Danger lurks for your pet at this time of year
- From the Hood to the Hills!
- Famous author's dog sells more books than he does!
- Once In Nine Lives, Something Extraordinary Happens...
- More Than 1,700 Pounds Of Muscle; Over 80 Tattoos; And One Unlikely Mission
- Favorite dog costumes
- What has an 88% - 97% success rate in detecting cancer?
The Dangers of Fall
Doc Halligan
As lovely and inviting as fall is, this time of year has many dangers lurking for cats and dogs. The following are common problems that pets encounter during fall.
Every year, thousands of dogs and cats die from ingesting very small amounts of this highly toxic liquid. Many pet owners unknowingly poison their own pets by leaving antifreeze out in puddles (from radiator leaks on the garage floor) or in an open container lying around, just waiting to attract and kill pets. As little as five teaspoons can kill a 10-pound dog and one and a half teaspoons can kill a 10-pound cat.
These pests appear in spring and summer, but in many areas of the country, fall is peak tick season, so you need to continue with parasite prevention. As the leaves come down, ticks will be trying to come in from the cold, so it’s critical to protect your pet.
Standard Time
As the daylight hours become shorter, you may be walking your dog in the dark. Switch to a reflective collar for your dog and a jacket with reflective tape for you. Carry a flashlight to keep both of you safe.
Car Engines
As warm summer nights drift into chilly fall evenings, cats, kittens, and small wildlife become very resourceful and often seek out the warmth of car engines, where they will sleep under the hoods of parked cars. So, during the fall and winter months, always bang loudly on the hood of your car or honk your horn and wait a few minutes before starting the car to allow hidden animals a chance to escape, especially if there are cats in your neighborhood, to prevent fatal consequences from moving engine parts.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Dogs and cats are far more sensitive to carbon monoxide poisoning than humans due to their small lung capacity. Never start your car and let it warm up in the garage unless you remove your pets and maintain or properly vent all gas appliances. Also, install a carbon monoxide alarm in your home; it’s inexpensive and widely available in stores, and could save the lives of you and your pet.
Rat/Mice Bait
Fall is typically the time of year that we wage war on field mice, gophers, rats and moles searching for warm lodging. For cats and dogs, this can prove to be deadly, as the products used to kill rodents in your home will also kill your pets.
Get more information at http://AnimalRadio.com

From the Hood to the Hills!
Artist Knox – Beverly Hills Groomer
After grabbing his $50,000 prize money for winning Groomer Of The Year, Artist Knox opened his own grooming shop and named it The Artist Knox Pet Salon in Hollywood, California. He says it’s going really good and customers are calling on a constant basis. Artist feels he has arrived, because he has a stalker – and as he says, “You’re nobody until somebody’s talking you!”
Even though Artist won the title of Groomer Of The Year, he admits that he was fired at his first job of grooming. It turns out while grooming dogs at Petco, when the grooming salon closed, Artist stayed open. He didn’t have the heart to turn any dog away and even after grooming the most dogs in one day at Petco, (27 dogs) they fired him. This compassion for the animals furthermore almost cost him the title of Groomer of the Year.
Artist didn’t always have dreams of becoming a groomer. He originally wanted to be an obstetrician but his mother became ill and he had to quit school. Even though Artist is now enjoying the fruits of his labor, he has traveled a hard road in order to get to where he is today.
Artist recently completed his first season of Beverly Hills Groomer on Animal Planet and we are crossing our fingers that it will be picked up for another season!
Listen to Artist Knox on Animal Radio®
Keeping Your Pets Safe On Halloween
By Dogtime.com
 Halloween just isn't Halloween without trick-or-treaters, bags full of candy, and glowing jack-o'-lanterns, but to your pet these holiday essentials can be downright frightful--even fatal .
By taking a few precautions, you can ensure a happy Halloween for everyone in the family, pets included. (And if you have a pooch that wants to dress up for the occasion, don't miss our favorite dog costumes.) |
- Chocolate is hazardous to dogs, so be sure to keep the candy bowl out of reach. If your pet discovers the bowl, he's likely to consume a large quantity of chocolate since it's all sitting in one easily accessible place. Candy wrappers and foils can be also be hazardous if swallowed, as intestinal blockage may occur. If you discover your dog has devoured the candy bowl contents, call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (1-888-426-4435).
- Keep pets safely inside, rather than out in the yard. The noise and commotion from trick-or-treaters might spook your pet, and there is always the risk that pranksters may release your pet from the yard. This is especially important for black cats , as they are often specifically targeted for torment or abuse on Halloween.
- The constant ringing of the doorbell may overly excite or frighten your pet, and the frequent opening of the door provides him with the opportunity to escape . It's a good idea to keep your dog contained in an area where he can't easily make a run for it. (Keep ID tags on him, just in case.) This also keeps your pet safely away from trick-or-treaters, who he may not react kindly to out of fear.
- Lit pumpkins and wagging tails do not go hand in hand. Keep pumpkins out of reach to prevent burns and fires (not to mention smashed pumpkins). If consumed in large quantities, pumpkins can cause stomach issues and intestinal blockage.
- If you have a dog who's dressing up this year, make sure he is comfortable in his costume. He may look cute in it, but remember that he's a living animal, not a dress-up doll, and any restriction of movement or breathing is a bad sign. Check to make sure there are no loose parts that could get caught and strangle him, and that there is nothing on the costume he can try to eat. Don't leave your dog unsupervised while he has his costume on.
Get more information at http://AnimalRadio.com |

A Memoir of a Joyful Dog
Dean Koontz – A Big Little Life
Everybody knows Dean Koontz. He is an enormously popular novelist with eleven #1 New York Times bestsellers to his credit. But do you know Trixie? She was the Koontz family's beloved golden retriever who passed away in 2007. Trixie even authored her own book, Bliss To You, and she had quite a following of her own.
In Dean's latest book, A Big Little Life: A Memoir of a Joyful Dog, Dean's first non-fiction work, he talks about Trixie's life and how she touched all those who knew her. Trixie weighed only sixty-something pounds and Dean occasionally called her Short Stuff. While she lived less than twelve years, she lived a big life.
Dean describes Trixie as a little dog with a huge heart. He talks about her ability to recognize good character, her adventurous nature and her love of practical jokes! Trixie affected everyone who was lucky enough to cross her path. Like no other book authored by Dean, this one lets you into his private life and gives you a look into his home and family life. Find out about his past, his inspiration for writing and his life with his wife.
After about eight months of grieving the loss of Trixie, Dean and his wife felt they were ready for another dog. They contacted Canine Companions for Independence (CCI), a nonprofit organization that trains dogs to assist people with disabilities, once again for another Golden Retriever and received Anna. She has a totally different personality from Trixie, but what Dean didn’t know when adopting her, was that she is a descendent of Trixie. Anna’s grandfather turned out to be Trixie’s littermate.
Dean also reveals that Trixie's book, Bliss to You, sold more copies than any book of his, so we think there is a little envy in the Koontz' household! But don't expect his new dog Anna to author any books of her own, Dean says she is more of a mathematician!
All of the author’s proceeds from the sales of A Big Little Life will be donated to CCI.
Listen to Dean Koontz on Animal Radio®
Dr. Jim Humphries - Veterinary Minute
Dogs Smell Cancer
The California study was conducted by the Pine Street Foundation and will be published in integrative cancer studies. It shows that five dogs were 88% to 97% accurate in smelling several types of cancers in breath samples. Dogs may be able to give doctors clues about chemical markers that have not yet been discovered. The knowledge that dogs can detect cancer was initially established in 1989 when a pet’s repeated sniffing of its owner’s skin lesion prompted a cancer diagnosis. Four cancer studies using volunteer dogs from around the country are about to begin. The studies will focus on prostate, mammary, lung and ovarian cancers. Researchers estimate that for accurate results, studies must use at least 108,000 original samples and be precisely staged.
Snakes And Lizards Creep Into Our Hearts and Home
Many people have fond memories of growing up with a pet such as a cat or a dog, but increasingly more children are growing up with Hissey the Snake and Iggy the Iguana. According to the American Pet Products Manufactures Association, more than 11 million reptiles and 18 million small mammals have found their homes in American households across the country. These numbers, when added to the 17 million pet birds out there, have topped 15% of all American pet-owning households. Although many people shudder at the thought of a scaly creature in their home, reptile owners say that it is that exact uniqueness and individuality that has attracted them to their pets. Low maintenance, low food bills and the ability to house these pets in smaller apartments has city dwellers becoming more interested in these distinctive animals.
Listen to Dr. Humphries on Animal Radio®

On Animal Radio® this month
Are you too lazy to take out the trash? Need help meeting new people? With the help of pet trainer and host of Animal Planet's new series SuperFetch, Zak George, your pet's got you covered! Zak explains that as long as you know what makes your dog tick and you have a good time doing it, you can teach your dog just about anything. Hyper dogs are probably the most trainable for advanced tricks. Look at what your dog can do well and you teach him how to do that better. In SuperFetch, Zak George shows pet parents how to teach their animal new and unbelievable dog tricks! Some of the tricks you will see are a dog riding a bike and a dog that bowls! Check out his videos both on amazing dog tricks and on how you can train your dog. SuperFetch premiers October3rd on Animal Planet. Check your local listings.
Dr. James Capers “Blesses” the animals. Traditionally a Catholic holiday, the Blessing of the Animals is held every year on or around October 4 to commemorate Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226). It has become a worldwide festival, celebrated by a variety of religions in recognition of our animal friends. St. Francis of Assisi was a Roman Catholic friar and is the patron of animals and the environment. He believed that humans had the ability and moral responsibility to protect animals, a simple and compassionate edict that we should all do our best to live by. Dr. James Capers has been a pet clairvoyant for close to 20 years, first learning how to communicate with animals with his cat, “Felicia,” who lived to be 21 years and 6 months old. He has done pet counseling and has helped a dog who refused to eat dog food after being fed only table scraps; he helped a cat who refused to get off the bed (it turns out she was afraid of mice!); and an elderly Schnauzer who was afraid his guardian was going to “put him to sleep.”

Ladybug, Animal Radio's Stunt Dog, has entered All American Pet Brand's CUTEST DOG COMPETITION, with a Grand Prize of One Million Dollars. Of course she's not the only one. There are thousands of people out there who think their dog is the cutest. One of them is Mr. Bobby Gorgeous, who originally stated that if he won, he would share 60% of his winnings with several animal charities. But when Ladybug said that she would donate 100% if she won to animal charities, Mr. Bobby Gorgeous took this as a challenge and changed his statement. He will now donate 100% of the money should he win to several animal charities. If either of them wins, it will be a win-win for everyone. So, get out there and vote everyday until October 24, 2009.
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-XM Satellite Radio ch. 158 Saturdays at Noon eastern - and again on Sundays at 5pm eastern.
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Once In Nine Lives, Something Extraordinary Happens...
Gwen Cooper, Homer’s Odyssey
Homer the cat is blind and has always been blind. He was found at two weeks of age with a very bad eye infection. Nothing could be done to save his vision, and as a result, his eyes have been removed.
The last thing Gwen Cooper wanted was another cat, as she already had two. But when her vet called her and told her about a three-week-old eyeless kitten who’d been abandoned, she just had to go meet him. That was all it took – it was love at first sight!
Everyone, including Gwen, originally thought that Homer would have a hard time getting around. But Homer has proven everyone wrong. Gwen’s husband even compares Homer to Daredevil, the Marvel Comic Hero who is blind but has super-power-other-senses. In fact, Homer can tell the different between a can of tuna and a can of tomatoes while they are still in the cans! Homer doesn’t bump into things and can leap five feet into the air to catch flies in mid-buzz.
Before Gwen was married, she had to explain her cat to anyone she brought home. One time she failed to tell a date. When they arrived at her house, Gwen opened the door to find Homer with a tampon in his mouth. It turns out Homer thinks they’re cat toys and can find them anywhere Gwen hides them, as he can open drawers and cupboards with ease! Gwen never saw that guy again!
Homer even survived being trapped alone for days after 9/11 in an apartment near the World Trade Center and even saved Gwen’s life when he chased off an intruder who broke into their home in the middle of the night.
You have to read this story about this amazing little guy who is now 13 years old!
Listen to Gwen Cooper on Animal Radio®

Vinnie Penn, Animal Radio's Resident Party

The “Clockwork” Squirrel
There’s something I’ve been noticing at my house. For the last two years, the last two summers in a row, I’ve found this bizarre. I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to out it here on the Animal Radio® airwaves.
When I sit out by my pool on the weekends or even during the day, and I’m not exaggerating in the slightest when I say this, but there is a squirrel that I like to call clockwork squirrel. Not like the Clockwork Orange in that he is murdering anybody, but at the same time everyday, you can set your clock by this squirrel, at 1:05 everyday, he comes from one side of the yard on the fence, all the way down the fence, jumps from once fence to the other fence, and comes all the way around. Same time everyday - two summers in a row.
My sister was just over when this happened. I heard her saying to someone on her cell phone out in my backyard, “Just a couple of minutes to 1:00 right now, and I’m going to lay out in the sun for a couple of minutes more and then I’ll be by.”
I then said to her, “Laura, watch this. In about 5 minutes, about 1:05, this squirrel is going to come by.” She thought I had trained him. She kept wondering how I could know that the squirrel was going to come around!
The same time everyday, 1:05, two summers in a row, this squirrel comes down one side of the fence, hops to the other fence and then comes around.
I say he’s visiting a lady friend. I say he’s got his nuts in mind and he’s visiting a lady friend. No one else has a reason for this. Are they that patterned of a creature? Is he working? Does Disney have it right – are these animals doing a little bit of work, punching a clock, whistling while they work?
I don’t know what it is, but I can set my clock by the Clockwork Squirrel. I should actually tail him one time and take a look and see. As a matter of fact, I did look one time to see, and he just disappeared off into another yard. There’s got to be an opossum he’s got something going on with. I think he’s got a little something happening with an opossum, and if I look around, I bet there’s a “squiresum” somewhere – half squirrel/half opossum.
The Litter
I have two words for you. Two words that women cannot resist. Vinnie Penn! No, they can resist me – believe me!
Those words are “The Litter.” If a girl hears that someone, a coworker, etc., has a cat that just had a litter of kittens and there’s a “litter,” or a dog had a bunch of puppies and there’s a “litter,” they get magical! “A litter, are they all claimed, are they all taken?”
I mean I have seven animals of my own in an apartment that doesn’t allow animals, but you just said the word “Litter.” If there are nine kittens, they will immediately think, are eight of them one color and the ninth another color? Because they will immediately think one that is a different color from all of the others, that’s the one that they want!
What are with the words “The Litter” that lights them up more than doughnuts in the coffee room at work? Doughnuts in the conference room do nothing for the working woman as much as the words “The Litter!”
Listen to Vinnie Penn on Animal Radio®
More Than 1,700 Pounds Of Muscle; Over 80 Tattoos; And One Unlikely Mission
Big Ant, Rescue Ink
We speak with Big Ant of Rescue Ink who tells us that when you take a look at them, your first reaction might be to cross to the other side of the street. Just remember to look both ways before you do!
Rescue Ink is not a gang, vigilantes or a social organization, but they do have that certain "in your face" style when it comes to animal abusers. You may find them hanging out together at a hot rod show, tattoo parlors, or even hitting up the blacktop together on their bikes for a little road trip, but the main thing that brings them together is their love of animals. They met because they were all doing the same thing on their spare time: rescuing and finding homes for abandoned and abused animals. None of them did it for money; they did it because they cannot stand by while anyone mistreats an animal!
Rescue Ink was formed because the problem of animal abuse and neglect has grown beyond the resources of the existing animal welfare agencies. They love the work done by some of the local shelters, but they cannot possibly keep pace with the volume of problems that need to be addressed.
That's where Rescue Ink comes in. They will stop at nothing within the bounds of the law to protect animals at risk. They will intercede without hesitation when they are informed of a situation that needs to be addressed, and they will address it. If they need to convince people to do the right thing ... they can be very convincing, they'll even buy animals if that's what it takes to get them away from abusers. Other rescue organizations might leave notes on doors when looking for possible abusers and no one is home, but Rescue Ink might camp out in their front yard and even order a pizza until they arrive!
Rescue Ink™ is all about zero tolerance when it comes to animal abuse and neglect. Their ranks are growing every day, as Americans from coast to coast are reaching out to join in our efforts. If you know something they should know, give them a call... NOW!
The Team:
Johnny "O"
A gentle giant, John is a fitness personality, personal security expert, martial artist, and musician.
You want to know anything about cars, especially custom cars, Batso's the guy. He's retired from the auto biz now, but still loves to work with cars.
Big Ant
At 6' 1", weighing in at 320 lbs., it's easy to figure out why they call Anthony "Big Ant". From farms in Italy, to the streets of Brooklyn and Queens, Big Ant learned early on that respect is a way of life.
"G" has led the life of a first responder since he was a kid growing up in rural Connecticut, when he would use Popsicle sticks to set the wings of injured birds.
Joe Panz
Joe can be a real sweetheart, unless of course you mistreat or neglect animals, and if so ... wouldn't want to be you!
Des "the Cat Man"
If you want to know anything about cats, anything at all, Des is the go-to guy. Rescue Ink™ 's resident feline expert, Des has dedicated years to the wellbeing of homeless cats in Manhattan, running TNR (Trap, Neuter, and Return), shelter, and feeding programs.
Angel "Pet Investigator"
Retired as a detective investigator from the N.Y.P.D., Angel grew up in the rough and tumble Harlem projects, where he earned his first degrees in street smarts and self-defense.
Eric is the kind of guy you can always count on, he’s the one that always has your back. Eric’s the big guy that surprises people with his little dogs, a couple of Min-Pins who sometimes think they’re Dobies.
A hard-working restaurateur, businessman and longtime animal activist, Junior spends his professional life taking care of business, but his real passion is rescue and caring for animals in need.
Look for their National Geographic Show, Rescue Ink, every Friday by checking your local listings. Also, don’t forget to grab a copy of their book, Rescue Ink.
Listen to Big Ant on Animal Radio®

Official food of Animal Radio's Ladybug! LuckyDogCuisine.com
Saturday, October 31, 2009 from 10 am - 3 pm
* Halloween Costume Contest & Bounce House for the Kids
* Cats, kittens and puppies available for adoption
* Snacks, drinks and Halloween candy will be provided
* Cat Tree Raffle at 2:30 pm
* Silent Auction & Raffles (one just for kids)
* Progress tours of the facility
* Cat House souvenirs available
* Bake Sale
Mark your calendars! The cats are planning their best party yet for their fans of all ages. They guarantee you will have a purrfectly wonderful time! We’ll have a Bounce House, costume contest (“crazy cat lady” will not win!), raffles for both kids and adults (that’s as winners not prizes!), a silent auction and plenty of snacks and drinks. The cats and puppies will be lining up to give you some TLC and soak up as much as you can give them. We’ll have tours of the facility and there will be lots of cat lovers with whom to share your best cat tails, er tales. If you are thinking about adopting a new feline or canine companion, our team will be on hand to introduce you to your new best friend.
This event will take place right here at the Sanctuary, 7120 S. Kings River Road, Parlier 93648. View map & driving directions.
Over 17 years ago, Lynea Lattanzio dedicated her home, her property, her finances and her entire life to create The Cat House on the Kings, a no-kill, nonprofit sanctuary, rescue and adoption center for cats. Lynea has rescued thousands of animals from shelters, abusive homes, and abandonment.
The Cat House on the Kings is California's largest no-cage, no-kill, lifetime cat sanctuary and adoption center located on 12 acres along the Kings River in Parlier, California, which is in the central San Joaquin Valley, southeast of Fresno.
Since its founding 17 years ago, The Cat House on the Kings has saved over 18,000 cats and 5,000 dogs (not counting the 40,000 animals we have spayed and neutered!) and currently cares for more than 700 cats and kittens in a unique, cage-free environment! Take a tour of our facility!
The Cat House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and receives no government or public funding, and relies entirely on donations from the public to carry out its mission. You can help The Cat House on the Kings just by spreading the word! Just send this link to our YouTube video to all your friends and family.
For more information, please contact us.
email your events to yourvoice@animalradio.com