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Animal Radio® Show #1057
He's No Dummy
Ventriloquist Jay Johnson (SOAP) brings his witty banter to the show this week to talk about his connection with his dog and his involvement with Actors and Others for Animals.
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Living Rent Free
Emma Higgins hasn't paid rent in three years. To boot, she's been traveling throughout Europe. How does she pull this off? She's a live-in pet sitter. She takes care of animals and house sits for extended periods all over the world. She has tips to help you give up your 9 to 5 and start traveling rent-free.
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Touchscreen Tablets For Dogs
Researchers at the FIDO project at Georgia Tech are working on a touch screen tablet that is made just for dogs! The tablet literally enables a dog to make calls and send texts. However, the technology is not to entertain your furry best friend while you are at the office, it's designed for service dogs to give them new ways of communicating vital information when their handler is in danger.
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World's Ugliest Dog Not a Chinese Crested
A 125-pound Neapolitan Mastiff named Martha has been crowned the "World's Ugliest Dog" at a Fair in California. Sort of silly because Martha is the cutest big girl with her big old floppy head and skin. Her sleepy eyes also helped her stand out from the pack of 13 other interesting looking dogs at the 29th annual World's Ugliest Dog competition in Petaluma. For representing the perfect "cute-ugly mix" 3-year-old Martha was awarded $1,500 prize, a trip to New York and a trophy.
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Animal Radio® Show #1056
Are People Harming Their Pet For Drugs
A lady in Kentucky was charged with fraud and torture after she cut her dog multiple times to get the opioid and pain-killer Tramadol. Is this just the tip of the iceberg? Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald is back to chime in on the national opioid crisis and how it affects our pets.
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Who's Your Daddy?
Mindy Tenenbaum has joined the ranks of the increasingly popular pet DNA testing industry. Her company, DNA My Dog uses a sophisticated, yet easy to use cheek swab test that reveals your dog's genetic make-up. This information can be used to moderate your pet's health and understanding its behavior. Mindy will be giving away a DNA test to a deserving listener.
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Dogs Are Chick Magnets
As much as it can irk cat people, studies show people with dogs are thought to be more approachable, happier and more empathetic. For men, there is also the chick magnet effect. But why is that? Dr. Helen Fisher a longtime relationship researcher who also consults says people are attracted to dog owners because, "It says you can care for a creature, that you can follow a schedule and get home to feed it, that you can walk it and love it and spend time with it." Nearly 33% of respondents said they had been "more attracted to someone" because they had a pet. 66% of respondents said they would judge their date based on how he or she responded to their own pet.
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How Much Would You Pay To Save Your Cat?
A little over a year ago Betsy Boyd of Baltimore got the bad news that her 17-year-old cat Stanley's kidneys were failing and he likely had only a few months to live. So Betsy, who is a very frugal part time professor, made the decision for Stanley to have a $19,000 kidney transplant.
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Animal Radio® Show #1055
Rap King to Trap King
The Trap King Sterling Davis spreads the word about Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) and his approach to educating and engaging different demographics while ending the "crazy cat lady" stereotype! "Gotta let the fellas know, you don't lose cool points for compassion."
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Could Your Pet's GPS Leak Sensitive Information?
Smart collars and other devices for animals that track their locations are very popular now. However, the problem, according to Kaspersky Lab, is that these tracking devices can leak sensitive information. The pet-tracker class of connected gadgets adds one more layer of vulnerability, but calling attention to the flaws could be a wake-up call to the manufacturers.
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Don't Lease a Pet!
Buying a pet at a pet store can end up costing twice what it says on the price tag if you are lured into signing a pet-leasing contract. Pet leasing has been drawing scrutiny from lawmakers and animal welfare groups since last year highlighted many consumer complaints against Reno, Nevada-based Wags Lending, which pioneered the practice of loans to lease pets. And if you stop making payments, the company has the right to take your animal back and ding your credit score.
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Music Calms The Savage Beast
Multi-platinum musician Terry Woodford's Canine Lullabies are being played in over 2500 rescue and shelter facilities. The results are quite remarkable. The music, with a heartbeat in the mix, reduces anxiety and comforts sick animals.
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It's Allergy Season
Did you know your dog could be allergic to cats? Did you know your cat could be allergic to YOU? Many pet owners are dealing with animals that have seasonal or food allergies. Dr. Debbie has some ideas for when you've tried everything else to comfort your pet.
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Animal Radio comes to you from the Red Barn Studios
Animal Radio® Show #1054
Natasha Lyonne Spoils Her Maltipoo
Actress Natasha Lyonne (Orange is the New Black) is our guest. She divulges her obsession with "Root Beer," her Maltese/Poodle mutt. Natasha joins Will Arnett, Stanley Tucci and Shaq for the new movie Show Dogs. She says it's much easier to work with dog actors than human actors.
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Human Meds for Pets
Dr. Lisa Radosta explains the use of common human behavioral medicines, including Prozac, for use with anxiety-ridden dogs and cats. She says veterinarians are more eager to prescribe psychotropic drugs to help our pets live a Fear Free life. Listen to Dr. Radosta in the Fear Free Pets Expert Series.
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Can Animals Predict Earthquakes?
It's been believed by many people that dogs, cats and other animals can anticipate or predict an earthquake. Now, for the first time, researchers have scientifically studied the claim. It is near impossible to determine whether the unusual animal behaviors are predictive or coincidence. However, the experts acknowledge, "the animals may sense seismic waves generated by fore shocks, but probably can't predict an earthquake."
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Who Loves Ya Baby?
Christian Savalas, son of Kojak star Telly Savalas, has just finished designing a smartphone gaming app revolving around his mother's dog. He joins us to share the inspiration behind "Wild Wiener," the wildly addictive dachshund game.
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United Airlines Bans Certain Breeds of Cats & Dogs From Flying
After a review of all of its policies and practices concerning animals, United Airlines is banning 25 different pet breeds when it resumes flying pets this summer. It will be a few months, but United will again accept dogs and cats in the cargo hold starting July 9 if the pet parent is booked on the same flight. United will now no longer allow 21 dog and four cat breeds that are prone to physical problems from heat or other travel stress.
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Animal Radio comes to you from the Red Barn Studios
Animal Radio® Show #1053
Former Mob Head Turns Into Pussycat
James Guiliani was the head mob enforcer in Brooklyn for over 20 years. He said his used to get a high inflicting violence on behalf of John Gotti. Now he gets high saving animals after a dog changed his evil ways. James is our guest and he explains how he got out of the mafia and into pet rescue. Oh, he also has a brand new show on the Oprah Network.
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Cat Videos Made The Internet
The Internet Cat Video Festival is selling out and attracting huge audiences nationwide. It's not a bunch of single cat-women that are attending these feline festivities. William Braden, winner of the Golden Kitty Award for his viral videos, is hosting the event. He joins us and explains this strange phenomenon and our unquenchable desire for cat videos.
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Dope Of The Month
What happens when you get pulled over after ingesting your dog's tranquilizers? The defendant said he mistook them for his own vitamins. Likely story? Nope, just another moron skimming his dog's medicine. Britt Savage reports.
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Forget The Raccoons - We Got Bears
We get a lot of calls about all kinds of animals. This week Dr. Debbie helps with a small bear problem that seems to be threatening local dogs. First tip, stop putting food out for the deer.
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Sicker Pets, But Less Vet Visits
Pets are getting sicker, and many owners don't have a clue. One reason: They're not going to the vet. Dog vet visits have slipped 21 percent since 2001 and cat visits have dropped 30 percent, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.
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Leave Your Pet Out In The Cold - Be Charged With A Felony
Anyone who leaves a dog outside in the cold should be charged with a felony, says State Senator Greg Ball. Ball is calling on tougher new legislation to protect dogs and cats from being left outside in the cold all day.
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