Grab Your Pets and Join Us for a Celebration of Animals.
This month:
Comedian Paula Poundstone
Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom host Peter Gros
Scientific American Senior Editor Josh Fischman
KONG Inventor Joe Markham
Celebrity Petsitter Laura Vorreyer
Animal Radio® Show #1169
Crazy Cat Lady Paula Poundstone
We're flashing back to comedian Paula Poundstone's guest spot. She proudly defends being the cat mama to 16 cats (3 if the landlord asks). She's trying to decide whether to buy cat litter or send her kids to college.
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Wag App Cautionary Tails
A Houston couple is finding out firsthand some of the unintended consequences that can come with letting a stranger on an App take care of your pet. Their version of the unthinkable happened when they trusted a stranger on the "Wag!" app to walk Winnie, their 10-month-old Wheaten Terrier. Winnie died on that walk. The husband says Wag! representatives have not offered any details into how Winnie died. Wag did offer to reimburse the couple $188.71 for Winnie’s cremation costs if the couple signed a non-disclosure agreement, stating that, among other things, they would be legally required to keep quiet about what happened to Winnie. Just eight days before, another Wag! dog-walker in California was charged with animal cruelty after police say he kicked one of the four dogs he was walking.
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Cuddly Hedgehogs Carry Salmonella
Government health officials are warning that there have been at least 11 people infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Typhimurium in 8 states. All involved hedgehogs. Even when hedgehogs appear healthy, the CDC says they can carry salmonella germs in their droppings. Those germs can then spread around the hedgehog's body and then to anything in the area where they live.
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Aspirin Can Be Fatal For Your Pet
While Aspirin might be just what the doctor ordered after a night out drinking; your dog or cat's body won't assimilate the chemicals safely. Enough 'well-meaning' aspirin can kill your pet. Same holds true for Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen. There are a lot safer anti-inflammatory medicines that your veterinarian can prescribe. Animal Radio's Dr. Debbie has a tip for determining if something your pet swallowed is toxic and if you should go to the veterinarian.
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Animal Radio® Show #1168
No Dogs Left Behind
Jeffrey Beri founded the global animal rescue No Dogs Left Behind. He checks in with Animal Radio from China where he's rescuing thousands of dogs from a horrific life and ultimate slaughter. He reports that the Chinese are changing their view on pets.
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Think About Your Pets When Buying That Tech Gadget
Tech expert Kim Komando says every piece of technology we put into our homes could very easily emit a sound that cannot be heard by humans but comes in loud and clear for pets. That's not to say pets are suffering because of our gadgets, but that the possibility exists and it is something you may want to consider. In scientific terms, humans can hear sounds up to about 20,000 Hz, while dogs can hear sounds up to 45,000 Hz and cats 64,000 Hz. That means there are frequencies undetectable to us but very noticeable and even hurtful to animals. Lights can also be a problem, because animals see the world differently than humans. LED lights flicker more than others, though the speed at which they do so isn't really noticed by humans. Dogs, however, are sensitive up to 80 Hz or flickers per second.
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Retiring Former Research Chimps
The Director of Behavior and Research at Chimp Haven joins Animal Radio to talk about the many chimps that are now living at her sanctuary in Louisiana. Amy Fultz is currently fund raising to help build more habitats in the 200-acre refuge.
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Animal Radio® Show #1167
Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom
The little known insurance company would've sunk into obscurity if it weren't for the marriage to the iconic television programming it hitched its name to. Marlin Perkins and his monkey hosted the Sunday evening tradition. The show lives on today as a web series hosted by this week's Animal Radio guest, Peter Gros. Peter talks about several harrowing experiences filming wild animals, including chasing a 12-foot python through the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in Manhattan.
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Meet Your Breed
Don't just get a dog because it's cute. To ensure a long lasting relationship, you should get a breed that suits your activity level, as some dogs require lots of stimulation while others, like the unsuspecting Greyhound, would rather be a couch potato. Behaviorist Kim Brophey is here to help you pick out your new furry family member.
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Raccoon Overdoses on Heroin
Firefighters at Wayne Township in Indiana must still be laughing about a recent visit they had from a frantic woman who showed up at the station house early one morning with her pet raccoon. The raccoon was stoned after being exposed to too much marijuana and the owner thought the raccoon was overdosing. Later, they discovered the raccoon had actually gotten into someone's stash of heroine.
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The New Fear Free Guide
The biggest thing to recently happen to animal welfare is arguably the Fear Free movement. Starting with veterinarians, changes were made to make vet visits a better experience for the pet and everyone involved. Then Fear Free moved into the household by creating the Fear Free Happy Homes program. Now, with the help of Fear Free father and renown author, Dr. Marty Becker talks about the new Fear Free book, From Fearful to Fear Free.
Listen to Dr. Becker in the Fear Free Expert Series on Animal Radio.
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Animal Radio® Show #1166
Hidden Pain In Cats
Cats may feel pain but there may be no obvious signs. Dr. Robin Downing specializes in pain and palliative medicine for pets and she explains why cats may not exhibit the signs of pain, or at least how humans perceive pain. Dr. Downing also discusses pain treatments for our furry friends. This segment is part of the Fear Free Expert Series.
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Sea-furring Felines
We remember the bold seafarers of yore, from Magellan to Shackleton, for their extraordinary exploits; New lands discovered, storms weathered, and battles won. But somehow history has neglected the stalwart, hardworking species who made it all possible ... yes, the noble cat! Philippa Sandall joins us from down-under to describe these under appreciated sea-furring felines.
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Firefighters Thought They Were Rescuing Puppies
Firefighters in Colorado Springs say they are pretty surprised to learn that the littler of "puppies" they rescued from a storm drain were actually baby foxes. Before learning they actually had baby foxes in their care, they were taken to a veterinary hospital where they were told the tiny little things were really newborn red fox kits.
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Animal Radio® Show #1165
Who Is Smarter? Dog Or Cat?
Scientific American Senior Editor Josh Fischman translates the results from current research on the brains and neurons of cats, dogs, raccoons, bears and humans. You may be surprised by the results. Cat lovers - brace yourself.
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Has Your Pet Restricted Your Travel Plans?
According to a study of 2,000 American pet parents, half of them have never traveled outside of the country since owning their pet. The main reason pet owners struggle to take a vacation without their pet is likely due to the 68% who felt especially guilty when they leave their pets behind.
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Your Cat May Be Giving Away Your Home Address
Identity theft has been a big concern for years. Now those photos you post of your pet could lead strangers straight to your home. The meta-data hidden beneath those cute furry photos include your geo-location. And one website,, actually highlights just that.
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Two KONGs For Every Dog In America
The KONG is the most ubiquitous dog toy in existence. The name KONG has become a part of the vernacular, just like Kleenex and Band-Aid. So, you'll be quite amused when KONG creator Joe Markham tells us how the toy was invented by accident. This is the last installment in the Fear Free Expert Series.
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Bucket List For Shelter Dog
An animal shelter in Arlington, Virginia, is helping a dying dog with cancer live his best life. The Animal Welfare League of Arlington hopes that a family will adopt Smoke, a 10-year-old hound with terminal cancer, in the last weeks or months that he has left. But, until that time, the shelter has created a bucket list for Smoke that is still growing. On the list already are entries such as riding in a fire truck, eating ice cream, going to the beach, riding in a police car and howling with the sirens, and getting a full body doggy massage.
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Animal Radio® Show #1164
High Tech Dog Kennel
If Rebecca Eyre gets her way, you'll never again see a dog tied up outside a retail or food establishment. She says "Dogspot," a climate controlled parking spot for your dog, is being rolled-out across the country. Using the smartphone app, you'll gain access to a safe and secure dog locker fitted with UV lamps and cameras. So many questions, so little time.
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What's So Important About Blood Tests
Has your veterinarian ever recommended an expensive battery of blood tests for your pet? Dr. Fred Metzler explains why these blood tests are needed to really understand your pets health, even when they're healthy. Since our pets cannot speak English, veterinarians rely upon blood to tell the story. Dr. Metzger is our next speaker in the Fear Free Pets Expert Series.
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Petsitter To The Stars Speaks
Laura Vorreyer has become a petsitter for celebrity pet owners and their furry companions. She says that some of her clients have large requests when it comes to pet are. Laura will tell us about a popular singer who tests her songs on her dogs to see if they'll be a hit.
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Potatoes and Lentils in Dog Food Linked To Heart Disease
There's some new information from the Food and Drug Administration's that says
potatoes, legumes, peas and lentils used as protein sources in many dog foods may be linked to canine heart disease. The agency is researching dogs that developed dilated cardiomyopathy, or DCM, which is a disease of a dog's heart muscle and often results in congestive heart failure.
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Animal Radio® Show #1163
Supermodel Chicken
Model Summer Rayne Oakes dispels common stereotypes. A Cornell graduate in Etymology, she has no problems feeding her best friend live meal-worms, something that would make most models squirm. Of course, her best friend is a chicken named Kippy. The two are inseparable. You might see them together on a N.Y. Subway. Kippy has even appeared in several photo shoots.
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Does Your Pet Dream?
Have you seen you pet twitch, move or mumble while they sleep. Could they be dreaming? Harvard Professor and Dream Researcher Dr. Deirdre Barrett shares what she knows about pet dreams.
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Dealing With Noise Phobias
Some pets can be alarmed or startled by noises like thunder, cars and fireworks. It's not uncommon. Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorist Dr. E'Lise Christensen tells us about ways we can desensitize our furry friends. Our pets deserve to be Fear Free Pets.
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What Would You Give Up To Take Your Dog To Work?
As part of last month's Take Your Dog to Work Day, Ollie, a human-grade dog food company, polled animal lovers who currently cannot take their dog to the office to see what they would be willing to do to gain that privilege. One in four said they would give up three vacations days if it meant their dog would be allowed in the office. Additionally, 70% of pet parents said they would show up to work earlier if it meant they could bring their dog and 68% said they would stay later. Two-thirds of those polled said they would be willing to switch to another company if it meant getting pet-friendly perks.
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Airlines Want To Ban Support Animals
Two major air carriers, American and Southwest Airlines, are urging the Federal Government to no longer require them to allow Emotional Support Animals on board. The Transportation Department is reconsidering its rules for traditional service animals and comfort pets. The flight industry group, Airlines for America, which represents American and Southwest, has told the Transportation Department that it should narrow the broad definition of "service animals" to only quote, "trained dogs that perform a task or work for an individual with a disability."
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Animal Radio® Show #1162
The Secrets Of The Snout
Scientist and researcher Frank Rosell joins us live from Norway to talk about our pet's incredible nose and smelling capabilities. He'll explain why your friend's dog is "all-up-in-your-business" and just how far and how much our dog can smell stuff. They can even smell cancer.
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65-year-old Woman Has Had Her Pet 56 Years
Here's a story you don't hear very often. Jeanna Smith got her pet tortoise during the Kennedy administration, and it might still be alive for the Bieber administration. Not many people live most of their life with their childhood pet.
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What To Do When You Can't Reach A Veterinarian
The Fear Free Pets Expert Series continues with Dr. Dawn Crandell. She'll teach you how to evaluate and treat your pet when a veterinarian isn't easily accessible. Before you take your dog on a trip or camping, make sure you're prepared for the unexpected.
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Your Turn To Weigh In On Airline Service Animal Policy
The Transportation Department announced it's seeking comments for drafting rules for dealing with animals flying with passengers on planes. The proposal asks for comments about questions such as: whether to treat psychiatric service animals the same as other service animals, such as for the blind and deaf; whether to require emotional-support animals to travel in containers or with a harness or leash; and limiting the types of animals qualifying as emotional-support animals.
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