Animal Radio® Show #883
Talk To Your Cat About Gun Safety
Zachary Auburn is on the show to deliver an important message. He wants you to know how to talk to your cat about gun safety, abstinence, drugs, Satanism, and other dangers that threaten their nine-lives. Zach believes we can make our cats - and America - great again.
Music for Cats Topping Charts
A special music album created just for cats is being lapped up by humans too, and has topped two classical music charts on Amazon and iTunes. Despite being allergic to cats, American cellist David Teie released, "Music for Cats," featuring five instrumental compositions after raising more than $200,000 on Kickstarter. On the album, bird chirping accompanies his cello playing along with purring noises based on his theory which he researched for two years, that mammals have an intuitive response to sounds present in their early development.
Drive-Thru Restaurant For Dogs
Bane and Vader are a couple of gentle, barrel-shaped bulldogs. They're also the namesakes of a unique new business in Easton, Pennsylvania, "Bane and Vader's Drive-Thru Restaurant," exclusively for dogs. Pull up and order a FreshPet meal with your choice of add-ins including fruits, vegetables, eggs, and peanut butter. You might even want to take home some doggie ice cream for dessert. Their mom, 30-year-old Amanda Brown, left her job as a pharmaceutical sales representative, but she's back to work making what she calls Yappy Meals and Bow-Wow Bowls for motorists who want to treat the pooches to something special. Her idea came from a survey that found one in six restaurant drive-thru customers picks up something for a dog, too. While some restaurants offer special menu items for dogs, In-N-Out Burger has a special unseasoned Pup Patty served in a doggy bag and Starbucks offers a small cup of whipped-cream called a Puppuccino, Bane & Vader's is strictly for the dogs. It has no special menu items for humans.
Airport Hires Therapy Dogs
With the crowds, and the lines, flying can be stressful. So, the Albuquerque New Mexico airport has come up with a way to calm you down when you travel. More than a dozen therapy dogs are joining the thousands of passengers at the airport. One of them is known as "Turbo," and he loves people. He especially loves to lick guys with beards. Turbo is one of 15 certified therapy dogs and K-9 ambassadors now giving peace to stressed out travelers. Thanks to the 70 people who volunteer their time to handle the dogs, the program will be expanding the number of therapy dogs soon.
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Animal Radio® Show #882
Cats Vs. Dogs. Who's Smarter?
The extremely charismatic Dr. Ernie Ward is back on Animal Radio to answer the age-old question about which pet is more intelligent, the Dog or the Cat? You may be surprised by the answer, unless you own a cat... or a cat owns you!
Grumpy Cat's Broadway Debut
Grumpy Cat, the internet's most famous (and wealthiest) feline , not only unveiled a waxwork of herself recently at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in Washington D.C, she also joined the cast of the Broadway musical "Cats" to close out the show in NY. Grumpy was cheered on by the cast and by the audience as she received a placard commemorating her Broadway debut.
Your Next Pet Could Be A Robot
Your next dog, or your parent€™s next dog, could very well be a robot. Hasbro has launched a new life-like robotic dog. It's a companion pet pup to go with their companion pet cat already on the market. Both are designed to bring comfort and companionship to aging adults. The robotic cat, with its really soft fur, gently vibrates when it purrs, while the puppy barks and cocks its head when you speak. But they are far from being the only robot pets on the market.
Pairing Cats With Autistic Children
The MU Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction is introducing a new research program titled, "The Feline Friends Project." The project will pair children with autism with a cat and monitor the impact the cat has on the child's anxiety level and social skills. The research center has published several studies that outline the benefits that children with autism receive from having pets in the home, citing increased social skills as a primary benefit.
There's A Fox In The Chicken Coop
You may have seen the viral video of Strawberry, the chicken that watches TV. She's our guest along with her guardian, Olivia Fox. According to Olivia, TV isn't the only bad habit this chicken has. Apparently Strawberry enjoys some of the sweeter things in life.
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Animal Radio® Show #881
Smelling Like A Dog
Dog Cognitionist Alexandra Horowitz is back. This time she wants us to know just how well a dog can smell. Did you know they could smell earthquakes? She wants to teach us how to sniff things out just like a dog.
Vet Bills Are Through The Roof
If you feel like your pet's vet bills are through the roof, you're not alone! It seems the animal health care system suffers from many of the same problems as human medical care, according to a new report from researchers at Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They found that some features of the systems are shockingly similar, in that both have seen a huge increase of dollars spent on end-of-life care.
Barkville TV
Actress Olivia Barash is our guest. She's here to talk about her new YouTube series called Barkville TV. Olivia will even show off her talents as a voiceover artist as well as describe the series she's producing and directing.
You Can Now Be Buried With Your Pet
Pet owners in New York can now take their trusted furry companions with them to the grave since the governor has signed legislation making it legal for the cremated remains of pets to be interred with their owners at any of the approximately 1,900 not-for-profit cemeteries in New York that are regulated by the state. Among the most famous Big Apple pet owners who wanted to be buried with their pets was Leona Helmsley, the hotel magnate dubbed "The Queen of Mean" who died in 2007 and had in her will that she wanted her pampered pooch "Trouble" interred with her.
Should Your Pets Sleep With You?
If you kick your dog off the bed every night, you might want to stock up on apology treats. A study of 150 people conducted by the prestigious Mayo Clinic on Sleep has found that, contrary to popular belief, sleeping with your pet doesn't actually disrupt your sleep as much as you might think.
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Animal Radio® Show #880
Lucky Dog
He's the Emmy Award winning host of CBS's Lucky Dog. Brandon McMillan is back to teach us the basics: Sit, Stay, Down, Come, Off, Heel and No. He'll also clear up the confusion between the techniques taught by Cesar Millan and Victoria Stilwell.
Is Your Dog's Halloween Costume Sexist??
Young girls may be discarding their princess wands for superhero capes this Halloween, but not so in the canine world. The glass ceiling appears to be firmly in place at PetSmart, where career costumes labeled "male" include firefighter and police officer, while female dogs can choose between a pink cowgirl costume or ballerina. At Party City, Super-girl and Wonder Woman dog costumes were priced 30% higher than Superman costumes.
Costume Giveaway
Madonna Sheehy from has the list of top pet costumes for your furry-companion. She even has matching human/pet costumes. Will you be a part of the 16% that dresses our pets up for Halloween? Madonna will also give away two costumes of your choice.
Yes, You Can Train A Cat!
Cat Psychologist Pam Johnson-Bennett is back with tips on training the feline persuasion. She'll also explain why cats gravitate toward cat-haters and those that are allergic to them. Pam will also enlighten us to why cats must sit on your homework or computer keypad.
What Types Of Pets Should Be Allowed On Airplanes?
Turkeys, pigs and even roosters have flown the friendly skies, carried onto commercial planes by passengers who identified their furry and feathered friends as emotional support animals. But a committee of airline representatives and disabled rights advocates continues meetings in Washington, D.C. to come up with new rules on what type of animals should be permitted on planes and what documents should be required to prove the animals are legitimately needed.
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Animal Radio® Show #879
Nicole Sullivan Guests
America's Favorite Dog Walker, actress & comedian Nicole Sullivan (King of Queens - MadTV) is our guest this week. She wants you to know about the Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats. She's also wants you to know her sleeping arrangements.
Caring for Fukushima Pets Left Behind
Shortly after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan five years ago, residents who lived near the plant were immediately evacuated because of the risk of radiation exposure, but did you know they were forced to leave their animals behind? Fortunately a man named Akira Honda raced to the disaster area to help.
Creating a Foster Revolution
The mastermind behind the world's largest pet adoption website, Petfinder, is working to change the way un-adoptable animals find homes. Betsy Saul has started the website to unite transitional pets with foster parents.
DON'T Give Your Dog a Bone
Vets are now warning people not to give their dog a bone because it could kill them. And, if you're thinking that only applies to cooked bones, which break and splinter much easier, that is not always the case. Surgery is usually needed to remove any blockage and in some cases, the damage caused by bones is so serious that it can be fatal.
120 Pound Rodent
The word rodent implies ugly unwanted, little creatures that sneak into your home and freak out a lot of us. There is a 120-pound rodent in Texarkana that is genuinely loved, hugged and even given home-cooked meals. His name is Chico and he€™s a Capybara, a species National Geographic says is, "The World's Largest Living Rodent."
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Animal Radio® Show Highlights
Animal Radio® is on iHeart Radio!! Listen to full shows or Listen to highlights
Talking to Your Cat About Gun Safety
In what has to be the strangest interview of the month, Zachary Auburn tells us that a frank conversation with your cat could keep them on the straight and narrow.
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Dog Saves Bulimic Woman
Shannon Kopp tried everything to beat Bulimia. It wasn't until she met a dog that things changed for her.
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Comedian Christine O'Leary - UNEDITED INTERVIEW
Hear the entire unedited interview of Comedian Christine O'Leary, voted America's Funniest Lesbian. She's rescuing dogs from Aruba.
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Animal Psychiatrist Dr. Nicholas Dodman tells you about the animals that suffer from the same mental issues as humans. Have you heard about the horse with Tourettes?
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Cat Shrink Says You CAN Train a Cat.
Pam Johnson-Bennett is perhaps the foremost Cat Psychologist. She says it is possible to train a cat. And she'll explain some of the cats weirder tendencies.
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Tails Inc November Pet Events
Janice Gork of Tails Inc Magazine is here with the November Pet Events Calendar.
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