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Animal Radio® Show #1109
Exploring How Animals Think, Talk, and Feel
Nancy Castaldo authored a book with vivid photographs, first-person interviews and historical anecdotes exploring animals' ability to show empathy, communicate and develop complex social societies. Humans have changed their overall perception of animals. As little as 40 years ago, many considered animals to be "machine-like" creatures that feel no pain. Now, we know different. But how much do we really know? Nancy will share her research on the clever little rat and why cats don't rank.
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Police Given Okay To Shoot Dogs
In a shocking and controversial decision, a Michigan Federal Court granted police the right to shoot a dog that moves or barks at them when they are inside a home. The decision stems from an incident in Battle Creek, Michigan where police shot and killed two dogs while executing a search warrant looking for drugs inside a couple's house. While this doesn't give permission across the board, it will set a legal precedence in the justice system. One has to ask why such lethal force is necessary? Why won't a stun-gun or pepper spray suffice?
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Kids Don't Need Siblings, Just a Pet!
According to a new study from the University of Cambridge, children get more satisfaction from the relationships they have with their pets than with their brothers and sisters. The research also found that many children get along with their pets better than their siblings. While boys and girls were equally satisfied with their pets, girls reported more companionship and conflict with their pet than boys, and girls talks more to their pets.
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Skin Cream Kills Dogs
A skin cancer cream that is usually used to cure and prevent skin cancer has killed at least five dogs after they accidentally swallowed it. The FDA is warning pet owners to keep the prescription cream out of reach from pets. It is called Fluorouracil and is sold under the brand names Fluoroplex, Efudex and Carac.
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Third Hand Smoke Harms Pets
The FDA has a new warning for pet owners who smoke saying it's not just second-hand smoke that's harmful to pets. Animals are also at risk for being exposed to third-hand smoke, which includes the residue that lingers on skin, clothes, carpets and other household items that ends up on their fur. Obviously most animals groom themselves, meaning that residue getting transferred from the floor, couch or your hand to their fur is ingested.
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Redbarn Naturals Mini Bully Barbells Dog Treats, Case of 75
Animal Radio® Show #1108
Fake Service Animals Might Be A Crime
Misrepresenting a pet as a service animal may become a crime in Wyoming under a bill being considered in the State Legislature. The issue stems from people claiming their pet is a service animal in order to bring it into a place like a restaurant, store or rental property that doesn't allow pets.
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Battling Allergies in Pets
Sure, many of us are allergic to pet's dander, but did you know that your dog's scratching and itching could be their allergies. Whatever the source, food or environmental, there are great new medicines with little or no side-effects. Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker explores these alternative allergy treatments.
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Everything's Bigger in Texas
Only in Texas would you walk into someone's home and be greeted by a 2,500 pound family pet buffalo named Wild Thing. He's been living in his human parents house since he was a three-month-old calf and is treated just like he's a member of the family. Ronnie and Sherron Bridges even gave Wild Thing his own bedroom, where they say he likes to watch cartoons. They also let him eat at their dining room table and are OK with him wandering in and out of the house whenever he pleases. The Bridges say "It's like having a small car in the house."
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Dog Shoots Sleeping Girlfriend
A man who claims his girlfriend was shot while she was sleeping is blaming the dog! Brian Murphy says his partner was shot in the leg after their dog Diesel leaped on the nightstand where he keeps his gun and accidentally set it off.
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What My Dog Taught Me
Sanjay Gupta is our guest this week. He says he learned more from his dog than he did during 25 years of Philosophy education. His dog's insights clarify what really is important in life. Sanjay will share the most poignant message his Basset Hound taught him.
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Introducing Chewy Pharmacy - Free Shipping on Pet Meds!
Animal Radio® Show #1107
Alaska is the Unlikely Adopter of New Pet Custody Laws
For the first time, a state has specifically said that a companion animal has visibility in a divorce proceeding beyond that of property and that the court may award custody on the basis of what is best for the dog, not the human owners. In a first, Alaska divorce courts will now treat pets more like children even though, in the eyes of the law, animals are considered property. It makes Alaska the first state in the country to require courts to take "into consideration the well-being of the animal" and to explicitly empower judges to assign joint custody of pets.
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Dog Dies, 5 Others Sickened from Pentobarbital in Pet Food
At least five dogs have been sickened and one has died after eating canned dog food. The reason is a barbiturate, Pentobarbital, has been found in one lot of the food. The manufacturer is recalling five lots of 12-ounce cans of dog food which were distributed in 15 states. Pentobarbital is frequently used to euthanize dogs and cats, which calls into question what the beef protein really was.
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Germany Taxes Dog Owners
In Germany, there's a legal difference between pet owners. Dog-owners are taxed for their pet, while cat-owners currently aren't, though some say that should change. An estimated 13 million cats call Germany home and that doesn't include stray cats. German officials say those policies help prevent shelters from being overrun and allow them to stick to a 'no-kill policy.'
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Why is Dental Health So Important to Your Pet?
Your pet's dental health is a key factor in controlling fatal organ failure. Unlike humans, infected gums can lead to bigger problems than bad breath. It's common for 'out of control' teeth tartar to lead to kidney failure as infection travels through the bloodstream. February is National Pet Dental Health Month and we have tips and tricks to help your pet live a long healthy life. One of the tricks is to avoid anesthesia free dental cleanings, because they don't work and could actually cause problems.
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Introducing Chewy Pharmacy - Free Shipping on Pet Meds!
Animal Radio® Show #1106
Pit Bulls Being Used To Fight Crime
Brad Croft of Universal K9 trains shelter pit-bulls to assist police officers in fighting crime and searching for people. The success of the program can be seen around the country as more police departments express interest in these dogs.
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Fixing A Broken Heart
Even the most grounded person can be devastated by the loss of a pet. Dr. Guy Winch is an authority on broken-hearts and has answers to common questions following the death of a pet. He says you should avoid the 5 common mistakes when grieving the loss of a pet, including not getting rid of reminders like feeding bowls and leashes and feeling guilty about getting another pet.
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Can Dogs Really Smell Fear?
If you've ever been nervous around a dog and told to just be calm because dogs can "smell fear," well, that is good advice though most people can't suddenly calm their fear. Believe it or not, the sentiment behind that guidance is rooted in some truth. While dogs probably can't literally smell fear, they do seem to respond to fearful people with more aggression according to a new study in the British Medical Journal.
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Emotional Support Peacock Not Allowed on United
The stories of unruly flights caused by animals continue to grab headlines around the world, like the one where a woman attempted to bring her pet peacock onto a flight out of New Jersey's Newark airport. The woman was told the big bird would not be allowed on the plane even though the owner had bought a separate ticket for the peacock. United Airlines issued a statement saying the peacock did not meet guidelines for a number of reasons, including its weight and size.
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Introducing Chewy Pharmacy - Free Shipping on Pet Meds!
Animal Radio® Show #1105
Is It Wrong To Love Your Pets More Than Humans?
Clinical Forensic Psychologist Dr. John Huber culled research indicating that, given the choice, we prefer puppies over people. Respondents to a recent survey are significantly less distressed when adult humans were victimized, in comparison with human babies, puppies and adult dogs.
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Myths of Dog Training
Monique Feyrecilde breaks the common fallacies associated with training your dog. She'll share the mistakes we make when trying to change our dog's behavior. Monique is next in the spotlight in the Fear Free Pets Expert Series.
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Why Is It So Important To Care For Your Pet's Teeth
It's National Pet Dental Month. Not another Hallmark card opportunity. This is the ideal opportunity for your veterinarian to check for dental issues that could ultimately be fatal if gone unchecked. Dental care isn't about vanity as much as it's about preventing organ failure because you thought a 'non-anesthesia dental cleaning' was all you needed.
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Pets of the Homeless
Genevieve Frederick heads up an organization that connects pet food and veterinary care with homeless folks and their animals. Since 2008, her non-profit has found health care for 17,500 pets. Now, the organization is on the hunt for more veterinary practitioners to offer discounted assistance to the homeless.
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Airline Passenger Allegedly Told To Flush Hamster Down The Toilet
This story has become the latest controversial case in airlines versus people seeking to travel with emotional support animals. It sure started a lot of conversations and caused a lot of online emotional venting and virtually all of it not good. It all began Thanksgiving weekend when a beloved pet hamster was flushed down a toilet in an airport bathroom, supposedly after the airline, Spirit Airlines, refused to let a 21 year old college student bring her pet hamster.
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Redbarn Peanut Butter Chew-A-Bulls Large 12" Dog Treat
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