Grab Your Pets and Join Us for a Celebration of Animals.
This month:
Trainer Extraordinaire Zak George
Sloth Expert Sam Trull,
Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker,
Animal Researcher Dr. Frans de Waal.
Animal Radio® Show #1225
Whales Gain 200 Pounds A Day
While the book is titled Sad Animal Facts, it's hardly a sad book. Cartoons drawn by Brooke Barker unleash the unknown and curious truths behind some of our favorite animals. Did you know Turtles breath out their butt, or that Giraffes only sleep 3 hours a day?
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Choosing The Right Bra When Horseback Riding
Women and girls (and some men) who ride horses, but do not wear a sports bra, could be causing undue stress to the horse, according to a study by Portsmouth University. Apparently a lot of women give no regard to what kind of bra they wear while riding. They did a survey of females who ride horses in various disciplines and found that less than one in five regularly wore a sports bra for riding even though it can lead to poor posture and musculoskeletal problems, which are sensed by the horse.
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Pet Friendly Retirement Communities
Watermark Retirement Communities assisted living are perhaps the first in the country to embrace pets. Founded by pet lovers, they encourage residents to bring their pets along to live with them. Staff's companion animals meet those that don't have pets. This has made a big difference in patient's disposition.
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Animal Radio® Show #1224
You Can Stroke Me Here, But Not There
Cat Behaviorist Sarah Ellis has a pretty cool job. She does research on how and where cats like to be touched. Sarah found that there are certain parts of the cat's body that are better than others when it comes to petting and stroking. She'll reveal her results and explain why she thinks strangers have better luck petting cats than the cat's owner.
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Tick Talk
Only second to fleas, ticks are a fairly common pest. Some of the diseases that ticks carry can kill both human and pet. Doc Halligan will tell you the proper way to remove them. She says you need to avoid some of the 'old wives-tales' for removing ticks because they may actually do more harm.
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Like A Good Neighbor
State Farm insurance has been sponsoring The Arson Dog Program since 1993! An accelerant detection canine, or arson dog, is a dog that has been trained to sniff out tiny traces of accelerants that may have been used to start a fire. The insurance giant has had a hand in placing over 350 arson dog teams in 44 states and three Canadian Provinces.
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Animal Radio® Show #1223
What Your Vet Isn't Telling You
Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker will tell you what information your veterinarian may be withholding; and conversely, what he/she shouldn't be telling you. We hope you have an honest and transparent vet for your pets.
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Selling Pets for Research
Buried in a massive government-spending bill is a provision that will shut down shady animal dealers who buy and sell pets for research, all paid for by your tax dollars. But, that could change if Congress does the right thing and cuts off funding to pay for licensing of so-called Class B animal dealers by the USDA. Every year, these licensed dealers work with illegal "bunchers" to round up thousands of dogs and cats that will end up in laboratories.
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Doggie Detox
The Morris Animal Inn in Morristown, New Jersey caters ONLY to our four-legged friends. They just finished a week-long Spa Treatment and Canine Cleanse program. Pups from all over the country enjoyed smoothies, treadmill trots, meditation, nature trail hikes and massages as part of the $260 package. Debora Montgomery reports on how the program went and what you can do at home to pamper your pup.
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My Dog Has Bad Breath
If your dog's breath could melt steel; you need to hear what Dr. Debbie has to say about it. She might even have a simple solution so that those puppy kisses won't be so traumatizing.
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Animal Radio® Show #1222
Making Training Your Dog Enjoyable
Zak George is back and he has tips on making training your dog enjoyable for both you and your furry-friend. He believes that if your dog likes to do what your training them to do, you will be more successful. He'll also talk about Service Dog fraud.
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Virtual Chicken Petting
Imagine leaving your dog at home while it turns on the smart TV and chooses a program to watch. Lori Brooks will tell you about the new technology. She'll also tell you about Virtual Chicken Petting that artificially replicates physical interaction between chickens and their farmers.
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Share A Glass Of Wine With Your Pets
So, you love your cat and you love your wine. A Colorado company called Apollo Peak wants to help cat owners enjoy the experience of sharing a glass of wine with their pets, so they've come out with a non-alcoholic, beet-based, catnip infused wine for cats.
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What You Need To Do Before Your Dog Goes Missing
Animal Radio's Pet World Insider, Robert Semrow has a short list of the things you should do so that, if and when your dog or cat disappears, you'll be prepared for a prompt and safe return.
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Animal Radio® Show #1221
Sloth Love
Most every social media butterfly has seen at least one cute video of a sloth (if not, check out our Facebook page). These litter critters are so cute, that many people want one as a pet. Photographer Sam Trull says she "went to Costa Rica for the primates but stayed for the sloths." She has the lowdown on sloths, and she says people think they're slow. She says "they can be fast when they want to, and their nails are pretty scary too."
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Doggy DNA Nabs Poop Offenders
A luxury apartment community near Grand Rapids, Michigan says it will use DNA technology as a way to sniff out dog owners who fail to pick up their pets' poop. The Ridges of Cascade complex is asking dog owners to swab their pet's mouth so it can build a DNA database that will allow it to identify residents who ignore its strict cleanup policy. The management company as already contracted with the Tennessee-based company PooPrints to collect DNA samples of each dog in the development. Violators will face a $350 fine.
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Always Know Where Your Dog or Cat Is
Sebastian Langton created the world's smallest GPS pet tracker. A small pod the size of a wine cork is all that's needed to find your pet most anywhere in the world. The Podtracker is also capable of setting boundaries and monitoring activity. You could win one in our giveaway.
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Pet Cemeteries In China
Pet cemeteries are becoming increasingly popular in China with owners paying between $50 and $1,800 to buy their pets a plot. Rows of tombstones at one cemetery bear the names of pets along with flowers, toys, food and even calcium pills and chew bones were seen placed beside them.
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The Cat's Got More Than Your Tongue
A pet feline in New Zealand has been stealing men's underwear and socks from other people's homes! In just 2 months, the 6 year old cat named Brigit, acquired 11 pairs of underwear and more than 50 pairs of socks. Brigit's owner says she has put notes in every mailbox on her street to warn her neighbors.
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Simply the best cat furniture we've ever used. Get 15% off using the code ANIMALRADIO
Animal Radio® Show #1220
Dog Lawyer
Attorney Jeremy Cohen gave up his insurance fraud law practice to focus only on dogs. He is one of the few "dog only" lawyers in the U.S. Jeremy represents dangerous dogs that usually have a death sentence. He tells us that lots of people have threatened him and harass him, but it's worth it if he can save the life of a dog.
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Maybe We're Not Smart Enough To Know
Dr. Frans de Waal asks the poignant question, "Are we smart enough to know how smart animals are?" Many of us suspect that our cats and dogs have a sixth sense. They seem to know things are going to happen before humans do. Is this smarts, or is it hyper-observation of your every move? Maybe a little of both.
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Supreme Court Puts a Value on Pets
The Georgia Supreme Court will soon decide the value of a pet. Currently, the law sees pets as property, like a car or a toaster. The Georgia Supreme Court is set to rule on the value of the dog whose death was allegedly caused by a fancy, high dollar kennel that allegedly gave the dog the wrong medicine that ultimately killed her. The kennel says that Lola the dog was property, and the family should get her "market value" - which, because she was a free rescue dog, is nothing.
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Chicago Gets First Cat Café
Tree House Humane Society has been given approval to launch a coffee shop, which will double as a cat adoption center. It will feature a full coffee bar and a cat lounge where a dozen or more cats will be free to roam about, sleep and play. The $6 million Chicago facility set to open in early fall. Cat cafés are very popular in other countries. Cat Town in Oakland, saw its adoption rate more than double after opening the first stateside cat café not even two years ago.
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Animal Radio® Show #1219
Pot for Pets?
Dr. Stephan Katz explains how he is using parts of the marijuana plant to create a therapeutic treat for pets. Do animals respond the same as humans to medical marijuana? What is the legality of pot for pets? These burning questions and more are finally answered.
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To Flush or Not To Flush
It may be hard to believe, but people still flush kitty litter down the toilet. Not only is it bad for the pipes, Doc Halligan says it's bad for marine life. Apparently there is a parasite that is transmitted through cat feces and has been documented as a significant killer of otters and other sea life. Who knew?
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Lessons from a Knucklehead
Doug Green learned a lot of life's lessons from his dog, Shirelle. He even says that the dog was responsible for his career path as a psychotherapist. He also finds that dogs are great intermediaries in his practice. He'll share some of the important epiphanies inspired by Shirelle.
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When is it Time to Let Go?
It can be incredibly difficult to know when it's time to euthanize your furry-friend. Balancing your own selfishness with your pet's health and happiness is no easy task. Dr. Debbie has answers that will help you make the decision when that time comes.
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