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Animal Radio® Show #1053
Former Mob Head Turns Into Pussycat
James Guiliani was the head mob enforcer in Brooklyn for over 20 years. He said his used to get a high inflicting violence on behalf of John Gotti. Now he gets high saving animals after a dog changed his evil ways. James is our guest and he explains how he got out of the mafia and into pet rescue. Oh, he also has a brand new show on the Oprah Network.
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Cat Videos Made The Internet
The Internet Cat Video Festival is selling out and attracting huge audiences nationwide. It's not a bunch of single cat-women that are attending these feline festivities. William Braden, winner of the Golden Kitty Award for his viral videos, is hosting the event. He joins us and explains this strange phenomenon and our unquenchable desire for cat videos.
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Dope Of The Month
What happens when you get pulled over after ingesting your dog's tranquilizers? The defendant said he mistook them for his own vitamins. Likely story? Nope, just another moron skimming his dog's medicine. Britt Savage reports.
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Forget The Raccoons - We Got Bears
We get a lot of calls about all kinds of animals. This week Dr. Debbie helps with a small bear problem that seems to be threatening local dogs. First tip, stop putting food out for the deer.
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Sicker Pets, But Less Vet Visits
Pets are getting sicker, and many owners don't have a clue. One reason: They're not going to the vet. Dog vet visits have slipped 21 percent since 2001 and cat visits have dropped 30 percent, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.
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Leave Your Pet Out In The Cold - Be Charged With A Felony
Anyone who leaves a dog outside in the cold should be charged with a felony, says State Senator Greg Ball. Ball is calling on tougher new legislation to protect dogs and cats from being left outside in the cold all day.
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Animal Radio® Show #1052
Nude Birding
Olaf Danielson has made a hobby out of birding without any clothes. Olaf is an author, religious scholar, storyteller and adventurer. He will share some of his favorite stories of seeking out rare and exotic avian wildlife... while naked as a jaybird.
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Who is Tracking Your Pet Purchases?
With the pet industry growing so fast, any information that can be gained from your purchases for your pets is going to be extrapolated every way possible for those companies which profit from your spending habits. Search data pulled by Hitwise from major pet supply websites shows the majority of both cat and dog owners, or at least those doing the buying for their pets, are women and that the women who own dogs make nearly twice as much as those who have cats.
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Pet Crematory Intentionally Gives Back Wrong Ashes
A pet cemetery and crematory in Illinois is accused of deceiving clients by giving them ashes that were not be from their deceased pets. Police found three deceased animals inside an old freezer at the facility and fortunately one of the animals had been micro chipped. Authorities contacted the owner who said they had already received their cat's ashes. But the only thing illegal in this case was misrepresenting ashes of an animal because pet crematories in Illinois are not regulated.
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Training Pit Bulls for Good
Jeff Jenkins is the ringleader for the Midnight Circus, a pit-bull agility performance that shows the often-misunderstood dogs in a positive light. He's helping youngsters train their pit-bulls to do tricks instead of fighting.
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Are Kittens and Puppies The Key to a Successful Marriage?
You're thinking love, communication, trust, common interests and that kind of stuff, right? But, a new study from the University of Florida says it could also be cute, cuddly puppies, kittens and bunnies. The team of psychological scientists found that to break the 'familiarity breeds contempt syndrome' or boredom that can happen in long-term relationships, couples can make better associations with their spouse through a positive stimulus like puppies and bunnies.
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Animal Radio® Show #1051
Cindy Brady Spills It
Susan Olsen (Cindy Brady on The Brady Bunch) is one of the few child actors that DIDN'T cross to the dark side. And in fact, she's a model citizen, animal advocate and foster parent. She seems like a normal gal until she tells you about her hobby making candy-poop with her hands. She'll also divulge behind-the-scenes stories about The Brady Bunch.
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Paul Reiser And Pets
Comedian Paul Reiser guests this week. He's witty, multi-talented and guaranteed to make you laugh so hard you'll blow coffee out of your nose. And he speaks up for the first time publicly about his dog "Bosco."
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Most Popular Dog Names
Move over Rover, Max and Bella are now the most popular dog names. compiled its first-ever list of top dog names by gender from hundreds of thousands. After Max, Charlie was Buddy, Jack and Cooper. As for the ladies, Lucy was runner-up to Bella, followed by Daisy, Lily and Molly. None of the top ten baby names for humans made the list of top ten male and female dog names.
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Vicious Dog Registry
Orange County California is voting to establish a Vicious Dog Registry. Residents will be able to log online and find out if there is a dog in the neighborhood that has maimed or killed anybody. Ryan Drabek from OC Animal Control explains why this program is a good idea.
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Animal Radio comes to you from the Red Barn Studios
Animal Radio® Show #1050
Snake-Whisperer Gets The Girls
Brian Barczyk loves reptiles. He has 30,000 snakes. Brian breeds them and sends them all over the globe to his snake-lovin' brethren. He's been bit 100,000 times he estimates and his colorful life is ripe for a TV reality series. Are you listening NatGeo? Oh, and no, he's not single. In fact, the chicks dig it.
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Security K9's For Schools
Following the Sandy Hook tragedy, Mark Gomer got the idea to put Canine Protection Dogs into schools to sniff-out firearms and diffuse violent situations. At $50,000 per dog, Mark is trying to convince schools to purchase one of these full-time K9's to protect their students.
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There's An App For That
Ever wonder where you can take your dog if you are out and about? The Fido Factor app lets people know which places allow dogs, whether it's a department store, restaurant, bar or just about any place else. In addition, the app gives you specific rules for each place, so you'll know things like the leash rules or the fees you'll have to pay.
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When To Say No
Hoarding is a very real problem. Often times, those who collect suffer mental disabilities for which only professional help is the answer. We'll speak to a cat lover that has more cats than she can count, and a dog lover with 16 un-altered pups. Ultimately, the pets suffers from this unrecognized neglect.
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Buddha Dies From Heart Failure
Buddha the obese gray and white cat whose diet and exercise plan made him a viral sensation, has died of congestive heart failure. He was 6 years old. The cat inspired people around the world with his jaunts on an underwater treadmill, which along with a diet-plan, helped him whittle down his 31.4 pound weight.
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Animal Radio comes to you from the Red Barn Studios
Animal Radio® Show #1049
"Boomer The Dog" Guests
Delivered from obscurity by NatGeo's Taboo, Boomer is a dog in a man's body. Some have issues with a grown man dressing up as a dog, eating dog food, and barking out commands. Boomer was inspired by Disney's Shaggy DA movie and hasn't been the same since. Boomer explains his world in this special Animal Radio interview.
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Pet Friendly House
David Beart is building his house especially for his dog. He's teamed up with many manufacturers to stock his pet-friendly dwelling. While this may not seem like a big deal, David may be onto something. The pet industry is the second-fastest growing sector at 58 BILLION dollars this year. It only makes sense that our homes will become more-homier for our furry-friends.
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Online Pet Scams
Scambook's Miranda Perry lists off the top scams directed at the very-delicate and vulnerable pet-lover. These include Craigslist scams for pure-breed puppies to Western Union fraud. She even tells us about a guy who impersonated an animal control officer to bilk money out of noisy neighbors. Be listening so you won't be a victim.
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Ugliest Dog Passes Away
A New Jersey canine that was crowned the World's Ugliest Dog and later became the topic of a children's book preaching acceptance has died. Elwood was 8. His owner, Karen Quigley, says the Chinese crested and Chihuahua mix died unexpectedly. The Sewell resident said Elwood had been dealing with some heath issues in recent months but appeared to be doing well.
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More Vets Offering At-Home Euthanasia
Christi Winter always tried to give her dog Josie the very best in life, so when it was time to say goodbye, Winter didn't want to do anything less. Winter opted to have Josie euthanized at her home, a practice that isn't new, but is becoming a specialized area of veterinary medicine. At least two companies have cropped up in recent years that recruit veterinarians who deal solely with end-of-life care for pets.
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