Grab Your Pets and Join Us for a Celebration of Animals.
This month:
Anthrozoologist John Bradshaw, Cat-daddy Jackson Galaxy
Animal Planet host Travis Brorsen, and the extremely charismatic Dr. Ernie Ward.
Animal Radio® Show #1146
The Science Behind Loving Our Pets
Anthrozoologist John Bradshaw says our love for pets is in our DNA. It's likely that if our parents carried the gene, you'll inherently love pets. John explains why humans are genetically encoded to enjoy companion animals.
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The Importance of Pet Enrichment
It isn't enough to supply food, shelter and health care for your pet. They need more. Your pet needs enrichment. This could mean anything from food puzzles to exercise. Dr. Marty Becker explains in the next segment of the Fear Free Expert Series.
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Facebook Data Reveals Differences Between Cat and Dog Owners
Facebook is all about the data. Facebook combed through its user base collecting information from 160,000 users in the United States who shared photos of cats or dogs (or both). They used object recognition technology to identify photos. They found dog people have more friends and more likely to be in a relationship. 30% of cat people are not in a relationship, compared to 24% of dog people. This is just the tip of the data iceberg.
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Another Supposedly Euthanized Pet Found Alive
A New Jersey woman who thought her dog was dead believed that her 15-year-old Mini Pinscher named Caesar had been euthanized 5 months earlier at her vet's office. However, she recently found out that the dog had actually been living with an employee of the vet. Caesar's owner had even picked up his collar, paid the bill and received a letter from the staff with their condolences. The woman received an anonymous tip from someone who told her that her dog was still alive and in the care of a vet technician that worked at the hospital but that the veterinarian no longer worked there.
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Holiday Statistics Paint An Ugly Picture For Our Pets
The busiest time of the year for a veterinarian is between Halloween and Christmas. Well meaning pet parents could be feeding their pets fixings from the dinner table, unknowingly causing pancreatitis. Redbarn's Lindsay Tracy is back with tips and tricks to avoid being a holiday statistic, while sharing the holiday with your your furry-family.
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Animal Radio® Show #1145
Does Your Cat Have Mojo?
Cat-daddy Jackson Galaxy has a house-full of his own cats (news flash), plus dogs and a turtle. So does he have the same problems as us common folk? You bet he does. Find out how he keeps harmony in his household.
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California Pet Stores Can Only Sell Rescue or Shelter Dogs
The California Governor has signed the Pet Rescue and Adoption Act into law, making California the first to have such a law that is statewide. Dogs, cats, and rabbits will arrive at pet stores in the state already vaccinated and spayed or neutered. The biggest opposition to the law came from The American Kennel Club and the California Retailers Association.
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Blessing Your Animals
Dr. James Capers is here to bless your animals. Grab your pets and bring them around the radio for this special ceremony. This is the next best thing to a visit from St. Francis of Assisi.
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Making Sure Your Pet Has A Safe Holiday
Redbarn's Lindsay Tracy is back to share tips for celebrating a safe holiday. This time of year can spell doom for your pets. In fact, between Halloween and Christmas, veterinarians see more animals than the rest of the year. Pancreatitis soars around Thanksgiving because the well-meaning guardians feed their furry companions leftovers from the table. Don't let your pet become a holiday statistic.
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Woman Wins Sick Pay to Care for Pet
An Italian college professor and dog owner has won the right to sick pay from her employer, after she took time off work to care for it. She only asked for two days leave because the dog needed constant medical supervision before it could be taken into surgery. When her employer refused her request, she appealed, demanding her right to paid leave as a public servant. Italy's Penal Code prohibits the abandonment of pets and that keeping an animal in conditions that may cause it to suffer is a crime in the country. Each is punishable with jail time or a hefty fine. So, the university reconsidered the case and ruled in the woman's favor, granting her the leave, which is traditionally granted only for workers dealing with serious personal or family problems.
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Introducing Chewy Pharmacy - Free Shipping on Pet Meds!
Animal Radio® Show #1144
My Big Fat Pet Makeover
Animal Planet host Travis Brorsen ushers a four-month weight loss and behavior modification journey with pet owners and their overweight animals. Is your pet tipping the scale? Don't take it personally. Over 60% of American pets are obese.
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Why Is Understanding Your Pet's Body Language Vital?
Licensed Veterinary Tech and Certified Professional Dog Trainer Debbie Martin is here to help us decode our pet's body language She says there are some common signs of distress or anxiety that people miss. This is part of our Fear Free Expert Series.
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Pot and Pets
A new study out of Colorado shows a four-fold increase in pet cannabis-related medical cases and much of that is simply pets getting into their owners' stash. The active chemical in marijuana called THC (it's what gives users the high) is toxic to pets. Veterinary experts say that cannabis can damage the neurological system in pets and can sometimes be fatal. Also, many of the marijuana desserts and sweets are made using Xylitol and artificial sweeter which is also extremely toxic to dogs.
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Missing Cat Reunited With Family After 10 Years.
Pets seem to go missing all the time, but it's not every day that they are reunited with their families. Jack the cat and his family was incredibly lucky! Ten years ago Jack went missing but because Jack had been micro-chipped as a kitten the Sanctuary where Jack eventually ended up was able to find his family after all that time.
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Getting Pneumonia from Guinea Pigs
There's a new discovery that's just hit the world of guinea pig lovers. Dutch researchers say the cute furry rodents may carry germs tied to a very serious type of pneumonia. It's caused by the same bacteria the causes pink eye in guinea pigs and three people in the Netherlands have wound up hospitalized for pneumonia after contact with guinea pigs.
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Introducing Chewy Pharmacy - Free Shipping on Pet Meds!
Animal Radio® Show #1143
What's It Like To Be A Dog?
Neuroscientist Gregory Berns managed to put several dogs into an MRI machine to scan their brains and try to understand how they think and feel. Do dogs have emotions? Do they have empathy? Do dogs have a sense of humor? You may be surprised at some of these answers.
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Counterfeit Flea Medication
The latest break in the counterfeit investigation came after a California man admitted in federal court that he had been selling unregistered and smuggled animal pesticides online for 15 years. The phony products were sold at pet shops in every state. Authorities say the phony products were labeled with well-known brand names, such as Frontline and Advantix, and entered the legitimate pet pharmaceutical marketplace without any detection whatsoever. The counterfeit medication even ended up in some big name chain stores as well.
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Dog Friendly Breweries
The website has unveiled its brand new list of dog-friendly breweries across America. It joins their lists of dog-friendly restaurants, beaches and other attractions, along with airline and car rental policies for pets and pet friendly vacation activities. For example, did you know there are whale-watching trips, excursions mining for gems, wine tastings and apple picking activities for you and your pet?
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I Spent A Night At A Dog Hotel
What's it like to be the only human staying at one of the most luxurious dog exclusive resorts in the United States? Cathy Alter finagled her way into an 8 million dollar pet hotel for the night. She reveals her experience to us.
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Bill Forces Pet Stores To Only Sell Shelter Pets
California is looking to take a stand against puppy mills. If Assembly bill A.B. 485 is passed, the bill would enact a statewide ban on the sale of puppy mill pets in pet stores, allowing only adoptable pets from legitimate shelters and nonprofit rescues groups. Animal advocates say by passing the bill, it will enable California to cut off the supply of inhumanely bred puppies and prevent consumers from unwittingly supporting puppy mills.
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Animal Radio® Show #1142
Cats Vs. Dogs. Who's Smarter?
The extremely charismatic Dr. Ernie Ward is back on Animal Radio to answer the age-old question about which pet is more intelligent, the Dog or the Cat? You may be surprised by the answer, unless you own a cat... or a cat owns you!
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Your Next Pet Could Be A Robot
Your next dog, or your parent's next dog, could very well be a robot. Hasbro has launched a new life-like robotic dog. It's a companion pet pup to go with their companion pet cat already on the market. Both are designed to bring comfort and companionship to aging adults. The robotic cat, with its really soft fur, gently vibrates when it purrs, while the puppy barks and cocks its head when you speak. But they are far from being the only robot pets on the market.
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There's A Fox In The Chicken Coop
You may have seen the viral video of Strawberry, the chicken that watches TV. She's our guest along with her guardian, Olivia Fox. According to Olivia, TV isn't the only bad habit this chicken has. Apparently Strawberry enjoys some of the sweeter things in life.
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Pairing Cats With Autistic Children
The MU Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction is introducing a new research program titled, "The Feline Friends Project." The project will pair children with autism with a cat and monitor the impact the cat has on the child's anxiety level and social skills. The research center has published several studies that outline the benefits that children with autism receive from having pets in the home, citing increased social skills as a primary benefit.
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Redbarn Peanut Butter Chew-A-Bulls Large 12" Dog Treat
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