Grab Your Pets and Join Us for a Celebration of Animals.
This month:
Roadkill Clothing Designer Pamela Paquin,
Emotional Support Tarantulas with Lori Brooks,
Animal Behaviorist Dr. Nicholas Dodman on Pet Suicide,
The 'Dog Food Dude' Rick Woodford,
Pet Blood Bank Founder Nicole Humphries.
Animal Radio® Show #1261
Road-kill Clothing
Pamela Paquin is an "ethical designer." She collects road-kill to turn into "Petite Mort," or stoles, collars and coats. The average price is $1000 for one of her creations. Many of her clients are upscale and affluent. Pamela says this is a tribute to the animals.
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Petco Stops Selling Treats From China
Petco has kept it promise and removed all dog and cat threats made in China from the shelves of it stores nationwide. Last May, the chain became the first national pet retailer to say it would stop selling the treats after reports began showing up Chinese-made treats were making animals sick, and worse. The move includes pet treats made for the Petco Brand 'unleashed' and those sold online.
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Top Dog Names
Next time you go to the Dog Park, you're likely going to hear someone calling for Max or Bella. Those are the top two names bestowed on puppies in 2023. says other popular names for boy dogs after Max were Charlie, Rocky, Buddy and Cooper. says there was a 37% increase in food-themed names like Coconut, Ginger, Kale, Peanut, Guinness, Vino, Mochi and Whiskey.
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Young Heroes
This week's Hero Person is 9-year-old Orly Sedransk. After a visit to her local shelter, she was moved to do something to make a difference. Through a 50/50 raffle, she was able to raise enough money to help the municipal shelter purchase cages to hold cats.
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Pet Food Stamps Program Shuts Down
When Pet Food Stamps, Inc. was formed, it got attention from all over, including being featured on CNN, CBS, ABC and Animal Radio. Founder Marc Okon raised $65,000, enough to handle the nearly 200,000 people who'd asked for help. He resigned last April, saying he was overwhelmed with applications and closed the program.
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Animal Radio® Show #1260
Emotional Support Animals
Often confused, there is a major difference between Emotional Support Animals and Service Animals. Lori Brooks has the lowdown on what this means for you and your Emotional Support Tarantula. Yes, he'll be able to get on a plane, but he may be legally turned away from your favorite restaurant.
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Stolen pets are on the rise. It doesn't matter what breed you have. An estimated two million pets were stolen last year in the United States. That's up 32% according to the American Kennel Club. And the number of actual dogs stolen could be potentially much greater. You need to be extra careful with your furry-family or they might end up in the ugly under-belly of human nature.
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Welcome the Pets in Bed
Many experts say "keep the pets out of the bed." But a recent study from the Center for Sleep Medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona could change some minds. Researchers surveyed 150 sleep center patients and found that more than half of pet owners allowed their pets to sleep in the bedroom. One out of five described their pets as disruptive, but 41% said their pets were quiet and even beneficial to their nightly sleep.
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Zika Virus and Animals
The big question this week is about the Zika Virus - and if our pets can be affected. While there is no evidence yet that they can carry it or transmit it, the relevant question is if they can be sickened by it.
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Animal Radio® Show #1259
Can Pets Commit Suicide?
Dr. Nicholas Dodman (Program Director for the Animal Behavior Department at Tufts) researched several alleged cases of pet suicide to see if it's possible. He's here to report on his findings and to answer the provocative question.
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Laws to Protect Pets Left Out in the Cold
While many states mandate that pets are not allowed to be kept outdoors in extreme weather for extended periods of time without insulated housing, others barely consider hypothermia deaths to be animal cruelty. Fortunately, some states and local governments are now enforcing harsher punishments for people who allow their pets to perish in weather extremes like the recent blizzard on the east coast.
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Get the Smell of Fresh Cat Head in a Bottle
Do you think the back of your cat's heads smells wonderful? A Japanese company has researched that scent, recreated it, and is now bottling it. The head of Yamamoto Perfumery spent four months doing research, sniffing many cat's heads to replicate the smell. The result? Fluffy Brow Scented Fabric Water. It can be sprayed on fabrics or anything to give them a lovely cat-head smell. A bottle sells for 1,200 yen or about $10 each.
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Cold Weather Tips
Doc Halligan and Dogfather Joey Villani have incredible tips for helping your furry-friends through the winter. Everything from their coat to their diet change when the weather gets frigid.
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Woman Has 1000 Cats
A woman in California has 1,000 cats. But she's no hoarder. Lattanzi runs Cat House on the Kings, the largest cat sanctuary in the country. It all started when she volunteered to bottle feed kittens for a rescue back 25 years ago. Today Cat House on the Kings has 45 paid personnel who help to care for the cats and maintain the property including a veterinarian and seven vet techs are also part of the team.
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Animal Radio® Show #1258
Share Your Food With Your Dog
The "Dog Food Dude," Rick Woodford is back. He says you should share your food with your dog. But doesn't that go against everything we've been taught about proper nutrition? No, not if you're doing it right.
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New York May Be First State to Ban De-clawing
If Linda Rosenthal has her way; New York will be the first state to make it illegal to declaw a cat. The Manhattan assemblywoman has introduced a bill to ban the controversial procedure sometimes called de-knuckling because it's actually the entire knuckle, which is the last bone in the cat's toe that is removed. Declawing of cats is already banned in many countries, including Australia, India, Spain and the United Kingdom, as well as seven cities in California, including Los Angeles and San Francisco.
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The Comeback of the Doghouse
Ask most pet owners and they'll tell you their dog sleeps in bed with them. The days of the doghouse seem to have all but disappeared. But Larry Hobbs has a booming business making high-end Eco-friendly doghouses. He'll explain why.
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UK's Dogs Must Be Microchipped
Beginning in April, all dogs in England, Scotland & Wales will have to be microchipped with their owners' details registered and kept up to date in huge database to encourage "responsible pet ownership." To help people get it done, Dogs Trust, the UK's largest dog welfare charity, is offering free microchipping. It's hoped that "Compulsory microchipping will help reduce the number of lost and abandoned dogs and it will allow authorities to directly identify dog owners and hold them accountable for their dogs' behavior and welfare.
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Dog Loses 100-pounds
At the beginning of a new year, everyone makes a resolution to lose weight. Well, Buddy the dog has a jump on all of us after losing more than 100 pounds. Buddy the 180-pound, 6-year-old, morbidly obese Australian Shepherd spent the last 9 months dieting and now weighs 71 lbs. He lost so much weight that he underwent skin removal surgery.
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Animal Radio® Show #1257
Pet Blood Banks
Nicole Humphries runs a blood bank for companion animals. She'll answer the itching question, is dog's blood different than cat's, or is a German Shepard's blood different than a Pug's? And where does all this blood come from? You never see a pet blood-mobile in the neighborhood.
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Cat Escapes Carrier on Delta Flight
A mischievous cat escaped its carrier on board a Delta flight last week and to the horror of a cat fearing flight attendant, the cat roamed free in the cabin. Of course, someone caught the incident on video and it had some comical moments. The poor cat's owner fell asleep with headphones on and somehow it managed to get out of the carrier.
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The Rising Cost of Cancer Treatment
For owners of dogs and cats stricken with cancer, expensive treatments only adds to the emotional difficulties. Just the initial cancer diagnosis can cost $2,000. A standard course of chemotherapy costs between $3,000 and $5,000. A bone marrow transplant costs between $16,000 and $25,000 and the cure rate is only about 33%. These aren't just wealthy people. Some used their life savings, and even refinanced their houses to pay for the treatments.
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It's a Crime To Insult The King's Dog
Some really strict new laws there now make it a crime to insult the Thailand monarchy and now a factory worker could go to jail for 37 years for making disparaging posts on Facebook about the king's dog. Turns out that the man was charged after making a "sarcastic" Facebook post about the dog. The 88-year-old ailing King rescued Copper from an alley and in 2002 he wrote a best selling book about her. She is so revered there that the media must address the dog as ma'am.
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Animal Radio® Show #1256
Bringing Pets Into Hospitals
Donna Jenkins is pioneering a movement to allow visitation of patient's personal pets during long-term treatment. She formed Zachary's Paw For Healing after her son passed from a terminal disease. During his final hours he requested a visit from the family pet but didn't want to sneak the dog into the cancer treatment facility.
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Becker is Back
Did you get a pet for the holiday? Dr. Marty Becker is back with tips that every new puppy or kitten owner should know. These tips could save you a lot of grief.
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Michael Vick Lobbies for Bill to Protect Pets
Former NFL quarterback Michael Vick got the celebrity treatment as he visited the Pennsylvania state Capitol last week to lobby for a bill to help protect cats and dogs from being left in unattended vehicles. Vick was a star quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons when he plead guilty to federal conspiracy charges in 2007 for his role in a dog fighting ring and served nearly two years in prison. He claims to have been reformed and spoke on behalf of animals saying, "The bottom line is that all animals thrive (on) kindness and respect. They depend on us like our children depend on us."
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Tests Show No Safe Travel Seats
Two years ago, in a first of its kind crash test, the leading pet harnesses, which were trusted by owners, failed again and again. Now, the Center for Pet Safety is testing pet travel seats. So are there any safe pet seats? Really, the answer is No. The Director at the Center for Pet Safety says they "do not recommend pet seats at this time for pet owners" to use for their pets in cars.
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Animal Radio® Show #1255
The Secret Language of Dogs
Accomplished dog trainer Victoria Stilwell returns to Animal Radio airwaves to help us decode our dog's behavior. She'll tell us what some common dog gestures mean. New studies show our dogs are much smarter than we give them credit for. Do dogs feel guilt? They sure look guilty when you catch them doing something bad.
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Holiday Dangers for Pets
Pet World Insider Robert Semrow has his list of the Top 5 Holiday Traditions That Can Land Your Pet on the Naughty List. Make sure you listen carefully so that you won't end up at the Vet Clinic.
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Pet Gift Guide
Judy-Claus continues her countdown of the greatest pet and pet lover gifts for the holidays. These are inexpensive and invaluable toys and gadgets that have been tested by the Animal Radio pets. We'll have giveaways of every single item to help you fill-out your gift giving. This week we're featuring a new tool for fast-eating dogs that will slow them down and improve on their foraging skills. We'll also give away a toy that combines a ball with Emojis.
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Ripley's Weird Animals
Edward Meyers is back for his yearly visit. He collects oddities for Ripley's and he'll be sharing his strange picks for animals that are a bit out of the ordinary, like the cat with BIG eyes and the dog that ate a round of gun ammunition.
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InsPurrational Posters for Cats
Mo Golden and Ross Cowman created a business of making motivational posters for cats. At first it was a novelty idea, but it turned into something truly beneficial for both cats and humans explains Ross.
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