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Animal Radio® Show #1035
Emmylou Harris Guests
The very multi-talented musician and animal advocate Emmylou Harris is our special guest for this week's Season of the Stars. Emmylou runs an animal rescue on her property in Nashville.
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Do You Use Your Dog As Date Bait?
Would you use your Dalmatian to get a date with a like-minded person? Do people use their dogs as date bait? A recent survey about what breeds are attractive to the opposite sex revealed that if attracting a date is your goal, you can't go wrong with retrievers, popular breeds for both sexes. According to the survey, the top dog breed to attract men is Golden Retrievers, followed by Labrador Retrievers, Chihuahuas, Poodles and Beagles.
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PETA's Unorthodox Strategy
PETA is known for using controversial methods to bring attention to animal issues. With the launch of, a sexy website featuring Ron Jeremy, Jenna Jameson, Rose McGowan and the controversial Sasha Grey, the animal rights organization is attempting to raise awareness for animals.
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Puppies Instead of Panhandling
San Francisco's plans on using dogs to reduce its panhandling problem. The city will initiate a new program, believed to be the first of its kind in the country, encouraging homeless individuals to give up panhandling. In exchange, they'll receive a small stipend to foster problematic puppies until they're ready for adoption. Participants must promise to stop panhandling, and if they are caught begging with the puppy, the animal will be taken back to the shelter. In exchange, the approved applicant will receive $50-$75 a week, as well as several training sessions, regular check-ins, and all the dog food, toys, leashes and veterinary care they need. Participants will ideally be trained in grooming, dog walking or other animal-related skills so that they can join the regular workforce.
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Animal Radio® Show #1034
Victoria Jackson Guests
Animal Radio's Season of Stars continues with comedian Victoria Jackson (Saturday Night Live). There's no stopping her when it comes to yapping about her pets. She talks about how her dog got her kicked off a TV sitcom.
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Couples and Their Pets
Remembering world renown Psychiatrist Dr. Joyce Brothers as she discusses the relationship between humans and pets, especially when they come between partners.
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Doggie Ice Cream Trucks and Vending Machines For Fido!
A handful of new businesses are going after the pampered pet set with gourmet snacks, frozen desserts and even vending machines for dogs. A number of areas have also seen canine food trucks hit the streets.
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Lush Lawn Can Cause Cancer In Dogs
A lush lawn creates a sense of pride for many American homeowners, but a new study finds that utilizing a chemical lawn service to achieve those results is likely causing malignant cancer in many pet dogs.
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Animal Radio comes to you from the Red Barn Studios
Animal Radio® Show #1033
Margaret Cho on the Cho
Comedian Margaret Cho continues Animal Radio's Season of the Stars lineup with her twisted take on our furry companions. She also explains how she practiced for Dancing with the Stars with her dogs.
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Seizure Alert Dogs
A new listener has a special dog that alerts him when his son is about to have a seizure. How does the dog know? And what does the dog do to alert humans? Is the dog ever wrong?
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The Lowdown on Microchips
Microchips are a great source of identity for your pet. But what can the information on a chip really do? Can it warn a vet that a dog is stolen? What information is needed to return your pet home safely?
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Toto the State Dog?
One Kansas lawmaker wants to take a page from "The Wizard of Oz" and make the Cairn terrier the state dog. That's the breed of Dorothy's dog "Toto" in the classic 1939 movie.
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Animal Radio comes to you from the Red Barn Studios
Animal Radio® Show #1032
Funny Lady Jo Anne Worley Guests
Known for her antics on Laugh-in, Jo Anne Worley is an unforgettable voice speaking out for the animals as part of the celebrity group Actors and Others for Animals. She shares the details of her life with a small breed dog and how she sneaks him everywhere.
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A Real Life Pet Entertainer
Can you imagine someone devoting their life to entertaining pets, chaperoning them on dates, and performing marriages and Bark-Mitzvahs for the four-legged. Bring your pets around the radio€¦.Lee Day is gonna sing to them.
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Mouse Retribution
When a senior complained that a mouse was out to get him, everybody laughed. But when his dentures went missing, who could explain why they were found inside a wall. Did a vengeful mouse really steal this man's teeth?
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Animal Radio® Show #1031
When Pets Attack
Many of us have stories of being bit or attacked by companion animals. Some careers are inherently vulnerable to attacks, like veterinarians and postal carriers. USPS Carrier Ramiro DeMarco talks about dogs, cats and snakes that have 'gone postal.'
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The Sounds You Can't Hear
Dr. Jeremy Turner, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Illinois College, studies the sounds that humans can't hear, but that may be loud and clear, and maybe even annoying to your pets. Dr. Turner says the proliferation of electronic devices introduces un-heard noise that can actually stress our furry companions.
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Dog Shoots Man
An Iowa man's dog shot him while the two were playing together. They were roughhousing on the couch when the large mixed breed dog bounded back up on the sofa, somehow disabling the safety on the gun, which the man had in his belly-band. The dog then stepped on the trigger, hitting the man in the leg. After the gun went off, the dog knew it was no longer playtime because he laid down beside his owner and cried because he thought he had done something wrong.
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Woman Discovers Dog Is Actually Fox
A woman was stunned to discover her dog was actually a domesticated fox. She paid $190 for what she believed to be a Japanese Spitz puppy from a pet shop. For months she raised the pup, but kept noticing odd behaviors. The dog never barked and at three-months-old it began refusing to eat dog food. She turned to a friend who worked at a nearby zoo who told her that her dog wasn't a Spitz; it was really a white haired domesticated fox!
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Pawfficer Donut Sworn In
A suburban Detroit police department is giving a kitten a new home after their newly selected police cat, Pawfficer Badges, was too sick to join the force. "Badges" has Feline Leukemia, which is a viral disease that typically can cause immune suppression, is contagious to other cats and can be fatal in the long run. Badges will receive treatment and will eventually be adopted into a home. However, the Troy Police Department has officially sworn in a new cat named "Pawfficer Donut," who has some big paws to fill.
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