Road-Kill Clothing
Pamela Paquin, Petite Mort Fur
Pamela Paquin is an 'ethical designer.' She collects road-kill to turn into 'Petite Mort,' or stoles, collars and coats. The average price is $1,000 for one of her creations. So, how is this being received? She says it's "Fashion to die for." Many of her clients are upscale and affluent. Pamela says this is a tribute to the animals.
Pamela advised us that there are a million animals killed on the roads every day in the United States. That's roughly 7 times the amount killed in the entire global fur industry every year. This means that there are approximately 365 million animals killed on the roads and about 50 million killed in the global fur industry every year.
Pamela grew up on a farm and had a lot of experience working with animals and had a sense of integrity about animals being a part of her food. She wanted to be a part of the humane raising and loving care of the animals as well as their slaughter, if she were going to be eating meat.
After a period of time living abroad, Pamela moved back to the states after having her daughter. Pamela remembers seeing all of the dead animals on the road in New England, but this time she decided to do something about it.
Pamela decided she just couldn't drive by these animals on the road any more. She applied for a license, found a taxidermist to help her and picked up her first raccoon. Unfortunately the raccoon was a little too "ripe" and couldn't be used.
In some states, like Florida, you don't need a license to pick up road-kill. But in New Hampshire, where Pamela was living, she needed a "Fur Buyer's" license. Pamela then moved to Massachusetts where she then needed a "Trapper's" license.
Last year, Pamela collected around 100 animals by working with Highway Departments, Animal Control Officers and Wildlife Officers. This was because she was also building up the infrastructure of her business at the same time and working on the sourcing and prototyping of the pieces. As a result, Pamela is only making accessories including neck muffs, mittens, hats, leg warmers, and those types of things. All her products are made to order.
When asked if this now encourages people to wear fur, Pamela states that much like coal power is not encouraged by the use of solar power companies, as a conscious species, we are attempting to move away from unsustainable practices. Much like cruelty-free makeup or fair trade that doesn't support child labor, her fur doesn't support the intentional killing of animals. She said it is the consumer's responsibility to educate themselves, just as it is with the difference between organic or GMO (genetically modified organism), coal or solar, and so on.
Pamela states that it's very interesting how people react to her products. She started wearing her products around town in New Hampshire, and when she told people about them, they were not fazed at all.
People there are used to the idea that if a deer is hit in the roads it is gone in a matter of minutes. People will eat it. It was no skin off their backs to accept it. No problem.
Pamela then started bringing her furs to private events in Boston. There, people were very interested and wanted to touch them. They were very excited and had millions of questions. Some of them even ended up being Pamela's first clients.
People were not only pleased with the actual product itself, but were also pleased that they could honor the spirit of the animal and to respect it instead of every other animal product that they consumed be it food or leather or even fur. They didn't have to disassociate themselves from what that animal lived. It was a wild and free animal that had a tragic accident that could now be a part of their lives.
Beaver was the reason the fur industry started in the United States hundreds of years ago. Next it was silk, and people became less focused on beaver fur.
Pamela uses beaver, bear, fisher (which is essentially American sable), raccoon and sometimes even skunk. She also uses coyote, which is very similar to the petroleum based synthetic furs that you see around the edges of people's hoods that are so popular right now.
Pamela has reached out to PETA, to the Anti-Fur Society, the International Fur Federation and the American Fur Council, because as far as she can see, this has to be done together. Demonizing people on either end of the spectrum is not going to get us very far, she states. If she wants to change the paradigm of how we source fur she has to be able to include everybody. These are the voices against fur and the voices for fur. Everyone has to be a part of it if it's going to work. It is a 40 billion dollar a year industry globally and if people really cared in enough numbers, then raising fur on fur farms would be illegal and that is definitely not the case in the Untied States. The fur industry has only grown.
"HERO PEOPLE OF THE WEEK" - 9-Year-Old Orly Sedransk - Raises Money For Shelter
This week's Hero Person is 9-year-old Orly Sedransk from Montclair, New Jersey. After a visit to her local shelter, she was moved to do something to make a difference. Through a 50/50 raffle, she was able to raise enough money to help the municipal shelter purchase cages to hold cats.
When Montclair third-grader Orly Sedransk visited the Montclair Animal Shelter with her father, Noel, and saw several dozen cats in their cages, the sight made her feel "a little sad." But like any compassionate animal lover, Orly took that "sadness" as a call to action.
Orly organized a 50/50 raffle among family and friends. A winner was selected who won half of the money raised, with the other half going to the shelter. However, the winner decided to give their winnings back to Orly so that 100-percent of the monies would go to the shelter.
The 9-year-old managed to raise over $500 so that the municipally run animal shelter could purchase several three-tier cat cages. Each light aluminum cage can fit three cats inside, which allowed shelter staff and volunteers to showcase some adoption-ready cats to the public that they wouldn't have had room to display if not for Orly's efforts
Along with raising money, Orly also volunteers at the shelter. It is not unusual to find Orly and her dad there on weekends walking the dogs.
Orly has also organized a towel drive in her class asking for towels and blankets for the shelter and is already thinking about her next fundraiser for the animals.
Orly has two dogs at home. One is a Labradoodle and the other one she is not sure what he is, because he is a rescue. Whens she grows up, she wants to be a human doctor or a veterinarian.
Thinking Globally. Acting Locally. Do you know someone that should be nominated for our Hero Person of the Week? Send us an email to:
The Dogfather's Grooming Tip with Joey Villani
Clipper Burn
A woman who has a poodle recently complained to Joey that every time she takes her dog to the grooming salon, her dog comes back with irritated skin. This happens especially on the areas where he is clipped short, like the face and feet.
If you have a poodle, you know that they usually get clipped short in the face and feet leaving 'clean face and feet.' Just like people, some dogs have sensitive skin and some don't.
Think about it when you're shaving. Whether you're shaving your face or legs, if you get it real close, you will be left with a shaving burn, requiring some type of lotion. This is no different for pets.
The only difference with your pet is that when they get irritated, the only thing they know to do is to scratch the area. When they scratch it, it becomes more irritated and can become infected, sometimes leaving a bloody scab requiring an expensive trip to the vet.

But, there are things you can do. If your dog has a history of clipper burns, you need to inform your groomer and they will need to cool down the area after shaving. You can give them Witch Hazel ahead of time for them to apply after a clip, which will cool down the skin and keep the irritation down.
Another item is Gold Bond Powder. This works really well, as it will actually stay on the irritation, instead of evaporating.
So if your dog is prone to clipper burns, think about giving Witch Hazel or Gold Bond Powder to you groomer before they begin.
The Dangers of Doggie Dragon Breath - Dr. Debbie
Does your dog's breath cause you to gag and turn away? Are your pet's kisses unwelcome due to fetid breath? Many dog owners recognize that distinctive smell which is often accepted as a condition of dog ownership. But stinky dog breath, while common, is actually a symptom of illness and should not be ignored. Doggie dragon breath, just like a blinking traffic light, is a sign of danger ahead. Don't ignore dog breath for what it is - an indicator of oral infection that if left unchecked will impact your dog's health and shorten his lifespan.
What's the big deal about bad breath? It's more than just the smell. Bad breath, also referred to as halitosis, arises from plaque and oral bacteria. Periodontal disease progresses as plaque accumulates, mineralizes into tartar, and inflammation causes destruction of the supportive tissues around the teeth. Dogs don't simply get cavities, rather they will lose their teeth as connective attachments deteriorate. Untreated dental infections jeopardize the health of nearby teeth and may lead to osteomyelitis - infection in the bone. And with time, untreated periodontal disease showers the bloodstream with bacterial products leading to other diseases such as liver, kidney and heart disease.
Fight Halitosis
The best way to control periodontal disease is to assume an offensive attack. Monitor your pet's oral health by flipping up your dog's lip to discover what is lurking underneath. Look for red inflamed gums, yellow or brown accumulation on the teeth, tooth discoloration, or bad breath. Any symptoms of periodontal disease should be addressed with your veterinarian. Have your pet's teeth cleaned regularly at the veterinary office and follow up with home dental care including daily brushing.
These professional veterinary cleanings are important to safely remove mineralized tartar, clean under the gum line, permit a thorough oral exam and take x-rays. Veterinary dental x-rays are an essential tool in detecting problems and have been shown to identify oral disease in 28-percent of dogs and 42-percent of cats that have an outwardly normal mouth.
Don't fall into the hype about herbal spray-on products or 'awake' dental procedures - these only offer a cosmetic improvement in visible tartar, which only covers a small part of the tooth. These methods, often incorrectly touted as a safe alternative to professional cleanings, can't address the 60-percent of a dog's tooth which lies under the gum line - exactly where periodontal disease brews and does its damage.
Once you identify that nasty doggie breath, you can be certain some degree of periodontal disease is present and dental intervention is needed. Statistics show that by 3 years of age 80-percent of dogs and cats already have periodontal disease. Don't forget that small and toy breeds of dog have accelerated dental problems diagnosed as young as 1 to 2 years of age.
Think prevention - have your dog's teeth cleaned and embrace home dental care steps. And the next time you find yourself in a cloud of canine halitosis, you won't turn the other way - you'll grab that toothbrush.
Featured veterinarian known as "Dr. Debbie" on national pet radio program, Animal Radio. Ebook author of "Yorkshire Terriers: How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend"; "Pugs: How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend"; "Mini Schnauzers: How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend"; and "Shih Tzu: How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend."
Animal Radio® News with Tammy Trujillo
Dogs Raised As Food Are Surrendered
Twenty-three dogs have been rescued from an unthinkable fate. The dogs are mostly Korean Jindos and were rescued from a farm in Seoul, South Korea where they were being raised as food. The farmer agreed to surrender the dogs and stop raising dogs for meat. They were rescued by the Humane Society International (HIS) and taken to the Animal Welfare League in Alexandria, Virginia to be evaluated and checked out by vets. The dogs have now been sent to shelters throughout the Northeast to be adopted. HSI has an ongoing campaign in Asia to rescue dogs from meat farms and to help dog meat farmers transition to other kinds of farming. This is the first group of dogs HSI has been able to bring to the United States through their campaign and hopefully won't be the last.
Top Dog Names
Next time you go to the Dog Park, you're likely going to hear someone calling for Max or Bella. Those are the top two names bestowed on puppies in 2023. says other popular names for boy dogs after Max were Charlie, Rocky, Buddy and Cooper. And while Bella was the number one name for girl dogs, Lucy, Sadie, Molly, Lola rounded out the top five. says there was a 37-percent increase in food-themed names like Coconut, Ginger, Kale, Peanut, Guinness, Vino, Mochi and Whiskey and a 78-percent increase in 'nature-related names,' including Lightning, Clover, Moose and Panda. And let's not forget more techie dog names showing up like Google, Siri, Tesla and Pixel.
Therapy Includes Half-Million Dogs
Everyone has probably seen campaigns to send cards or letters to a sick child, but 16-year-old Anthony Lyons wanted something different. He wanted photos of dogs, and he's gotten over half-a-million of them! Anthony is undergoing chemotherapy for leukemia at Phoenix Children's Hospital in Arizona. The hospital has therapy dogs come in on certain days but for the days the dogs don't come to visit, a family friend created a Facebook page to help make him smile and it's taken off. The page 'Photo Doggies for Anthony' has attracted photos and well wishes from people all over the world.
Petco Stops Selling Treats From China
Petco has kept it promise and removed all dog and cat threats made in China from the shelves of it stores nationwide. Last May, the chain became the first national pet retailer to say it would stop selling the treats after reports began showing up Chinese-made treats were making animals sick, and worse. The move includes pet treats made for the Petco Brand 'Unleashed' and those sold online. Petco says it will focus now stock only treats made in the U.S. and other regions of the world that "support complete pet health."
This Has Got To Be One Of The Saddest Stories Ever
In Scotland, someone left a male Shar Pei mix at a railway station with a suitcase full of his belongings. The dog is named Kai and was left with his leash tied to a rail and his suitcase beside him, containing his bowl, some food, a pillow and a toy. Kai had a microchip, which is how they found out his name, but when they contacted the owner, he said he had sold Kai in 2013 and couldn't provide the name or address of who he had sold him to. Since the story broke, the animal welfare group taking care of Kai says they have been inundated with offers to adopt Kai and his suitcase, which is fantastic, but authorities still want to find the person who left Kai at the station. That person could be charged under Scotland's Animal Health and Welfare Act. People found guilty are banned from keeping animals for a period of time or even for life.
Pet Food Stamps Program Shuts Down
When Pet Food Stamps, Inc. was formed in spring of 2013, it got attention from all over, including being featured on CNN, CBS, ABC and even Animal Radio. Maybe it was too much publicity. The organization has closed. In 2013, founder Marc Okon raised $65,000, enough to handle the nearly 200,000 people who'd asked for help. He resigned last April, saying he was overwhelmed with applications from people needing help paying for food for their pets. Control went to Gregg Sullivan, who now has closed the program. He says he could never get away from the negative image the group had gotten before he started. The New York Attorney General's Office reported numerous consumer complaints had been filed against Pet Food Stamps and that an investigation was underway. Sullivan posted pictures on the group's Facebook page showing a professional that took care of applicants' information, shredding the materials. Donations, he said, were either returned to senders or used to provide pet food to applicants.
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