Animal Radio® Show #779
Char Char
Actress Charlotte Ross guests this weekend. This charismatic fireball loves the animals. You've seen her on Glee, NYPD Blue, Nashville and Arrow. But her biggest role is being a voice for the voiceless.
Myths About Fleas Treatment
There are lots of home-remedies for fleas that simply don't work or can be dangerous for your pet. No, Motor Oil doesn't work, and is obviously very dangerous. Lemon juice doesn't kill fleas either. Nor does Dawn dish detergent. Dr. Debbie & Dogfather Joey Villani have what you need-to-know to effectively and safly rid your pet and house of fleas.
Cat expert Jackson Galaxy is back. This time he has great ideas for turning your house into a cat-friendly playground without losing its aesthetic appeal. It's not enough to just have a feeding bowl and litter anymore. Cats need stimulation. Jackson has a plan, even if you're a renter. Oh, did we mention we have giveaways of Jackson's new book?
Human Separation Anxiety
Forget about canine separation anxiety. Let's talk about how much we miss our pets when we go out of town. 10% of us call our pets to say hi. 4% of us send postcards to our pets. And a whopping 23% of us buy souvenirs for our critters. Tammy Trujillo has all the details about our obsession with our pets.
Let's Pass On Gas
Our Hero Person this week is trying to put an end to an archaic method of euthanization. 22 states still use the gas chamber to get rid of unwanted animals. Joe Dwyer adopted a dog that survived a gassing. Now the lucky dog, "Daniel," is the poster-dog for anti-gas chamber legislation.
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Animal Radio® Show #778
Dean Koontz is Back
Award-winning, best-selling author Dean Koontz returns to Animal Radio® airwaves to tell us the story about his dog, Anna. According to Dean, Anna purchased a computer and started answering advice emails. Tune in to hear the rest of the story.
Dog Food Advisor
Dr. Mike Sagman was a dentist, until he gave that up to create an unbiased website that reviews every pet-food on the market. Nobody is in his pockets...although they try. He's here to tell us how pet-food manufacturers deceptively use loopholes to make their label read better. Find out how your food stacks up.
Cat Sense
John Bradshaw is arguably the top expert on cats. He's back to dispel myths and tell us what goes on inside the head of our kitties. For instance, did you know cats can hear very-low and very-high frequencies? While cats can't see in the dark, they can see only a few colors well in dimly lit areas.
AVMA-CDC on Ebola and Our Pets
Dr. Doug Aspros from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) have teamed up to bring you the latest information on the Ebola virus and your pet. Is your pet vulnerable? Probably not. There are real risks you should worry about. Many thousands of people died last year from Rabies alone.
Pet Crowd-funding
This week's Zeuterin Hero Person created a crowd-funding website similar to Kickstarter to help pay for much-needed pet projects. Whether it's funding surgery or feeding homeless animals, Sarah Timms wants to use modern fundraising techniques help pets live happy and healthy lives.
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Animal Radio® Show #777
Ebola and Your Pet
Dr. Debbie answers the hard questions you have about Ebola. Can your pets get it? Can your pet transmit it? It turns out that Ebola might be the least of your worries for your pet's health.
Deaf Dogs Rock
This week's Zeuterin Hero Person cares for dogs without hearing. Christina Lee and her hubby started a non-profit to help find homes for deaf dogs. Typically these dogs won't get adopted and will be put-down. Things are changing thanks to this couple.
Top Halloween Pet Costumes
Research shows more and more of us are dressing up our pets for Halloween. It's big business at They're into creating matching costumes for human and critter. Top Dog Holly Botsford is going to give away $50 in costumes to a lucky listener.
Bats In The Belfry
Amanda Lollar rescues the very misunderstood and maligned bat. She's out to prove Hollywood got it wrong and that these mammals are actually pretty useful and cute. And if you like Tequila, you'll want to support her efforts, because without bats, there would be no tequila. Not to mention a lot of bugs.
Reality Shock
Edward Meyer from Ripley's Believe It Or Not is back for his annual segment on animal oddities. You'll hear about cats with strange markings and dogs that can fly. Edward will have plenty of giveaways of this year's coffee-table book, Reality Shock.
Don't forget to download the free puppy stencil for carving an awesome pumpkin.
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Animal Radio® Show #776
Joyce DeWitt Guests
She played Janet, the brunette on Three's Company. Joyce DeWitt is our special guest this week and she's "talking dogs." She'll be starring in a Hallmark made-for-TV movie about dogs.
GPS Microchip Fraud?
Karen Hanover was a recent guest on Animal Radio® and discussed a new device she and her mother created called Escape Alert, a GPS microchip that could track your dog if he/she ever got lost. Hanover signed a plea deal in federal court stating that she bilked 48 people out of nearly a million-and-a-half dollars.
E-Cigarettes Causes Trouble for Pets
With the advent of electronic cigarettes, veterinarians are seeing more and more nicotine poisoning events. The pen-like smoke vaporizer usually is flavored, which makes it even harder to keep away from dogs. Dr. Ahna Brutlag from the Pet Poison Helpline is here to explain.
Pet Insurance Reform
California has become the first state in the nation to enact a set of protections for people who buy pet insurance. Assembly bill 2056 requires insurers to explain their policies more clearly and give people a 30-day trial period, during which a person can get a full refund. The pet insurance industry is expected to grow to at least $750 million by next year, while Americans spend more than $15 billion annually on veterinary care.
Wacky Wednesday
Our weekly wacky pet photo contest is getting more popular. Send us your wacky pet pix to This week you can win PetSafe's Pagoda Drinking Fountain. If you don't have any crazy pictures of your animals, then drop by our Facebook page to vote on other wacky pictures.
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Animal Radio® Show #775
When a marriage breaks up, it's the children who often get caught in the middle, but pets can end up becoming the subjects of custody battles too. Now the British animal charity Blue Cross has come up with what it calls a 'Pet-Nup' that spells out who will get the family pet if a couple splits up.
Goldfish Undergoes Life Threatening Surgery
You don't hear very often, maybe never, about a goldfish having an operation. But you don't often hear about a goldfish having a life-threatening tumor growing from its head. Little George of Melbourne, Australia had both.
Can Rabies Be Eliminated?
Experts on rabies have come up with a plan to eliminate the disease for once and for all, but it still needs funding and cooperation. It involves a program for mass vaccinations of dogs in certain regions of the world where rabies is most common.
Beagle Returns Lost Airport Items
If you leave something behind when you get off a plane, getting it back can be a real pain. Not so anymore if that plane lands at Amsterdam Airport Schipole. Sherlock will get it back to you, no problem. Sherlock is a beagle specifically trained to return lost items to passengers.
Owning A Chimp Can Harm Them In The Long Run
Admit it, a lot of us have wanted to have a chimpanzee as a pet. But the first ever study on how human interaction affects chimps, shows that we are doing them more harm than good. It found that chimps raised during the first four years of their lives by humans suffer serious social and behavior problems when they get older.
Makeovers For Dogs & Cats
One pet groomer in Yekaterinburg, Russia is doing more than just baths and hair cuts, she's giving dogs and cats makeovers into creatures like mythical green dragons or yellow and black striped bumblebees. Daria Gotz says she only uses dyes made from botanical extracts that wear off once the animal's coat grows out. See the Video
Our Hero Needs a Hero!
This week's Hero Person has her hands full with paraplegic and quadriplegic dogs. Elizabeth Forsberg has adopted animals that normally would be put-down because of their handicap.
€¦.and, of course, Dr. Debbie and Dogfather Joey Villani are answering your pet questions about jumping dogs, TPLO surgery, doggy A.D.D., teaching your bird to talk, fleas, eating poop, ear-mites, hairballs, motion sickness, allergies and aggressive behavior. Call toll-free with your questions: 1-866-405-8405.
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Join Animal Radio® on Facebook for Wacky Wednesday! Win great prizes every week for your wacky pet pictures. Last month we gave out goodies from PetSafe, PetzLife, Bret Michaels Pets Rock, PetMate and more. Be sure to vote on your favorite Wacky Pet Pictures. Visit us on Facebook now. #WackyWed
Animal Radio® Show Highlights
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Toilet Training Cat
Dr. Debbie answers a listener's question about training your cat to use the toilet. Now the line at the bathroom will be even longer.
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Ebola and Your Pets
What is really known about Ebola and our pets? But Dr. Debbie can assure you that Ebola is not what you should be worried about. Many thousands more dies from Rabies.
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Dealing with Anal Glands
What's the best way to handle problem Anal Glands? Don't do it yourself. It could change your relationship with your pet, not for good.
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Crazy Snake Guy
Brian Barczyk is back to tell us about his new online TV show. He's been bit 100,000 times and has about 30,000 snakes.
Hear Brian Now
November Pet Events
Janice Brown - Gork of TailsInc is back with her monthly pet events calendarHear Pet Events Calendar Now
Animal Radio® News Update
Tammy Trujillo has the latest Pet News Headlines brought to you by Drs. Foster & SmithHear Pet News Now
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