Grab Your Pets and Join Us for a Celebration of Animals.
This month:
Actress/Comedian Debra Wilson
Clint Eastwood's Daughter, Alison Eastwood
Nat Geo's Dr. Pol
M*A*S*H's Jamie Farr
and the 10 Weirdest Animal Laws
Animal Radio® Show #1187
Actress/Comedian Debra Wilson Guests
Debra Wilson has a thing for long, slimy, slithering reptiles. In fact, he shares her life with one. Get all the gooey details and find out why she's Nuts for Mutts.
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Dancing Dogs
Author Jon Katz is back and this time he's sharing short stories about our strange and unique connection to our animals. You're not alone when you spoil your furry family.
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Special Dog Gets Second Leash on Life
Nakio was a prime candidate to be euthanized when rescuers found all four of his paws frozen and useless. That until Christine Pace came into his life and arranged for prosthetics for all four of his feet.
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How About A Kid's Party Where You Swim With The Alligators!
A Florida company has decided to offer children unique pool parties the kids will likely never forget. The folks who run Alligator Attractions in Madeira Beach are offering live alligators that swim with the children at area pool parties.
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Jerseyans Are Split on Dog Seatbelts
A poll says New Jerseyans are split on car seatbelts for dogs. 45% of residents favor the idea, but a solid 40% oppose it. Violators are subject to a $20 ticket.
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Bully Sticks Recalled
Yet again, this popular dog treat is being recalled because of salmonella contamination. While a majority of the recalled product comes from Asia, you might be surprised to know it's packaged as "Made in the USA."
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Animal Radio® Show #1186
Clint Eastwood's Daughter To Do TV Show
Alison Eastwood talks about her Reality TV show on Nat Geo. "Animal Invaders" focuses on exotic animals that are living in inadequate conditions. Alison talks about life with dad and says Clint is allergic to horses, making much of his early days of film a tough act.
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Living Piggy Bank
A Florida couple doesn't seem to have any need for a piggy bank, since their ten-year-old beagle Arnie appears to be more than willing to fill the role of money-holder. Corey and Hope O'Kelley say their canine companion has twice swallowed hundreds of dollars in cash. The O'Kelleys were able to recover $100 after it passed through the dog's system, but they weren't as lucky when Arnie came back for a second expensive meal last month.
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Sugar Gliders as a Pet
Dr. Laurie Hess is a small exotic pet veterinarian. She says we are woefully uneducated about the husbandry of birds and other small pets. The good doctor tells us about some great alternatives to dogs and cats, like the marsupial Sugar Glider.
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Dogs Banned From Downtown
A western Pennsylvania city working hard to revitalize a key 10-block stretch of its downtown business district is considering banning dogs from the area as part of the plan. Officials in Beaver Falls, population 10,000, believe part of the problem is that larger dogs, including Pit Bulls and Rottweilers, are sometimes left tied to parking meters by their owners.
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Dog Holds Vigil At Grave For Six Years
A faithful dog is refusing to leave his master, even though he's been at his side for six years in a graveyard. An Argentinean newspaper reports the dog ran away from home after his owner died. One week later, the man's family found the German Shepherd wailing by his owner's grave.
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360 Dogs Died From Jerky Treats Made In China
In the past year and a half, at least 360 dogs and one cat have died in the U.S. after eating chicken jerky pet treats made in China, according to a new online summary posted by the FDA. Meanwhile, more than 2,200 reports have come in to the agency from pet owners claiming their animals were sickened or died after eating these products.
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Animal Radio® Show #1185
Nat Geo's Incredible Dr. Pol
Not only is he Incredible, but he has quite the sense of humor also. Dr. Pol describes what it's like to have a camera watching your every move, including when his arm is two feet up a cow's ... well ... you know.
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Puppy IN Pants Results In Animal Cruelty
A Colorado woman has been arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty after allegedly shoving her Chihuahua puppy down her pants. The incident occurred during a domestic dispute in which policed found Johna Turner arguing with a man. When police arrived, eyewitnesses told them to search Turner's pants and when they did a Chihuahua fell out.
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DNA Poop Patrol
A homeowners association in Texas is trying to collect samples of dog poop for DNA testing. The HOA says too many dogs are doing their business in common areas, and they want a database of DNA profiles. That way, future messes will be matched to the correct owners in the small condominium complex, who will then be fined.
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Couple's Fight Over Dog
Pet insurance company Esure say dogs cause 156 fights per year per family. The most contentious canine disputes center around who will take the little guy for a walk, whether he's allowed in bed, and where he goes when family vacations. 17% of doggie disputes leave owners sleeping on the couch.
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Foul Mouthed Cockatoo Offends Neighbors
A Rhode Island woman's allegedly foul-mouthed cockatoo is being accused of ruining her neighbors' quality of life. According to the "Boston Herald," Lynne Taylor is scheduled to return to court next week to fight allegations that she violated a city animal noise ordinance. Taylor's neighbors, her ex-husband Craig Fontaine and his girlfriend Kathleen Melker, say Taylor trained her pet bird Willy to yell curse words at them.
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Animal Radio® Show #1184
M*A*S*H's "Klinger", Jamie Farr Guests
Known for his outlandish role on the long-running series M*A*S*H, Jamie Farr started his career cleaning the cages of chinchillas. Animals have always been a part of his life and he's proud to share his story.
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What Are The Chances Your Pet Will Be Lost?
The ASPCA did a survey of pet owners to find out if they ever lost their pets. A Whopping 15% misplaced their furry companion in the last 5 years. What is the best technique for keeping track of your dog or cat, or even iguana? ASPCA's Dr. Emily Weiss explains.
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Man Breaks No Laws Dressing As A Goat
The Utah photographer who spotted a person dressed like a mountain goat on an Ogden hillside is describing his encounter. Coty Creighton says the photos showing a costumed human mingling with real wild goats on Ben Lomond Peak. State officials say mountain goats can become aggressive and inflict serious harm. They also worry the individual dressed as a goat could be mistaken for wild game by hunters.
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Don't Toss The Cat In With The Laundry
A Scottish woman will most likely sort her laundry a little more carefully after she accidentally tossed her cat in the washing machine. Emma Lothian says her family's ten-week-old tortoiseshell, was apparently sleeping in the laundry basket with a pile of dirty clothes, and wound up going through the hot-water wash cycle before she was discovered. Lothian says she first noticed something was wrong when Tinker wasn't running around her legs as she did her usual chores, and eventually heard a noise coming from the washing machine. Lothian saw Tinker stuck on top of the clothes and pried open the door to get her out. Vet John Buxton, who says he's never seen a case like this, put the cat in a heated oxygen chamber, and she eventually made a full recovery.
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If You Want To Put More Playtime Into Your Life, Get A Dog!
A recent poll shows that adults who have a dog are 30% more likely to carve out opportunities several times a week to play. And for 61%, the play companion they enjoy the most is their dog. By comparison 48% would rather play with their spouse or significant other.
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Animal Radio® Show #1183
Lake Algae Can Be Harmful For Your Dog
If your dog likes to swim, it's probably best to make sure he only swims in the pool this summer. Pollution Control Agency is asking swimmers and pet owners to be aware of algae-ridden lakes and foul-smelling water after toxins from the blue-green blooms killed some dogs last month.
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Should You Have Pet Insurance?
If you don't have it, you've probably asked yourself whether you should have pet insurance for when the unexpected happens. Since pets are living longer and our veterinary medicine has advanced, options for emergency treatment can be costly unless you have insurance. But that doesn't necessarily mean, "go out and get it." Doc Halligan has important tips for deciding if you should get it and choosing the right policy.
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Take-Your-Dog-To-Work-Day Now Includes Snakes and Pigs
As take-your-dog-to-work-day becomes the everyday norm in many offices; owners of less common pets have begun to demand equality. If dogs are welcome at work, then others feathered, furry, winged and scaly companions should be allowed at the office too although some co-workers don't agree. Snakes are allowed at the Seattle headquarters of About 8% of U.S. companies allow pets at work, and the practice seems to be especially prevalent among tech firms.
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Finding Jobs for the Un-adoptable
Pete Coppolillo is scouring shelter for dogs that display traits undesirable for adoption. He's especially looking at prey drive, as these dogs make excellent "working conservation dogs." And Pete is happy to give these dogs a job and a home.
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Animal Radio® Show #1182
Strange Animal Laws
David Rosengard, a Staff Attorney for the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) explores the 10 Weirdest Animal Laws on the Books. He'll also share some of the important work the ALDF does for animals worldwide by being a voice for the voiceless.
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How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet?
More and more pet parents these days are willing to go the financial distance for their pets to give them the best. Americans dog owners spend $2,033 toward their pets on average each year and cat owners about half that at $1,042. But when pet owners are forced to choose between big vet bills and the life of their furry friends, dog owners are willing to pay around $7,000 more than cat owners according to a new survey. So what's the actual number? Those who have dogs say they're willing to spend up to $10,725 to save their pets, while cat owners say they're willing to spend up to $3,454. But for those people who had both cats and dogs, they'd be willing to spend up to $10,200 on average for either their cats or dogs.
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Spare Fido the Advil
Ibuprofen is the #1 medication about which the Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) receives calls. Never, ever, give a dog ibuprofen without first consulting a veterinarian. Pets metabolize ibuprofen differently than humans and even small amounts of the human pain reliever can be dangerous to animals. Giving your dog ibuprofen can cause vomiting and gastric distress and could also lead to seizures, coma and death. APCC's annual report breaks down the most common pet toxins across the nation. Popular brands of ibuprofen include Advil, Motrin and Midol.
Owner Leaves $300,000 to Her Cats
A couple of cats in New York will be living a better life than many of us after their elderly, wealthy owner passed away and left them $300,000 in her will. A health care aide who worked with their former owner is now caring for the cats, Troy and Tiger. Now they are trust fund cats.
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