy efforts, as well as workshops
on health, the environment, social justice, and more!
But the Hoe Down isn't all
work and no play. Guests are also encouraged to hop on a hayride,
visit friendly farm animals, and leisurely stroll around our
beautiful sanctuary grounds. As the sun begins to set in the
evening, participants will commune for a vegan feast, delight
in the company of fellow animal advocates, and "get down"
at a barn dance.
    \(rated 4 and 1/2 paws out of 5 paws)
The Labrador Pact by Matt Haig
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Viking Adult (February, 2008)
ISBN- 10: 067001852X
ISBN-13: 978-0670018529
The Labrador Pact is a novel
about a family in crisis and the loyal dog that
holds them all together, all from the perspective of Prince,
a black lab.
And, little does the family know, that their fate all depends
upon their
In the book, there is a creed that all dogs live by: Duty Over
All to Their
Families. The Labradors still adhere to the Pact and its list
of Thou
Shalts and Thou Shalt Nots setting out a dog's duties to the
promising, like any decent belief system, an Eternal Reward for
faithful: "To be reunited with your brothers and sisters,
to run wild and
free in a humanless universe." But, it seems like the Labradors
are the only
remaining breed willing to uphold the creed. Other breeds, such
as the
Springer Spaniels, seemed to have abandoned the creed and are
living for
Throughout the book as Prince tries to turn himself from the
one saved into
the one saving, he speaks to his humans, but no one seems to
listen to him.
But one day, one of the humans has "one too many" and
actually hears the dog
This book will give you a different perspective of your pet the
next time he
"speaks" to you!
This book is both funny and strange at the same time.
  \(rated 3 out of 5 paws)
Dog Man by Martha Sherrill
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Penguin Press HC (February 2008)
ISBN-10: 1594201242
ISBN-13: 978-1594201240
The Dog Man is about Morie
Sawataishi who lives in ultra-modern Japan but is
radically unconventional by any standards.
For Morie, wealth was not as important as his passion to preserve
the Akita
dog breed. He passes up promotions at work, moving to a bigger
house and
prestigious engineering jobs to devote himself to his dogs.
Previously, Morie never owned a dog. But when he turned 30 (perhaps
midlife crisis?) he all of a sudden had this longing to get a
dog. He
selected the Akita breed, which was being slaughtered for their
pelts to
line coats of officers. Morie's family didn't understand this
new longing
and resented the fact that he spent more time and lavished more
affection on
his dogs rather then on them.
Set in Japan's snow country (his wife hated living in the country),
dedication to these animals helped to save the breed from extinction.
See other reviews at AnimalRadio.com.
Send books and literature for review on-air and in this newsletter
to: Animal Radio Network Book Reviews, 233 East 330 North,
Kanab, Utah 84741. Product may not be returned. Allow 5 weeks
for review.
Becoming a New Pet Parent!
month, we talked about some things to consider before adopting
a pet. This month, PETS 911 bring you tips for how to acclimate
your new pet to its new home. There are many schools of thought
and tricks of the trade when it comes to bringing a new animal
into your home. The below suggestions are some general guidelines
that many people have found useful. For advice about your specific
pet, get some help from the volunteers or employees at the animal
shelter or from your local vet.
1. Limit the space your
new pet has access to.
Often when introduced to a new space, animals can get easily
overwhelmed when they have too much area to be aware of. Limiting
the animal to the kitchen, or the TV room, will allow the pet
to take its time in getting familiar with the immediate space.
Make sure to keep them in a space that you are also in, so they
are not left alone in a strange new place.
Limit the amount of people visiting the animal or your home.
For the first few days, the pet should not be overwhelmed by
meeting every person you know. Allow your pet to take it one
day at a time and get comfortable with your immediate family
before having other people over. When introducing your pet to
new people, instruct your guests to come into the house and not
give the animal any attention until they have calmed down and
our in a calm state of mind. Guests help train your new pets
as much as you do, it is important that they follow the same
rules as the people who live with the animal. An easy way to
do this is to place a sign on your front door informing visitors
that you have a new pet in training. This may apply more to dogs
then to other pets but it can be useful across the board.
3. Always supervise your
pets to make sure they are getting along.
Just like humans, pets need to get use to each other and learn
the different ins and outs of their new house. This means the
other animals will be showing the newbie the house rules. This
lesson may manifest in the form of aggression, and could, if
not properly addressed, turn into a dangerous situation. It is
important to not confuse the natural hierarchy in animal relationships
for that of aggression. Though you should be the 'top dog' with
your pets, they themselves will develop their own ranking amongst
each other. This behavior will be established through body language,
territory and sometimes showing of the teeth or a quick snap.
These indicators will help to establish boundaries of respect
and order. It is when these exchanges escalate or turn into aggression,
that you as the owner, should intervene.
4. Do exercise activities
Though this is not an action you only do at the beginning of
your relationship with your new pet, it is a great time to start
a routine that will last for life. Pets, just like us, need daily
activities to keep them healthy and well balanced. This also
benefits the owner as it relates to training and discipline.
When you exercise an new pet before you do training, you increase
your pet's ability to absorb what you're teaching. This occurs
by burning some of that excess energy and creating a more balanced
state. This primarily applies to dogs, but making sure to spend
time with your cat or letting your reptile take a stroll in the
fresh air, are just as beneficial.
Radio® is
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Can You Mend a Broken Heart?
let the title of this month's story put you off! It has
a happy ending
Saying farewell to our mostly
four legged furry friends is hard enough at the best of times.
But when we have to make the decision for them it can literally
'break your heart. And experts are not sure why but for some
reason the loss of a beloved pet can be harder to deal with than
the loss of even a close human family member or relative.
Last month our eldest miniature
apricot poodle Cosmo (14 years) had a stroke, although we didn't
really know it at the time. Cosmo hadn't been in the best of
health for the past 12 months and we literally woke up one morning
to see him standing 'staring into space'. For a number of reasons
and medical issues he had, we felt it was going to be 'his time'
this year and even told him Cosmo, if you want to go mate, then
go and remember that we'll always love you.
By the next morning it was
obvious Cosmo was 'on his way' but now he seemed to be in some
pain and quite distressed, not drinking water or taking food.
So what are the choices here?...
Our veterinarian helped us with this harder than expected decision.
Long term medication, blood tests, scans etc with a slim chance
of success?? (remember he was 14 years old) or do we make
the hardest choice any pet owner can make. Help him to move on.
'Put him down' 'Euthanize' there is no easy way to say it!
Our vet explained the process
fast, painless and quiet. Our vet is very special
candles in a dimly lit room.. all of us down on the floor on
comfy mats with Cosmo some private time to say our last goodbyes
and cry a lot
Then it's over in just a few short moments.
But knowing Cosmo is now free of pain and discomfort more than
makes up for the deep loss we felt in the week or so following
that moment.
So how are we coping?... Fine
thanks now. These things take time, and you should allow time
for that process. It's normal.
We still haven't told our radio
listeners yet who have heard us talk about Cosmo over the years
we'll do that when we feel up to it but we did tell our
closest friends and colleagues and it was wonderful the support
we got back from every single one of them. And that REALLY helped.
And that's the point of this
story Crying is good Grieving is good and talking
about your loss helps 'mend your broken heart'. We have done
stories on Pet Talk Radio! about the grieving process In
fact there is a great book - When Pets Die: It's OK To Grieve'
by Doris Zagdanski it's just a series of great thoughts
that help heal your heart. Likewise there are a number of individuals
and organizations that have pet grief counseling services
almost always free.
So if you are in this situation
or have a family member, relative or friend who has just lost
their pet remember, it is important to give them time to
get over their loss. Some people take longer than others
some do it harder than others. If that's the case ensure they
seek professional help. Meantime NEVER say "oh you can always
get another dog (or cat or whatever) " that's bound to see
the end of your friendship forever!
And the happy ending we promised?...
We laid Cosmo to rest in a hole in the front garden that he had
been digging for the past 12 months. We had always told him off
and said "when you go to doggy heaven mate you'll be going
right in there!!"
Well he is now and we know
he's happy. We're also happy. We planted an Australian native
Bottlebrush tree on top and when it blooms in summer and attracts
all the colorful parrots (Cosmo's favorite pastime was chasing
but never catching them) we'll be able to laugh out loud
as we remember all the good times we had over the last 14 years
with 'our best friend'.
And that folks is how to mend
a broken heart.
Take care and hugs for your
pets from Brian & Kaye
Hear Pet Talk Radio! on
- Check schedule for showtimes.
Voice of the Animal on Animal Radio®
Rae Ann Kumelos Ph.D. |
All the Buzz About Bees
Did you know that a bee helped
open up frontier to the pioneers of the American West?
In 1842, John C. Fremont, Pathfinder
of the West, and later governor of California, was commissioned
to lead an expedition to find a passage over the Rocky Mountains.
Part of any government commission is writing the report, but
Fremont was an adventurer, not a writer, so he turned to his
wife, Jessie Benton Fremont, for help. As John recounted his
successful journey to Jessie, she helped the report come alive
in a manner that would capture the imagination of the nation.
Jessie wrote of how her husband scaled what he mistakenly believed
to be the highest point in the Rockies, and as he unfurled a
US flag on the icy summit, all of a sudden a bee appeared. As
Fremont tells it: "It was a strange place . . . for a lover
of warm sunshine and flowers, and we pleased ourselves with the
idea that the bee was the first of his species to cross the mountain
barrier, a solitary pioneer to foretell the advance of civilization."
Fremont then swiftly clapped the bee among the pages of his journal
and thus insured its immortality.
When the Fremont report was
released to an eager public, the solitary bee captured the wanderlust
of the nation, and as we know, that "solitary bee then became
a swarm."
It is not surprising that this
immortal bee influenced a nation to move West. In ancient myth,
the bee was often associated with immortality. Bees were a symbol
of the Mother Goddess, with the hive considered the womb of the
Great Mother. In a beehive, the Queen Bee is surrounded by virgin
female worker bees who gather the pollen from flowers. This is
one reason that bees are associated with the Greek Goddess Artemis
and her priestesses; several of the ancient statues of Artemis
are adorned with bees. The High Priestess that attended to Artemis
was called Melissa, which means "bee," and the temples
of the goddess were sometimes in the shape of the six-sided hexagonal
honeycomb, a form that depicts the sacred geometry of harmony.
The ancient Egyptians were
the first to practice beekeeping. They placed the beehives on
boats that floated down the Nile, taking advantage of the blossoms
all the way down the river. The Egyptians also believed that
bees were born from the tears of their Sun-god, Ra, and in honor
of the god, bees performed a dance to the sun. Scientific findings
have shown that bees actually do. The bees' dance involves movements
that show the location of a new source of pollen in regard to
the degrees of the sun's position. When a scout bee shares a
bit of the new pollen, the rest of the hive can then determine
the plant they are looking for, while the scout's dance tells
them how to find it
It was honey that was the ambrosia
upon which the Gods of Mount Olympus dined, while mead, wine
that is created from fermented honey, is thought to give those
who imbibe it the powers of prophecy. The Viking giantess, Gonlod,
also considered the Mother of Poetry, brewed her famous mead
in the Cauldron of Inspiration, while the ancient Greek poets
Homer and Sappho were believed to have had their lips touched
with honey while they were infants, creating their gift for sweet
In Christianity, bees retain
their association with the mother goddess as emissaries of the
Virgin Mary. Throughout Eastern Europe, Mary is considered the
protectress of bees and beekeepers, and consecrated honey is
offered to her every year on the Feast of the Assumption, August
15th. It was, and still is, considered unlucky to kill a bee
that may come into your home; she is not there to hurt or sting
you, but to bring you blessings.
Preserved in amber at the Natural
History Museum in New York is a bee believed to be 80 million
years old. From ancient bees encased in amber, to the enduring
words of honey-tongues poets, to the lone bee John C. Fremont
immortalized on that icy Rocky Mountain Peak, it is the buzz
of bee that echoes through the ages.
Visit us at http://www.voiceoftheanimal.com to hear more
stories and order Voice of the Animals CD's.. Copyright
2008 Voice of the Animal. Rae Ann Kumelos is a regular
Animal Radio® correspondent. She can be heard daily on Animal
Ask the Bird Folks with
Mike O'Connor |
Bird Folks,
I would like to start keeping a list of all the birds that I
see, but I don't know where to start. Are there preprinted lists
or books that I can simply fill in, or should I just make my
own? Also, I just turned fifty-years old and am wondering if
it's "legal" for me to include birds that I've already
seen or do I need to start fresh?
- Dave, NJ
You are brave, Dave,
It takes a man to admit that he has just joined the Half-Century
Club, especially in public. I still don't have enough guts to
do that myself. In fact, last week I went to see a guy who makes
fake ID's for old people. For a mere twenty bucks I was able
to move out of the Half-century Club and become a hip kid again.
Unfortunately, I didn't do the math right and I told the guy
I wanted my birth year to be 1997. That was a big mistake. On
the way home I got stopped by a cop who was shocked to see that
I was only eleven-years old. Luckily, he didn't give me a ticket
but I was grounded for a week and couldn't watch TV for a month.
I forgot how tough being eleven was.
I think we touched on the topic
of keeping a life list a few weeks ago. As a quick refresher,
a life list is list of birds that one person is able see in his
or her lifetime. It's pretty cut and dry and not all that exciting,
but if you are into it, it can be kind of fun. For many people
adding to their life list serves as motivation for them to get
up and go outside more often. It's hard to see new birds by sitting
on the couch all day; goodness knows, I've tried.
Dave, of course you can count birds that you saw before you officially
started to keep a list, if you want to. I certainly would. But
it's your list so you make the rules. That's what's nice about
keeping a bird list; it's one of the few things in life where
you can make your own rules. There is one rule, however, that
you should probably follow. It's really not cool to add a bird
to your list unless you are close to 100% certain you have identified
it correctly. Don't be checking off birds on a hunch. If you
are going to do that, then you might as well check off every
bird on day one and go back to sitting on the couch.
Checking off birds prematurely
can be a problem for younger birders who are eager to build up
their list. I've looked back at some of my early lists and there
are birds on it that I know I never saw. For example: The penguins
that I thought were eating underneath my bird feeder were probably
juncos. I had just gotten my first pair of binoculars and was
having a little trouble with judging proper size.
There are a number of ways
to keep a life list. You can simply write down every new bird
you see on a pad of paper. Done and done. Or, like I used to
do, make a check mark in your field guide, right next to the
bird's picture. That way you don't have to keep an extra book.
All of your info is with you every time you go birding. The downside
of using your field guide for your life list is that you may
lose it while you are out birding...like I did when I fell into
the ocean while trying to see puffins. That's when I decided
to keep two lists. You can still check off birds in your field
guide, but keep a second, more detailed list at home, away from
the ocean.
Again, your second list can
be on a simple pad of paper; however, there are also some very
good birding journals that you can buy, and buying birding stuff
is something I'm never afraid to encourage. One such book, the
Birder's Life List & Diary, is put out by Cornell's Lab of
Ornithology. It lists the birds in taxonomic order, which means
that all the woodpeckers, warblers, ducks, etc. are listed together.
The diary also has a place where you can write the date, location
and other pertinent information about the sighting. What I like
best about this book is that it's spiral bound, so it easily
lies flat when you want to write in it. Another good choice is
National Geographic's Birder's Journal. It is somewhat similar
to the Cornell book, but it has black and white illustrations
of each bird, which is a plus. However, this book is very thick
(500 pages), not spiral bound, and tough to keep open. Making
notes in it is like writing with your hand stuck in a bear trap.
Not fun at all.
I'm glad you are thinking about
keeping a life list, Dave. It's a great motivator to do more
birding. Also, congrats on turning fifty. I'll be there myself
soon...only another thirty-nine years to go.
Besides being a frequent
guest on Animal Radio®
- Mike O'Connor is the
owner of the Bird Watcher's General Store on Cape Cod, which
opened in 1983 as one of the first stores in the United States
dedicated solely to birding. His column, Ask the Bird Folks,
appears weekly in The Cape Codder, The Register, The Harwich
Oracle, and The Upper Cape Codder newspapers, and his writing
was included in the Best American Science and Nature Writing
2004. Copyright 2007 by Mike O'Connor. All Rights Reserved. http://www.BirdWatchersGeneralStore.com
Final Thoughts:
Tips & Advice from "Secrets of Cat Attitude Revealed" A
Cat's Step-By-Step Living Advice by Carolyn Bartz
Safety With Rubberbands
(NO NO!!)
You know how cats seem to find rubber band irresistible?
Learn from my mistake. Take it from me.
such as these !!!!
I cannot stress this enough.
This can be fatal!! Watch what is in your cat's mouth at all
times! Keep small items out of reach.
These small objects are very
easily taken from your reach and ingested. In 24 hrs there can
be stomach distress, but even more life threatening, a strangled
My personal experience found
me to be very lucky. Little Boy Blue has such an infatuation
with rubber bands, anytime I am ready to use one, I have to keep
in around my wrist till it's actually around the intended object.
I was distracted by the phone
one time, and wasn't thinking correctly.
He ate two rubber bands while
I wasn't looking!! I immediately made him swallow some toothpaste
malt. The Emergency Vet on the phone said they would either show
up in the litter box, be vomited up, or if he started showing
lethargy or other signs of distress, he would have to be admitted
to Emergency with in 24 hrs.
I was soooo scared and agonized
over the guilt of letting my guard down for access to the rubber
bands, I could not sleep.
Then.....I heard the tell-tale
sounds of "hairball". I RAN to his side.
I couldn't believe it.......the two rubber bands! Not one, but
two! The sigh of relief was probably heard two houses down in
the neighborhood. I would not have to worry anymore.
Blue and I were very lucky. I hope my quick thinking to give
the Petromalt helped in the inability of the rubber bands to
be digested. I don't plan on this happening again, but, I always
keep a tube of this in the house. Keep rubber bands out of reach
or hidden and supervise small toys.
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