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Animal Radio® Show #796
Dogs With PTSD
Former Navy Seal Michael Ritland created a non-profit to help military dogs transition to civilian life. Just like our human soldiers, dogs need help acclimating back into a normal environment. Small noises can cause extreme emotional distress in our enlisted canines.
Is Beneful Making Dogs Sick?
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Purina charging that the company's Beneful dog food is making dogs sick and even killing some. The lawsuit alleges that Beneful contains toxic substances. It was brought by Frank Lucido who says he started his three dogs, a German Shepherd, a Lab and an English Bulldog on Beneful, ate the first of the year. By the middle of the month, the German Shepherd started losing hair and became violently ill.
Unique Adoption Ideas
The Aloft Hotel is Asheville, North Carolina is helping the local shelter find homes for adoptable dogs with their unique program. So far they've found homes for almost two-dozen dog. Wait until you hear how they're doing it.
Jerky Treats Update
Most stores are no longer selling jerky pet treats made in China. The treats were connected to thousands of dogs getting sick and at more than one thousand deaths. But the FDA could never determine WHAT it was in the treats that were causing the issues. With the treats off the shelves, for the most part, the number of complaints to the FDA has gone down dramatically, but the agency says it still plans to continue it's investigation.
Police Dog Removed From Force
A Florida Police Dog is being kicked off the for for biting a Dunkin' Donuts worker in the calf. "Renzo" had been a police dog for about a year. This is his second bite incident.
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Animal Radio® Show #795
Non-Surgical Neutering
A new cutting-edge technology, originally invented for humans, may change the way we sterilize our pets. Without the risks of anesthesia or changing the way your pet appears, Zeuterin, a promising replacement for the costly neuter surgery, is being used at the SPCALA. President Madeline Bernstein is our guest and she explains this technology.
What Animals Say About Fidelity
The website IllicitEncounters.com specializes in matching married people for affairs. They did a survey on pet ownership and found that those who have a pet in their life are less likely to cheat on their spouse.
Mouse Makes Off With Dentures
When a pair of dentures goes missing, 68-year-old Bill Exner is convinced a mouse took them into the wall. He even says the mouse taunted him - until he convinced his son-in-law to put an axe to the wall.... where they found his dentures and the little mouse.
Dangerous Supplements
Dr. Debbie explores the risks associated with pet supplements. She's especially concerned about Colloidal Silver and its affects on companion animals. Dinovite also tops her list of questionable supplements. She'll explain why.
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Animal Radio® Show #794
Better Living Through Pheromones
Animal Radio® Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker is back with the scoop on pheromones. Can the synthetically produced smell be helpful in calming cats and dogs, or is it a waste of money?
Pedigree vs. Mutt
It's long been thought that mutts are much healthier, both mentally and physically, than those pure bred for pedigree. While there may be some truth to this, it is not always the case. Author Michael Brandow describes how the quest for status has harmed man's best friend.
Feeding Hungry Pets
This week's Zeuterin Hero Person makes sure that those on welfare are able to feed their pets. The law doesn't allow welfare recipients to buy pet food with food stamps. Allison Smith started the Pet Pantry, supplying resources for strapped pet owners.
Another Pet Food Merger
JM Smucker, the company behind Smucker's Jam, has purchased Big Hearts Pet Brands, which includes Meow-Mix, Milk-Bone, Pup-Peroni, Kibbles 'n Bits and Natural Balance. Recent consolidations mean that only a handful of companies make your pet's food. Perhaps the food will also be sourced and made in the same factories. This may not bode well for the consumer or your pets.
Therapy Ducks?
Former Ohio National Guardsman Darin Welker uses ducks to treat his PTSD. The town council says he hasn't presented enough evidence that the ducks serve a medical need and that he would face imminent harm without them.
Man Finds Dog 18 Months Later
Richard Brower's German Shepherd, Dozer, was stolen 18 months ago. He looked everywhere. After a year-a-half, Richard decided to share his home with a new dog. He did an online search for 'German Shepherds for sale,' which led him to the local animal rescue and right there was Dozer on the front page.
Tax Breaks For Pet Owners
It's that time of year again. Taxes. Your pet might come in handy here. Of course your cat is always available to help sort papers of lay down on them so they don't get moved, but there really are some more financially practical ways they can help your bottom line.
Zombie Cat in Custody Battle
Last week, we had the story of Bart the cat that was hit by a car and buried but was actually still alive. Bart dug his way out and made it to his neighbors yard. Bart is now officially, and fondly known, as the Zombie Cat. If you think his story couldn't get stranger, think again.
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Animal Radio® Show #793
What Happens When You Leave?
Most of us wonder what our dog does when we leave the house. Most imagine that they'll curl up and sleep until we return. Mike the Intern put a GoPro Video Camera on his dog, "Guinness." What he saw when he reviewed the video went viral on YouTube. He's our guest and he'll explain the inspiration behind his experiment.
Gentle Giants
This week's Zeuterin Hero Person rescues large breed dogs. These are often the last at the shelter and have nowhere to go. Candace Bright devotes a lot of time and her paycheck from waitressing to make sure these big dogs are taken care of.
Practical Uses For Muzzles
Company of Animals' Dr. Roger Mugford joins us from "across the pond" to explain why Europeans embrace the muzzle more than U.S. pet owners. Perhaps it's time to change the way we think about these tools.
Bad Breath
Did you know your dog's stinky breath could be because of dental disease? And did you know dental disease could affect your pet's organs and be fatal? Find out why your friend's breath makes you tear.
Canine Motion Sickness
It's a more common question than you might think. Can our pets get car-sickness? Just like us, our dogs can get dizzy and throw-up. But determining whether it's a genuine sickness or just a phobia of traveling can be difficult. Dr. Debbie has answers.
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Animal Radio® Show #792
America's Got Animal Talent
This week we're sending 5 animal acts to the front of the line at NBC's America's Got Talent auditions. AGT Casting Producer Erin Tomasello is our guest and she wants you and your pets to win a million dollars.
Gimme Some Skin
Dr. Debbie and Joey Villani cover many of the different skin related problems your pets can have. From mange to cancer to dry itchy skin, they'll tell you whether or not you need to see your vet or if the answer is in your pantry.
Animal Ambulance Service
Our Hero Person, Cheryl Brady started an ambulance specifically for animals in the Sarasota area. She's transported over 4000 animals and has as many stories to share.
Preventing Bloat
Some dogs are simply predisposed to bloat, a fatal stomach issue that needs immediate attention. Some guardians are electing for a preventative surgical procedure called Gastropexy.
Get Your Ex A Hissing Cockroach For Valentine's Day
If you are looking for a less than romantic gift for an 'ex' on Valentine's Day, the San Francisco Zoo might have just the thing. You can adopt a hissing cockroach or giant scorpion in the name of your 'ex'. The zoo says the gift could protect your karma and help it continue its mission of connecting people with wildlife.
New Research On Rabies
New research on rabies done at KSU could change the way we think about rabies and prompt more people to keep up with their pet's rabies shots. If a pet is exposed to rabies and is up to date on boosters, they just need another booster and they'll be fine. But pets that are not up to date, end up in quarantine at the vets for 6 months to make sure they don't come down with the disease.
In Dog We Trust
The rug in the entranceway to the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office is forest green with the sheriff's gold badge on it. Where it's supposed to say "In God We Trust" it says "In Dog We Trust." Hundreds of people have walked on the rug without noticing. A deputy finally spotted it the other day. The Sheriff's Department now plans to auction off the rug with the proceeds going to a local animal rescue group.
More this week
Next Week: Candace Bright - Mike the Intern - Dr. Roger Mugford
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Free Pets and People Drug Discount Card
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Animal Radio® Show Highlights
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Bed Bugs Invade New York
Dr. Debbie has answers for distraught caller - can dogs get it?
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Wild Veterinarian Stories
Dr. Debbie has her share of strange cases.
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Animal Radio® News Update
Smucker's is now one of the handful of big pet food companies. Can a duck be a service animal? Strange dog reunion. (brought to you by Drs. Foster & Smith)
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Jessica Cameron Guests
The extremely entertaining actress and "Scream Queen" Jessica Cameron is our special guest.
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TailsInc February Pet Events Calendar
Janice Brown-Gork delivers the monthly pet events calendar.
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Foie Gras Ban Oveturned
How does a law banning Foie Gras get overturned?
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The Truth About Muzzles
Dr. Roger Mugford, the inventor of Halti, has the real reason you should consider a muzzle.
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New Update
News Director Tammy Trujillo reports on tax breaks available to pet owners. Bart the Zombie Cat's story gets stranger.
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